A Duel Between Divas: Aisha vs. Candy Cane

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Re: A Duel Between Divas: Aisha vs. Candy Cane

Unread post by Lunaspark »

Aisha hit the mat with a thud and then bounced onto her side as Candy tossed her away. Like garbage, is what it felt like to the diva. Like Candy was tossing away the trash and leaving it behind. It was an awful feeling, to lose like that on what was supposed to be her big comeback debut, but there wasn't anything she could do about it. It was over, and Candy had beaten her. Right now, all she really wanted was for Candy to leave so that she could make her slow and humiliated retreat away.

But it was not to be. Candy moved over and flipped Aisha onto her back, taking a seat right on top of Aisha's sizable breasts, pinning her down and leaving her with nowhere to go. A shiver ran down the diva's spine when Candy brushed the hair out of her face, and she turned her head to the side, unable to look up at the punk that had beaten her.

She remained silent, too, wanting Candy to hurry up and say her piece and just let her go.

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Re: A Duel Between Divas: Aisha vs. Candy Cane

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Candy Cane would look down on Aisha as she sat upon that generous chest of the lovely Aisha. The Dancing pop-idol was her throne now, she pushed her weight down even more on those breasts and rubbed her rear against them. Though she was a bit annoyed as Aisha moved her face away and looked away from the redhead. She would scoff out and attempt to take her hand that was by Aisha's hair. Attempting to grip a firm hold of it and pull that head right back so that she was looking up at the Canadian.

She'd then try and bring her legs shut around that head, pressing her thighs against each cheek and keeping her looking up. As her American rival's chin wouldn't be very far from the redhead's crotch either. She'd stroke her hand through Aisha's hair and then pull her back, " Gross...all covered in sweat." She let out as she'd shake her hand to get rid of any drops of sweat.

" I just wanted to ask you old lady...were you serious or was that a fucking joke?" Candy Cane spoke out, bouncing her rear against the woman's tits. " Those legs you so proud off forced been used to make you submit...to my legs, hah! Wow. Seriously though, don'cha think it's about time you retire? You're clearly not cut out for this."

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Re: A Duel Between Divas: Aisha vs. Candy Cane

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"Like you're not sweaty too..." Aisha mumbled other her breath, as her head was pulled into place and forced to look up at Candy. She grit her teeth and scowled up at the younger woman, and when she was done, the diva had plenty to say herself.

"Your sorry ass got lucky, you bitch!" She began, an angry tone in her voice despite the submissive position she had been forced into. She kept staring up at Candy, trying not to glance at the girl's crotch and the pink panties that were so close to her face, trying to ignore Candy's tight ass bouncing against her generous bust.

"I had you! I fucking had you, and the only reason your sorry ass beat me was because you had to cheat and bite me to win! Face it,
Red, I'm better than you, I've always been better than you, and you just can't stand up to me without playing dirty!

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Re: A Duel Between Divas: Aisha vs. Candy Cane

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Candy Cane would click her tongue as she heard Aisha start to lay into her, her eye twitching a little before she would let out a huff of air. They were both exhausted and Aisha was probably major bitter about her defeat. She would shrug her shoulders and then bounce hard onto those tits, trying to drive the air out of Aisha's lungs.

" Oh boho, cry cry cry." Candy Cane let out as she would bring her hand up to her chest, rubbing off some sweat from her hurting area that had been punished by Aisha earlier. " Let's review the tape then. Who out-punched who? Oh yeah, I out-punched you. Who was clever enough to find a way to escape from those disgustingly muscular legs of yours? Oh yeah! I did. Who got who to submit?! Oh fucking yeah! I got you to submit, I made you cry out like a little bitch." Candy Cane berated Aisha as she took that sweat covered hand of hers and would smear it against Aisha's face, all over.

" I can't stand up to you without playing dirty? Give me a fucking break. You wouldn't be able to last 1 minute with me on the streets. You can't last against me in a match either, Beyoncé! Go back to dancing and prancing around and leave fighting to those who know how it's done!" Candy Cane let out as she would give another heavy bounce of her rear against those tits to try and keep Aisha's lungs drained and dry. Finally Candy Cane would step off of Aisha and move up to a stand, her legs were protesting but she had almost had enough of humiliating the American.

There was just one final thing. She'd raise her left foot and place it down against Aisha's chest, grinding her heel into one of those massive tits as she would wave towards the crowd in victory. " This should make a good cover shot. I can see the headlines....' Washed up pop-singer humiliated in debut wrestling match.' " Candy Cane let out as she would then bring her foot off of Aisha, waving nonchalantly with her right hand as she would start to walk out of the ring. " Next time...maybe think twice about taking me on. Old Lady!"

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Re: A Duel Between Divas: Aisha vs. Candy Cane

Unread post by Lunaspark »

Aisha gasped as Candy bounced harder atop her, trying to suck in air just as fast as the redhead was forcing it out of her. She found her breathing even harder though, as Candy started to berate her again, smearing her sticky-wet hand all over the diva's face. She kicked her legs weakly against the mat, but for the most part she took her humiliation, finally biting her tongue to stop herself from saying something stupid.

She waited until Candy was done running her mouth, letting out one more big 'oof' as the redhead bounced one last time against her tits. God, her tits were so sore right now. More than anything else, she had a feeling she would be feeling the pain in her girls more than anything else in the morning.

Candy rose to her feet, and Aisha thought that it was over...that is, until Candy shoved her boot against Aisha's tit, grinding her breast down with her heel as she mouthed off one more time. Aisha groaned rather loudly, but she continued to take the abuse, not being in any kind of a state to stop it.

She waited for Candy to finally finish, and finally exit the ring, and when the punk did so, she rolled over to her stomach. She pushed herself upwards, first to her hands and knees, and then up higher to one knee, gingerly rubbing that sore breast as she watched Candy make her exit.

"Bitch..." she muttered under her breath, watching the schoolgirl punk leave, and promising to herself that even though Candy had won tonight, that things were far from over between the two of them.


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