Trisha Andrews vs. Ren Xiaofan - Apex Qualifier Match

Qualifiers for the Inaugural World Openweight Title Event LAW Apex
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Trisha Andrews vs. Ren Xiaofan - Apex Qualifier Match

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply.

The opportunity was here. In order to qualify herself to join in the race for the Openweight title, the most prestigious title here in LAW, Trisha Andrews would need to wrestle in a series of qualifier matches. And she sought to win these matches to increase her chance to win the title. And for her opponent tonight, she would be facing someone named Ren Xiaofan. Whoever she was, Trisha was determined to win this match and add more prestige to herself.
Trisha Andrews
Making her entrance, her music playing from the loudspeakers, Trisha made her way down to the ring where she would be facing this Ren. Soon, she reached the ring and climbed up the apron, slipping through the ropes to enter. Standing tall in the middle of the ring, she raised her arms before she did some stretches and warmups, preparing herself for the match. Then, she would wait at the corner as she would look at the direction of the entrance to see her opponent she would be facing tonight.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Ren Xiaofan - Apex Qualifier Match

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Ren can be seen stretching, ready for her second Apex Qualifier Matches, her luck been holding out already, she do think that she can do this as she had already win one of it as she groan softly as she stretch before she would ready herself. As she saw her opponent making their entrance, she would put on her mask to ready herself as she smile, as soon as she heard her own music, she would make her own entrance as she make her way toward the ring while waving at her fans
Ren Xiaofan
Ren can be seen wearing her signature mask and her black and purple leotard as she wave at her fans and audience before quickly making her way toward the ring and slide into it, hopping around before heading toward the corner and then spin around to face Trisha and give her a teasing wink

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Ren Xiaofan - Apex Qualifier Match

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Seeing her opponent, Trisha was wondering what her deal was. She would wait for her to join her in the ring. Soon, the two of them were already in the ring, and Trisha maintained her gaze on Ren as she waited for the match to begin.

Soon, the referee instructed both wrestlers to come to the center of the ring, and Trisha stepped forth, showing a confident smile on her face. Looking at the direction of Ren, she spoke, "Give me your best shot, darling." Then, the bell was rung.

Starting off the match, Trisha would try to close in so that she could lock up with Ren. She needed to ascertain what her opponent was made of before she could decide on what to do next.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Ren Xiaofan - Apex Qualifier Match

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Ren would watch Tisha with a smile as she fold her arms and walk toward Ren before she would walk toward Trisha "You too~" She said in a teasing voice before she would ready herself, as she saw Trisha going for a lock up, Ren would agree as she would look at her opponent's in the eyes, with a smile under her mask as she wink at her once again, teasing her playfully

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Ren Xiaofan - Apex Qualifier Match

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Locking up with Ren, Trisha responded to her teasing smile with a smile of her own. Pushing against her opponent, she would try to gain an upper hand before she got one of her hands free, looking to get her arm looped around Ren's head, putting her into a side headlock.

If she was successful, Trisha would pull Ren's head down, wrenching it in order to gain leverage over her as well as to weaken her. As she did so, she was considering on what to do next.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Ren Xiaofan - Apex Qualifier Match

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Ren would groan as she felt herself being pulled into a Side Headlock, cause her to let out grunt of pain as she try to use her free hand to slam her fist into Trisha's guts, attempt to free herself as she also consider what to do next, if she escaped, she would consider to give her a quick headbutt

If her headbutt meet the target, she would bring her right leg up to give a kick to Trisha's guts. attempt to make some distance as she consider what to do next and attempt to take a deep breath to not get too excited and use all her strength

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Ren Xiaofan - Apex Qualifier Match

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Before she could do anything, Trisha took a gut punch, causing her to gasp and lose her grip on Ren's head. As Ren slipped away from the side headlock, she then proceeded with a quick headbutt, hitting Trisha's forehead with hers.


Trisha was left reeling from the headbutt, and Ren continued with her next attack, which was a kick to her stomach. Gasping, she staggered back, clutching her aching belly as she put some distance between herself and her opponent.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Ren Xiaofan - Apex Qualifier Match

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Ren would groan as she rub her head "Okay, you got a hard head" Ren said as she wince from the headbutt, she would then charge and kick her stomach and send Trisha backward as the woman make some distance between them. Ren would then proceed to charge and attempt to tackle Trisha into the corner as she try to gain some more advantage.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Ren Xiaofan - Apex Qualifier Match

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Wincing as she clutched her stomach, Trisha couldn't defend herself from Ren who charged towards her and tackled her into the corner. "UGHHH!!" Trisha groaned in pain as she was sandwiched between Ren and the turnbuckle. For the time being, she was winded, and all she could do at the moment was to try pushing Ren off of her so that she could breathe properly.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Ren Xiaofan - Apex Qualifier Match

Unread post by Void-Effect »

Ren would smile as she felt herself success tackle Trisha into the corner, cause her to smile as she saw Trisha winded before she would step backward few steps as she saw Trisha attempt to breath properly once again as Ren move forward toward Trisha by her arms as she grab her by the leg, pulling her toward the center of the ring as she smile before she would flip her around and try to pull her into a Camel clutch

Discord: Void Effect#1624

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