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Re: Carnal Trial (Amano vs. Nerissa)

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"G-Gh..." Okay, that hurt. That hurt a lot. Amano's knee nearly went numb after the initial pain of the impact wore off. She sucked in a sharp breath, focusing her mind. Okay... Point made. This wasn't just a loudmouth newbie trying to show off. No, this was similar to her Kimodameshi with Pieck, a fight against someone with a combat background that likely knew their way around the ring. There couldn't be any messing around here. A no-hold-barred match against someone that knew what they were doing was a dangerous situation.

And just as the Demon finalized those thoughts Nerissa blitzed forward, taking to the air with her feet dead set on shooting into Amano's face like a bullet. A near repeat of her match with the EX Warrior, she could practically see a vision of Pieck overlap Nerissa. But much like that match, it'd take more than a sharp kick to keep the Demon down. In a hair's breadth, Amano bit down on her lip and pushed off on her good leg, Nerissa's feet just narrowly clipping her hair as the Demon dived to the side to safety, letting Nerissa's momentum hopefully carry her out the ring. Definitely not an elegant maneuver, but as this match was proving, neither was the Demon.

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Re: Carnal Trial (Amano vs. Nerissa)

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Every debutant is a dark horse, both for the audience and for the one who is going to meet a debutant in the ring. The debut is one of the most important matches for any fighter. It is the debut that sets the tone for everything that will happen next. And that's why Nerissa was going to make sure that no one would forget today's match. The Native American woman was unique in many ways and today she wanted to demonstrate it.

Therefore, the Echidna rushed into the attack without any doubts. She received not only almost perfect match conditions, but also a rival with a very big name. Now all that remained was to show the maximum she was capable of. Nerissa didn't know if Amano was starting to take her more seriously, but this dropkick aimed at the blonde's face should have been a very weighty argument for that. But...

A miss. It was a miss. Despite the fact that the Native American woman had the advantage thanks to her first attacks, her opponent dodged. At the very last moment, the Japanese woman pushed off from the mat, shifting to the side. Some might even have believed that Nerissa's feet were to crash into Amano's head, but that wasn't the case.

"Fuck..." the Echidna thought.

Physics is a very funny thing. And in this case, it played a cruel joke with Nerissa. Being in the air, she couldn't do anything about the impulse. If her feet had crashed into her opponent's head, then she would have transmitted this impulse to the blonde. But right now, the Native American woman couldn't do anything about the fact that her body kept moving forward.

Even though she tried to group up, the Echidna collapsed on the mat and continued rolling forward. It was too fast and in an instant she was on the very edge of the ring. Realizing that falling on the concrete floor is not what she would like, Nerissa tried to grab the bottom rope. And although this allowed her to slightly change the trajectory of the fall, it did not save her from the most important thing.

"Gaahh!" she screamed.

Nerissa collapsed onto the concrete floor. The main part of the damage was taken by her right side, especially her right arm. Damn, no one can't be prepared for that. Pain shot through her body, which caused the Echidna to clench her teeth hard. This attack definitely didn't go according to plan. In addition to the pain, she got dizziness. Although she still understood that she shouldn't just keep lying down. Therefore, taking a deep breath, Nerissa forced herself to roll onto her stomach, and then start to get to her feet.

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Re: Carnal Trial (Amano vs. Nerissa)

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Amano could still feel the kick graze her cheek, giving a short exhale as she ran a hand through what felt like a near cut along it. The air still whizzed with the sensation of that narrow dodge. Damn... way too close. Note to self: Don't try to eat kicks like Himeko. It'd be a near instant knockout if that connected too. That thought had the Demon shiver a little, and she let out another shaky breath. The world seemed to move at normal speed now, and Amano's sense started to come back to her.

But the crash and following wince of the crowd got the Demon to turn back and at Nerissa's crash site. And it... wasn't a pretty landing either. Falling right onto the hard ground with no springy, matted ring to protect the fall. Not that getting knocked around there was any easier, but Amano could see a few bruises along the woman's body. Why do they always try that? It was weird that this happened twice now. But No-DQ meant there'd be no count-out for Nerissa leaving the ring, no matter how unwillingly.

But for the Demon, it also meant the ropes weren't a factor.

It was a No-DQ, fall-anywhere style match, and with Nerissa reeling from the botched dropkick and Amano in more or less a recovered state blood was in the water. It was time for an upset.

With a grin, Amano slipped down under the bottom rope and went out the ring, barefeet touching the cold concrete. She looked over Nerissa as she started to rise, grinning wide. "Nice tryyy~" Just was the woman was rising, Amano lift a hand high over her head, holding the pose for only a second before shooting a downward palm strike right for Nerissa neck to slam her back down into the hard ground again.

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Re: Carnal Trial (Amano vs. Nerissa)

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Shit happens. Someone in Nerissa's place could probably try to justify what happened with banal bad luck. However, the Native American woman was not one of those who were looking for excuses for one reason or another. It was contrary to her basic principles of life. Nerissa had been doing only what she wanted all her life. And so she was more than ready for any consequences of her decisions. At least she thought it was fair.

And nothing changed for her in the ring. Of course, from time to time, such a thing as luck can turn its back on you. But in most cases, this is just an excuse, nothing more. The Echidna made a mistake by not taking into account the fact that if her attack is unsuccessful, she will have to face very unpleasant consequences, which she is unlikely to be able to avoid.

That's exactly how it turned out. Falling on the concrete floor was definitely not good for her health. The mat in the ring, although it was not the softest surface in the world, but to some extent it reduced the risk of getting an extra injury. And when your body lands on concrete, it always brings with it a large amount of damage. In addition, Nerissa got very dizzy because of such a sudden turn of events.

Because of this, she lost track of time. And by the time she barely managed to get up on all fours, her opponent was already there. There was no doubt that Amano was unlikely to give the Echidna even a little time to recover. This was a sure sign that she began to take the debutant a little more seriously than at the very beginning. Although it wasn't the most important thing right now, since the Japanese woman had done something that Nerissa hadn't had to deal with yet.

"Ach!" she screamed briefly.

Amano hit her with the edge of her palm right in the neck area. And although Nerissa is in some sense used to pain, she has not had such an experience. This attack was concentrated and her cervical vertebrae seemed to scream in agony. This caused a real discharge of current, which in the blink of an eye spread throughout her body. The Echidna collapsed on the concrete floor again, covering her neck with hands. Quite involuntarily, she kicked the floor several times because of the painful sensations that came over her.

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Re: Carnal Trial (Amano vs. Nerissa)

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On her knees and just barely starting to rise, Nerissa was in the perfect position for a sharp blow to the neck. Amano's hand came down hard and the impact made a rather nice splat as she cut of her opponent's screams to sent her down nursing an neck injury that was likely bruising. The crowd winced at the impact, a handful of voices even jeering at the harsh violence, but the Demon paid it little mind. It was a No-DQ match after all. More importantly, it was a match her opponent specifically wanted. Probably not expecting herself to be the prey, but that was a fight for you. Maybe I should had used a chop instead... A tempting thought, though the Demon wasn't out to destroy the woman's body.

Well, not completely anyway.

Seeing Nerissa writhing had Amano grinning in sadistic glee. Destruction or not, the Demon wasn't going to let the brutal hits stop with just that neck blow. "You wanted this, right Echidna-chan?" Amano teased. "Begging for mercy? Asking the ref to cancel the match before I... do something scary?" She moved to Nerissa's side, licking her lips as she examined her stunned and dazed victim. "Something like..." She rose a foot over Nerissa's face, hovering right her hands. "This?!" And she brought down hard and fast for a harsh stomp along Nerissa's face, hoping to get a few stomps in to decorate her opponent's face with her foot.

Amano didn't know what sound an Echidna made, but she was certain it'd be squeals.

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Re: Carnal Trial (Amano vs. Nerissa)

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Maintaining self-control in such a situation is not the easiest task. Especially for a woman like Nerissa, who has never held back her emotions. Having made a mistake, it was as if she started a domino reaction. As soon as a Native American woman began to get rid of dizziness after the fall, she received an unusual strike to the neck, which spread a huge amount of pain throughout her body.

And although she was fully conscious, her body obeyed her very badly. It just so happens that in the place where Amano sent her palm, there is a very large number of nerves. This was the reason why it was very difficult for Nerissa to pull herself together. And this gave her rival the opportunity to open her dirty mouth again.

The blonde's words were an endless source of annoyance. Nerissa seemed to be back in those times when there could be no question of such a thing as mutual respect in the ring. Back when she was the queen of underground wrestling, everyone had only one desire for each other. Everyone wanted to tear each other apart in the most brutal ways. And now Nerissa felt almost the same. She wanted to rip the stupid bitch's head off.

However, Amano's words weren't the only thing she spent time on. Taking advantage of the fact that Nerissa was not able to quickly get to her feet, the Japanese woman approached the Echidna. Feeling that it wouldn't do her any good, the Native American woman forced herself to open her eyes. Oh, and she definitely didn't like what she saw. Amano's bare foot was right above her face. She knew exactly what was going to happen. But although she was weakened, Nerissa could still move. And so she threw both hands up in order to protect her face from a broken nose and a split lip.

"Ghh..." choked out of Nerissa's mouth at the moment when Amano's foot crashed into her forearms.

Even despite the block, it was painful. Damn painful. Blocking such a stomp with your forearms is far from the most pleasant thing in the world. Amano was not going to stop and continued to raise and lower her foot. This situation literally enraged the Echidna. And she knew where she should direct that rage.

The native American woman has always preferred hardcore and hentai. For her, there were no boundaries in terms of cruelty and perversity. But at the same time, even she usually tried to avoid some things. She had no problem beating her opponent with a chair until they lost consciousness. However, she tried to avoid things that were too mean. Today Nerissa was ready to forget about it.

And so when Amano once again sent her foot to Nerissa's face, the Native American woman was determined to try to grab that foot. No, she didn't have to try to knock the ground out from under the blonde's feet. But she wanted to try to quickly throw her opponent's leg to the side in order to at least slightly upset her balance. But it was also necessary for something else.

In this way Nerissa wanted to make Amano spread her legs at least a little to the sides. And if she really succeeded, she would use all her rage to take a sitting position and send her right fist up. Yes. Amano more than deserved it. But now, instead of words from that dirty mouth, the Echidna wanted to hear a heart-rending scream, because she was going to send a hard right uppercut to her opponent's crotch!

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Re: Carnal Trial (Amano vs. Nerissa)

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Sadly, Echidna's didn't squeal like Amano hoped, but the groans and writhing she was able to put Nerissa through had the Demon's grin nearly reach past her ears. It wasn't her face, but grinding Nerissa's arms into dust would be just as satisfying. And after that, she'd be completely prey to the Demon and be shown what an angry one would do. Just the thought had her shivering in glee, watching her opponent quite literally struggle under her foot.

"Aa-" Well, until Nerissa found the pattern of her stomps and grabbed Amano's foot before it made contact again. Immediately the Demon snapped out of her sadistic stupor, her balance haphazardly shifting as she tried to balance on one leg, legs spread open and leaving the perfect target for Nerissa's furious fist. Shit-! Amano's eyes went wide, frozen at the sudden swift movement. There was no way to ready herself for the blow to come.

"Ooooough!" And with a shriek that had the crowd wincing she was then slammed right between the legs, immediately staggering back and dropping to her knees, groaning in pain as her hands went over her crotch to try smoothing the sharp stab she experience. "A-Agh... Aaanh..." It was hard to fight the tears coming out, and the most the Demon could manage was gritting her teeth to hold back further cries.

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Re: Carnal Trial (Amano vs. Nerissa)

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Was there anything more beautiful in the world? Perhaps yes. But right at that moment, for Nerissa, there was nothing more beautiful than the painful screams of her rival. She saw in all its glory how Amano's eyes widened at the moment when the fist of the native American woman crashed into her crotch. And then the Echidna's ears were filled with beautiful music, where the notes and chords were the groans of the blonde.

Amano backed away and fell to her knees, covering her crotch with her hands, and Nerissa, on the contrary, rose to her feet. She clenched and unclenched her fists several times, trying to drive away the pain in her bones and muscles after all the stomps she received from her rival. However, after one second her eyes met the eyes of the Japanese woman. And in Nerissa's eyes, one simple thing could be read without any problems. It's time for revenge.

An unnaturally wide smile appeared on the face of the Echidna again. She wanted to fully enjoy this moment. It reminded her of the times when she first discovered underground wrestling. When she first entered the ring, her first opponent treated her about the same way Amano treated her now. Nerissa never looked at the world through rose-colored glasses. She immediately realized that in the world of pro wrestling, everyone believes that the number of matches gives the right to put yourself above anyone else, especially newcomers.

This greatly annoyed the Native American woman. But that was the reason she was here. She wanted Amano to enjoy the feeling of superiority. What for? In order to then crush her in the most sophisticated and humiliating way. Nerissa has never respected anyone. There are no authorities for her. Veterans, champions, icons and so on and so on. She doesn't give a damn. For her, only self-expression is important. And she was going to enjoy every blow and every cry of pain of her rival, who came here to get an easy victory over a newcomer.

"Louder, bitch!" said Nerissa, flashing her eyes, openly hinting that she wanted more screams from Amano.

Instead of taking another step and getting close to her opponent, Nerissa intended to put her right foot slightly to the left of her left foot. The Echidna was going to use her best qualities, namely speed and flexibility. Waving her arms, she was about to start spinning. And if anyone had any doubts about what she was up to, now she was going to dispel those doubts. Nerissa was going to lift her left leg, aiming her heel straight at her opponent's face. And, of course, she would not forget to bend her left leg in the knee slightly at the very end in order to make this spinning heel kick as effective and as painful as possible!

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Re: Carnal Trial (Amano vs. Nerissa)

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"G-Gh..." Pain still throbbed between Amano's legs. She was still fighting tears and cries, still trying to push herself to at least get up to her feet and meet Nerissa on her feet. But... the pain only clouded the Demon's mind, and unlike her match with Rose it was too distracting to just ignore and fight against. The anger and fury wasn't there. And as Nerissa seemed to revel in her small victory the Demon only forced a sharp glare, gritting her teeth down hard to prevent any other sounds than a harsh snarl and huff. She refused to give Nerissa what she wanted. Even as she demanded louder cries Amano only gave her a short snarl in response.

Then, as Nerissa whipped around and slammed her heel against Amano's skull, the lights flashed off for a split second.

She barely let out a cry, only catching the collective gasps of the crowd before her body went limp before falling hard on the concrete floor. It was almost a half-second before she forced her eyes open, panting and gasping in order to stay awake. Her mind flashed through a series of bitter and angry thoughts as she desperately tried forcing her body to move to no avail. Shit! Gotta- gotta stand up! Her mind knew what needed to be done, but her body refused to listen. The most she could manage was pushing up against her ground with her arms as gravity fought at every centimeter to keep her glued to the hard, cold floor. Dammit!

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Re: Carnal Trial (Amano vs. Nerissa)

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Nerissa often made comments during the match, regardless of the situation. However, this was mostly limited to a light teasing of her rivals. But even though the Native American woman cared little about the opinion of others about her, she tried not to cross some boundaries. There are no authorities for her, but at the same time she knew how to respect the abilities of her rivals. For this reason, she did not raise her comments above the level of light teasing.

But today was a different case. After the words and actions of her rival, Nerissa received complete freedom of action. She was going to return every word spoken and every action performed by Amano tenfold. The Echidna wanted to make this match outstanding from the very beginning, but now her plans were to make sure that no one dared to forget it.

Grinning at the growl she heard, the Native American woman turned around like a spinning top. Speed filled her body, Nerissa got an impulse. And she channeled this impulse into her leg. A loud click echoed throughout the arena at the moment when her heel crashed into the blonde's head. Some viewers grimaced, realizing that now there was something in Amano's head that most likely sounded like a squeak after a grenade explosion. However, at the same time, the arena was filled with shouts, the audience clearly welcomed the dynamic course of this match.

"Oh, how much I missed that feeling!" the Echidna thought.

Seeing Amano's futile attempts to get to her feet, Nerissa took a step to her rival. The growl that the Japanese woman made before the kick in the head almost turned her off was a clear sign that she had a strong fighting spirit, despite her rather nasty temper. Nerissa respected that. But at the same time, she hated it when someone underestimated her. Especially in the ring. Especially if this attitude comes from someone who can be called a veteran.

Bending down to the blonde lying on her stomach, she was going to grab her by the hair. By pulling her up, she was going to force Amano to raise up a little, even if she had to use her own strength to do so. A gesture of goodwill? No, not at all. After all, as soon as the Japanese woman would be on all fours, Nerissa would immediately grab her opponent's torso with her right arm, and then hook Amano's left thigh with her left hand.

Nerissa has never adhered to any strict principles in her life. But still she believed in some of them. An eye for an eye, for example. Did Amano want to hear pleas for mercy from Nerissa? Well. Now Nerissa wanted to hear it too, but from Amano. Therefore, without any remorse, she was going to lift her rival over the concrete floor, pressing her front part against the blonde's back. And if a moment ago the Echidna's intentions were not quite clear, then everything became clear when she took a step to the side. With a big smile on her face, she was about to drop her opponent down. And if only some of the viewers' faces were twisted last time, but this time they will probably be the majority. Why? Because Nerissa was going to drop Amano's crotch right on the top of the metal barricade with an atomic drop!

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