Ossi Gets Framed! - Featuring Ember & Arachne

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Ossi Gets Framed! - Featuring Ember & Arachne

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Arachne's Causal Theme
Arachne Widow Spyder is a trouble-maker. Plain and simple. Now, why does the Villainess of the Spider Web cause so much trouble you may ask. While there were certainly deeper layers of her character and history one could attempt to decipher, the bottom line remained the same. Making mischief is a fun, entertaining, enjoyable time for the wicked spider, who typically cared little for the consequences her villainy had on those she wasn't close to.

Why just the other day, Arachne stole twenty muffins from the muffin man! Now Arachne knew to watch her carbs. She didn't need twenty muffins and probably didn't even like all the favors. Harassing and robbing the muffin man was simply a fun time. And just today, Arachne ordered all the most expensive food from a five-star restaurant. And do you know what Widow did after eating her fill? She dined and dashed! Naughty bug!

And now it was time to stir up more trouble in LAW, specifically at one of LAW's gyms. The last time Arachne worked her villainy here, Reiko a.k.a Amano tried to stop her. They were cool now, but that didn't mean Arachne had become any less nefarious. However, instead of assaulting and robbing gym-goers for kicks and giggles, Arachne simply desired to pelt someone with water balloons. It was a tamer prank, compared to her more criminal acts beforehand. But as fate would have it, it would soon evolve into something much more......devious.

In the lounging area of the gym, Arachne found a perfect victim in the form of Ossi Shamar. The joke of a jobber appeared to be relaxing, instead of working out and becoming a stronger, more capable wrestler. "Arachne's gonna ruin her hair for no good reason." Ms. Spyder snickered quietly, hiding behind one of the large chairs. "Heh. Heh. No good reason. Heh. Because Arachne's evil. Heh. I crack myself up."

Suddenly, villainess sprung up and pulled three water balloons from her Thorax Backpack. Yelling: "YEET!" each time, she threw all three of them at Ossi's head, aiming to leave it a soaking mess! Afterwards, Arachne would be laughing her head off and pointing most rudely! "AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!" She cackled.
Arachne's Appearance
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Re: Ossi Gets Framed! - Featuring Ember & Arachne

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Ossi Shamar lounged outside the gym, clad in wrestling attire in preparation for a work out. She wore her green gold lycra belly top, matching briefs, and a set of green gloves and boots. However, right now she was in a dilemma. To say her wrestling career had been a disaster so far would have been far understating the case. She needed to train.
Ossi Shamar
The only problem was, the haughty heiress detested hard work. So she loitered outside, trying to work up the energy to actually go and work out, but equally tempted to swan out of this ridiculous place and treat herself to a glass of champagne in her sprawling loft apartment. Lost in those thoughts, however, the perennial jobber was oblivious to Arachne's approach, and she knew nothing of the impending assault on her dignity until the first water balloon splatter across the back of her head!

"WAAAGHHH!" Ossi squealed as the icy cold liquid exploded over her immaculately maintained locks, making her arch her back, her eyes going wide in shock. Twice more the strange projectiles struck her and further soaked the Arab beauty's attire. She shot upright, shuddering and spluttering in disbelief, water cascading down her back from her now sodden locks, drenching both her top and her backside as it went.

Then she heard the laughter.

Anger boiled up as Ossi spun around to discover a bizarrely costumed woman cackling at her like a devious villain, pointing and laughing with all her might, not even trying to disguise the fact that she had been the perpetrator.

"You... you... how DARE you!" Ossi yelled shrilly marching straight over to the other wrestler with water trailing in her wake. "You disrespectful little sideshow act! You've ruined my hair!" And without a second thought Ossi attempted to land a stinging slap across the villainess's cheek, her face flaming red with anger and embarrassment after her impromptu bath!

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Ossi Gets Framed! - Featuring Ember & Arachne

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"HehHehHeh! Hahaha! MWAHAHAHAHAAAA!" Arachne continued laughing, as Ossi began to realize what exactly transpired. She shut her eyes, slapped her knee, then clenched her belly from how hard and how much she was cackling! Lost in her own amusement, Arachne decided to drop her guard against the well-known jobber. After all, what was she gonna do about it?!

And then she did something about it. "BWAHAHA-ACK!" Arachne grunted, eyes wide open, as Ossi slapped her across the face. She stood there for a brief moment, eyes blinking twice in bewilderment, before she registered things and smirked. "Eh, probably deserved that." Arachne admitted, shrugging her shoulders like it was no big deal. Arachne's troublesome antics had gotten her slapped before, by much stronger people, so this was nothing knew to her. While not taking offense to the slap, what Arachne did take note of was Ossi's inability to take the joke.

"Sideshow act? That's rich coming from one of the biggest jobbers up in this here joint!" Arachne snickered. "But regarding your comment about me ruining your hair, Arachne's got something for ya!" The lightweight pulled her Thorax Backpack off her shoulders, and held it in front of her. She then started digging around in it, seemingly searching for something.

"Let's see here...a tickle feather, banana peel, phone charger...Oh, I'm sorry, Ossi. But I don't seem to find a care to give! Psssh. Hahahaha!" The spider laughed. After her little joke, she pulled out one more water balloon. "Oh! But Arachne has one more of these things! Yeet!" The villainess would throw her last water balloon, aiming to quickly nail Ossi in the face! She'd continue laughing afterwards, not much changing after Ossi had confronted her!

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Re: Ossi Gets Framed! - Featuring Ember & Arachne

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Ossi allowed herself a smug smile as her slap abruptly cut off the chortling of the water-bombing villain. The woman stared, seemingly stunned by the retaliation, before her carefree demeanour reasserted itself. She rummaged around in her rucksack right in front of Ossi, offering no apology for her insolent actions. Before declaring that she didn't have a care.

Ossi's cheeks reddened and the Arab beauty took a step forward, opening her mouth to issue fresh threats, only for another water balloon to hit her square in the face!

"GMMGBLLAA!" she blurted as she stumbled backwards, the balloon exploding and drenching the front of her attire, making it more seethrough than it would have been otherwise! Flailing, she lost her footing on the wet floor and crashed to the ground in an undignified heap, panting in disbelief. With an effort, she awkwardly scrambled back to her feet, chest rising and falling heavily as she faced Arachne once more.

"You ... you insufferable little wretch!" Ossi spluttered through the water that was flowing down her face, wiping her eyes frantically. "This isn't over! When I find you again I'll show you how to treat your betters, you sneak!"

And with that the sodden heiress spun around and flounced away, the regalness of her exit spoiled somewhat as she almost slipped and fell on the trail of water she had left behind. Cursing under her breath and with Arachne's laughter ringing in her ears, Ossi stomped away to dry herself off, already scheming to get her own back on the villain, whether in the ring or not!

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Ossi Gets Framed! - Featuring Ember & Arachne

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Arachne typically wasn't one to easily get offended. Even being slapped across the face, would only prompt the mischievous spider to joke around with Ossi more! This ultimately amounted to the lightweight heel nailing Ossi with yet another water balloon, before continuing her mocking laughter.

And said laughter became even more hysterical, as Arachne got more from her prank than she bargained for. Not only had Ossi been soaked again, but she also slipped on the now wet floor, falling in an embarrassing heap! The spider didn't take Ossi's following threats seriously at all. Upon being known as a huge jobber, Ossi looked even less intimidating, almost slipping again while making her exit.

"YOU?! ARACHNE'S BETTER?! YOU?!" Arachne cackled. The thought was so absurd, that Arachne collapsed on the floor, repeatedly pounding the ground in a fit of laughter. "PSSSHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" After a while of laughing her plump butt off, Arachne finally stood up and took a satisfying breath. Arachne had heard about Ossi, due to the jobber's infamous reputation, and also from the spider's unlikely friend, Honie. In a match, the bee had tried teaching Ossi a valuable lesson about how her arrogance constantly led her to being squashed......by squashing her. lol

However, being an antagonistic wrestler herself, Arachne wasn't interested in getting anyone to see the error of their ways. Rather, she was perfectly fine with exploiting Ossi's vulnerability! The middleweight said it herself: "This isn't over!" The Arab was planning to get Arachne back! But since Ms. Spyder didn't consider Ms. Shamar any kind of threat, the prospect of attempted retaliation only served to encourage the naughty bug's behavior! As a janitor arrived to clean Arachne's watery mess, the spider pondered her next villainous course of action against Ossi.

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Re: Ossi Gets Framed! - Featuring Ember & Arachne

Unread post by Darius 2.0 »

Alternate Attire
Totally oblivious to the antics taking place only a few feet was someone who had actually come to the gym to train. Ember Sykes, the shortest middleweight on the LAW roster, was currently getting her sweat on by use of the treadmills. Clad in her usual gym out fit of sports bra and yoga pants, Ember continued at a steady pace in her jog, her breathing focused and balanced as sweat coated her body. She had already done much in the gym today with her weight lifting regiment, but cardio was just as important to the purple-haired shorty. Being in a league where nearly every opponent was bigger than her meant that Ember had to work twice as hard if she was to score more wins in the ring. Not to mention fight off all the jerks who saw Ember as an easy target for bullying.

Having been listening to music on her air buds the whole time, Ember was completely unaware of the shenanigans taking place in the gym. In fact, it was only after the two loud belligerents had separated that Ember started to wind down on her run, slowing the machine to a brisk walk before shutting it off completely. Panting from exertion, Ember grabbed her nearby towel and started wiping herself off of the sweat that clung to her exposed skin. "Nice work, Ember," the thick gal said to herself with a grin. "I think you've earned yourself a shower."

Her workout complete for the day, Ember considered taking a few post-gym selfies for upload to her Instagram. Ultimately though, she decided she really needed that shower before anything else. So she stepped off the treadmill, wiped it down as per protocol, then started making her way to the locker rooms. On the way there, Ember passed by what looked to be a puddle of water on the floor, and briefly wondered how such a thing could have happened. Thinking someone must have spilled their water bottle, Ember shrugged before continuing on to the locker rooms.

Still with her headphones in her ears, she was unaware that she had caught the gaze of a very strange woman...

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Re: Ossi Gets Framed! - Featuring Ember & Arachne

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Deciding that Ossi was a very fun person to screw with, Arachne was pondering all the ways she could mess with her more. If the Arab didn't consider things over between them, the villainess was happy to oblige! That's when two of the spider's eight eyes caught the attention of a fellow purple girl, Ember Sykes.

The first thing that caught Arachne's attention was Ember's very short stature. Arachne wasn't the tallest woman herself, though that was expected, given her status as a lightweight. The spider was used to women of higher weight classes being taller than her. But Arachne was taller than Ember. Was Ember a shorter lightweight? No, no, Arachne remembered now! That mistake, along with several other insults had gotten that Alexandria Wild lady squashed by this girl!

Yes, what the bug-themed heel had heard about Ember was all starting to come back. The middleweight shortie was an extremely thick, and formidable powerhouse, known not only for punishing bullies like the rude Alexandria, but for slaying giants like the flirty Freya Ederne! She was a nice girl, but it was highly recommended for folks to stay off her bad side. And one could get on said bad side, by making fun of Ember's short stature...

Suddenly, Arachne had an idea. A deplorable idea. Arachne had an excellent, deplorable idea! She causally followed Ember from a distance far enough as to not arouse suspicion. Ember was very sweaty. And in order to freshen herself up, she'd likely be taking a shower in the...LOCKER ROOM! YES! Arachne followed Ember inside and hid herself behind some lockers, the sneaky spider carefully stalking her!

Ms. Spyder was so excited by her evil plan, she had to resist the urge to break out into crazed, maniacal laugher. So instead, the sinister spider simply snickered softly, waiting for Ember to go into the shower. Then her wicked scheme could really get put into motion! "Heh. Heh. Heh. Oh, this is gonna be tooooooo good." Arachne whispered to herself.

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Re: Ossi Gets Framed! - Featuring Ember & Arachne

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Stepping into the female locker room, Ember doddged her way past the other gym patrons to make her way to her locker, still red in the face from her recent workout. Thankfully, it wasn't too crowded today in the gym so Ember was able to secure herself a locker without much fuss. She headed to it and used the combination to unlock it. With a light sigh, Ember began to the process of stripping out of her sweaty gym clothes. First, she pulled off her tight fitting sports bra, letting her perky breasts bounce free of their former confines. Then she slipped her thumbs into the waistband of her yoga pants and started to shimmy them down her legs, peeling the elastic material off her skin. Soon she was just in her signature black thong, which was also discarded quickly.

Now standing unashamedly nude in the locker room, Ember attracted quite a few gazes from the other gym goers. While it was not as obvious at times, the shorty with the purple hair had an incredibly fit body. Her shoulders were well muscled and particularly tight after her workout, and the same could be said of her impressive biceps. Her legs, while not definitively muscular, were thick and powerful enough to crush a watermelon between them. Her big bubble butt, which had smothered out more than a few wrestlers on the roster, jiggled out in the open proudly.

But the peep show would come to a close when, after stuffing all her clothes into her locker, Ember wrapped a towel around her body. Locking her locker up again, Ember turned on her feet and headed for the showers. Thankfully, with the gym being less busy than usual, finding an empty shower stall was a piece of cake! Smiling, Ember stepped inside of one before shedding off her towel and hanging it up. Fully nude again, she turned on the water and shivered as the downpour started to cascade across her form. Sighing blissfully, the shorty started to scrub herself clean, completely cut off from anything that might have been happening around her....

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Re: Ossi Gets Framed! - Featuring Ember & Arachne

Unread post by dddybee »

Background Music
Arachne was stalking Ember, waiting patiently for the shortie to enter the shower, when the middleweight began to undress herself. The spider hadn't really thought about seeing Ember nude, turning her head away in embarrassment. She was here to scheme not perv, though she was quite impressed with Ember's body. Said body solidified Arachne's assurance that Ossi wouldn't stand a chance against her. But soon, Ember would enter the shower, which meant it was time for the moment of truth!

Arachne had already taken a large sticky note and pen out of her Thorax Backpack. Using the wall to press the paper on, the mischievous lightweight began writing a nasty note, intended to provoke Ember. The heel was planning on leaving the note on Ember's locker, but rather than sign the paper in her own name, Arachne would instead use Ossi's. This of course would make it look like the Arab wrote the note instead!

Ms. Spyder approached then stood in front of Ember's locker, naughty note in hand. With how noisy the LAW shower's were, Arachne considered it safe to monologue to herself a bit. "Oh, poor Ossi. Cocky but crappy. Pompous yet pathetic. Arachne's ruined your hair....Now I'll do even more! With this note sticking right on Ember Sykes' locker door, your in for a squashing: like never befooooore! AAAHAHAHAHAAAA!" Widow cackled. "Wait a minute. Am I really going to exploit Ember's emotional insecurities, to trick her into snapping and beating up a helpless, even more insecure jobber, all for Arachne's own selfish, personal enjoyment......? OF COURSE I AM!"

Not wanting to risk getting even louder than she already had been, Arachne skittered away to hide within the locker room, but not before leaving this note on Ember's locker:
Dear Ember,

I just wanted to say I think your the worst lightweight in this entire company, because you simply don't measure up to the competition. You're so short that if I tried to punch you in the crotch, I'd end up hitting your face. Are you sure you're even fully grown? LAW isn't for kids you know. And you'd have to stand on a stool to even reach puberty. But no worries. I'm definitely not making fun of your height, as I would never stoop that low. Better watch your back. Because I'll squash your lightweight butt anytime, anywhere, in or outside the ring.

From your superior better, Ara Ossi Shamar

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Re: Ossi Gets Framed! - Featuring Ember & Arachne

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Scrubbed clean and feeling refreshed, Ember turned off the faucet of the shower with a satisfied sigh. She then grabbed her towel and proceeded to dry off her every nook and cranny. That done, she wrapped the towel around herself and started her way back to her locker. Once she got dressed, she figured she might take some of those Insta pics after all. After all, the rest of her day was pretty much wide open, having no matches scheduled and having not planned any livestreams. The shorty figured she had time to post a few steamy post-workout pics before she headed home.

But her plans would have a wrench thrown in them when she came to her locker and found a note attached to the door! "What the-?" Ember said in confusion, narrowing her baby blue on the note. After looking back and forth to see if anyone in the locker room to see if anyone had any answers for her, she tore off the note and started to read through. She soon became taken aback at what was written down, her mouth falling open from the sheer shock of it! Her anger welling up as she read each sentence, Ember soon found the note crumpling in her grip, and when she reached the end she shouted out, "Who the hell is Ossi Shamar and what the hell is her problem!?"

Her shout had drawn more than a few inquisitive looks in the looker room, but the clout of fury that had descended on Ember stopped her from caring. Just what the hell was going on here? She had never heard of this 'Ossi Shamar' in her life! Just why was this person leaving her notes on her locker like they were in high school? Petty and childish the insults may have been, Ember could not help but become a little irked; a remnant of her days when she was constantly picked on for her size. But she had grown a lot as a person since then, and while her first reaction was to get angry she tried to calm herself by taking a deep breath. Whoever this Ossi was, she was clearly trying to pick a fight. The only question was why her?

Much as Ember wanted an answer to that question, she had no idea what Ossi Shamar even looked like!
Last edited by Darius 2.0 on Fri Jun 17, 2022 8:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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