Rules: Victory is achieved via Pin-Fall, Submission, or Knockout. Neither standard rules nor disqualification apply.
Pacing... That's all Cadence could think to do, pace to and fro in the dull white locker room he stood in, waiting for his turn to face what sounded like a very full and excitable crowd. Though his paint decorated face hid any notion of his nervousness, his current mannerisms however... Well, they left something to be desired. He couldn't deny his anxiousness, a full on set of that 'butterflies in the stomach' feeling, heavy breathing, and an elevated heart-rate; no, Cadence couldn't deny the fact that he was scared, not of the fight ahead, not at all, fights were a dime-a-dozen where he came from. No, The Irishman was terrified less of the physical, and more of the metaphorical, as strange as that sounded. The mere act of getting into LAW represented both a fresh new start, ripe with experience and success, or a short lived trail of failures for the man, and it was the ladder that scared him the most. Having marked his discharge from service as one of his biggest failures to date, it was safe to say that Cadence was far from comfortable in making a swift exit from law the next. With a rapid set of raps to the locker room door shocking the man out of his train of thought, Cadence knew he needed to set aside his focus on what might be, and focus more on what is. Taking in a deep breath, and exhaling slowly, steadily; Cadence conjured up as much composure as he could muster, doing his best to set his mind on the match ahead, before doing a quick gear check and charging his way out of the lockers towards the Arena Entrance, determined to start this new path with his best foot forward.
"Ladies and Gentlemen-" The announcer begun, riling the crowd up for the next match of the night, "-the following contest is scheduled for one fall. Our first competitor to enter the ring, hailing all the way from Kilkenny, Ireland! Standing at six foot three inches, and weighing one-hundred and ninety-five pounds, making his first ever debut to L.A.W., Cadence Cahill!" The announcer chimed, the crowd roaring and cheering as Cadence's theme begun to play. With his queue to make his entrance being given, Cadence took a few steps out from behind the entrance, stopping as his eyes adjusted to the lights over head and as he took in the crowd that now surrounded him.

Though a little unnerved by the large audience around him, he made his way down the ramp and the ring, constantly doing his best to keep calm and retain that icy yet determined glare, despite the occasional whistle or ogle at his toned and scarred body. Eventually making his way into the ring, Cadence took one more look around the arena and its audience as his theme died down, trying to force himself into getting used to the large crowd once more; the former soldier took to a corner of the ring opposite of the entrance, hoping to focus more on his potential opponent more than the still unnerving crowd.