Hardcore POW Match - Roni Mancini vs. Evelyn Fallanger (Apex Qualifier)

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Hardcore POW Match - Roni Mancini vs. Evelyn Fallanger (Apex Qualifier)

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Roni "The Hitwoman" Mancini vs. "Miss Fallacy" Evelyn Fallanger
Match Type:
Hardcore Match - Loser becomes the winner's Prisoner of War
Rules: No holds barred, anything goes. The winner must pin, submit, or knock out her opponent. The Loser must become the winner's POW for 24 hours.

The arena got dark as a loud thrashing drum beat plays and Vendetta by Slipknot hits and "The Hitwoman" Roni Mancini stepped out onto the stage. The crowd could immediately tell something was different about the woman that had already been a terror in the league. She was bigger, more muscular, and looked like she had some serious gym time. Moreover, she also cut her hair shorter, and they could swear she looked just a little bit meaner than before. Dressed in a jacket and a white and black singlet that showed off every bit of the physical progress she was made, including a new set of rock hard abs, Roni Mancini looked ready to kick some ass.
The Hitwoman would simply walk down the ring with a cocky smile on her face, getting to the bottom of the ramp and then immediately heading over to the apron, flipping over the ring skirt and digging underneath the ring. She threw a chair into the ring after that, a second chair, a chain, a trash can and lid, and then finally pulled out a table before sliding it into the ring. Roni Mancini was already preparing her instruments of pain, and she was excited to use each of them on her opponent to absolutely destroy her.

She would then jump onto the apron with impressive agility before stepping through the ropes, not taking the time to showboat or gloat like usual. She was making her return to the ring, and she just wanted to kill some unlucky chick dead.

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Re: Hardcore POW Match - Roni Mancini vs. Evelyn Fallanger (Apex Qualifier)

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Next…. Evelyn.
The first dash of her music and there were folks who cheered already. This wasn’t the quickest entrance. Evelyn had a penchant for making punctual entrances, right when the first note played, she was out there. Every time. This time, there was a delay. Not long but noticable. Evelyn walked out, her standard red, white, blue and brown two-piece bikini, with a brown leather leg and arm sleeve. Her hair was tied in such a way that it fanned around her head like a peacock’s feathers. She held a chair in her hand, well, dragged it by one leg, the top scraping against the stage. Chains wrapped around her other hand. She stopped at the stage’s end, the ramp’s lip and raised a finger-fun, except the barrel was dipped down due to the chains coiled around it, making her look and raise a brow. Her lips were straight and narrow. There seemed to be no colour in her face. She swallowed hard, looking between her two items before dragging her feet down the ramp. Worry was within her eyes as she looked towards the ring. Like this punished puppy that was facing its punishment. The chair was tossed inside the ring at her corner, and she walked around ringside, making weak waves but without eye-contact. She found a pouch, and picked it up. When squeezed, it pricked her finger and she yelped by even the hint of sharpness. “Owwww!” When the string was pulled, she looked in and saw thumb tacks everywhere. It was like these little metal spiders that overwhelmed her with fright, and tossed it inside the ring to just get it away.

Now she came to the steps, dragging her toes up the wall of each placement, chewing on her bottom lip until it ached. Her mouth was dry, her throat and even her stomach that sank. She was already panting, looking down at herself as she claimed the apron. Deep deep breaths… Deep… Deep. Eventually, she revived a little, finally flashing that award-winning smile, flashing pearl teeth as she slung her chained-hand over the top, turned on heel and gave the patented finger-gun. “Bang!” A little fantasy before her reality, and she went in blind-folded, kicking back so she rolled over the rop-rope, planting her boots inside as she marched for her corner. She held her chained arm, shuttering, looking down, only up again when she pressed her back into the turnbuckle, staring at them with this standard, almost Evelyn-esque meekness. Not much of Miss Fallacy shined here. It was just someone afraid to get too hurt. Still… She wouldn’t be backing down, so she raised her hand and sprinkled a wave in their direction, trying her best to convey a sweet smile befitting of the Miss Fallacy charm.
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— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
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— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
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Re: Hardcore POW Match - Roni Mancini vs. Evelyn Fallanger (Apex Qualifier)

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Roni Mancini watched the entire display of Evelyn as she made her way into her corner, shaking her head with a wicked grin and chuckling to herself. This chick didn't hide her worry very well... And well, who could blame her? Roni was a vicious competitor, with weapons to play with, and Evelyn was... well, Evelyn. Stepping out of her corner, The Hitwoman held out her arms with a confident air and kicked a chair out of her way as she headed into the ring.

"Well, well, well.. Look at who they threw at me. You look a little scared, kitten," said Roni, reaching down and grabbing the next chair she walked into, then she slammed the legs down onto the mat with a loud THUD! "So tell me, little girl, what's got you so afraid? Is it the weapons? They look like they'll hurt a lot, don't they?" THUD! Roni slammed the chair's legs back down into the mat once more, still walking to her platinum-haired opponent. "Afraid of what they'll do to that pretty little body of yours that I'm sure you work hard on...?" THUD! The chair went down again.

Pausing, Roni stopped, giving Evelyn a more wicked look. "Or is it the Prisoner of War, stipulation...? You know they probably made that so that maybe you'd try a little harder than usual, right...?" THUD! The chair went down yet again as Mancini menaced her way further. "Because you wouldn't want to be my chew toy for a while, would you? Because when I finish with my toys... I usually leave them broken," said Roni with a low chuckle. THUD! The chair slammed down once more.

Then, The Hitwoman was close, and within striking distance as she held the chair by the sides. "Or maybe... I've got you scared, little girl. Because I'm sure you didn't expect me to look so big... my muscles to look so much bigger in person. That maybe I just seem a little bit more meaner as the real, authentic deal. Go ahead and look into these eyes... what do you see?" asked Roni as she slammed that chair down yet again with a THUD! And she leaned her face close to Fallanger's, sneering as she looked in her eyes. "I'll help you out... excitement... viciousness... and a little lust for violence. The foreplay before I take you back and absolutely ravage and violate every bit of that body of your's..."

THUD! The chair went down again before it shot back up, Roni raising it and pressing it right under Evelyn's chin as she leaned closer, the chair now flush between the both of them as Mancini pressed her forehead against Eve's. "So tell me... What's got you looking so damn worried...?" asked Roni in a sinister tone, seeming like she wasn't about to back off without an answer.

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Re: Hardcore POW Match - Roni Mancini vs. Evelyn Fallanger (Apex Qualifier)

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Evelyn’s fingers played with each other once she huddled inside her corner. They knotted together and pulled, pinching nerves to tantalize pain, then continuing to pull on every glance she saw her opponent. Sweat was lining her palms, hairline and underneath every inch of clothing she wore. Her heart punched inside her chest like a boxer on a speed bag. Her mouth was open and panted hot air. Yet she felt so cold. Their first line fell on deafen ears. Everything was ringing and she was leaning in her corner just to stand. The world span on its toes and she felt sick. Then the chair whacked the canvas and reality snapped back. This looming demon was mocking her, sculpted by divine hands yet the bloodlust poured from their eyes. Their purplish hair was like knives that could stretch out and cut her. She might as well have a skin of two inch spikes, as Evelyn packed herself into the corner to get away. She even looked away, towards the ropes and down, clenching her teeth. Chattering was inside her throat. They continued on. She said nothing. But each thud brought her eyes even closer to a liquid state. It collected at the corners, and her left even had a drift. Her shoulders trembled and her knees brought together. A whimper cusped every exhale and there wasn’t a drop of colour in her. She even hid behind her silver hair, covering her reddening eyes as they came in. Then the chair tipped her up. She never stood so straight in her life. That horror-stricken face now stared at her demon. She tried to speak, not once, twice, but three times; each attempt she opened her mouth and merely flung breath before closing again to whine.

On the fourth attempt, however… She managed something… “A-All of it! I-I I-I h-h-hate a-all of t-this! I-I’m u-used to m-mean people b-but this is… w-well… awful!” Her eyes closed. A small stream started at the far corners of her eyes, “Mm…. I just w-want…” Evelyn sucked in a deep breath. Her breathing steadied after, enough to slow her shivering as she stood more on her own two feet. She peeped again, trailing down towards the chair, then up again… “To have a chance…” Then in one stroke, Evelyn swiped with her chained hand to deliver a hardcore-styled slap!
Monsy's Jobbers

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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
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— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Hardcore POW Match - Roni Mancini vs. Evelyn Fallanger (Apex Qualifier)

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Roni Mancini waited patiently, savoring in the fear from little Evelyn Fallanger. After the second attempt to spit out her words, the Hitwoman had jerked the chair slightly, making the third attempt to speak fail as well. And she kept staring at the terrified girl, hearing her whine out her words about how she hated everything about this, and then she began to cry. Pulling back slightly, she mocked looking interested in what else that Evelyn had to say. That said, pathetic little girl in front of her just ready to break down right then and there, before their match even began.

She wanted a chance. As far as Roni was concerned, her chance left the moment she stepped in the ring. The Italian woman had a smug look of wicked satisfaction on her face after that. But before she could speak, Mancini was nailed with a slap to the face with that hand-covered hand, staggering her back as she held her cheek with one hand. This stupid girl actually laid a hand on her first. She attacked Roni first. And moreover, it hurt like hell. And it might actually leave a mark. Roni's nostrils flared, and there was fire behind her eyes. Her anger was palpable. "Well..." started Roni in a stiff tone, moving to grip her chair tight with both hands. "That was your chance, kitten. Your chance to make sure this wouldn't be the worst god damn night of your pathetic life..." spat Mancini, venom dripping out of every word.

Then, Roni would step forward and attempt to throw all of her force into trying to jam the end of the steel chair directly into Evelyn's stomach as she was still backed against the corner. If she was successful, she fully intended for it to nail her like a spear, completely suffocating the girl who she thought was absolutely foolish to dare striking her like that.

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Re: Hardcore POW Match - Roni Mancini vs. Evelyn Fallanger (Apex Qualifier)

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No chance huh…
She can resign to that…
… There wasn’t much doubt in that outcome. But for whatever spirit she mustered in the moment, there was that one flicker. Perhaps survival instinct. It begged… What if? Backed into this corner, all options exhausted, there was only one answer. Fight. That she did. Her arm grew this mind of its own that struck, and Evelyn slumped the shoulder while hooking her other arm around the top. She was panting, her shivers ever-present, but there was this new feeling inside her veins. This caffeine that made her mind, heart and muscles soar. She resisted it, rather, fear jockeyed back its grip as her opponent’s anger made the ring’s air turn to molten steam. And soon, the price would be paid…

Her stomach was bruised by the impending chair. A gaped mouth and putty eyes, Evelyn shrieked and spat on the chair’s backplate. She slumped over, her chin landing near the legs, whimpering as her arms draped off either side, same with the silver hair. But to what nausea, stabbing pain and existing trembles that reduced Evelyn into a mewling puppy, she found herself scheming… Her wrist unravelled the chain around her hand, giving it about six inches of slack. For now, she had insufficient strength to respond.
Monsy's Jobbers

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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
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Re: Hardcore POW Match - Roni Mancini vs. Evelyn Fallanger (Apex Qualifier)

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That chair pierced directly into Evelyn's gut, leaving her breathless, as Roni Mancini leaned in close, leaving the chair planted there before saying, "By the time we're done, you're going to hope that I even leave any part of you in enough of a piece to still let me take you home and fuck you." The venomous words were accented by a final shove of the chair before Roni pulled it away, throwing it aside weightlessly.

"And who knows? Maybe I'll have too much fun beating your sad little ass that I'll keep wanting to spend that time brutalizing you even more," said the Hitwoman with a growl. She rubbed at her cheek that Fallanger had smacked already, a reminder for her to stay angry at her opponent.

Then, the Italian grabbed Evelyn by her silver hair and closed her other fist tight around her glove. Then, she would simply unleash all of her rock hard fury directly at Evelyn as she began throwing hard, measured punches towards her head, not holding back on trying to rattle her skull with only her bare hands.

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Re: Hardcore POW Match - Roni Mancini vs. Evelyn Fallanger (Apex Qualifier)

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The chair was a blunt guillotine that ate into her abdomen, pressed so tight, she could feel her innards. She was already feeling dizzy. But not just how her body felt, but how her mind tied up in knots. So much of it, occupied, thinking about the future. What might happen, the more she fought back or how it’ll even be. The nature of this match leaves her soulless. So she just whimpered in response, both in pain and of this unsetting despair on her shoulders. Then she dropped to her knees. Her legs became jelly in their shivering debacle. Both forearms went over her stomach, and she leaned forward, coughing and wheezing. “D-Do we h-have to t-take it that far?!” Evelyn’s meek voice chirped.

Bringing her feet was the easy part. She could still stand, even if she wanted no part in being upright. She peered up with eyes that glimmered, wide, making this chattering frown, “S-Seriously… We c-can start o-ver! AAH!” And let the boulders rain. They cracked off her skull. Each one turned her jaw inside out. Spit flung, eyes scrunched, then fluttered open as her adversary doubled, then tripled and quadrupled. Sense of direction was the next to go. And as she shrieked with each blow, even her voice started to go into a quiet squeal that was barely escaping her throat. Soon that spit that came from her mouth was turning red and she began to sink in their clutch towards the canvas. Her arm curled up in this attempt to shield her face in any capacity. Even if it just allowed her to not see those demonic eyes each time her head rebounded to see them. An ounce of comfort became all she could ever want.
Monsy's Jobbers

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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Hardcore POW Match - Roni Mancini vs. Evelyn Fallanger (Apex Qualifier)

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Roni had trained those fists to bludgeon with the best of them. She's punished many a person with those punches, and Evelyn Fallanger would be just another in a long list of those people. Worst yet, it stopped being just business: this was for satisfaction. With every punch, it felt like the one hit that Evelyn had done by smacking her with that chain started feeling better. And by the time that Miss Fallacy's lip had busted open, it was euphoria for her. And when Evelyn just shielded herself, Roni finally stopped punching, releasing her hair.

And Mancini smirked, kissing her glove, glistening with crimson from Fallanger's mouth. "I think you might be right..." said the Hitwoman, patting her on the cheek. "Let's start over. I'm Roni..." Roni would then grab hold of Evelyn by her bikini strap over her shoulder and ripping her back to her feet, just inches away from her face now. "And I'm going to break you until you're begging to be my prisoner."

The Hitwoman would then grab Fallanger under her arm and her chest. Her vicious intent still very clear. Wanting to show off the reps she has done in the gym, she was ready to launch Evelyn. Dragging her in a step forward, Roni would then attempt to heave Evelyn in a Biel Throw, aiming to have her land directly on top of one of the trash cans dumped on its side, still filled with wicked weapons. An already unfortunate thing to land on would be even worse when filled up with these instruments of pain. But for Roni, that would be all the better, as she was hoping to inflict as much pain as possible onto that silver-haired fool.

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Re: Hardcore POW Match - Roni Mancini vs. Evelyn Fallanger (Apex Qualifier)

Unread post by Monsy »

Her knees hit the mat, legs parted until her butt seated the canvas in-between. She held her face with gentle paws. Anywhere near the punch zones and she hissed from the sore-throbs. Evelyn had nothing within to really contest the pull, and she was planting her boots before long, still a little hunched, but soon looking up, meeting the Hitwoman’s face. Oh how she could sink. This feeling like she might faint or have a heart attack with how her body just overacted at the slightest touch. It was more than just being punched…. “A-Ah, I guess that’s uh-m… a l-little nicer?” Stammered with a white face, quiet and meek.

Nothing much stopped there. Evelyn’s body was a puppet to be strung up by Roni’s powerful arms. She closed her eyes for the ride, and only found her body whirl through the air. Her throat twisted up as she hooked and was frozen. Then her world became nothing but pain. Her lower-back was first to spike, right above the hip. Her middle-back crunched next and the trash can dented with her impact, but with so many instruments inside, it was Evelyn’s upper back and head that snapped back and spiked the canvas like a whiplash. The crunch was heard by all ranks of the crowd. She ended up bouncing off and started to scream. This time it didn’t stop, but kept up in these short bursts as Evelyn held her head, kicking about like some injured animal just off to the left of the trashcan.
Monsy's Jobbers

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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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