Charlotte Ravel' Vs. Gabriella Guerrero - Apex Qualifier Cage Match!

Qualifiers for the Inaugural World Openweight Title Event LAW Apex
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Charlotte Ravel' Vs. Gabriella Guerrero - Apex Qualifier Cage Match!

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Cage Match

Victory Condition: Pinfall, Submission or Escaping the Cage
Rules: Anything goes
Special Conditions: The ring is surrounded by a cage without a ceiling.
Attire: Standard
Stipulation: The Match is an Apex Qualifier bout. Completion of this match counts towards the Characters Required Matches

It had been a while since Gabriella last set foot in a LAW ring. Having taken a slight break from the action of wrestling to focus on her modeling career...following her appearance in that wargame match. A match which she had no intention of mentioning or having mentioned in front of her ever again. The first person she had met during her little hiatus had been a fellow model who saw fit to try and ridicule Gabriella for said match. Something which the Hispanic beauty had answered with a stern knock-out punch straight to the fellow models pretty face.

No, that wasn't something she was going to deal with. She was now back, and ready to rebuild and reshape. To Flourish once again much like she did when she first had joined LAW, to stand at quite an impressive level here in LAW and be a contender among the greatest of fighters. If she couldn't match them in skill, she would find another way to inch out a win. That was the way she had always done these things. Though in a cage match that might be tricky?...sure a good eyepoke always worked...but she couldn't do her usual fake outs or trick the referee in a match like this. It was somewhat frustrating but she would have to work around that little hinderance.

She had heard that her opponent for tonight was a tough one. A real contender, a fighter. So she would without a doubt have to try and find ways to even the odds here if she wanted to stand a chance. Even if she was pretty new to LAW she had already garnered a bit of a reputation for herself. Though Gabriella wasn't deterred, she walked down the ramp to the cheers of the crowd. Though there was a healthy mix of jeers and boos in with those cheers. She wore her usual outfit which consisted of her white and blue jacket, top and skirt. Along with matching laced up shin high boots.

Walking down towards the caged ring, she would take her walk to the steel steps and ascend them, slipping into the ring through the open door and the ropes as she would walk to the center of the squared circle. Placing her hands on her hips as she cocked them to the right, leaning forward a bit to give the crowd a decent view of her cleavage...before she'd throw a kiss towards the crowd. An act that got her even more cheers from the crowd, despite her heel like actions Gabriella was loved for her looks and general attitude when dealing with the crowd. She would walk towards the opposite edge of the cage and start to stretch a bit. Allowing the fans to ogle her for a bit as she waited for her opponent.

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Re: Charlotte Ravel' Vs. Gabriella Guerrero - Apex Qualifier Cage Match!

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And what?” Charlotte asked after Victoria's long story about the latest events.

The Frenchwoman has almost finished her warm-up. Shifting to the side, the Sand Lizard pushed off from the floor, simultaneously rotating around her axis. Her heel slammed into the punching bag and it was shifted by at least two meters. Charlotte landed on her feet and took a deep breath, raising her outstretched palms to her chest. She turned around and looked at the Mexican woman, who put the documents aside and then took off her glasses.

If you listened to me carefully, then you should have made all the conclusions yourself,” she said.

Charlotte pursed her lips slightly. She knew perfectly well that Victoria was not to blame for the recent events. Even before the Frenchwoman's family kicked her out, she followed all the rules of the Ravel' family. She was often at top-level negotiations. And she was well aware that not all negotiations end successfully. Therefore, she wasn't going to blame Victoria for not being able to negotiate with other managers. In addition, the Sand Lizard should have been grateful that she got the match that awaits her today.

Don't worry about it,” said the pink-haired woman, “we still have time, problems need to be solved as they come in, so keep calm and keep doing what you do best, I don't doubt you.”

Victoria looked up just in time to see Charlotte open the door and walk out of the locker room. Many would have taken it as something strange or even disrespectful, but the Mexican woman smiled slightly. She knew that Charlotte wanted to support her, but at the same time she had no right to give in to emotions before an important match. That was the whole point of the Frenchwoman. For many, she seemed like an unshakable stone, but in fact, deep down, she was much more human than it seemed at first glance.

The Sand Lizard headed down a long corridor. Today she had a new challenge. The first cage match. Ironic. Once, when she was just beginning to comprehend the path of a real fighter, she firmly believed that a real fighter would not test themselves in such things. A clean fight according to strict rules, that's what Charlotte tried to stick to. But over time, she came to realize that a real fighter accepts any fight. Hardcore matches opened up new boundaries for those who liked to break the rules. Charlotte didn't like it. But for her, a hardcore match is not an opportunity to break the rules. For her, it is an opportunity to push herself to the limit and become better. Because only in a really hard fight a fighter can gain the strength to take a step forward on their difficult path.

She entered the waiting room and stopped in front of the curtains. Her opponent was entering the ring right now. Charlotte couldn't say she knew much about this woman. Although Victoria told her a few things. In addition to the name, Charlotte learned that her opponent had a break in pro wrestling, as well as the fact that she had more than impressive results before that break. This information was more than enough. Charlotte was sure that her third qualifying match would be a big step for her on her way, which now led not only to her self-development, but also to the world title. She was ready.

Entrance Music

The light in the arena dimmed slightly. A thick fog appeared at the top of the ramp and then the light of three spotlights fell right into the center of this fog. This allowed everyone to see the huge silhouette of a sand lizard. The music started. In a short moment of increasing pace, one could see that the silhouette of the sand lizard seemed to begin to move. And then, when a loud chord filled the hall, Charlotte burst onto the top of the ramp, cutting through the fog with a quick punch. Two more chords and two more punches, after which Charlotte stopped and threw her hands above her head.

The Frenchwoman smiled, accepting the cheers and applause of the audience. Having started her career in the LAW ring, she moved forward like a train. And the audience loved it. Each of her matches was uncompromising and memorable. And with the start of the qualifying matches, Charlotte's reputation began to spread like darkness covering the city after sunset. The Frenchwoman started down the ramp. She had to stop several times in order to take some photos and sign some posters. She's still not used to it, but by taking a place in the hearts of the audience, she's gained a devoted fan base. They loved her and she reciprocated them.

For the second time, Charlotte stopped in front of the ring surrounded by a huge cage. It was a fascinating sight. Charlotte's first hardcore match was a table match. But something told her that today's challenge would be even tougher. Climbing up the metal steps, she entered the cage and immediately after that the staff closed the cage from the outside. Now there was no entrance or exit in the usual sense.

Slipping between the middle and top ropes , Charlotte confidently walked to the center of the ring. Stopping, she raised her fist above her head with a confident smile, accepting the last greetings of the audience. Funny. She never cared about such a thing as popularity. And she came to LAW in order to realize her full potential. But, nevertheless, she began to receive the support of the audience. And although it still seems unnatural to her, she could not deny that she likes it.

When her music ended, the Sand Lizard turned to face her rival. Running her eyes over the Mexican woman, she noted that they were almost identical in terms of weight, but Charlotte was several inches taller. This was far from the most important thing, because only a blind man would not have noticed that both women were in excellent athletic shape. The match promised to be interesting. But first the traditions. Charlotte was going to clench her right fist and press it against her straightened left palm. Traditions are important. At least for Charlotte. She intended to bow to her rival.

Charlotte Ravel’,” she would introduce herself, straightening up to her full height, “today I'll give you my maximum and I hope that you will return the same to me.”

Everyone treated traditions differently and Charlotte never demanded a bow from her opponent. But after her words, she did what she always did. The Sand Lizard extended her right hand forward, offering Gabriella a more classic handshake as a sign of respect from fighter to fighter.
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Re: Charlotte Ravel' Vs. Gabriella Guerrero - Apex Qualifier Cage Match!

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Gabriella had heard a fair deal about her opponent. Or well...enough for someone who was somewhat new to LAW. A part of Gabriella felt that maybe she wasn't being valued enough here, being put in a cage with this newcomer when she had faced some of the toughest women here in LAW. She had defeated some of the best, and if she hadn't defeated them she put up one hell of a fight. She wondered what the goal was here? Why the LAW higherups was thinking with this match up. She felt as if perhaps they were throwing this young woman into the jaws of a lion.

There was a smirk on the Hispanic woman's face as her opponent walked down the ramp. Making her way into the cage and then finally entered the squared circle. Gabriella remained in her position for a bit longer, until Charlotte bowed like she did. The purple haired beauty would push up to a full stand and begin to walk over towards Charlotte. Tilting her head to the side a bit and looking at her foe up and down. It looked as if Charlotte was going to have a slight reach advantage in this match...but overall she would say their physique was fairly similar. Gabriella had a bit more hourglass to her figure, shapely hips and full bosom. Though Charlotte was quite a looker in her own regard.

The Hispanic woman would look at the hand that was extended. Reaching up and grabbing a hold of that handshake, she would clasp the hand firmly and shake Charlotte's hand. " Gabriella Guerrero. I'll make sure to return the favor." As she spoke those words, Gabriella would start this match off with an attempted sneak attack! Looking to yank on that arm and pull Charlotte towards her so she could try and drive her knee up into that well trained belly of the Frenchwoman!

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Re: Charlotte Ravel' Vs. Gabriella Guerrero - Apex Qualifier Cage Match!

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Charlotte tilted her head slightly to the side, waiting for her rival's answer. Victoria, being a very meticulous woman who always tried to do her job perfectly, often insisted that her wards take the time to study each opponent. But Charlotte was one of those who found it unnecessary. She didn't want to have any preconceptions before the match started. Besides, she believed that you can only really know a person in a fight.

Therefore, the Frenchwoman was absolutely calm at the moment when Gabriella started walking towards her. You can draw conclusions about some people at a glance. And now there was nothing to suggest that the Sand Lizard should expect some kind of trick from the Mexican woman. Charlotte even allowed herself a slight smile at the moment when the purple-haired woman accepted the handshake and answered the words of the martial arts master.

This was the third match for Charlotte on the way to the world title. She managed to make herself known quite loudly after she decided to join LAW, even though her debut turned out to be a complete disappointment. The audience remembered her and gave a place in their hearts because the Frenchwoman had not only an outstanding fighting style and iron fortitude, but also a very unusual temperament. Adhering to strict discipline, she never broke the rules. There was only one path for her in life. The path of a real fighter.

And for the first time since she came to LAW, it played a cruel joke on her. She had already had to deal with far from the most noble women in this ring. But it was Gabriella who became the first who went to meanness for the sake of profit. Instead of letting go of Charlotte's hand and taking a step back to let the referee announce the start of the match, she pulled the Sand Lizard to her, at the same time sending a hard knee strike into the bare stomach of the martial arts master.

"Gaahh!" cried Charlotte.

In another situation, Charlotte might have been able to handle it, since she had more than impressive abs. But the Frenchwoman was absolutely not ready for this dirty blow. The pain took her breath away. She backed away, bending forward and wrapping her arms around her stomach. For a few seconds, the referee girl stood in place, as if not knowing what to do. But the fact was that it was a hardcore match and therefore it didn't make sense to tell Gabriella off for playing dirty. The striped shirt started waving her hands, giving the match an official start.


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Re: Charlotte Ravel' Vs. Gabriella Guerrero - Apex Qualifier Cage Match!

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Gabriella wanted to teach this newcomer just what kind of match she was in for. Just what sort of opponent that Gabriella was and how unlucky she was to end up in a match against her! Gabriella kept a firm hold of Charlotte's hand and as the Sand Lizard looked to pull away, the Hispanic beauty decided to pull her in! Throwing her knee up into that gut and catching the pink haired woman off-guard! The result ending up a lot better than Gabriella could have hoped for!

She watched as Charlotte stumbled backwards, coughed out and even doubled over a bit. The referee scrambled to call for the bell and as this happened the purple haired beauty would try and grab a handful of Charlotte's hair and pull her head in under her armpit! Moving quickly as she wanted to claim an early advantage over Charlotte. Gabriella would try and swing herself backwards and aim to yank Charlotte down with her, looking to spike that pink haired head straight into the canvas with a DDT attempt.

The faster she could work over the Sand Lizard, the sooner she could wear down that toughness of hers the better! She had already heard that she was as tenacious as can be, so she needed to break all of that tenacity down so she could force a tap out from the beautiful French woman.

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Re: Charlotte Ravel' Vs. Gabriella Guerrero - Apex Qualifier Cage Match!

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Yes, now she fully understood that. Charlotte really preferred not to believe rumors and other similar things. In order to remain open-minded, she was waiting for the match to find out which person she would have to come together with in a fight. And now, when she received a mean strike before the bell rang, it became clear to her what her rival was like.

The Sand Lizard was trying to pull herself together after the purple-haired woman's knee crashed into her bare stomach. It was the first seconds of the match and she was full of energy, but sometimes the body can't physically ignore the damage received. This was one of those cases. The Frenchwoman wasn't ready for Gabriella's attack, and because of this the strike became much more effective.

The Mexican woman was well aware that now the advantage was in her hands. And even better she understood that giving Charlotte time to recover would be an unforgivable mistake. Therefore, as soon as the Sand Lizard staggered back, Gabriella went forward, not giving the Frenchwoman any free space and time to rest.

"Shh..." Charlotte involuntarily made a sound of displeasure at the moment when Gabriella grabbed her hair.

It was one of the nastiest moments for her. Charlotte has always followed strict martial arts principles during fights. And hair pulling was one of the few things she really hated. However, Gabriella did not have any moral problems with that. Pulling Charlotte's hair hard, she brought the Sand Lizard closer to her, and after a moment she grabbed the pink-haired woman's head.

Realizing that this would not lead to anything good, the martial arts master tried to throw her hands up in order to grab her opponent's arm. But her breathing was still knocked out and she didn't have enough strength to act quickly. This led to the logical conclusion of what Gabriella had planned. The purple-haired woman leaned back and Charlotte's head crashed hard into the mat.

"Aaaahhh!!" she screamed again.

Something seems to be exploded in the young woman's head, and the pain went through her entire body from the top of her head to her heels. The Sand Lizard turned on her right side, covering her face with hands. The mistake she made at the moment when she decided to show respect to her opponent clearly cost her a successful start of the match, now there was no doubt about it.
Last edited by skip-stop on Wed May 04, 2022 1:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Charlotte Ravel' Vs. Gabriella Guerrero - Apex Qualifier Cage Match!

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Gabriella wasn't going to go easy here. She had but one desire right now and it was to put as much punishment on Charlotte as she could. Trying to get an early advantage and bring about the defeat of her opponent even sooner. She grabbed at Charlotte's hair and pulled her head in under the Hispanic beauty's armpit. Snapping her arm around that head before she yanked them backwards.

Spiking Charlotte's head on the canvas felt satisfying. A cocky smirk plastered the purple haired woman's face as she would push up to her knees and try to roll Charlotte over onto her front. Trying to press her down against the canvas before hammering a forearm strike right between those shoulder blades. Looking to keep her foe pinned down against the canvas as she sought to slide her leg over that frame. Aiming to straddle the lower back of Charlotte and try to grab at the arms of the pink haired fighter.

Gabriella would look to pull those arms up over her thighs and trap them as she sought to then snap her hands against Charlotte's chin! Trying to lock in a nice and tight camel clutch submission move. " How's that chica? Want to make this easy on you and just submit right away?" Gabriella would taunt the newcomer to LAW.

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Re: Charlotte Ravel' Vs. Gabriella Guerrero - Apex Qualifier Cage Match!

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"Merde..." thought Charlotte.

Now there was no doubt that this was the most unfortunate start of the match since Charlotte decided to join LAW. Of course, no one can ever be sure that the start of the match will be on their side. However, now the Frenchwoman had big problems. Not having read the nefarious intentions of her rival, the Sand Lizard was forced to deal with the consequences of this lack of foresight.

After such a hard collision of her head with the mat, the pink-haired woman definitely needed a few seconds to at least come to her senses. Getting rid of the pain and dizziness was out of the question now. But, of course, Gabriella had a different opinion on this.

The Mexican woman pushed Charlotte, forcing her to roll over on her stomach again. At the level of instincts, the Frenchwoman understood that this would not lead to anything good, so she wanted to try to lift herself slightly and roll to the side. But these intentions were destroyed by a quick blow between her shoulder blades. With another groan of pain, Charlotte's body pressed against the mat. Gabriella was firmly in control of the situation.

And she was no doubt enjoying it. It wasn't hard to see at the moment when she landed her ass on Charlotte's lower back, and then threw the Frenchwoman's hands on her thighs. The final touch was that she closed her palms on the chin of the Sand Lizard, starting to pull the entire upper body of the martial arts master back.

"Mmmhhhhh!!!" Charlotte groaned in a strangled and painful way.

Pain filled her entire spine, because of it she kicked the mat several times. Even though she was very flexible, it hardly mattered now. Charlotte's situation was truly sad. But Gabriella made it even worse by sending a sharp phrase to the young woman. It wasn't enough to make Charlotte furious, but it was definitely enough to make her angry.

"You wish!" she replied in the same strangled, but more than firm voice.

It was useless to hope for a rope break. Therefore, Charlotte had only one option and she hoped that the anger she felt would become her fuel. The Sand Lizard intended to strain her back, arms and neck in order to complicate her opponent's task and at least slightly ease the pain in her body. And then she would use her strong legs to start swinging in an attempt to upset Gabriella's balance. And if she had felt even a slight weakness in the grip of the Mexican woman, she would try to put maximum strength into a jerk to the side in order to break the hold and possibly throw Gabriella away!

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Re: Charlotte Ravel' Vs. Gabriella Guerrero - Apex Qualifier Cage Match!

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Gabriella couldn't help but enjoy this start. She had completely taken Charlotte by surprise and right now she was in full control, having landed a heavy blow to that skull of the French wrestler. As if that wasn't enough, the Hispanic beauty took a top position as she mounted the back of Charlotte and then collected the pink haired beauty's arms. Pulling them up over her thighs and trapping those limbs of her foe.

Next came the locking in of the camel clutch, as she clasped her palms tightly around that chin of her foe and locked in the hold. Already, Gabriella would start to wrench back, looking to cause as much pain as she could as quickly as she could to Charlotte. She made sure she was seated firmly on the pink-babes back as she would try and crank up the pressure. Looking to bend Charlotte back a bit, to try and cause her even more strife.

Her taunt though was only met with a sharp reply back, one which caused Gabriella to frown a bit. Perhaps she couldn't get her way all the time....but for now she had a good hold on Charlotte. Though the Hispanic beauty found it difficult to keep Charlotte in place, as she felt how the pink wrestler began to struggle, then suddenly she bucked! Throwing them off to the side as Gabriella lost her balance and tipped over onto her side. "Nngh..." Gabriella would grunt out, grumble and then try and quickly scramble up to her feet.

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Re: Charlotte Ravel' Vs. Gabriella Guerrero - Apex Qualifier Cage Match!

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This match has ranked first among those that started unsuccessfully for Charlotte. She knew that every mistake had to be paid for, especially in the ring. And she tried to take it as a good experience for the future. But, nevertheless, the Frenchwoman was clearly not happy with the fact that she was in the submission hold after all.

Gabriella definitely had some experience in such things, because the Sand Lizard was able to appreciate the pressure that was exerted on her back and neck. But for her, it was just an additional reason to gain freedom. Not recognizing the threat in her rival, she paid for it. And Charlotte wasn't going to make that mistake again.

Using her powerful legs, the Frenchwoman began to sway from side to side. She had to overcome the pain, which increased with every second. But at the same time, she felt that her opponent was beginning to lose her balance. And at the moment when Charlotte felt weakness in Gabriella's grip, she put maximum strength in order to jerk sharply to the side.

This was enough to break the hold. The pressure on Charlotte's back and neck disappeared, and her opponent was thrown aside. The Frenchwoman's body was filled with pain. And it was not surprising that she wanted to take at least a few moments to catch her breath. However, after Gabriella's treacherous attack, this was the Sand Lizard's first opportunity. And she wasn't going to miss it.

Gritting her teeth, the pink-haired woman forced herself to push off the mat, rising to her feet in one movement. She couldn't let the Mexican woman continue dictating the pace of this match. Therefore, despite the pain, the Sand Lizard intended to act quickly. And as soon as she was on her feet, she would take a step towards the purple-haired woman, placing her right foot slightly to the left of her left foot.

"Raah!" roared Charlotte, not holding back her emotions.

The Sand Lizard was intent on turning to the left, allowing her body to start spinning. Feeling that her body was filled with speed, the martial arts master was determined to push off from the mat, soaring into the air. Her legs helped her break the submission hold. And now she wanted to use them again in order to knock all the shit out of Gabriella's head! Because the Sand Lizard was going to swing her right leg and send her foot into the Mexican woman's jaw! A spectacular and effective 360 tornado kick!

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