Charlotte Foster
"Feel My Sumo Spirit!"
ProfileReal Name: Charlotte Foster
Nicknames: Lotte, Honourable Sumo!
Age: 19
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Pinkish Brown
Height: 5’6"
Weight: 165 lb
Nationality: American
Alignment: Face
Entrance Music:
[First Entrance Music]Strong And Strike!
Does Not Have An AFW Equivalent.
Somewhat short, at-least for the style Charlotte tries to emplore, Charlotte is incredibly dense. With short purple hair, and a figure curvy yet rarely not-contained, Charlotte is often seen with a look of seriousness. Completely in line with her persona, the young sumo is rarely seen without a firm pout to her mug!
Charlotte is a cartoon character brought to life. Obsessed with comic books, super-heroes and all things anime, Charlotte is extremely playful yet somehow serious. An excellent sumo-practitioner at her school, Charlotte has combined her love of her two favourite things to form something of a persona for herself, something she is rarely seen out of; a sumo-heroine, who fights for justice and defends those who would be made victims!
Wrestling Information
Strategy: Charlotte uses a style she deems 'Justice-Sumo!' Simply by chance, such style appears to be mostly a standard sumo arsenal, of pushes, shoves and palm thrusts, with additions. She enjoys driving her figure into her foes to render them breathless, and will repeatedly target her foes midsection to stop them drawing air.
Style: Powerful Control
Type: Breathless Sumo Skills
Preferred Attacks: Palm thrusts. Body splashes. Belly-To-Belly suplexes. Bearhugs. General crushing and squishing. Has been known to smother with her breasts. Enjoys using her rear for hip thrusts and similar.
Preferred Matches: Sumo! Also enjoys submission, and multi-fall matches.
Attitude To Hentai: "Such a thing is not for me! HOI!"
Physical Statistics
General Statistics
Endurance:★★★★ - Incredibly determined and staunch.
Strength:★★★★ - Charlotte is strong as hell for her size, and uses it in scary ways.
Speed:★★★ - Moves damn quick when she needs or wants to.
Defence:★★ - Holds her ground through everything she can.
Technique:★★ - Charlotte has many techniques, but few are advanced.
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes:★★★★ - Incredibly forceful palm thrusts.
Submissions:★★ - Charlotte's squeezes hurt like hell, but she is far from a submission master.
Powerhouse:★★★★ - Main style.
Aerials:★ - Justice has no need to fly.
Counters:★ - Takes the blows and fights back after, not during.
Match Ending Moves
Signature Moves
Foster Bomb!: Belly-To-Belly With Bodysplash.
Finishing Moves
Honourable End!: Custom Palm Thrust Combo
Courageous Crash!: Running Grounded Bodysplash
Charlotte Foster's Beginning
Raised as the sole child of a Japanese family, Charlotte was a girl obsessed with manga from a young age. Smart in her own right, and somewhat mentally gifted when not diving head first into her favourite shonen, Charlotte would spend many a day replicating those heroes she so adored as much as she could. Performing duly in nigh all school activities, passing exams with flying colours and then some, it was the curious physical activity of sumo wrestling that soon caught the purple haired figures eye upon leaving school.
Committing herself heavily to it, almost as much as her beloved mangas themselves, it was the world of wrestling that soon called to Charlotte;
given that she could combine both of her favourite hobbies, whilst making a living. Developing a character for herself, comprised entirely of sumo but permitting the values she had taken forth from so many of her comic heroes, Charlotte debuts now in LAW as the Sumo Of Justice; an unstoppable force of good and all things justice!
The rest as they say, is history...
Committing herself heavily to it, almost as much as her beloved mangas themselves, it was the world of wrestling that soon called to Charlotte;
given that she could combine both of her favourite hobbies, whilst making a living. Developing a character for herself, comprised entirely of sumo but permitting the values she had taken forth from so many of her comic heroes, Charlotte debuts now in LAW as the Sumo Of Justice; an unstoppable force of good and all things justice!
The rest as they say, is history...
None of note.