Peaceful Meeting Under Karaoke Assault

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Peaceful Meeting Under Karaoke Assault

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Cheyenne Black Rock
Deanna Duncan
"CHEEEEEEEEYEEEEEEEENNE!" hollered Deanna Duncan loudly, dressed in a wonderful casual look which fit in perfectly for the bar they were at.

"I will not do karaoke with you," answered Cheyenne Black Rock, in a modest outfit of her own. Tight pants and a jacket that covered a sweater that cut off at the midriff. She simply sipped her mixed drink casually, a contrast to the excitement that her best friend, Deanna, seemed to be.

Duncan scoffed, twice even, and rolled her eyes. "Cheyenne, you promised! You remember your promise!"

"I would not promise to do karaoke," replied the Native American woman simply.

"You... you absolutely did promise, I remember you promising, you promised!" rambled Deanna, downing what was her third drink of the night.

Cheyenne heaved a sigh, closing her eyes to steady her reaction. "You know I do not do karaoke," she stated, giving her friend a more amused look, seeming to be one of the few to have the patience for her friend--let alone patience for her when she was drunk.

"I know! That's why I was so surprised! I was like--oh my god! My best friend Cheyenne will finally karaoke with me, after years of trying!" exclaimed Deanna, eyes wide in excitement, as she tried to pull Cheyenne off her chair in the bar, but Black Rock simply sat that, immovable. Deanna pouted and let out a soft whine of disappointment.

"I did not. But as always, I will sit here and listen and do a polite clap regardless of how well you sing the song," explained Cheyenne, speaking to her drunken buddy like she was a child.

"Do you promise? Even if it's the worst karaoke you have ever heard?" said Duncan, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I do indeed promise," answered Cheyenne, offering her a warm smile and a pat on the head.

Deanna then shot back with a big smile and said, "Oooookay, but just so you know, it's going to be great!"

"I know."

"Like the best of the night!"


And then there was a silence before Deanna Duncan spoke up again. "Okay! I'm going to do it!"

"Go do it, Deanna," answered Cheyenne, turning to face the bar again and sipping her drink.

"I will! Okay byyyyyyye cheer for me I love you!" Then, Deanna walked backwards, blowing Cheyenne rapidfire kisses before bumping into someone and briefly apologizing before walking off.

And now, Cheyenne Black Rock had for the first time of the night... time to herself. And peace. And she would quietly spend it favoring her drink of choice, a soft smile on her face.

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Re: Peaceful Meeting Under Karaoke Assault

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Alizeh smiled as she leaned back against the stool she was on, politely clapping for the next person to finish their set of songs on stage. Dressed in a rather simple halter top style black dress that exposed her shoulders and left a small chest window that stopped at her thighs. Adorned with some gold bracelets on her wrists and black heels and her hair left loose and natural she had turned a few heads all night and gotten more than a few offers for some fun from some men and women alike.

So far though Alizeh hadn't taken anyone up on said offers, nor did she approach anyone of her own accord. Not out of nerves of course, rather she just hadn't found anyone that... properly suited her interest yet. Besides there was nothing wrong with just enjoying some poorly sung music and drinks so if thats how her night was destined to go so be it.

But... a rather loud and somewhat one sided discussion drew her attention. "Oh?" Alizeh asked herself as she focused on two women, one with a fairer complexion and short hair that may have had one too many tonight. The other is where Alizeh's attention fixed too. Tall, dark toned, defined muscles. A lot closer to Alizeh's type, especially since she recognized them. 'Their a LAW team.' Alizeh thought to herself, interest officially piqued.

Waiting until... Deanna Alizeh thought her name was to leave and head up onto stage to sing a few songs herself, she would smile and get up before walking over to the solely occupied table. "Sounds like you're friend can be a handful." Alizeh said lightly joking in order to draw the woman's attention and once she did she would give a polite and easy going smile to the powerful looking woman. "Hey, I'm Alizeh, Alizeh Midori, you work for LAW too right?" Alizeh asked, figuring it best to introduce herself right off the bat and open with the two having something in common, even if it was only an employer.

Holding her hand out as she did so for a polite handshake. "Would you mind if I join you?" Alizeh asked curiously if Cheyenne accepted her greeting and wasn't too annoyed at her for dropping by unexpectedly. After all it was hard to tell how some wrestlers would act or react outside the arena.

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Re: Peaceful Meeting Under Karaoke Assault

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Cheyenne contently sat where she was, the tall girl sipping her drink as her friend went on to talk off someone else's ear. She was happy, overall, with the night out to relax. She enjoyed dressing up and looking her best, even if she usually had to be drug along to events by Deanna. The Native American typically didn't bother to be extroverted or meet others there, with exceptions here and there. But when Alizeh had spoken to her, she had a feeling it might be one of those exceptions.

With a serene smile, Cheyenne Black Rock took Alizeh's hand, shaking it. "Hello Alizeh. I have heard of you. I am Cheyenne," she answered before patting the seat beside her. "You are welcome to join me."

Taking another sip of her drink, Black Rock looked over Alizeh's outfit. It was nice, and she looked good in it, and it was clear she was far more comfortable in this sort of scene than she was. Still, she seemed friendly enough. The brunette then added, "I am a wrestler at LAW too. I enjoy it there."

After a moment, Cheyenne got the attention of the bartender. "I will have another Mai Tai," she said, before looking over at Alizeh. "Would you like a drink?"
Last edited by Dubski on Wed Apr 06, 2022 8:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Peaceful Meeting Under Karaoke Assault

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Alizeh smiled a smidge wider at Cheyenne as she took the spot next to the taller woman. Subtly nudging the woman's shoulder with her own as she did so Alizeh would look up as the dark haired beauty called for a drink. "Margarita please!" Alizeh said while raising her hand to let the bartender know it was her that ordered it.

Once she did Alizeh would turn to Cheyenne and flash a playful grin to her as she nudged her a bit more directly than before. "No need to be so formal ya know." Alizeh said teasingly while sticking her tongue out.

As she did Alizeh would lean on the table elbow first while resting her cheek against her palm to look more easily at her companion. "I enjoy LAW as well. Is it you're first promotion or did you wrestle elsewhere before hand?" Alizeh asked easily while looking into Cheyenne's eyes, making it clear she was focused solely on the woman next to her and listening to whatever she had to say.

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Re: Peaceful Meeting Under Karaoke Assault

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Cheyenne received her drink, looking over at Alizeh with a raised brow as she spoke to her, telling her not to be so formal. She was in a casual attire... and for all intents and purposes, for her this was rather casual for her. She canted her head slightly, sipping her drink as she watched the green-haired girl. "I have been wrestling in a few promotions in America with Deanna," answered Black Rock plainly, looking back at Deanna briefly, who was easy to find because she was chattering loud enough to somehow pierce even the loud bar.

She looked back at Alizeh and gave her a more quizzical look, seeming more interested in going back to her prior comment. "You think I'm being formal. Why do you think that? I think I'm very laid back right now," explained the Native American girl, giving a casual sip of her drink, remaining rather stoic as she sat upright in her seat, watching her drinking partner for the night.

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Re: Peaceful Meeting Under Karaoke Assault

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Alizeh nodded softly in response to what her drinking buddy said. Not surprising. After all Alizeh had seen the taller woman perform in LAW and her ring iq and skills definitely screamed that she had prior experience. Though it was always nice to get confirmation, not to mention a nice ice breaker for conversations such as this.

But that being said it seemed Cheyenne was focused on something else Alizeh had said. Namely about her saying the woman needed to loosen up a bit. Blinking at that Alizeh needed to take a second to gather her thoughts before response. "Sorry hehe, didn't mean anything by it." Alizeh said as she leaned back to look at the woman better. "I just more so mean like, how straight and stiff you're sitting and how... direct and serious you're words sound." Alizeh said, trying to figure out the best way to explain her thoughts to the woman.

"Likeee it feels like you're at a business meeting rather than a bar." Alizeh said before leaning forward again, propping her arm by the elbow on the table whilst leaning her cheek against her palm. "At least do me one favor and lean forward like this." Alizeh said teasingly while sticking her tongue out playfully to the woman, jesting around with her to help further break the ice.

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Re: Peaceful Meeting Under Karaoke Assault

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Cheyenne watched Alizeh thoughtfully, listening to her words. She likely did have a point... it was a common remark that Deanna would give to her sometimes that she was taking things too seriously, or that she needed to loosen up a bit, or any manner of things that Deanna would nitpick to her about that she normally didn't take seriously. She also assumed her imposing figure also dissuaded others from mentioning the same critiques, but Alizeh seemed to be a little more bold than that.

Taking a moment to take a deep breath and smile at Alizeh, she would then mimic her posture, leaning over on the bar with her hand propping up her head. "I suppose I can be a little... stiff, sometimes. I think it may be my general demeanor that gives off that impression. I try to stay calm, and I try to consider my words carefully, to not be misunderstood," said Black Rock before raising her eyebrows, looking more amused. "This pose does not make me feel more relaxed though. Do you perhaps have another laid back pose I could try?" asked Cheyenne jokingly, rolling her eyes to the side.

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Re: Peaceful Meeting Under Karaoke Assault

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Luckily it appeared that Alizeh's honesty had actually gotten her some points with Cheyenne as opposed to offending her. Something that made Alizeh smile slightly wider at the woman. Though not as much as when Cheyenne leaned forward and propped her chin on her hand, perfectly mimicking Alizeh's own pose and looking totally out of place as she did so... as well as a whole lot more attractive but that's besides the point.

"Pffft haha not you're good." Alizeh said having a hard time containing her amusement at the way Cheyenne looked as she sat back up herself. "But you do look like you're having more fun which I'll happily take." Alizeh said with a soft nod of amusement as she leaned her arms over the top of the booth. "Whether its the drink or me I'm glad." She said with a flirtatious wink towards the woman. Before looking over at Deanna who was still being... rather loud. "Hey something I've always been curious about, are you and Deanna like, you know, together outside the ring?" Alizeh asked poking her fingers together as she did so to visually express what she meant when she asked her question.

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Re: Peaceful Meeting Under Karaoke Assault

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Cheyenne's eyes went back to Alizeh as she smiled at her contently. She had a more serene air to her, and a calming presence that contrasted her in-ring appearance. She smiled more as she joked with her, letting out a soft, single laugh of amusement at the green-haired girl's joke. Sipping her drink again, Cheyenne regarded her current drinking partner with a small shrug, maintaining the pose that Alizeh had asked her to try.

And then she asked if Black Rock was in a relationship with Deanna. At first, Cheyenne had to stifle a laugh outright, her face twisting in disbelief. And then she began to laugh, a loud laugh that seemed like it came from the pit of her stomach. She put her free hand on her bare midriff and shook her head. "No, Alizeh... No, we are not dating," the Native American replied, before laughing again and taking a deep breath to calm herself, smiling widely and even showing a bit of teeth now. "We are just best friends. We go back a long way. But no, we are not dating," she said, her face looking like she might break into another fit of laughter before containing it.

"Are you dating, Alizeh?" asked the darker-skinned woman, taking another sip of her drink as she calmed herself down.

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Re: Peaceful Meeting Under Karaoke Assault

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If nothing else could be said for tonight Alizeh could at least boast that she had made Cheyenne laugh tonight and loosen up overall. That alone would be worth the trouble of coming over. After all at first glance Alizeh wouldn't have expected the dark skinned beauty to be capable of such a hearty, belly shaking laugh, but here she was and all because Alizeh asked if she and her partner were dating.

Although more than anything Alizeh was exceptionally glad at the confirmation that the two were indeed NOT dating. Something that made her grin in response to the woman as she finished her response. "Hehe I gotcha. Its not that uncommon for Tag Partners to date, unless like ya know their related. So it seemed worth asking." Alizeh said with a wink to the woman before grinning with much more overt flirtatious intent when Cheyenne flipped the question around and asked if Alizeh was dating anyone.

"Hehe wellllll no one specific, though I get around." Alizeh answered with a nod before taking another sip of her drink while locking eyes with Cheyenne. "Why? Are ya interested?" Alizeh asked boldly with another wink to the woman and her smirk turning from flirty to confidently seductive.

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