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Unread post by Devastated »

Hello everyone!

This is gonna be my new thread request page. I would like to kindly ask people to not reply to this page as I want to keep it updated and such so I don't have to make a new page every time. I'll try and keep this one updated and thanks in advance!

Rules & FAQs

Here you will find a set of rules and information regarding this new thread request page.
- Do not post in this thread.
- If you are interested in a character for a match or story or romance, simply PM on the site or give me a hoy on Discord.
- This is a work in progress, so if you have any feedback please relay it to me.
- The status of each character is not always a guarantee that they are available or unavailable as it also heavily matters what mood I am in for which character.
- I'll try my best to post and keep myself caught up but I have a lot of threads and not as much free time as I would like. So if I haven't replied in a while, please message me and I'll get on it as soon as I can.
- Down below you will find that each character will have a token which is color coded.

Green: Means that they are available for matches and storylines
Yellow: Means they might be open for matches or storylines (generally means they have stuff going on atm, but can take on more)
Red: Means they are busy/closed/unavailable

- Below this bracket/spoiler tag you will find my current status and my requests or what I'm looking for for matches, storylines and for which characters.
- You will find three separate brackets/spoiler tags. One for matches, one for storylines and one for romance options. Showing off the status of each character.
- You will also find a bracket/spoiler tag with my current match requests, or storyline interests that I have going on atm.
Status & Requests!!!
Status = Too many threads! ;(
Requests = Currently empty until I manage to clear some threads.
Romance Options
Last edited by Devastated on Tue Jan 17, 2023 8:43 pm, edited 8 times in total.

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