Name: Celene Floris
Age: 18
Height: 5’0’’/ 152.4 cms
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Pink
Weight: 110 lbs/ 49.9 kg
============Wrestling Information:============
Entrance Music: Paper Route - Writing on the Wall
Unable to take a lot of damage, and lacking in the skill department compared to others (so far anyways), Celene tends to not have much in the way of tactics, other than trying to outmaneuver her opponents and hit them as hard as she can when she can, that is unless she tires out before they do.
Preferred Moves:
Chops, Palm Strikes, Drop Kicks, DDT
Preferred Matches:
Hentai Matches: "Uh... I'm going to have to think about that. (no, for now)"
Physical Statistics:
Strength: 4/10
Endurance: 5/10
Speed: 6/10
Defense: 3/10
Wrestling Stats:
Strikes: 5/10
Submissions: 3/10
Powerhouse: 2/10
Aerials: 5/10
Counters: 3/10
Springboard Tornado DDT
With her opponent close to the post she had climbed half way up, Celene utilizes some of her athleticism to leap towards her standing opponent, wrap her around the back of her head and use her momentum to bring them head first to the mat.


- While avidly in love with nature, Celene is very much afraid of bugs, from the creepiest of crawlies to the buzziest of bees.
As Cheery as she may be, young Floris has been known to have a bit of temper when told of what she can’t do. Being a very adventurous young woman, anything she’s told to not try, unless she agrees in the sentiment, immediately becomes a challenge for her.
Born in Elkhart, Indiana to two very dedicated flower-shop owners, Celene Floris grew up surrounded by all things nature; and while most people growing up don’t always take to their parent’s passions, Celene absolutely absorbed their work in, and became a well practiced helper in their shop by the time she was 12. Her passion for plants grew so much that at any point whilst working at her parents shop, she could recite most anything asked about their assortment from the top of her head. That being said, flowers weren’t always going to be her biggest passion; no, having been taught the values in a healthy competitive nature which was fueled by several sports programs her mother had enrolled her in during her school years, Celene would soon be enthralled by the likewise competitive world of wrestling after watching several matches with her father one fateful friday night.
While this had excited her father, an avid fan of the sport, her mother was none-to-pleased at the idea of her daughter finding such a harsh and violent career entertaining, let alone exciting; but Fathers will do what fathers do, and one day, behind her mothers back, Celene’s dad took her for a local indie-show. It thrilled her, excited her, she even got smacked in the head by a piece of broken table wood, which she kept as a memento; but best of all, her father had gotten her the chance to meet some of that nights roster. Being able to meet a mix of Faces and Heels, she couldn’t help but absorb every story they were willing to tell and every bit of knowledge about the sport she hadn’t known until then; a few, to her surprise had even recognized her as the local “Flower Girl” from their trips to her families shops, which only made her already exciting day that much more memorable.
After that fateful day, Celene’s desire to become a wrestler slowly and surely overpowered her interests in other sports, and though she had brought up the idea to her parents, her mother characteristically did her best to deny the young Floris this desire; which much to her mothers chagrin only amplified Celene’s want for the career. Her father, understanding well enough that his daughter wasn’t going to back down did his best to support her, and by the time she was eighteen, Celene’s father surprised the young woman with several months of training and a spot in a future try out for that very same indie organization she had gone to see years prior.
Having managed to land her tryouts into the indies, Celene, though not the best in that roster by far, had in a very short span of seven months become a fan favorite. Her bubbly and excitable personality mixed with her occasional clutch victory and tenacity, even in an unfair fight, had not only made her a rather adored baby face with the local audience, but had eventually caught the eye of an eventual LAW recruiter.