[Standard Match] Charlotte Ravel' (D) vs Hikari Morizumi - From the first step and to the limit

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Re: [Standard Match] Charlotte Ravel' (D) vs Hikari Morizumi - From the first step and to the limit

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Could Charlotte refuse? Of course, it was her right. She didn't come here to compete only in stamina or strength. There are other, more suitable sports for this. For Charlotte, a match in a professional ring is the quintessence of everything a fighter has. And it's not just about physical parameters. It's also about skill and, more importantly, about the power of the spirit. It is the combination of these things that shows how good a fighter really is.

But on the other hand, Charlotte knew she couldn't refuse Hikari's offer. Not only because she considered herself a real fighter who never refuses a challenge. But also because the Frenchwoman felt a surge of curiosity. It happened to her quite rarely, but this was one of those cases. She really wanted to check which of them would have enough strength and determination to be the first number out of this confrontation.

Therefore, the young woman did not hold back, she took a confident step forward, and then sent a strike to her opponent's chest. And although Hikari screamed in pain, this red-haired woman remained standing in place, she was clearly made of their solid material. The pain was visible on her face, but she recovered very quickly, straightening up to her full height. Charlotte guessed what would happen next.

And she was completely right. Her opponent first threw another phrase and only then went into her own attack. The Sand Lizard noticed that Hikari straightened her palm, which was a clear sign that she prepared almost the same strike as the one she she recieved form the Frenchwoman. The martial arts master exhaled all the air from her lungs, at the same time straining her pectoral muscles. A moment later, the edge of Hikari's palm slammed into Charlotte's chest.

"Accch!" the pink-haired woman screamed.

It was like a real lash. There was a bright red mark on her skin and there was a burning pain in this place. Her voluminous breasts swayed like two balloons filled with water. The Sand Lizard was strong and hardy enough, but she wasn't built for such things. She had to move her right foot half a step back in order to keep her balance. Her chest was filled with pain, she wanted to lean forward and cover the place of impact. However, she managed to keep her composure and, taking a deep breath, straightened up to her full height.

The martial arts master clenched her fists and then took a step forward. Her right hand started to rise up, but this time she wasn't going to spin. Instead, her right arm bent. If they decided to find out which of them would stay on their feet, then she was going to raise the stakes. And that's why Charlotte was determined to direct a right elbow strike to Hikari's jaw, not forgetting to turn her torso to the left in order to strengthen this strike with speed and weight!

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Re: [Standard Match] Charlotte Ravel' (D) vs Hikari Morizumi - From the first step and to the limit

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Hikari would shake her hand after slamming it against her opponent's chest. The limb starting to sting from how hard she threw it with that slap, and yet her opponent was still standing after taking a step back from the impact of the strike.

If that had been anyone else, they would have fallen to the canvas, or worse, since Hikari had always prided herself on being the strongest due to her mother's training. 'Damn she didn't go down... Alright, I just have to hit her even harder than last time than... Either way she is going down.' She would think to herself.

Seeing Charlotte keeping control and fighting back the urge to cover herself, that earns her some respect in Hikari's eyes but that about it since in a wrestling that matters after the match is over with... or something like that since that what her mother told her.

Bracing herself seeing the other woman rush forward and raise her arm up, before a sudden impact slams right into her jaw, sending her stumbling sideways, but is able to stay standing due to only the ring ropes keeping her up and on her feet.

'Fuck' she would mumble under her breath... placing her hand on her jaw and pulls away, feeling something wet trickling down from her cheek. Looking at her fingertips that are lightly costed in her own blood from a small cut on her cheek, Hikari would push herself off the ropes and walking forward with a glare on her face, staring down Charlotte, raising her own arm up as well.

'HAAA' She would scream out.

As she threw an elbow of her own right into her opponent's jaw, not using skill but brute force behind the blow, wanting to send her opponent flying or force the other woman to kneel or fall before her.

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Re: [Standard Match] Charlotte Ravel' (D) vs Hikari Morizumi - From the first step and to the limit

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Did Charlotte regret that she agreed to this? No, she wouldn't say that. A real fighter never refuses a challenge. And now she had the opportunity to test her strength of spirit. She understood that her opponent was superior to her in pure physical strength. However, the Frenchwoman was more technical and fast, she had to use this in order to surpass Hikari.

The difference in their styles was visible even to those viewers who were poorly versed in the subtleties of martial arts. The red-haired woman's attacks were direct, but incredibly tough. And Charlotte, in turn, compensated for the lack of strength by using her whole body. A wide swing and a turn of the body put an additional impulse into her elbow strike. And this impulse was enough for Hakari to move this time.

She backed away and most likely she would have collapsed on the mat, but there were ropes in her way that helped her stay on her feet. Hikari covered the place of impact, but even before she looked at her palm, the Sand Lizard saw blood. Her eyes narrowed slightly. On the one hand, it was good, because it was a clear sign that her technical skills and speed were coping well with their task. But on the other hand…

Yes, exactly that. The martial arts master saw the anger in the eyes of her rival, who began to approach her. Hell, in another situation she would have acted immediately, she would have tried to dodge or counterattack. But now she had to stand still. It was a test and she had to face Hikari's blow with dignity. Charlotte exhaled all the air from her lungs. But even that didn't help her.

"Grrraaahhhh!" she cried out loudly.

It was difficult to compare with anything. Hikari really acted as straightforwardly as possible. But her strength combined with her anger was a really scary thing. Charlotte's head seemed to explode because of the pain. A white flash passed before her eyes, and her body began to tilt to the side. After taking two unsteady steps, she fell to one knee. The pink-haired woman put her right hand on the mat to keep her balance, and she put her left hand on her cheek. Charlotte tilted her head forward, trying to take a few deep breaths.

The pain was wild, and her head was spinning. Feeling something salty in her mouth, she spat out saliva mixed with blood. The young woman, unable to restrain herself, hissed faintly. Because of such a powerful impact on her head, she began to feel very weak. But at the same time, she felt something else. It was as if a fire had lit up inside her. She usually didn't make the match something personal. But for some reason now she felt that she had to surpass this red-haired woman.

Charlotte raised her head to look at Hikari. Now there was anger in the Frenchwoman's eyes, too. Hitting the mat with her fist, she got to her feet and immediately took a step forward. Even if her strength is not as significant as Hikari's, the strength of her spirit will remain unshakable. And if she has even a drop of strength to get to her feet, then she will not stop.

"Rrraaaaaaa!!!" she roared.

With each blow, she needs to be tougher. And for this, the Sand Lizard must use all her knowledge and skills. She clenched her right fist. The master is honing their skills for years. And although she couldn't call herself masters in all the martial arts, Charlotte knew how to use her body properly. She took another step forward and at the same time, her right hand moved forward. She needed to combine the weight and speed of her arm with the weight and speed of her body. Only in this way would she be able to get enough momentum to send a classic, but hard and almost perfect right cross to Hikari's chin!

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Re: [Standard Match] Charlotte Ravel' (D) vs Hikari Morizumi - From the first step and to the limit

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Hikari put a lot of strength behind that blow to her opponent's face, if it had been anybody else that took a close like that...

They would have dropped to the canvas and not moved again after that blow, but Charlotte took it and at worse had to so it up some blood. This was more than just a wrestling match in her eyes...

No this was more of a striking match, who can dish out the most power before falling or at worse getting knocked out cold.

Taking a step forward Hikari placed her trust in her toughness and strength, being trained by her mother to withstand any blow, or showing off her champion will to outlast opponents in the ring.

A loud thud is heard as her chin is jerked to the side, her legs turn to jelly as she stumbled sideways from the force of the blow before sending her to the canvas in a heap.

The force of the punch was impactful in that it knocked Hikari's mouthguard out of her mouth and to the mat, swelling is starting to appear on her cheek as she is still down on her side. But is moving slowly still rocked by the same lizard punch.

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Re: [Standard Match] Charlotte Ravel' (D) vs Hikari Morizumi - From the first step and to the limit

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Despite the fact that the audience had a good idea of what the fighters were going through during the match, in most cases they only saw the big picture. But not at a moment like this. Perhaps there was nothing unique about the direct exchange of blows. However, when two fighters who have not only outstanding physical characteristics, but also great strength of spirit collide in such a confrontation, it turns into something bigger.

And Charlotte could have sworn that they not only saw, but also felt it. Hikari and Charlotte put the maximum of their abilities into each new blow. The red-haired woman tried to suppress the Frenchwoman, using the most direct, but at the same time the heaviest blows. The Sand Lizard responded to her rival with technicality and speed. However, after Hikari's last blow, Charlotte's confidence faltered for a moment.

No matter how strong a fighter is, sometimes the body almost literally refuses to obey the orders of the mind. Pain is a serious obstacle, no matter what anyone says. And the only thing that can help a fighter to pull them together at such moments is willpower. The Sand Lizard got to her feet despite the pain. Dizziness slowed her down, dizziness knocked her concentration. But the young woman invested all her skill and bet on one last blow. She understood that if Hikari survived this blow, then the next blow would be the last one for Charlotte in this confrontation.

And then her fist smashed into Hikari's chin like a meteorite. The pink-haired woman's knuckles were filled with pain due to the collision of bones. Her opponent's legs lifted above the mat, Hikari's head turned to the side, the mouth guard left her mouth, and then the body of the red-haired woman collapsed on the mat. Charlotte leaned forward with her hands on her knees. Large drops of sweat were running down her face, and her breathing was very heavy. Only now did the sounds begin to return to her. And only now she realized that she had won in this confrontation. She heard the stormy screams of the audience. With a smile on her face, she straightened to her full height. The young woman clenched her right fist and raised it above her head, accepting the applause of the audience.

Debutant or not, she considered herself a real fighter. She always fights with fire and honor in her heart. Today was the first day of her new life. And the Sand Lizard wanted to show everyone what she was made of. Both to the audience and Hikari. The young woman took a step forward, looking at her opponent, who was lying almost motionless after the powerful cross. The martial arts master really did everything in her power to make this punch as strong as possible. Of course, her kicks were much more powerful than any of the punches. However, she had to win fairly. And she did it. The Frenchwoman's heart was filled with pride. Hikari was a worthy opponent. But in any competition there is a winner. Charlotte's willpower was stronger this time.

The Sand Lizard was about to grab her opponent's arm and pull her up. Perhaps after such a blow, she would have to make some effort to hold the stunned Hikari, but she was ready for this. Charlotte intended to lift the red-haired woman to her feet. The advantage was in her hands and she wanted to use it. Charlotte intended to wrap her left arm around Hikari's neck, thereby fixing a simple but effective front facelock hold.

"Only forward," the Frenchwoman thought.

With her right hand, she was going to grab Hikari's left leg in the thigh area. Charlotte took a deep breath and her eyes flashed. There is no place for pity and mercy in the ring and she was going to do what was necessary. Under the loud cheers of the audience, she was going to lift Hikari over the mat, turning her upside down. She had no purpose in keeping the red-haired woman in this position for too long. Therefore, the Sand Lizard was going to jump up, spreading her legs to the sides, and then send her opponent down! Yes, right now Charlotte was going to fall into a sitting position and smash Hikari's head and back into the mat with the help of a crushing fisherman driver!

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Re: [Standard Match] Charlotte Ravel' (D) vs Hikari Morizumi - From the first step and to the limit

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The pain was the only thing that is keeping Hikari awake after taking that brutal punch to the jaw. But what hurts worse is knowing that she lost at her own game, plus the swelling of her jaw as her vision is blurry.

Tears start to form on the corner of her eyes, knowing that she feels like she is embarrassing her mother and not being able to live up to the famous Morizumi name, and that hurt worse than any pain that she is feeling at the moment as she can her body being lifted onto her feet.

Feeling Charlotte's arm locking around her neck placing her in the front face lock hold, before the weightless feeling of being lifted into the air, Hikari's head facing down as she is still dizzy and out of it from that cross that did more damage to her then she realizes.

'I'm sorry...Mom...' Is the only thing Hikari can mumble out before blackness took her, as her head and back slammed into the canvas with a loud thud. Her leg twitches before going limp as she is out after taking what looks like her opponent's finishing move. Laying prone on the canvas her eyes closed the only sign of her being there is the movement of her chest.

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Re: [Standard Match] Charlotte Ravel' (D) vs Hikari Morizumi - From the first step and to the limit

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What makes a fighter really strong? Charlotte herself once asked this question to her masters while studying at a Chinese monastery. She had learned a lot in that place, but that was the question she had to answer herself. And she searched for an answer for a long time. At that time, she was just beginning to form as a person and as a fighter. In those distant times, the Frenchwoman was very different from the person she was now.

But over time, she found the answer. Physical strength? Combat skills? Willpower? No. All together. One cannot exist without the other. Every fighter can develop tremendous physical strength. Every fighter can develop amazing fighting skills. But only true fighters are able to find a balance. Charlotte has devoted many years of her life to training. Body. Mind. Soul. She aspired to strict discipline for the sake of self-development. Only during the fight did Charlotte feel that she was getting better both as a fighter and as a person.

The confrontation with Hikari was tough, uncompromising. She felt great strength in this woman, both physical and spiritual. And it was at such moments that the Sand Lizard felt truly alive. Every match is a test. But only during a match with a worthy opponent do you have a chance to find out what you're really worth. Only during a match with a worthy opponent can you reach the limits of your abilities.

And so Charlotte wasn't going to hold back. It would be a banal disrespect to her rival. Having defeated Hikari in a direct exchange of blows, Charlotte was going to use the advantage gained. To the loud screams of the audience, she grabbed the red-haired woman, and then lifted her over the mat, turning her upside down. And a moment before she sent Hikari down, she heard her rival's words.

"Des liens familiaux?" she thought.

It was difficult for her to react to this in any way. She couldn't deny that she felt a pang in her heart after her rival's words. Family ties have always been important, Charlotte knew this very well, because she still felt pain because her own family threw her out. The Frenchwoman's lips pursed. In the ring, everyone fights for their principles and beliefs. And she couldn't afford to be weak now.

When Hikari's body collapsed on the mat, it was like a real explosion. The whole ring shuddered because of the strength that Charlotte put into this throw. Hikari didn't even cry out, her body went limp and she showed almost no signs of movement. It was hard to tell if she was conscious at that moment. And that was reason enough for Charlotte not to let go of her rival's trapped leg. Instead, the Sand Lizard was going to lean back in order to securely press Hikari's shoulder blades to the mat. Yes, it was a pin attempt. The striped shirt quickly lay down next to the women and in one second her palm slapped the mat for the first time.


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Re: [Standard Match] Charlotte Ravel' (D) vs Hikari Morizumi - From the first step and to the limit

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The crowd applaud is heard after the ref hand smacked the canvas for the third and final time. The fans getting to their feet clapping for both women who fought in a straight up fist fight, both not backing down and returning fire after being hit by punches that would have knocked out anybody else out cold but themselves before one finally fell.

The rest was just the final nail in Hikari coffin as the back of her head and neck slammed to the mat, sending her out from the impact of her opponent finisher. After making the three counts and making the motion for the bell to be rung, the female ref would make sure to check raise Charlotte hand up in victory after a hard fought match, before spending her time trying to help the beaten red head awake even pulling out the smelling salts to make sure that Hikari is alright and safe while she recovers.

Alert and sore...Hikari would jerk her body trying to push herself up before being told to lay down and collect herself before moving, chest fallen and depressed as she stares at her hands clenching them as she finally realizes that she was beaten in a game of her choosing..as she is helped to her feet.

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Re: [Standard Match] Charlotte Ravel' (D) vs Hikari Morizumi - From the first step and to the limit

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After the referee slapped the mat for the second time, Charlotte got ready. She tensed all her muscles to keep her grip strong. She was sure that her opponent would break the pin now, however, the Sand Lizard was not going to simplify her task. Sometimes the pin was needed not in order to get a victory, but in order to take the opponent's strength, because in order to break the pin, it is necessary to make considerable efforts.

Therefore, the Frenchwoman squeezed Hikari's leg, leaning back even more. It was a promising match considering how dynamically it started. The Sand Lizard felt elated after winning the exchange of blows, but at the same time she was also sure that this was just the beginning. The young woman even began to plan further events, because she was not going to wait after the red-haired woman broke the pin. The referee's hand began to descend and the Sand Lizard prepared to be thrown aside. But...

It didn't happen. The referee's palm slapped the mat for the third time. The arena was filled with the ringing of the bell. Charlotte blinked a few times, not quite understanding what was going on. She had to lower her head to look around. She was still holding Hikari's leg. The referee was nearby and waved her hands, signaling the end of the match.

"What?" Charlotte said faintly.

No, it can't be. Something was wrong. It was definitely some kind of bad joke. It couldn't have ended like this. No more than five minutes have passed since the start of the match. The Sand Lizard's face turned pale as if at the snap of the fingers. When the referee approached her and demanded to let Hikari go, Charlotte finally realized that it really was the end of the match.

She felt strange. No, not just strange. She felt drained inside. The Frenchwoman let go of her opponent's leg and got to her feet. Charlotte couldn't believe what was happening. The referee raised the Sand Lizard's hand, declaring her the winner. There was just one small problem. She didn't feel like a winner at all. Hikari robbed her of that feeling. It was her debut match. Debut is one of the most important matches in a fighter's career. And now Charlotte's debut will not go to the pages of history, but straight into oblivion.

Charlotte didn't even notice how the referee let go of her hand. The striped shirt leaned to the red-haired woman in order to check on her. And Charlotte remained standing in the center of the ring. She couldn't find the words. She was just looking at the audience. Someone was shouting loudly. Someone was applauding. But there were also those who, like the Frenchwoman, did not understand how it happened that the match ended almost without starting.

"Quelle terrible déception..." she muttered.

Training is an integral part of a fighter's life. But a real fighter can only get better by fighting at the limit of their abilities against another strong fighter. This is what Charlotte believed in. She never entered the ring to just get a point in her score. She entered the ring in order to test her abilities and show the audience what a real good fight is. Today she failed not only herself, but also them. It was an unworthy, almost meaningless victory.

Charlotte looked at Hikari. At this moment, she couldn't help herself, there was disappointment in her gaze. What promised to be a great match was ruined. It was certainly a powerful throw, but it wasn't even one of the finishers that Charlotte used to win. She had nothing to say.

The Sand Lizard rolled under the bottom rope, and then slowly began to climb the ramp. Her heart was shackled. She could hear the cheers of fans here and there, but it didn't get rid of her feeling of emptiness. No, she wasn't here for such matches. This is not part of the path of a real fighter. With a crushing disappointment, Charlotte disappeared behind the curtains.

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Re: [Standard Match] Charlotte Ravel' (D) vs Hikari Morizumi - From the first step and to the limit

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The winner by pinfall is Charlotte Ravel'

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