the quest to help the gym part 3: sweet lust vs swat cats

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Re: the quest to help the gym part 3: sweet lust vs swat cats

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Rose was making more and more effort, she wanted to make the Champions tremble for leaving Jenny like that, but what seemed to be her chance, turned into something better..... better, as the leader herself would have made change just when they were in Tracy's corner, with a punch to her stomach, Rose would seem to be easy prey to the SWAT CATS leader's attack, but it is at that moment that she would look up, and preparing her body, she would make such a sudden move against Katherine, catching her and placing her for a bear hug, shouting at her with a big smile

not for nothing was I to be a Heavyweight!!!, I am the shield protecting Jenny, and Now it's my turn to play with the kitty.

Rose would say taking small steps backwards to pull the alpha she-cat away from her pack, squeezing Katherine Heart's body tightly!!!!

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Re: the quest to help the gym part 3: sweet lust vs swat cats

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The champs seemed to have the match totally under control so far! But with Rose now actively involved, it seemed that The SWAT Cats would have to contend with the redhead's formidable physical strength! Though Tracy had allowed herself to be pushed while engaged in a Test of Strength with Rose earlier, the crowd reacted to Rose's strengths!

When Katherine made the tag and jumped over the top rope in an athletic display, Rose showed her that she still very much had more to give this match! Kat jumped towards a doubled-over Rose! But her legal opponent recovered right away and opened her arms to catch The Super Kitty with a Bearhug!

"Hngh! Not bad!" Hart grunted!

Rose didn't grip her with enough strength to lift the luchadora off of her feet. But she did flex her arms and move with enough strength to step back and slowly pull Kat from the champ's corner!

"You're....quite the admirable one for protecting your partner!" Kat struggled with Rose. When they near the center of the ring, Hart dug her heels into the canvas and stood her ground, preventing Rose from dragging her further across the ring and into Sweet Lust's corner! Rose had made quite some progress towards getting some momentum for herself and her partner, Jenny! But Kat was bent on responding to it here and now!

"If you wanna play, then let's play!" Hart would retort as she looked to hug Rose in return!

Kat would interlock her fingers behind Rose's back and grab hold of her, gripping the redhead with even more strength than Rose had Bearhugged her with! Kat would look to bridge backward and send Rose flying overhead with a Belly to Belly Suplex! If the move worked, Kat would undo the progress Rose made when she dragged The Super Kitty away from her team's corner! Kat would look to do this by throwing Rose backward towards the SWAT Cat's corner once more! The crowd would cheer as Kat made an effort to assert her and her team's status as the best tag team at LAW!
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Re: the quest to help the gym part 3: sweet lust vs swat cats

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Rose was pushing hard, there was no denying that, the crowd was excited to know which of the 2 could give in first, but when that cat made a change in the move leaving Rose in position for a Suplex, Rose would have her feet firmly on the ground, pressing much harder and slowly trying to lift Katherine in her bear hug, Rose was not ready to be done, her fuel tank was at 100% and she was ready to use everything she had.

No way Kitten!!!! This is my territory! Rodouko Territory!!!!

She would scream as she put more and more force to crush Katherine with her body, ready to see which of the 2 would endure more.

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Re: the quest to help the gym part 3: sweet lust vs swat cats

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Despite the notable strength of The Super Kitty, Rose held onto her, blocking the Suplex attempt and standing firm so that she might Bearhug Katherine Hart with her full might! As Rose roared and as her embrace on Kat's waist tightened, the masked woman would cry out in pain and the crowd would roar!

"Aaahhhhh!" Hart would bellow before she grit her teeth and made eye contact with Rose.

"Sorry, Rose! But as long as we're the champions! As long as we are the best team and stable in LAW and in the whole wide world! This ring! Is SWAT Cats territory!" Hart would roar with feeling in her voice as she pressed her forehead against Rose's own to assert herself!

Just as quickly as Kat had brought her forehead next to Rose's, she would pull her head away! The luchadora would swing the palms of her hands into Rose's ears to stun her with a sudden and disorienting strike! If the double palms to the ears managed to stun Rose, Kat would follow up by grabbing hold of the redhead's shoulders and headbutting her repeatedly! After four or five headbutts, Kat would look to turn the Bearhug around and hug Rose around her waist to once again attempt a Belly to Belly Suplex!

"Raaaaarrrrrgh!" Kat would roar of her Suplex was successful! If she managed to throw Rose, she'd make sure to put her back into it and hurl the redhead high into the air and send her flying towards The SWAT Cat's corner of the ring!
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Re: the quest to help the gym part 3: sweet lust vs swat cats

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Rose squeezed as hard as she remembered in her old days fighting in that old place, while everything happened in slow motion, Rose thought seriously about what would have changed in that place, thinking at some point to go to that place once more .... Unfortunately Rose would have been lost in her thoughts that when she felt something hit her ears, Rose would stagger, being so that she was grabbed by the shoulders and hit in the head repeatedly, with the last one causing Rose to not only let go of her opponent, but also released some blood from her nose, covering her cleavage with some of the color, but she wouldn't have time to think what happened, as in a roar she heard from Kat, she would be thrown into the corner, falling dizzy, with her face touching the canvas and not knowing what to do, and Jenny. .. let's just say that she was already slowly reigniting her fighting spark.

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Re: the quest to help the gym part 3: sweet lust vs swat cats

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Rose was caught up in the heat of the moment, thinking back to the many fights and spars she had gone through in order to make it to LAW and into a big match against the tag team champions! And Rose's trip down memory lane would be interrupted by Katherine Hart firing back at her and freeing herself from the Bearhug hold before launching her backward into the SWAT Cat's corner!

"You've got spirit, but I think this is as far as you go." Hart would say as she walked to her team's corner and tagged in Aurora.

Hart would look to pull Rose up to her feet. The Super Kitty would look to turn Rose around and embrace her from behind. Aurora would quickly follow her teammate's lead and enter the ring! Aurora would look to Super Kick Rose while the redhead was still in Katherine's grasp! If the lightweight's kick connected, Kat would throw Rose backwards with a German Suplex to pull off a quick and effective double team move!
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Re: the quest to help the gym part 3: sweet lust vs swat cats

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Rose after those blows, was looking over her head at birds flying, Rose was taking too much Damage from those cats, being lifted up and when she was pinned from behind, she received a hard kick against her body, making her wake up from her confusion, fighting to get free, it would be useless, with her finally flying and hitting her head against the canvas in a German Suplex, falling on the canvas with white eyes, almost as if she had been knocked out.

Jenny for her part would get up, looking at the situation and barely understanding what was going on, she would try to encourage Rose with her words, hoping that she would get up or have to fight to save her.

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Re: the quest to help the gym part 3: sweet lust vs swat cats

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Having thrown Rose for a loop and slowed her momentum, Kat would kip up off the canvas and pop up to her feet.

"With a little more training, that one might be a challenge someday." Hart would say to her partners. Aurora nodded and Tracy looked past Rose to see the state that Jenny was in.

Kat had tagged Aurora mere seconds ago and now Aurora would tag Tracy in to allow another brief window for the tag team champs to work together once more! Tracy would vault over the top rope and race towards Rose! The Circus Cat would look to grab hold of the redhead's arm and look to bend Rose's arm around her ankle to begin setting up for The SWAT Cat's shared submission finisher, The KCM!

KCM Submission Finisher

If Tracy managed to lock Rose up in the hold, Aurora would soon follow suit by grabbing Rose's arm and leg on her other side, allowing both SWAT Cats to apply it with full power and full intention of making Rose give up!

Kat would take her place in her corner! The Super Kitty would watch the action in the ring but she would also watch Jenny carefully! Tracy and Aurora only had five seconds or so to try and make Rose tap! And if Jenny stepped up to save her partner, Hart would get ready to intercept Rodouko!
Last edited by winner3 on Wed Jun 29, 2022 5:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: the quest to help the gym part 3: sweet lust vs swat cats

Unread post by Lederface »

Rose barely saw and heard Katherine, before one of those girls grabbed her and her arm and leg were held in a hold, suffering for that, but resisting, thinking it couldn't be that bad, but that only lasted until she felt how the other companion of those cats grabbed her by her other arm and leg, bending her with no way out, she was in that impossible situation to escape on her own, making her scream in pain..... She was about to accept the surrender when the referee asked her the question

But that same scream was enough for Jenny to get up, Rose was in danger, her sister in arms, and so she jumped over the ropes to go running at full speed to save Rose, knowing that everything could end right there if everything went right or wrong.

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Re: the quest to help the gym part 3: sweet lust vs swat cats

Unread post by winner3 »

The SWAT Cats had all their bases covered as they looked to close out this match! Tracy and Aurora both applied their combination submission hold to Rose! And as Jenny ran in to make the save, Kat vaulted over the ropes and dashed at Jenny to try and cut her off!

"Sorry, Jenny! Not this time!" Hart would quip as she ran between Rose and Jenny and lifted the running blue-haired middleweight into a Tilt A Whirl Backbreaker!

With a dynamic motion, Kat would look to hoist Jenny up and flip her over onto her back! Hart would look to drop Jenny down onto her bent knee to target Rodouko's back! If Kat managed to cut Jenny's advance short, she'd look to apply the same hold to Jenny that Tracy and Aurora had applied to Rose! Kat would look to tie up Jenny's arm and leg in The SWAT Cat's shared submission finishing hold! The KCM!

If Kat managed to pull this off, all three tag champions would look to target Rose's and Jenny's arm, leg, and back as they tried to tap both members of Sweet Lust out at the same time!
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