Vanille Cadieux vs Silver Stream (D)

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Vanille Cadieux vs Silver Stream (D)

Unread post by The460Slayer »

After recently signing a contract in LAW, Silver Stream was told that she will make her debut in few days, something that surprised her because she wasn't expecting to find an opponent so fast. However, Silver keeps concentrated for her debut match in LAW.

"Hmm... I wonder who will be my opponent in that match... Anyway, what I must do is concentrate and do my best." Silver said to herself while walking around an empty area of backstage until going to the arena, place where she will show what she's made of.

Once her theme started playing, she left the nerves and fear behind to not let them affect her first performance inside a ring, in front of thousands and thousands of fans watching. And she makes her appearance, wearing wing accessories in arms and a bird masquerade as pyro was popping up at both sides of the upper stage white the lights are light blue and light pink.

"Making her debut in LAW... weighing into 5'6" and 135 pounds... The Princess of Sea... SILVER STREAM!!"

Once the announcer presented her, Silver would take her masquerade and her arm accessories while making her way to the ring. Once she came closer to the ring, she would go inside by walking over the metal steps and stands on the apron to go inside over the second rope, then she does a crane pose as a taunt to the crowd, who already started to cheer her. Once her entrance ended, Silver goes to her corner and pants as she waits for her first opponent.
Last edited by The460Slayer on Mon Mar 21, 2022 9:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Vanille Cadieux vs Silver Stream (D)

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Cream was living the good life. After defeating her giant opponent and taking her away to play with her, even the extra money in her account for putting on a good showing as well.

But like good things that must end as she got the text that told her she be wrestling some new debuting wrestler, as she is backstage waiting for her cue to take the stage and show everyone that she is one of the premiers lightweights in the conoaby, and whoever she is going to face tonight is going to be her bitch just like the others.

As she hears her music playing Cream makes her appearance on stage with her arms raised for all the fans to see her, her hips switch as she makes her way down the ramp and slides into the ring. Giving her opponent a once over look and tssk like noise as she doesn't consider the other woman that much of a threat, as she leans over the ring ropes blowing a kiss to the fans, before turning to face her opponent and giggles 'you look like you don't belong here hmm..' She says waving off Silver like she is nothing special.

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Vanille Cadieux vs Silver Stream (D)

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Silver was looking at Vanille who was doing her way to the ring, as she stands on a corner while getting concentrated on the match, no matter what. After her opponent's entrance ended, she just walked to the middle, moment in which she was criticized by Vanille... just because of her first match? Or because of not belonging there?

"You think i shouldn't wrestle because i don't belong here? It's true, i don't belong here, but that doesn't mean I'll stop my dream of being a wrestler. Tonight, I'll make you spit those words. Silver said to Vanille with a serious expression as the crowd went on fire with the cheers, she knows that she's a rookie while her opponent sorta had more experience, but Silver will not let her keep messing up with her after the match... or try, at last.

Once she said her speech, Silver goes back to her corner and stands there as she waits for the match to begin for giving a lesson to that girl.

"RING THE BELL!" said the referee as an order, then the bell rang and the match started.

Silver started walking around her opponent while slowly getting on a stance, attempting to do a collar elbow tie up with her opponent as keeping her serious expression.

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Re: Vanille Cadieux vs Silver Stream (D)

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Cream would brush off the other woman even more than she already had at this point, since after looking at Silver up and down and deciding that the woman is nothing special at all.

Even after hearing the woman comeback to her about having her spit those words doesn't make her concern that much as she brushes it aside as well, since compared to the both of them she is the one on a winning streak compared to her opponent having her first match.

As soon as she heard the bell ring Cream came out of her corner with her hands raised up, instead of going for a tie up with the other woman who was expecting that to happen or something basic like that, she instead waiting and slammed her knee into the other woman stomach area.

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Re: Vanille Cadieux vs Silver Stream (D)

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Once the bell rang, Silver wanted to start with a test of strength against the other woman. But instead, she got hit in the midsection by that knee that Vanille gave to her, and the Princess grunted in pain while holding her stomach, going back at a corner to stay there and trying to recover.

Silver wasn't expecting the knee strike on her gut. She knew that her opponent talked hard to her, but she didn't expected to start her first match getting hit in the body. However, she took enough time and counters against Vanille with a slap in the right cheek, then she would continue with an Enzuigiri.

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Re: Vanille Cadieux vs Silver Stream (D)

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Cream wanted to start the match off hot... So she went with the knee to make her opponent back away and allow her to try to set the pace on how she wants it to go, figuring out that maybe Silver is not as experienced since it is her debut match and all.]

But she throws that out of the window after taking a return slap to the cheek that sends her stumbling to the side, before taking a kick to the back of the head that sends her to the canvas clutching her cheek and the back of the head from that combo.

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Re: Vanille Cadieux vs Silver Stream (D)

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After that combo, Silver would walk towards Vanille to grab her by the neck with one hand and attempt to hit her face against the upper turnbuckle... or to be specific, to hit her forehead.

If the hit at the forehead against the turnbuckle connects, she would keep up with turning her around to take her against the corner, giving some forearms at Vanille in the face and rubbing her chest for possible few chops in that part of her opponent's body.

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Re: Vanille Cadieux vs Silver Stream (D)

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Cream is seeing stars after being rocked after taking the kick to the head, as the back of her neck is grabbed and Silver slams her headfirst into the top turnbuckle with a loud thud.

Dazed and confused she would stumble a bit but her opponent has a tight grip on her shoulder and leads her around before Cream back is against the turnbuckle again facing the other woman, as Silver takes advantage raining blows against her face and chops to her chest that stings...before slumping in the corner holding her chest.

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Re: Vanille Cadieux vs Silver Stream (D)

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After those successful forearms and chop strikes, Silver grabs Vanille by the neck with both hands and keep her on the corner standing on both feet, then she would keep up with some shoulder thrusts on Vanille's midsection. After that, Silver would throw her opponent at the opposite corner. Silver gave the back to her as she did a taunt to the crowd before running at her, then she turns around and runs at her, attempting a clothesline against Vanille in that corner.

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Re: Vanille Cadieux vs Silver Stream (D)

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Vanille lets out a groan while being grabbed by the neck. Her opponent is just starting to take it to her, and she hasn't been able to breathe...literally at all due to Silver keeping the pressure on her and keeping her trapped in the corner. Let...go of UUGHHH.' Vanille cries out as her opponent slams her shoulder into her mid-section. Before she can even slouch against the buckles, she is tossed into the other side of the ring 'Auughhh'. Her back slams into the buckle as she quickly moves out of the way after seeing her opponent running at her.

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