Battle of Beasts: Tigress Kara vs Luíza Ishikawa(D)

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Battle of Beasts: Tigress Kara vs Luíza Ishikawa(D)

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Hentai Match
Win by Making your opponent submit.

Luíza can't believe the nerve of this company. It was her very first match in a new company, and management had the nerve to play her in a Hentai match, of all things. Just the thought of having to be in a match like that annoys her to no end. But since this is the only big company around and the idea of making an even bigger name for herself in the business compared to her ill-fated first run in the wrestling world, baggers can't be choosers at this point in her career. So she crosses her arms underneath her busty chest and is sent out on stage with no music at all, since she didn't ask for an entrance match in time as she walks out to silence.

As she was making her way down the ramp and sliding into the ring. Looking around, she is given a few polite claps and cheers from some of the older wrestling fans who followed her in the past. She blushes a bit due to how tight her old leotard is as she pulls it back down so that it covers her plump backside a bit more. 'Why did I decide to wear my old gear? I should have just had them design me a new one instead.' She mumbles to herself as she places her hand on her stomach, waiting for her opponent to show up.

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Re: Battle of Beasts: Tigress Kara vs Luíza Ishikawa(D)

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Tigress Kara was never one to shy away from the lewd side of the ring, and tonight was quite the fascinating opponent on top of that. Tigresss against Tigress, beast versus beast, heavyweight versus heavyweight. It was a battle that had the promise of being a wild, brutal war between two Queens of the Jungle, and Kara wasn't going to turn down that chance.

When her theme song played, the leotard clad wrestler set forth, her own outfit more elaborate, showing off the dark, tanned woman as she charged into the ring, hand raised and smiling widely as the crowd cheered her on. LAW's Luchadora was here to show off her moves soon enough.

"Been a while since I ran into another tigresa out in the wind, quite a ripped one at that too." She said as she entered the ring, admiring the other woman from her corner of the ring. "My name is Kara, yours?"

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Re: Battle of Beasts: Tigress Kara vs Luíza Ishikawa(D)

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Luíza perks up seeing another fellow wrestler who names is Tigresa. A small smirk appears on her face eager to face another wrestler like herself, but even seeing the mask on the woman face only raises her own levels of respect for Kara. Walking forward to the middle of the ring before going over to her opponent and holds out her hand.

'The names Luíza, former champion and victory of tonight match.' She says with a dismissive tone in her voice. She is banking that her experience would be able to win a match against some unknown that she never saw before. But Luíza knows that as she is now the match will be much harder then before.

'Don't get too mad when I make you submit.'

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Re: Battle of Beasts: Tigress Kara vs Luíza Ishikawa(D)

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Tigress smirked back when she saw Luiza boast, shrugging her shoulders in turn. "An IC title too, huh? Been there, done that. And hey, give me a warm loving and I'll be pretty happy even if I do lose." She teased, nonetheless getting herself pumped for the match, a final set of stretches before walking towards the center of the ring.

All that was left now was to wait for the bell to ring, her body tense and excited for the fight ahead. "Let's see who can tame who first, may the best Tigresa win tonight."

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Re: Battle of Beasts: Tigress Kara vs Luíza Ishikawa(D)

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Luiza was ready. Her body was tense, but she was ready to throw down with her younger cocky opponent, even through she was the one who came off as cocky due to her boasting about her past. But she feels that she is in the right since looking at her opponent, she feels that Tigress is not taking this serious at all, and she plans on teaching the younger woman a hard lesson.

As soon as the bell was rung. She came out of her corner like a rocket, rushing forward wanting to catch her foe off guard but showing off the skills that made her famous by leaving her feet. Jumping into the air and spreads her legs out, trying to go for a head scissors takedown. Wanting to get Tigress to the canvas and show off her ground skills.

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Re: Battle of Beasts: Tigress Kara vs Luíza Ishikawa(D)

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Kara grunted as she braced herself for Luiza's moves, nonetheless grabbed and tossed to the mat rather suddenly by the takedown, feeling those thick legs around her face as she was grabbed and tossed. The sheer momentum was a blessing and a curse, tossing Kara and disorienting her, before using said momentum to try and get herself back up, grabbing onto the ropes as she slid near them, her lips now curled into a grimace.

"Alright, not bad, not bad at all... You're awfully nimble for a big girl..." Kara said as she stood against the ropes, vulnerable for the moment.

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Re: Battle of Beasts: Tigress Kara vs Luíza Ishikawa(D)

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Luiza would smirk, seeing that she was able to take her opponent down with her head scissors move. Thinking that her opponent would be down so that she can start using her ground game to really put a hurting on her masked foe, but seeing that Kara was just as nimble as she is...being able to roll back to her feet and resting against the ring ropes, but it what the woman says that that forces her to punish the younger woman for calling her a big girl.

'We will see who a big girl, you small cub...' Luiza would taunt as she rushes forward with her hand raised back... before throwing a chop right at the woman breasts just to humiliate Kara by attacking the woman chest with her hands. 'You talk about me being big when your giant udders bounce around for all to see...' letting out another taunt before chopping the same spot on Kara body just to rub it in for good measure.

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Re: Battle of Beasts: Tigress Kara vs Luíza Ishikawa(D)

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Kara grunted, almost outright moaned, as she felt multiple smacks against her tits, her face blushing underneath her mask. It was humiliating, being aroused so easily by such a crude tactic, but it was the exact sort of fight Kara was hoping to get into. The good thing at least, was that Luiza's smacks, punishing as they were, gave Kara enough time to retaliate at least.

With a few quick motions, Kara raised her own arm up, swiftly delivering a chop back to Luiza's bosom. "Tigressa's don't gloat in battle, they act!" She taunted, soon aiming another smack right at Luiza's tits to try and even the playing field.

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Re: Battle of Beasts: Tigress Kara vs Luíza Ishikawa(D)

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Luiza would smirk seeing that the chops she threw against her opponent made the other woman's breasts bounce and jiggle with every smack, even hearing the moan leaving the masked woman's lips after the last chop to the chest.

Taking a step back to admire her handiwork Luiza would get cocky and flex her muscles almost like she is daring the masked woman to strike her if she can... Which the Tigressa replied with kind as a stinging knife edge chop slammed into her chest. '

Aaaahhh' as Luiza breasts is bouncing inside her leotard, and a small tear appears on the strap that are covering her busty chest.

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Re: Battle of Beasts: Tigress Kara vs Luíza Ishikawa(D)

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Tigress Kara grinned, aiming another smack right at Luiza's tits, the Tiger's Claws making their mark as she wanted to make sure that her opponent was gonna feel the burn for a while.

"C'mon, are you a tigress or a cow? Stand and fight!" Kara taunted again, hoping to back up her prior chops with an elbow to Luiza's face, trying to force her further back, to get out of her current corner.

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