Let it be known that this wasn't the first time Ryan had gotten egg on his face in a dance, thankfully this wasn't the ruthless courts of France where a simple faux pas could have you suffer the slings and barbs of a decadent lot. No this was just him and Peach, a part of what usually made the Paragon so appealing to others was despite his natural talents and ability he was willing to acknowledge when he stumbled. Hence Peach giving him that encouragement was the reassurance he needed to get himself back in the saddle so to speak. "Yes, thank you M''lady. Guide the way~" he calmly stated with a smile~ Spoiler
Sure enough Ryan was trusting enough of the princess to let her take the reins here, inwardly Ryan lamented the loss of his eye more at this turn of events. Yet he was already coping well enough with it at the very least, something told the Paragon that with the princess leading the way he might just be alright with it however. Eventually he was certainly getting the hang of it once again and Ryan had a rare, broad smile on his lips as he moved with Peach in tune.
Eventually at the conclusion of it Ryan would gently pant, he'd moved in the ring sure, but not quite like this in this way~ The Paragon would rest his head close to Peach's and purr into her neck, muttering out with "Right well, not felt that way in ages. It came back to me there for sure~ Let's just rest now yes M'lady?" as his gaze turned to a fabulous balcony just nearby, perfect to watch the stars~
I know that people have had issues with my wrestlers, please feel free to bring them to me so that I can hopefully fix them
Despite Ryan's chiseled frame and many talents, the lad's humility didn't go unnoticed on Peach. The knight could admit to the princess, when he required assistance. And in this case, that help came in the form of the royal leading her crush through the dance. And with some simple yet effective directions here and there, as while as a bit of corrective booty bumping, Ryan and Peach would finally become in tuned! The two wrestlers now danced with graceful, refined movements, as they spent quality time in the monarch's grand ballroom.
"Bravo!" Peach chirped, as the music finished up, with the final touches of their dance. "Excellent, my dear!" The Booty Bullet then blushed a bit, as the handsome lad leaned his head in closer. He told the pink women he wanted to rest now, which sounded good to Peach. After all, it would give her an opportunity the cuddle with the good-looking gentlemen. Noticing his gaze turn towards a beautiful balcony that connected to the ballroom, Peach took her crush's hand. "Of course, sweetheart. Right this way."
Princess Cake led her very special guest outside to the balcony. It was a beautiful, starry night, which made things all the more romantic. A large hill was sprouted up next to the balcony, and Peach opted to jump up onto the balcony's edge. "My subjects can choose to climb up this hill and leap onto the balcony, in order to get onto this floor of my palace faster." She explained, while sticking her round rear towards Ryan in a little tease. "But this hill is also great for simply relaxing on." Peach would show Ryan this my jumping down from the balcony, onto said, adjacent, relaxing hill. After sitting her plump butt down in the grass, Ms. Cake patted on ground next to her, in a gesture encouraging Ryan to sit close by her.
Ryan was the sort that certainly gave just about anything a go lately, even if he wasn't going to succeed in it the Paragon had at the end of the day gotten to where he was mostly with a can do attitude. It seemed that was totally meshing well with Peach's cheerful demeanour! Perhaps a nice relaxing sit at the balcony might just be the thing, sure the dance had been very delightful as well as that.......playful smother. But the lad felt it best to just well, sit and relax with the princess. Plus he could swear the stars were out at this point, some old fishwife that Ryan stopped to help out on the way here told him as much and it turned out to be true!
As it turned out there was actually a rather large hill just past the balcony, it seemed that the folks in this palace might indulge in a bit of parkour action? Ryan wasn't a high flyer himself but he could get with the idea of swinging around like a monkey around this place himself. Peach then got onto the balcony herself, the lad was out of instinct about to tell her to be careful when she stuck out her curvy hips out towards him and the Paragon realised what she had in mind there with his cheeks reddening. Then she gracefully lept off the balcony to the hill, Ryan wasn't as acrobatic given his broad frame but he'd soon follow suit~
"Hyup!" Ryan grunted out as he followed the princess to the hill, making sure to take his suit jacket off and fling it over his shoulders with a surprisingly large smile on his face as he did so. The lad then took a seat right next to Peach and said "Good ol nature never lets you down if you treat it right~" as he then lay back and splayed himself on the grass to take a peek at the broad night sky! "You see that one where my hand is? Think that's the constellation Leo, been a long while since I just........gazed up above me ya know?"
I know that people have had issues with my wrestlers, please feel free to bring them to me so that I can hopefully fix them
The reddening of Ryan's face cheeks, in response to the royal sticking her big butt cheeks out, hadn't gone lost on Peach. After all, that was the response the princess was going for. Their romantic day had been complimented by a good deal of booty smothering, bumping, and teasing. But the meat of the two's relationship came in the form of communication and understanding, and they sure were learning a bunch about each other. On Peach's end, she'd seen Ryan's true, noble and slightly vulnerable side, after talking and smothering him pass his prior coldness.
After The Booty Bullet sprung her way on that hill, Ryan took off his suit jacket and followed suit. This all now amounted to the two of them relaxing together on a hill near the palace's balcony. "Well, it's a good thing my entire domain is at perfect peace and balance with good 'ol nature." The monarch responded, before Ryan would lay down and comment on the stars. "Leo?! Yes, I indeed recognize that constellation. It's amazing how the universe creates artwork of its own. The sky is its canvas, and the stars are its paint."
After the two looked at the constellation for a bit, Princess Cake opted to tease her guest, taking note of the last thing he just said. "But you know...it hasn't been a long while......since you've gazed up at two round, regal, smothery cheeks, ya know." And with that, Peach would position her big booty over Ryan's face, letting Ryan realize exactly what was coming. Then, for the second time today, Ms. Cake would facesit Ryan, taking him back to smother city! "Forgive my sudden desire to press my plump posterior down on your face again." Peach teased. "But I do get what you mean, it's nice to sometimes relax and appreciate what's right above you..."
Ryan was a night owl truth be told, he'd treat midnight as morning on the regular and Peach was seeing the lad at his most awake and well.......happy as it were. He'd spend many an evening simply locked up in his own personal study, hence why he could recite most of the constellations off by heart if need be. Peach had throughout this evening been able to witness the more private side of the Paragon, that could show his more well read and personable nature that was behind his stiff upper lipped gentlemanly demeanour.
Still Peach wasn't done just yet it seemed, because as Ryan lay down on the grass the princess couldn't seem to restrain herself as she mounted over him. Ryan truth be told had an idea that she was going to do this, but honestly he inwardly decided he no longer minded the fact. Peach would find that that he offered no resistance on his end as she prepared to cause a sort of eclipse of the moon by blacking out Ryan's vision and engulfing his face deep between her thicc butt cheeks, the Paragon would get his hands around Peach's waist.
Truth be told he'd honestly just let his thoughts and mind go at this point, this had been the best evening he'd had in well........years if he was honest. He'd have to make a mental note to thank the princess again sometime down the line, because honestly he could totally get used to this.........
I know that people have had issues with my wrestlers, please feel free to bring them to me so that I can hopefully fix them
One thing Ryan was learning about Peach, was to be wary about her potentially surprise butt smothering him anytime she felt like it. However, Mr. Knight seemed to come to terms with this, as he offered no resistance to Ms. Cake asserting her booty on his face once again. Peach blushed slightly, as her crush put his hands around her waist. She then proceeded to rub and grind her thick posterior, all over Ryan face, smothering him silly. "As usual, give me a sign if it's too much dear." Peach said in between hums of pleasure. But feeling satisfied with today, Ryan basically allowed Peach to smother him out.
After realizing her special guest was put to sleep, Princess Cake rose off of him. She kneelt next to him and pulled his face towards her own. "You're mine now." She chirped. "Sweet dreams, my prince." She pecked him on the lips, deciding to save a longer smooching for when Ryan was awake. From there, she had two servants carry Ryan back into her castle. There, the two love birds would cuddle some more and kiss, once Ryan had woken up. Some more sudden butt smother sessions would occur, but they both had a good time.
When it was all said and done, Ryan and Peach officially became boyfriend and girlfriend. They would start dating, which also meant a TON of booty smothering became a part of Ryan Knight's future! All in all, their first encounter, match, and kingdom visit had truly created something special!
Last edited by dddybee on Wed Apr 13, 2022 10:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.