Hot Topic's Hot Debut: Phoebe Duclair (D) Vs. Chris Yukine

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Hot Topic's Hot Debut: Phoebe Duclair (D) Vs. Chris Yukine

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Standard Match
Phoebe Duclair Vs. Chris Yukine
Win via Pinfall, Submission, KO, or DQ
Phoebe Duclair
Phoebe was doing some leg stretches, her fishnet covered legs needed to stretch out before her debut match in LAW. Her white leotard glimmers in the lights of the locker room. Phoebe asked management to make sure she was given a real fight. One thing she didn't want was to just destroy jobbers for her entire career, like most of the girls indie promoters gave her. She could pin them or make them tap out in less than 3 minutes, and that boredom got to her and she wanted more competition. Luckily it seems like LAW abided, seeing as this Chris Yukine girl has a good reputation. While Phoebe hasn't seen any of her matches, she refuses to watch an opponent's previous matches to make things more challenging for herself. Let's hope this Chris girl dosent dissapoint.

Her music hit, and dark light filled the arena, as Phoebe walked her way down to the ring, a confident smile on her face as she came down to a mixed reception from the crowd. She walked up the steel steps and under the middle rope and headed to her corner.

Phoebe waits for her opponent, an entrance can make a good first impression, let's see what Chris does.

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Re: Hot Topic's Hot Debut: Phoebe Duclair (D) Vs. Chris Yukine

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Chris Yukine
It had been a bit of time since Chris had last gotten in the ring, or even approached the ring. The rocker had remained in her apartment with her friend/maybe-pseudo-sister and bandmate Finella Edelstein, who had been recovering since her match with her rival, Chelsea Forster. The two had really put each other through hell in that match, and Chris had spent a lot of her time taking care of the wolf. So when she finally got word for another match, specifically a debut match for a new wrestler, the rocker was very excited.

So as Phoebe's entrance faded and her theme started up, Chris all but ran out onto the stage, stopping just before the ramp and threw up her signature devil horns alongside flames erupting from either side of the stage as the beat picked up. The crowd erupted in roaring cheers, just as they always did when the indie rocker exploded onto the stage. Man had she missed this feeling of all eyes on her.

Chris made her way down the ramp, playing an air guitar along to her song and stopping to wave to the crowd now and then. Eventually Chris would make it to the squared circle, climb up the metal steps and make it to the top turnbuckle, shooting another devil horns once more. As her theme faded, and her fanfare complete, the rock star dropped back down and turned to face Phoebe with an excited smile. "Hope you're ready, Phoebe. Cause the opening act is done." Chris would hold out her hand, waiting for her opponent to take it for a friendly handshake to start their match off. "Let's make sure to rock the main attraction too."
Golem's Guardians

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Re: Hot Topic's Hot Debut: Phoebe Duclair (D) Vs. Chris Yukine

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Phoebe looked at her opponent Chris, who was clearly trying to emphasize a Rockstar vibe to herself. Surely enough, the entrance itself was impressive, Phoebe will give her that, but that said nothing about how good of a fight she'll put up. Phoebe has beaten this types of wrestlers in like two minutes, barely receiving any damage.

So when Chris held her hand out, Phoebe refused, looking at her opponent with a smug look. "Sorry I don't shake hands with losers. Maybe after the match after you impress me and I pinned you, okay loser." Phoebe said in an antagonizing tone, hoping that Chris would fire up, and give her a match worth having.

Phoebe did some stretches in her corner, as she waited for the bell to ring. Ready for her internal timer to start to see how long Chris can last with her.

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Re: Hot Topic's Hot Debut: Phoebe Duclair (D) Vs. Chris Yukine

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Wow, someone sure was a good sport. Here Chris was, all excited to get back in the ring and be this girl's welcome into LAW and she just had to verbally give her the back hand. Not that it deterred the rock star. She had missed trash talk like this. Even if it did seem that her opponent wanted this match to start already and was impatient.

"Meh, you're loss," she said with a shrug. "Guess you're gonna be taking two Ls tonight then, Pheebes. Not the best look for your debut, I'll be honest." Chris was already amped for a match, and all her opponent did was add more fuel to the passionate rocker's soul. And hopefully her retort, and nickname, would do the same for the smug punk.

Chris went back to her corner, stretching and limbering herself up for the match, watching Phoebe all the while. When both were done and the ref checked that the two were ready, she finally gave the signal for the match to start.


Soon as the bell rang, the rocker was sprinting right towards Phoebe. While it was probably better to go cautious, giving up some of her training time to make sure Fin was doing alright and feeling well, Chris didn't want to waste a second of her return to the ring. The rocker would feign a lariat, hoping Phoebe's guard would be focused in the wrong area as instead Chris ran past her.

If it worked, the rock star would springboard off the ropes with the intent on wrapping an arm around the newcomer's head and spike it into the mat for a Springboard DDT. She was here with the intent to win, and with as little info on the raventte as she had, Chris had to try and keep her from putting up any type of offense.
Golem's Guardians

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Re: Hot Topic's Hot Debut: Phoebe Duclair (D) Vs. Chris Yukine

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Phoebe smiled at her opponent, knowing that she pushed a few buttons. That was definitely something she wanted, maybe this Chris girl will make for an entertaining opponent after all. She kept stretching in her corner until the bell rang. And then it was time for Phoebe to wrestle Chris Yukine.

Phoebe saw Chris running at her like a freight train, posing her elbow with the aim to Lariat the Goth Girl. So Phoebe held her hands up, ready to give Chris a nice and firm arm drag. Chris was being predictable and boring right now. Maybe she was wrong?

And then Chris completely surprised Phoebe, as she springboard off the ropes. "WHA?" Phoebe yelped before her head was grabbed and she landed head first onto the mat with a Springboard DDT.

Phoebe was laid on her back, holding her head, how did she fall for something like that. Maybe Chris has a few more tricks up her sleeve then Phoebe realized. Maybe this was the match Phoebe wanted?

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Re: Hot Topic's Hot Debut: Phoebe Duclair (D) Vs. Chris Yukine

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If Phoebe wanted to kindle her rocker soul, Chris would be more than happy to let the blaze within burn the debuting girl up. And that would start with her feint and subsequent Springboard DDT, taking Phoebe down. Kipping back up, the rock star threw a single devil horns into the air and got a decent pop form the crowd.

She would aim to keep her momentum up, running the ropes perpendicular Phoebe and come back aiming a leg drop to the girl's neck. If it hit, Chris would quickly get back up and would run the ropes once more for another leg drop. It was a little simple, yeah, but she figured a little offense here might be better at softening Phoebe up before she really went all out with her highflying prowess.

She was going to show the punk-styled girl just what happened when one messed with Chris "The Rocking" Yukine.
Golem's Guardians

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Re: Hot Topic's Hot Debut: Phoebe Duclair (D) Vs. Chris Yukine

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Phoebe didn't have the start to the match that she wanted, she fell for an immensely easy trick, and her head was hurting from the DDT. Chris had impressed her however, she have to take her more seriously.

Before she knew it, and she was still stunned, Phoebe was caught in the back of her neck by a leg drop. "AGH!" She yelped as she felt the vibrations of the mat coming near her. She had to do something and fast.

So before Chris hit her other Leg Drop, Phoebe attempted to roll out of the way, hoping that Chris will miss the leg drop.

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Re: Hot Topic's Hot Debut: Phoebe Duclair (D) Vs. Chris Yukine

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There was a grin plastered on Chris' face as she bounced off the ropes and ran back towards Phoebe. Winning or not, she was just happy to be in the ring fighting again. Last time she fought she was a side act, supporting her bandmate and tag partner. Now, she was back in the spotlight, the adoring crowd cheering for her. That was really all that mattered to her.

That being said, she couldn't deny the bit of miff she felt when Phoebe rolled out of the way and all the rocker hit was mat. She had hoped her first one, even if it was to the back of Phoebe's neck, would stun her for a second one, but that wouldn't seem to be the case. But that wouldn't be the case. 'Oh well. Just means the show's going to last longer.'

Chris would get up after Phoebe would, keeping an eye on the girl. She'd prepare herself whatever the ravenette would do, and prepare to act accordingly. The rock star had shown her hand, now it was Phoebe's turn.
Golem's Guardians

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Re: Hot Topic's Hot Debut: Phoebe Duclair (D) Vs. Chris Yukine

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Phoebe's neck was hurting from the first leg drop, but she managed to avoid the second. So far, Chris had managed to impress her, catching her off guard. Looks like she will have to take Chris a bit more seriously. She managed to get up after Chris would, and therefore watched.

Phoebe had a move planned for when Chris got up. It looks like she wanted to fake out Phoebe so Phoebe would do the same. She would ready her leg to kick Chris right in the face.

But in a swerve, she would instead Lariat Chris with a lot of force . Hopefully that would shut the Rocker up.

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Re: Hot Topic's Hot Debut: Phoebe Duclair (D) Vs. Chris Yukine

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With the early advantage gone now, Chris knew she'd need to look for an opening to take it back. It'd likely be difficult to do, as Phoebe didn't seem like the kind of girl who underestimate her opponent twice, but it wouldn't be impossible. She wouldn't give up the match's spotlight so easily.

Back on her feet, she watched as the ravenette came at her, pulling back her leg to throw a kick to the rocker's face. A little more straightforward than Chris expected, but that was fine. She would raise her arms in preparation to grab the leg, thinking to send Phoebe back down to the ground with a dragon screw. But whether it be to show Chris wasn't the only tricky one in the squared circle or even just to pay her back, the attack changed within seconds. The lariat hit without issue, flattening the rocker down on her back.

Though despite her bad position now, she sported a smile on her face. Even if she was open to whatever else her opponent had planned next, she was really enjoying this match so far. She hoped this wouldn't be ending too soon.
Golem's Guardians

Discord: TheFanfictioner#8859

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