Match Type: Standard
Victory Conditions: The winner must pin, submit, or knock out her opponent.
Skulls by Halestorm hit as the arena went dark. Rosie Knuckles then walked onto the stage, holding her fist up high, looking thrilled to be back in the ring again. Kissing her fist, she then waved her arms and stomped her foot down to get a reaction from the crowd, which was decidedly mixed. Love her or hate her, Rosie Knuckles elicited an emotion from the audience, which she was absolutely fine with.
Throwing her fist high again as she walked down the ramp with a confident swagger, the Pink-Haired Pugilist got to the ring and slide under it. She ran directly to the corner and threw her fists out wildly in front of her and yelled out for the crowd to get louder. She didn't care who her opponent was, but she knew she was going to love to smack her around. She seemed nice, but hopefully not too too nice. That might get boring. But hey, if she got to wallop any girl, she was happy with it. She looked ready to throw down, and that was never a good sign for her opponent.
Knuckles descended the turnbuckle and the adorable brawler began to stretch her arms and roll her wrists in her corner, waiting to lock eyes on her opponent for the evening and get the fun part started, and think about the ways she was going to knock her the hell out.