Alyssa Monroe Vs. Nerissa Labong - Falls Count Anywhere (Apex Qualifier Match)

Qualifiers for the Inaugural World Openweight Title Event LAW Apex
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Alyssa Monroe Vs. Nerissa Labong - Falls Count Anywhere (Apex Qualifier Match)

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Falls Count Anywhere

Victory Condition: Pinfall or Submission
Rules: Anything goes. Victory can be attained anywhere in the area/complex
Attire: Standard
Stipulation: The Match is an Apex Qualifier bout. Completion of this match counts towards the Characters Required Matches

So here she was once again. Alyssa the Brutish Brawler herself, was set for a match tonight. She had been looking forward to it if she was honest. She usually did, but if she was being frank her wallet was feeling rather empty as of late...she hadn't been in many matches in a while and what money she had was mostly being sent back home. So she didn't have much to live on right was seriously eating into her budget just to Though for tonight she was feeling ready and able, after all winner's purse was always sweeter and usually heavier. So she had made sure she was at least in tip top shape for tonight, so that she could give it her all.

Alyssa still wasn't really sure about all these different match types. Falls Count Anywhere was at least self descriptive. It meant that the fight could go anywhere....but even if that was the case Alyssa was a bit worried...or rather annoyed. She had much rather just spent her time in a wrestling ring if she was going to fight. Still, we all have to make sacrifices in life and this would be hers.

Stepping out onto the ramp to her music playing out of the speakers, the blonde wore her red and black attire, which showed off her lithe but fit frame rather well. The Blonde had not the best reputation but also not the worse, she had been somewhat violent in her matches and being someone who was mostly a striker and submission specialist until recently didn't exactly mesh well with the crowd. Walking down to the ring, she would roll in under the bottom ropes and get to her feet. Brushing off her shoulders a little, Alyssa would quickly make her way to her corner and bounce on the balls of her feet a bit. Throwing some quick jabs in the air, shadowboxing a bit as she made sure she was ready for this match.
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Re: Alyssa Monroe Vs. Nerissa Labong - Falls Count Anywhere (Apex Qualifier Match)

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"Are you satisfied now?" Victoria asked with a small grin.

Nerissa chuckled. After hitting the punching bag one last time, she finished her warm-up and turned to the Englishwoman. She knew perfectly well what this sarcasm was connected with. Last time she was unhappy with the fact that Victoria found a standard match for her, not a hardcore one. And now the manager was clearly trying to tell the Echidna that she had overestimated her strength. But she still didn't know the Native American woman well.

"So you think something has changed?" the Echidna asked in a hissing voice, after which she headed to her locker.

Victoria raised her left eyebrow slightly, not quite understanding what her ward meant. Nerissa, meanwhile, took the Pride flag, and then approached the Englishwoman. The Native American woman had her trademark unnaturally wide smile on her face. A shiver ran down Victoria's spine. For some reason, she always felt strange around this woman, Nerissa had a very unusual aura.

"Nothing has changed," said the Echidna, licking her lips, "unlike many others, I know exactly who I am and nothing can make me falter on my way, any match is nothing more than a pleasure for me, and if the match ends with my defeat, then, believe me, next time I will make my opponent regret that they were born, this also applies to this little British bitch."

Without saying anything else, Nerissa left the locker room and headed down a long corridor. There was no doubt in her mind that Victoria wasn't capable of understanding her, at least not yet. The Native American woman knew that nothing would stop her on the way to her goals. Victories. Defeats. Only part of the way, nothing more. She would never trade the magical feeling that filled her during the match for something else.

She entered the waiting room and stopped in front of the curtains. Nerissa tied the Pride flag around her neck in the manner of a cloak. Watching her rival's entrance, she first grinned and then licked her lips. Another lightweight. And this time Victoria made sure that it was a hardcore match. Oh, not just a hardcore match. Falls count anywhere. Nerissa's internal organs stirred for a moment. Yes, this match will be another step. A step on the way to the top of this federation. LAW World Openweight title. Lightweight title. Hentai title. LAWLESS title. Nerissa's lips stretched into a wide smile.

"I'm going to take everything I want!" she told herself.

Entrance Music

The lights in the hall went out completely. But this time there were no too surprised exclamations among the audience, this time they immediately began to make noise in anticipation, they already knew what was waiting for them. There was a few moments of silence, and then three loud chords rang out. Three flashes of spotlights illuminated the figure of the woman wrapped in the Pride frag and standing with her back to the audience. A moment of silence, and then three new chords made the walls shudder. Three flashes of light made it possible to see that the Echidna turned over her shoulder and had a venomous smile on her face. Three chords and three flashes made it possible to see that she turned to face the audience. Three chords and three flashes of light illuminated how she spread her arms out to the sides and raised them up.

Accompanied by spotlights, the Echidna began to descend the ramp. And she enjoyed every second of it. The audience continued to make noise, because even two matches were enough for them to realize that when she was here, a real show was waiting for them. Perhaps today she will have to restrain herself again, because hentai was banned in this match. However, she was willing to put up with it, because it wasn't an ordinary match anyway. This match will be filled with blood and cruelty. And it was an integral part of Nerissa's life.

The light disappeared again the moment she started climbing the metal steps. A few moments later, the spotlights turned on again and illuminated Nerissa, who was already sitting on the top turnbuckle. The unnaturally wide smile on her face exuded confidence. Her eyes were focused on her rival. She stared at the blonde like a hawk at its prey. The Echidna jumped forward and her flag rustled because of the air surges.

The light completely returned to the hall at the moment when she landed and straightened up to her full height. Nerissa untied the Pride flag around her neck and held it high above her head. Thousands of eyes were looking at her at this moment. Her mouth filled with saliva, she was in anticipation. There were a lot of narcissistic bitches in this federation who thought they were invincible. Especially that blonde at the top of the list. Well, all in good time.

Nerissa went to her corner to leave the flag there. And then, with a confident step, she returned to the center of the ring. She put her left hand on her waist, and she raised her right hand up, showing the horns gesture. Her eyes were still on Alyssa. The native American woman licked her thin lips with her unnaturally long tongue.

"Ready?" she asked in a slightly hissing voice.

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Re: Alyssa Monroe Vs. Nerissa Labong - Falls Count Anywhere (Apex Qualifier Match)

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Rolling her shoulders as she waited in her corner was all Alyssa could do while she waited. The whole idea of the match was till off in her mind, but she figured all she had to do was beat up whoever her opponent was. She as usually hadn't bother learning much about her foe for the night, she wanted to enter this match with a fresh mindset, untainted by previous bouts. Though from what she had heard as she waited in the Gorilla Position earlier, it seemed that her foe tonight was rather new to LAW.

After a bit of a wait, the Echidna made her way onto the ramp. She flaunted that pride flag proudly and as she did Alyssa would simply wait. Allowing her opponent to go through with her rather extravagant entrance. Meanwhile all Alyssa would do was place her hands on her hips, rolling her head on her shoulders a bit to make sure her neck was loose and limber.

When Nerissa left the flag in her corner and then began to walk to the center of the ring. Alyssa would meet her, stepping up so they were both facing off in a stand off. Only one or two feet between them. The two of them were rather evenly sized, height and weight seemed pretty on point, general body shape too. Alyssa would raise an eyebrow and tilt her head as she saw Nerissa flash those devil horns and then licked her lips like she did.

"I'm ready to kick your flabby ass if that's what yer askin'." Alyssa spoke out, throwing a cocky smirk in the direction of Nerissa.

The referee would try and get in between the two women. Letting them both in on the basics of the rules of the match and what they had to do. Alyssa of course listened in, but her eyes never left her opponent's gaze.

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Re: Alyssa Monroe Vs. Nerissa Labong - Falls Count Anywhere (Apex Qualifier Match)

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Oh, it seems the evening will be interesting. At least Nerissa was prompted by the fact that her opponent walked confidently to the center of the ring to meet with the native American woman. Although even without that, she was sure that a very good entertainment was waiting for her today. Considering her debut, as well as the match with that British woman, many were looking forward to the Echidna's next match. And although she would have to do without some of the things she preferred today, today's type of match was what she needed.

When Alyssa approached, the Native American woman was able to see her in all her glory. Brown eyes ran over the Englishwoman from head to toe. They really were almost perfectly equal in height and weight. And even their physique was very identical, except for the abs, here Nerissa considered herself number one. Something else didn't escape the Echidna's gaze either. As they say, a fisherman sees a fisherman from afar. And the appearance of this blonde said that she was a hard and very cheeky nut. This was clearly Nerissa's taste. It remained only to check if this was the case.

The test began and ended at the moment when Alyssa answered the Echidna's question. The Native American woman's smile widened. The corners of her thin lips rose to her cheekbones. There was a glint in her brown eyes. Inside, she felt as if someone had lit a match. Oh, she's obviously going to love this. She adored meeting such self-confident bitches as this blonde. And she especially loved to enjoy the agony of their defeat after such loud words.

"Try repeating those words when I land this awesome ass on your pretty face, okay?" slightly tilting her head forward, Nerissa said.

She was going to take a step forward in order to face Alyssa with their foreheads, but it was at this moment that the referee girl stood between them, who was going to start the match officially. Keeping a smile on her face, Nerissa still looked into her rival's eyes. She liked the confident look of the blonde. Such women were her type. She wanted to see how confidence would leave those eyes during the match. She hardly listened to the referee's words, only wanting the match to start as soon as possible.

After finishing the briefing, the striped shirt ordered the fighters to take a few steps back. At first it might have seemed that Nerissa was not going to obey. She really had the urge to pounce on the blonde. But the match promised to be long. Therefore, she will still find the right time. Licking her lips, she took two steps back.

She half-bent her palms and raised them to the level of her chin. She put her right foot back a step. Her torso tilted slightly forward. The Native American woman felt anticipation. The second qualifying match. She was going to make them all remember it. She was going to walk over the heads of every bitch in the lightweight division. And this blonde will be another step on her way to the top. She was ready. It remains only to wait for the bell to ring.

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Re: Alyssa Monroe Vs. Nerissa Labong - Falls Count Anywhere (Apex Qualifier Match)

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There was already plenty of tension in the air, the two lightweights seemed rather intent on defeating the other woman in as dominant as fashion as possible...and the match hadn't even started yet. It could be felt all around simply by the atmosphere that was exuding around them. With both of them standing in the center of the ring for a stare-down, they both got to say their piece. Nerissa's words were followed by the dark-skinned beauty stepping closer towards Alyssa and getting right in the blonde's face.

Their foreheads pressed together as they glared daggers into one another's eyes. Alyssa pushed against Nerissa, but this closeness between them wouldn't last for long. As the referee stepped in and pulled the two women apart, making sure they didn't slug it out before she could explain the rules of the match. Alyssa wouldn't let her gaze leave Nerissa though as she stared her foe down.

When they were finally done with that explanation there was a tense moment between the two. The ref had ordered both fighters to back up so the match could start...but for the first few seconds neither of them moved. Just standing there with their gazed fixed upon one another. Finally the tension eased up and the two of them backed up a bit...

Alyssa took two steps back and raised her arms, up. Readying to square off with Nerissa. The stance of Alyssa's was that more akin to a boxer than a wrestler, for sure. It was also clear from her stance that she was a southpaw style boxer. When the bell finally rang, Alyssa would spring into motion. Quickly stepping forward to close the distance as she would throw a strong left hook straight to Nerissa's head, trying to ring her bell in the early goings of this fight.

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Re: Alyssa Monroe Vs. Nerissa Labong - Falls Count Anywhere (Apex Qualifier Match)

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An amazing feeling that Nerissa loved very much. It was hard to describe, but even the air around seemed heavy. The Native American woman loved this tension. Every time she's in the ring and a self-confident bitch is standing in front of her, the Echidna enjoys feeling goosebumps on her back. She knew that a really good match is possible only when both fighters are confident in their abilities. This was exactly the case.


The blonde was the first to attack. The Echidna's eyes narrowed slightly, and the smile on her face widened. Why? Her opponent's stance. Boxing. That bitch was a damn boxer. The heart of the Native American woman began to beat faster. The first two rivals she faced in the ring of LAW were rather classic wrestlers. Therefore, now the Echidna felt her mouth filling with saliva. The reason for this was quite simple. Boxing was her first martial art. And her rival gave her what she wanted.

The half-bent palms turned into clenched fists. Nerissa did not stand still, she rushed to meet Alyssa. Oh, today there will be a real show for the audience. If this blonde really knows anything about striking, then it will be a very fast match, in terms of pace of course. It was rare to see such a thing, but Nerissa was here for that very reason. Now the entire lightweight division was run by only a few people who considered themselves invincible. And she was determined to fix it.

The Echidna's fists rose higher, almost to the level of her cheekbones. They were both not of the largest height, but it didn't matter at all. In order to compensate for her small height, Nerissa used the tactics of her idol, the best boxer of all time. She just needed the right moment. Which punch will Alyssa throw first? A quick jab? A powerful cross? Nerissa's eyes flashed when she saw the movement of her rival's legs. Oh, this blonde had balls, far from everyone would launch an attack with a hook.

"How interesting..." thought the Echidna.

Nerissa's lungs filled with air, and then she made a movement. Her torso leaned forward, so that Alyssa's fist passed over the Echidna's head. The brown-haired woman raised herself on her toes in order to speed up her movement as much as possible. It took a lot of endurance, but she was willing to go for it. The Echidna intended to take a diagonal step forward and to the right, at the same time making a pendulum movement with her torso.

This style was very famous, but unpopular because of the complexity. Only a few boxers managed to hone this style to perfection. And, of course, Mike Tyson was the most famous of them. It was he who turned the defensive style into an attacking one. Having dodged her rival's punch, Nerissa was going to be on Alyssa's left. Why? Because when you're on the side of an opponent, they just can't attack you. But at the same time, you can.

And if the Echidna managed to take this position, then she would show Alyssa what real boxing is. A right uppercut in the ribs in order to make the blonde lose concentration and weaken her defense. And then a left hook right into the chin in order to make the bell start ringing again, but this time in the head of the Englishwoman!

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Re: Alyssa Monroe Vs. Nerissa Labong - Falls Count Anywhere (Apex Qualifier Match)

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The Brutish Brawler had only one desire and that was to start this match off with a bang. She wanted to show Nerissa just what she was in for, as she was facing off against a former MMA fighter, a scrappy Brit willing to throw down with her fists at any time, any where. Starting right here! She swung for the fences right away as she went for a lighting fast left hook! Trying to make use with the fact that not many fighters were used to facing off against a Southpaw. Notoriously tricky mostly in part that very few people were naturally left-handed.

Though in this case that didn't seem to take Nerissa by surprise, as the Echidna ducked in under the hook of Alyssa's. Instead she saw Nerissa lean into her and go in for a quick upper right into her ribs. Catching Alyssa off guard as she hadn't thought her opponent was going to be some proficient boxer! "Guh!" Alyssa grunted out as she backed up a step only to step right into line of that left hook from Nerissa. Smacking straight into her jaw and causing her head to snap to the side.

The blonde grunted out yet again, feeling a bit discombobulate for a second or so. She backed up yet another step, trying to shake the cobwebs. Though if Nerissa wanted to follow up her assault. Alyssa was ready, as she would seek to reach out and grab at Nerissa's head with both arms, only to pull her in closer and try and drive her knee up into that belly at full force.

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Re: Alyssa Monroe Vs. Nerissa Labong - Falls Count Anywhere (Apex Qualifier Match)

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Nerissa never cared about the size of her rivals. More than once she entered the ring against those who were almost one and a half times bigger than her. The Native American woman believed in one simple thing. The bigger the cabinet, the louder it falls. Although, in fact, she just madly loved the feeling of fighting and it didn't matter to her what size her opponent was. The main thing for her is to enjoy every blow.

But there was nothing to hide here. When Nerissa was confronted by an identical-sized woman, it always turned her on. And if we take into account the fact that this blonde, apparently, had a punching style, then it could be considered a real holiday for the Echidna. Before being in the world of pro wrestling, she went a long way in MMA. And now that she had the opportunity to exchange blows with the Englishwoman, she wasn't going to give it up.

And, it seems, the blonde did not expect that not only she knows how to use fists in this ring. Nerissa dodged her opponent's punch, and then it was her turn. Her fist slammed into Alyssa's ribs, causing her to shift to the side. The blonde turned out to be exactly where Nerissa needed it, and the result was not long in coming. The Echidna's fist collided with the Englishwoman's chin, causing her to let out a painful groan, and then back away.

The audience was happy with such a dynamic start, but they wanted more. And Nerissa wasn't going to hide that she wanted the same thing. Her eyes flashed and she rushed forward. Two successful punches is, of course, good, she didn't want to kick this blonde's ass so hard that Alyssa would never forget it.

Given the successful punch to the chin, the Echidna thought that her opponent was stunned now, so she had no doubts about the next attack. But, apparently, the blonde had a few aces up her sleeve. As Nerissa approached her, Alyssa threw both hands forward, grabbing the Native American woman's nape.

"Gh!" Nerissa breathed painful through clenched teeth.

Alyssa's knee slammed into her stomach. The steel abs helped the Echidna cope with this to some extent, but it was a really powerful and painful strike. She immediately felt that it became harder for her to breathe. Nerissa involuntarily leaned forward due to a painful spasm. If she had had time to tighten her abdominal muscles, then maybe she could have avoided this damage, but Alyssa acted quickly and unexpectedly.

"Fine..." Nerissa hissed.

Holding her breath in order to cope with the pain, she was going to straighten up to her full height and put her hands between Alyssa's hands in order to break the blonde's grip. And, yes, Nerissa was quite a vindictive woman. Therefore, she was going to try to grab her opponent's nape. It wasn't hard to guess what exactly she was up to. The Echidna intended to bend Alyssa down, and then send her own right knee strike into her stomach in order to test how well the Englishwoman will handle it!

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Re: Alyssa Monroe Vs. Nerissa Labong - Falls Count Anywhere (Apex Qualifier Match)

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Alyssa snapped her hands against the nape of Nerissa's neck after holding on after the Echidna's assault. She shifted her weight forward and threw her knee up straight into that belly, smashing her boney knee right into those abs and getting a satisfying grunt out of her foe. Though Alyssa wasn't expecting that it would stop she had other plans! She was thinking a step ahead, so when Nerissa brought her hands up to try and grab at the nape of Alyssa's neck...the blonde was already in motion!

Looking to duck lower and wrap her arms around Nerissa's hips. Alyssa sought to try and pluck her foe up off of her feet and take a step forward, before she tried to drop Nerissa down in a heavily makeshift spinebuster! Trying to slam her down onto the canvas and quickly scramble on top to mount that belly of hers. Aiming to go into a full mount where she could prepare to rain down blows on her foe. All the while wearing a rather wide toothy grin on her face.

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Re: Alyssa Monroe Vs. Nerissa Labong - Falls Count Anywhere (Apex Qualifier Match)

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Nerissa has never been a restrained person, it was difficult for her to keep her cool, because she always preferred to give free rein to her emotions. But in the ring, sometimes it was necessary to control yourself, especially at such moments. Despite two successful punches, the Native American woman quickly lost the advantage due to her opponent's sharp counterattack. It was necessary to fix it and violent emotions were not a good helper here.

Therefore, the Echidna decided to act quickly. Attempting a mirror attack in such a situation was not the most common solution, and therefore she counted on it to catch Alyssa off guard. Nerissa threw both hands up in order to break the blonde's grip and grab the back of her head. But her hands found nothing but air. Alyssa read her movements and didn't give her a chance.

Having completely failed her attack, the situation for the Native American woman worsened even more. Alyssa grabbed her legs and lifted her above the mat, however, it did not last long. The blonde sent the Echidna's body forward and down, thereby driving her back into the mat. It was something between a classic double leg takedown and a real spinebuster. Although the name of the movement was not very important now, it was important that a wave of pain passed through Nerissa's body again.

"Gah!" a painful groan escaped from her mouth again.

But it wasn't the end. While Nerissa was trying to recover from a hard fall, Alyssa wasted no time. The Englishwoman climbed on the Echidna and sat on her stomach, thereby pressing her to the mat and making it impossible to move normally.

Nerissa opened her eyes just in time to see Alyssa's fist coming towards her face. The Native American woman's head jerked to the side when this fist crashed into her cheek. Her head was filled with pain and noise. And in an instant her head jerked to the opposite side as Alyssa's another fist smashed into her second cheek.

"Ph..." she groaned through clenched teeth.

Nerissa could have sworn she tasted blood in her mouth. Yes, there was nothing to talk about here, her situation was more than deplorable. Her opponent showed clear superiority. With a big delay, but Nerissa's instincts worked and she threw her hands to her head, trying to protect herself with her fists and forearms from the beating that the blonde started.

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