An triple debut Masuyo Takano vs Chantel Rock ft Jezebel Lucifer

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Re: An triple debut Masuyo Takano vs Chantel Rock ft Jezebel Lucifer

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Chantel just lay their motionless as Jezebel was screaming ''come on kick out''as it seemed like the silvernette had taken the cave woman out as it was unlikely she was waking up any time soon
Last edited by anime_hentaifighter on Sat Mar 12, 2022 10:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: An triple debut Masuyo Takano vs Chantel Rock ft Jezebel Lucifer

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Masuyo knew this match was over the second she hooked the cavewoman’s leg. Chantel laid belly up on the canvas as the ref counted.


The bells rang out. This match was over. Stepping over Chantel’s weakens form, The Silver Flash took the time to head towards the ropes, screaming at the blonde commentator that had bothered her throughout the match. “Put your money where your mouth is! Take me on in a match, I dare you!” The Swedish girl did not want to fight now, as her energy had been depleted from her fight beforehand, but she wanted to see how Jezebel reacted.

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Re: An triple debut Masuyo Takano vs Chantel Rock ft Jezebel Lucifer

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Chantel would just lay there as she was defeated in record time as her confidence in her ability took an huge hit as Jezebel just stood their watching from the outside. As while both had not expected it would be easy neither had figured it be this one sided when the Swedish wrestler called out the devil as the manager would just look at the woman who called her out as she retorted ''why should I bother facing you as I don't just compete with every low life that demands it. No if you want me to face you then you better make me an good offer like giving me your soul should I win''

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Re: An triple debut Masuyo Takano vs Chantel Rock ft Jezebel Lucifer

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Masuyo was surprised at the commentators words. Put her soul on it? At the time she figured it didn’t mean much, so she took the deal. “I know you are into that hentai stuff with that skanky outfit, so I challenge you to a hentai stamina match!” She had never been in a sexfight before, but she knew it was what the blonde was good at and a challenge was a challenge. “If you want to take my soul if you win, I want 10 million yen payed directly from you if I beat you!”

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Re: An triple debut Masuyo Takano vs Chantel Rock ft Jezebel Lucifer

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''Hey my outfit is not skanky ,and secondly why do you get to dictate ter uhhh I mean fine. I will accept as your soul will be mine''as Jezebel would finish off her sentence by laughing Diabolically as she made her way to the ring. Since she would have to help Chantel get to the back as she was thinking about the last part as the manager had no clue where she would even manage to get 1000 grand . Let alone 10 million should she lose.

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Re: An triple debut Masuyo Takano vs Chantel Rock ft Jezebel Lucifer

Unread post by Fries »

Breathing heavily, Masuyo was happy her opponent excepted her offer to fight, but she was not ready for this fight, as she remember she had to meet with that yellowed haired boy i. the shower. “Maybe we do this another time.” Dashing up the ramp, she hoped that boy was ready for the pleasure that she got him excited for earlier.

Winner by pinfall, Masuyo Takano
Last edited by Fries on Mon Mar 14, 2022 11:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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