Vi vs Sonja Kralj: a hentai match

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Vi vs Sonja Kralj: a hentai match

Unread post by TheRacker »

Hentai match
Win by making opponent orgasm

It was about to happen sooner or later. Sonja had couple of matches under her belt already, but now was the time for her first hentai match. While she already had some experience from official matches, this was something completly new for her. But she wasn't afraid of a challange. New or not, she was confident in her capabilites and knew she can pull a win out of a match.
Sonja slowly jogged down the ramp after announcer called her. She slided into a ring under a top rope and waved around the arena. Walking toward the distant side, Sonja leaned back onto the ropes and waited for her opponent to make an apperance.

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Re: Vi vs Sonja Kralj: a hentai match

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Vi had some experience with this type of match and would walk out of the Curtain and made her to ring and interacted with the crowd a little bit but one she got to the ring. She rolled underneath the bottom rope and waited In the corner.

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Re: Vi vs Sonja Kralj: a hentai match

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Sonja smiled after seeing her opponent. She's quite cute and Sonja knew right away that she'll have a lot of fun in the match. A lot of fun playing with her opponent and forcing her to orgasm.
She bite her lip and walked toward the center of the ring where she'd meet with a pink haired girl.

Hi cutie, i'll have a lot of fun playing with you... Sonja said and extended her arm to greet Vi before match started.

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Re: Vi vs Sonja Kralj: a hentai match

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Vi would walk to the middle of the ring and and shook her opponents hand."Hi I'm Vi and i bet we will have a fun time.


Vi would look at her opponent and tries to let go of the hand shake and get in her stance to begin the fight

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Re: Vi vs Sonja Kralj: a hentai match

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Sonja smiled and backed away after they shook their hands and bell rang to announce the start of the match. Sonja began slowly circling around Vi, eyeing her opponent from the head to toes.

Eventually Sonja moved forward. She'd grab Vi behind the neck with one hand and on shoulder with another, starting a match with a lock up.

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Re: Vi vs Sonja Kralj: a hentai match

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Vi would lock up with her opponent and began to push her opponent to a corner of the ring or try to push her to the ropes and try to get a cheap shot by taking one of her hands and groping either breast or pussy which ever.

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Re: Vi vs Sonja Kralj: a hentai match

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Sonja was firmly holding her opponent and start pushing her backwards as well. Both wrestlers were trying to get an upper hand and move forward, but it seems like they were equally strong and they ended up remaining in the middle of a ring.
But that changed when Vi went for her breasts. Groping her breasts felt nice, but it was a bit too early. Sonja had a free way to Vi now as well, so she moved forward and wraped her arms around Vi's body. She'd lean backwards and tried to slam Vi down with a german suplex.

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Unread post by ApartBadge9937 »

I'm sorry for not responding I was overwhelmed at the number of things that has come my way and need to regroup my self

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