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Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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[ Canceled ]

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Humiliation Match
Win via Submission by Humiliation Tactics
Hentai Allowed

"This is gonna' be great." Sophia's heart had been pounding in her chest with excitement ever since she finally got the official notice of her debut. Her first match, her first chance to fight in a ring that was tailored for someone like her. And she couldn't ask for a better way to debut than with this type of match. A match where she could hurt, humiliate, and ravage her opponent all she wanted until they outright begged for the torment to stop. Just like in school, Sophia would break another woman down to their barest point before finally dropping them like the trash they were. "Hehehe~ Maybe I'll get a little taste of her before passing her off to the crowd." That was a fun idea. In all the matches she had seen in LAW very rarely did the humiliation move to something the audience could personally enjoy. Maybe after I've broken her down I'll let the crowd take the prize. Yeah, that sounds like a fun time~ Sophia's cheeks grew red at the thought of her. It'd be the perfect way to close out her debut, and it'd give the crowd a reason to love her more. The rebel that played with her food and let the vultures eat the scraps. A perfect reputation for the perfect woman.

And as the dark guitars of her theme rang out Sophia appeared on stage to a roar of cheers, lights pouring in behind her to give her black and leather-clad attire a nice silhouette as she pumped her fist in the air. She held the post for a moment before relaxing, strutting the down the ring as if a fashion model, swaying her hips and giving a bored expression as the crowd tried to get her attention. All the gave a few people was a passing glance and a flip of her long twintails. It seemed all the PR she had put into this debut bore fruit, all that was left to do was make her opponent the quivering sack of embarrassment the match called for.

Just before reaching the ring, she passed by the commentary table, giving them a smug smile before snatching a mic from them. Before they could protest she hopped into the ring with a showy flourish, jumping onto the bottom rope to vault herself into the ring. With one final twirl for the crowd to witness, she walked to her corner, placing the mic to her lips.

"I'm waaaaaitiiiiing~"
Last edited by dlamp on Mon May 16, 2022 1:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Wild Debut (Sophia vs. Vi)

Unread post by ApartBadge9937 »

Vi would sit in her room even though she was told 10 minutes ago to get ready. She then got up and slowly walked to the Curtains grabbed a microphone to give some words of "encouragement." She walked down to the ring talking too. " listen newbie i don't come out to fight you. I come out when I want to fight you. Your luckyi considered fighting for your first appearance here. But listen here i will give my self an introduction. My name is Vi and I'm going to kick your ass and make you kiss mine by the end of the match." Vi slides in the ring and gets in Sophia's corner " hell i might just use you as a chair because you look like a fitting on. Vi then tossed the microphone at Sophia's face.


Vi backed up to the middle of the ring and held her hands up for a test of strength

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Re: A Wild Debut (Sophia vs. Vi)

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And the sacrifice appears... Sophia didn't wait long, and it seemed her taunt incited her opponent to grab a mic and speak as well. Eyes raised and curious, she let the woman say her piece. And the words... were pretty flimsy. Given her punk and rowdy the woman looked she expected something... well, what she got was probably the most she should had expected, but still. Boorishly speech aside there was at least some fire to the woman's words. And as she got to the ring Sophia quickly realized the height difference between the two. It was... noticeable, to put it generously. Whatever... "V? Just a letter? Is that your edgy idea of being coo- OUGPH!" Sophia's taunted was interrupted by Vi's mic slamming into her face, making staggering back as the crowd gasped at the cheap strike just as the bell rang.

And Sophia's face turned red. "Oh that is IT!" She took a stomp forward. "Fine, let's go then!" She tossed her own mic aside, quickly moving forward to clasp hands with Vi and started to push against her.

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Re: A Wild Debut (Sophia vs. Vi)

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Vi had Sophia on like a ball on a rope as soon as there hands connected and interlock Sophia tried to push Vi back but didn't so much even though being 29 pounds above Sophia 111 pound. Vi stood there and looked down at her opponent and said "awwww. You like a little sister trying to play in the big leagues. Here you go!" Just in a matter of seconds Vi pushed Sophia back into a corner and to add bit of humiliation Vi pressed her breast in Sophia's face and shake her breast side to side.

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Re: A Wild Debut (Sophia vs. Vi)

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"Y-You-!" Sophia pushed her legs forward, desperate to force the woman to budge but going no where, focused to look up at Vi's smug expression as she talked down to her. "Gh..." Sophia's face grew red, teeth bared and absolutely fuming at the woman's taunts as she tried pushing herself even harder, her legs bulging at the force she gave to the effort to no avail. "How dare you! I- pffbl-" And her retort was just as quickly silenced by a pair of breasts, shoved right into her face and forcing her head to move from side to side as the audience giggled and laughed at her attempt to pull away.

"M-Mpph!" She tried to get away, tried unlocking her fingers to free herself, but... she could get free!

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Re: A Wild Debut (Sophia vs. Vi)

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Vi would play with the rookie for a bit and then before she could pass out or escape she threw the poor girl out to the middle of the ring. "you know what i think i will make your debut a good one to remember!" Vi went over to her downed opponent, flipped the the skirt Sophia was wearing. "nice color and choice."Vi then grabbed the girl by the panties she's wear and pulled her up to hands and knees. Vi then pull the panties into a thong giving her opponent a wedgie and spanked her a couple times. After that she would walked to the head of her opponent grab her by the hair. "pucker up butter cup!" Vi would pull her by the hair. Vi would put her her ass out trying to smother Sophia not having her guard up

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Re: A Wild Debut (Sophia vs. Vi)

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"Wauh-!" Sophia's mind started to fade, the lack of oxygen starting to take hold and slow her struggled through the embarrassment of Vi's smothering. Her legs started to lose their balance, her face went red from the suffocation, and Sophia's boiling rage started to smother out along with her face. But just as her vision blurred, she was pulled from her fading fading nightmare.

"Wuah!" And tossed right onto the floor, left gasping for air as she laid on the ground. "Damn... it..." And the rage burned again, even hotter as her head turned back and her eyes narrowed at the woman. "Yo-" But Sophia's voice was cut of by the the sudden flash of her skirt, her black panties shown to a now-giggling audience. "HEY!"" Her face immediately went bright red as panicked hands now covered her bottom. "How... dare you! How dar- Aiiiiiee~!" But again she was cut off, now forced to rise, being shoved up by her panties and squealing from the sharp pain pinching between her legs, much to the cursed crowd's amused snickers.

"Raagh! I'll tear you apart!" As painful as it was, as humiliating as it was, Vi's stunt at least got her standing, and with her hair grabbed and Vi's ass oh-so vulnerable in her arrogance, it was time for some payback. "I'll kiss SOMETHING alright!" Rather than let herself quite literally kiss Vi's ass, she decided to shove her knee there instead.

Right between this damn asshole's legs while her ass was out.

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Re: A Wild Debut (Sophia vs. Vi)

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Vi was cocky and enjoying her little play thing for a while. Just as Vi was going to make Sophia into a human seat she got hit in the crotch by Sophia. Vi's eyes open wide and tears cam down her face. She then fell down holding her crotch area she rolled side to side groaning in pain. " Ow ow ow ow ow ow"!

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Re: A Wild Debut (Sophia vs. Vi)

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"HA!" It cheap shot it was, but it got Sophia the break she needed from Vi's momentum. And as a bonus, she got the woman on the ground writhing in pain, clutching her crotch and scream like a child. "Hehe," Sophia grinned at Vi's pain, taking in the jeers the followed with a mere scoff as the referee reprimanded her. She paid it little mind, focusing on the downed Vi.

"How does it feel you overgrown ape?" She teased, casually moving over to Vi's face, foot rose overhead. "Here, let me give a makeover before I crush you!" And with that warning given, she moved to stomp Vi's face in.

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Re: A Wild Debut (Sophia vs. Vi)

Unread post by ApartBadge9937 »

Vi was to weak to respond a focus on healing and holding her crotch area. She glanced up for a moment and saw her opponent ready to stomp on her head but was in too much pain to stop it

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