Ryu Hiroshi vs Misaki Toyoda - Japanese Pride II

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Ryu Hiroshi vs Misaki Toyoda - Japanese Pride II

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Match type: Standard pro wrestling
Victory conditions: pinfall, submission or knockout. The wrestler with most falls at the expiry of the time limit will be declared the winner.
Rules: Standard pro wrestling rules.

Ryu Hiroshi was excited today, he was going to wrestle one of the most respected Japanese wrestling superstars and the Ace of Berserk Misaki Toyoda herself. While the Dragon was no slouch himself being a former Ace himself in his old promotion, when coming to LAW he knew that his skills were going to be tested by the best of the best. His previous match against a young upcoming Japanese star was exhilarating and despite the set-back he was looking to bounce back against one of the very best. This was going to be a test of both of their abilities, will, endurance and stamina as the two were scheduled to wrestle in a 60 minute marathon of a wrestling match but the Dragon was up for the task.
Clad in his blue wrestling briefs, matching fingerless gloves and a pair of black boots, Ryu was ready to head outside the LAW arena. After his theme cued, the male wrestler would make his way down the ring ramp heading towards the ring. He had a stoic look on his face, he was focused and determined to out-last the Ace of Berserk. Stepping up the steel steps, he would enter the ring and bounce off the ring ropes to do a short lap in the ring before coming to a halt in the middle of the ring, hands on his hips with his gaze towards the entrance ramp waiting for his opponent.

Time Limit: 60 minutes
Ryu Hiroshi:0
Misaki Toyoda:0
Last edited by Teenwrestler on Tue Jan 11, 2022 8:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ryu Hiroshi vs Misaki Toyoda - Japanese Pride II

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Tonight's match would be a little different compared to the usual ones that Misaki typically had where she would be wrestling in an ironman match against a male wrestler named Ryu Hiroshi. Getting ready for the match, the Ace of Berserk opted to wear her red two-piece wrestling outfit instead of her signature pink leotard. With her music was played, Misaki Toyoda marched her way down to the ring, looking resolute and confident. This match would require stamina and endurance, and she believed that she could do it.
Misaki Toyoda
Entering the ring, Misaki looked at her opponent. Quite a good-looking man with muscular frame to match. She would make sure to enjoy this match to the fullest. Crossing her arms, she would approach the man as she displayed a confident smile. "Let's have a good match, shall we?" Uncrossing her arms, she would hold out her hand to offer Ryu a handshake. Whether he accepted it or not, she would then step back, waiting for the match to finally begin.

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Re: Ryu Hiroshi vs Misaki Toyoda - Japanese Pride II

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It was going to take a lot of effort from both wrestlers if they were planning to come out on top. A simple victory would not be enough and the wrestler who would pace him/herself would be the ultimate victory. They had a whole hour against each other which meant there could be no flukes in this one either and the one who wins would truly be the better wrestler than the other. Ryu was focused, he watched with intent as the Ace of Berserk made her way towards the ring clad in her red sports bra and briefs which was a bit of a surprise from her regular attire. The male wrestler was unfazed, he would adjust his briefs and shake his arms, jumping up and down on his heel.

Finally, Misaki made her way into the ring and walked towards Ryu as the two met in the middle of the ring. Ryu would bow and then accept her hand, shaking it firmly. "Yes, Misaki-san. I am looking forward to winning this match" he would say before stepping back. The referee would ring the bell to signal the start of the match and the Dragon would bring his arms up and started to circle the Ace, looking to see what tricks she might have up her sleeve.

Time left: 60 minutes

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Re: Ryu Hiroshi vs Misaki Toyoda - Japanese Pride II

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Now that the match had started, Misaki would mirror her opponent, raising her hands and circling him as she would look for the right angle to make her first move. Then, she would surge forward, looking to lock up with Ryu in a grapple. While she might be smaller and more lithe than her male opponent, she knew that her skill would make up for it.

Locking up with Ryu in the grapple, Misaki would twist to the side, hoping to drag Ryu with her, planning to cause him to lose his balance. From there, she planned to transition the grapple into a side headlock takedown, getting her arm around his head before yanking his head so that she could bring him down, back first, into the mat with it.

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Re: Ryu Hiroshi vs Misaki Toyoda - Japanese Pride II

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The two proud Japanese wrestlers would look to test their might and skill in this type of match. Their endurance would be put to the test and thus Ryu decided to see how Misaki would react to his challenge for a grapple. Just as he had thought, the legendary Berserk wrestler would raise her hands and start to circle him too and would surge forward and lock up against him. Ryu would press right back up, surprised at the gutsy woman to lock up against him. He was going to show her his strength but Misaki went in with a plan.

The Ace would twist to the side and wrap her arm around his head, dragging him down to the mat in a headlock takedown before keeping him down in a grounded headlock. "Argh! As expected from you Misaki-san" he groaned in effort. His hands would move up to grab her wrists before he would curl his legs back to wrap them around her head looking to counter and throw her off with a headscissors takedown to show he was no slouch in the grapple department either!

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Re: Ryu Hiroshi vs Misaki Toyoda - Japanese Pride II

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Taking down Ryu with a side headlock takedown, Misaki continued with her grounded headlock, though Ryu seemed to be able to get himself out of it as he went to use his legs to wrap them around her head before throwing her off with a headscissor takedown. She grunted as she had to let go of Ryu's head before she rolled over and got herself on her knees.

"You're not bad as well." Misaki complimented her male opponent as she would then rise up onto her feet, preparing herself for her next clash with Ryu.

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Re: Ryu Hiroshi vs Misaki Toyoda - Japanese Pride II

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Both wrestlers showed off their impressive technical wrestling skills. The Ace had taken down the Dragon with a headlock takedown and continued to lock in the submission on the ground but the nifty male would counter well with a headscissor takedown. He wanted to keep the hold locked in for a headscissors but the Ace was quick to break free and back up, rising back up to her knee and then all the way back up to her feet. Ryu would do the same, rolling away from the Ace before pushing up onto a knee and then rising back up to his feet.

"Misaki-san. I challenge your pride, let us lock up once again to see who truly is better" he said raising his arms up once more and walking towards her slowly, wanting to test his skill and grappling acumen against the best in a collar and elbow grapple battle. "We have a long way to go, I want to test my might against yours" he said wanting to take things slow as they had a lot of wrestling to go through in this ironman match.

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Re: Ryu Hiroshi vs Misaki Toyoda - Japanese Pride II

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Picking herself back up onto her feet, Misaki observed her opponent as she tried to come up with her next move. When Ryu offered for another collar-and-elbow tie-up again, Misaki saw no reason to refuse. Taking her stance, Misaki would then surge forth and locked up with Ryu in the grapple.

For the time being, she would push against Ryu as she would figure out what to do next. Hopefully, she could come up with something solid in order to take her opponent down.

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Re: Ryu Hiroshi vs Misaki Toyoda - Japanese Pride II

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After exchanging holds and starting off the match to feel each other out, their styles and hopefully weaknesses the Dragon was ready to throw down with the Ace once more. He challenged her head on to lock up, to see how she would react and surprisingly the Ace of Berserk would go head on and accept that challenge. Miskai and Ryu locked up in a grapple battle in the middle of the ring with the two pushing into each other hard while shuffling around to see who would get the edge.

Ryu gritted his teeth, pressing up against Misaki to try and lean onto her. He would try to push her back into one of the corners if he could, really wanting to see if Misaki was good enough to hold him off or not. "I admire your spirit Misaki-san. You wrestle head on like a true warrior...but unfortunately it won't be enough to beat me" he said to her whilst in the grapple battle.

The two were locked hard with Ryu pushing harder and harder, waiting to see if Misaki could match him in the grapple or not.

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Re: Ryu Hiroshi vs Misaki Toyoda - Japanese Pride II

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Misaki could feel that she was being pushed back towards a corner. Of course, she had a plan as she would let herself be pushed by Ryu towards the turnbuckle. When they got closer, Misaki would try to enact her plan, suddenly twisting to the side, looking to exchange positions with Ryu, so that he would be the one to end up at the corner instead.

If she managed to exchange positions with Ryu, Misaki would try to shove him towards the corner before pulling herself off of him briefly and then driving her knee right into his gut!

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