When plans don't come together...(for CaptainL)

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Re: When plans don't come together...(for CaptainL)

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Speaking of sexually charged, Veronikas body was fueled to its limit. If things were a little different between them she would already have teared into Sachiko, doing all the fun stuff, some could do together. Her body was certainly ready for it, her nipples turned harder then they had ever been, her pussy, even if she was mistreated by Sachiko, wet and throbbing and her whole body just filled to the brink with nasty thoughts.

She looked down at Sachiko and chuckled. "Talk all you want, you don't know me. And when I think about it Miss Big and Bad Girlgangleader, how often did I beat you nearly unconcious at Halloween and how often did you squeal like the little cowardly schoolgirl that you really are...hiding behind a baseballbat and bad manners?", she grinned and grabbed Sachikos head , forcing her to look at her.

"Just admit it, that match that we had just fucking turned you on and you would love me to eat you fucking out and dominate you the whole night!" ,she grinned and slammed the head of the Sukeban back into the tilted floor.
Then it happened! Like a wild animal the Sukeban lashed out, biting into the soft, throbbing flesh of the european Dancer whos scream echoed through the lockerroom.

"Agh...bitch...fucking bitch..." The Franco-Austrian rubbed her snatch, her eyes tightly closed, fuck did that hurt! "Use your tongue the next time you lunkhead!", she complained and rolled around on the floor, trying to get distance from the approaching Sukeban.

But Sachiko already lashed onto her, jumping at the dancer and their tightly pressed bodies rolled around for a second before Sachiko took charge, grabbing the Queen of Hearts and put her in a tight sleeperhold! "Gagh...hgh...let...go...", she gagged and grabbed for Sachikos arm that was wrapped around her neck. "You bitch..."

But Sachiko should have learend from their last encounter that Veronika Noir was no one that was going down easy. " You don'nt know...a thing about me...how I...grew up...", she snarled and dug her sharps nails into Sachikos arms, trying to get her off her while her attacks still could hurt her, with every tug of the Sukeban she felt her powers lessen and after a few moments Sachiko could only hear some soft moans and useless, light slapping at her arms as Veronikas eyes rolled up in her head, on arm already falling to the floor...the other one still tugging...

She could'nt. If she fell unconcious then Sachiko had won, she just could'nt let this be and in fact again, something helped her, namely the small pitchfork she had brought with her that was laying before her. She groaned and tried to gather enough energy to move her and Sachiko, reaching for the pitchfork on the bench...
"Gh...and...you sure don't know my matches...I had a fucking no DQ and almost broke the leg of a bitch. So...ghg...fuck off with your..ghm..."rich girl" shit..."

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Re: When plans don't come together...(for CaptainL)

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Sachiko's eyes were smoldering like hot coals as she stared daggers back at Veronika, and her brows narrowed into a pointed glare. She wanted nothing more than to lash out at Veronika, snapping her rebuttal for all the disgusting things she spewed at her - belittling her reputation and that of her partners in crime, accusing her of being a poser, and what was worst of all was how she insinuated that Sachiko was getting aroused by this! Sure, the dancer's body was like a work of art, and if it belonged to anyone else the sukeban would be lining up to run her hands over it and take it in in all its splendors - but when it was attached to someone as obnoxious as Veronika Noir, the very idea was poisoned beyond what Sachiko could stomach! And yet, when Sachiko wanted it most, she couldn't say anything in her defense. Veronika's legs had pulled tightly around her head, shoving her lips up against her groin with nary enough space to breathe, let alone speak. She could do nothing but listen to what she hated hearing most. There was only one thing Sachiko could do with her mouth - and that was to put it to good use, biting down hard against Veronika's crotch to sink her teeth into her skin!

At once, the blonde yowled in pain, and released her grip on her rival then and there. Sachiko rose to her knees, still reeling from her predicament - but while it left a bad taste in her mouth both figuratively and literally, it also left her even more desperate to put Veronika in her place. Fueled by a burst of rage, Sachiko flung herself straight toward her opponent, tackling her - and while they tumbled over each other kicking and groaning for a moment, Sachiko would soon right the two of them with herself on top, the blue-haired girl's arm around her rival's throat and her breasts pushed down into her back. She squeezed down hard, clenching her teeth and pulling the muscles in her arms tight - Sachiko wouldn't dare let up on the pressure now!

Even as Veronika dug her nails into the Japanese girl's skin, Sachiko winced and groaned, but she still stood her ground, rubbing her hips against Veronika's back as she tried to force herself into position on top of her. Her legs ran down Veronika's sides, going to lock into place around her waist to further stabilize herself, but she would soon find she hardly needed to - Veronika's struggles were dying down. That made the grin grow wider across Sachiko's face. She just had to ride this out a little longer, and her foe would at last be shut up once and for all.

"Oh, please," she grumbled, "don't you go trying to tell me you're so tough. Believe me, I'm a badass bitch, and I know one when I see one - and you're the kind of skank who cries when she breaks a nail!" Sachiko spat in Veronika's direction just to punctuate her barb. Her reaction was less confident when Veronika boasted of her achievements, though. "I, uh, don't care if you've broken anyone's leg, you just got lucky anyway!"

In truth, Sachiko had no idea what Veronika's other matches were like, and she didn't care either; she could hardly stand to sit down and watch anything with Veronika in it. But she had already made up her mind about the dancer. She just needed to wait for her strength to give out - but all the while, she had no idea of the pitchfork on the bench, or what Veronika had in mind with it.
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Re: When plans don't come together...(for CaptainL)

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This easily could have been it. Veronika passing out in Sachikos sleeperhold and Sachiko no doubt setting her up in a humiliating position for everyone to find and getting them to know not to "Mess with the Heartbreakers". Gosh, Veronika could puke at this thought and this scenario alone gave her back some energy while both women struggled. Sachiko got her good now but then again, so she had got Sachiko. Both women were relentless in their efforts to put each other down, like two gangleaders fighting for a territory and the sukeban had to learn that Veronika was'nt just looks and nothing else but she was a serious threat. Like Sachiko, Veronika was no stranger to underhanded tactics, cheating as long as it brought you the win and this was made the feud of them so effective and entertaining.

They looked hot and they knew how to outsmart each other time and time again, the Halloween Match one of Laws most watched on the streaming services. Veronika and Sachiko did'nt care so much as their utter distain for one another was more important to them then this but if they would work together...what goals could they achieve. But it seemed unlikely that the japanese and the european girl ever could become something even resembling friends, it seemed that the trenches were dug too deep to do something about that, or was it?

Anyway, Veronikas right arm had dropped down while her eyes slowly wandered upwards, the constant lack of air now really getting to her head. She only had so much energy in her for one last strike, one blow that would decide if she stayed in this match or no. And if she did, it was time to make this an official brawl, taking it to the arena!

Her fingertips managed to get the pitchfork, Sachiko had'nt learned a thing from their first encounter and with a last ounce of energy she wrapped her fingers around it, swung it back and poked the Sukeban in the eye with it!
When Sachiko would release her she would drop down next to the hurting Sukeban, coughing and wheezing, crawling away to get some space between them. "Almost...slut...but...this...aint...over...", she sputtered and decided to stun the bitch so she could drag her out. "Calling me a little stuck up bitch huh? Think I am a Diva, huh?", the dancer snarled as she grabbed Sachikos hair and got her up. "Well, even if I break all my fingernails it is worth it seeing you squirm before me...", she whispered as they both were in a standing position with Sachiko still grabbing her hurting face.

Veronika pressed her against her locker, their breasts mushrooming into each other as she came closer.
"What do you say, Sachiko-chan? Let's go out and give those motherfuckers a show, huh?", she grinned and pressed her lips on the Sukebans again, stealing another dominant kiss from the still hurting japanese woman, her tongue entering the mouth of the sukeban again, her arms wrapped around her. But Veronika had a goal with all of this. When their tongues fought each other and their bodies started to heaten up she would send a sharp knee into Sachikos gut, holding her head and denying her much needed air by not letting go,Veronika enjoying the huff of air sent down her throat as the sukeban was struck in the belly while her arms held her like a dear lover, their mouths still all over each other and with a second blow she hoped to have wind up the sukeban enough to put her into a headlock and kicking open the bathroom doors, walking her right into the hallways were the sight of those two nude and wet heels struggling down right into the direction of the arena caught everyones attention...

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Re: When plans don't come together...(for CaptainL)

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Veronika was on the verge of passing out; Sachiko could feel it. She clenched her teeth as her body grew tense with anticipation of the relief that could only come from having her most hated of rivals at her mercy. She just needed a few more seconds for the last vestiges of life to leave the blonde...

But just then, the blue-haired girl looked up, and she barely had time to gasp before she saw Veronika swing the pitchfork toward her eye! She shut her eyes tight to try and salvage her vision, but either way, the point jabbed her right in the face, causing her to let out a yelp as she brought her hands up to grab at her head, in the process letting go of Veronika. Reeling in pain, she tumbled to the side, falling off the dancer and to her back with her legs flailing wildly in the air. What almost felt even worse than being hurt like this, or even losing her grip on Veronika, was that she'd fallen for the exact same trick she had in their match before - feeling smug and in control, up until reality came crashing down on her when Veronika pulled the pitchfork out from where she couldn't see and hit her with it. It was downright insulting to think it had been that easy to do to her a second time - and what was worse, this time it had hit her in the eye, which only hurt even more!

"GODDAMMIT! FUCKING CUNT!" Sachiko roared, rolling to her back as she clutched at her watering eyes. In the process, Veronika had enough time to scramble away from her, but no sooner was she back on her feet that she snared the sukeban by the hair, hauling her to her feet. Sachiko winced from the stabbing pain in her scalp, and she still clutched her face with one hand, holding her eye shut tightly. As she was shoved into the locker, she could feel the coldness of the steel press against her bare back, sending a shiver down her spine. But all that seemed to be forgotten, as Sachiko looked back up at Veronika, feeling her breasts push up against her own as her body grew closer than she could ever in good conscience enjoy. Her eyes narrowed into a hateful stare, and she hissed bile back at her.

"I don't care if I have to break all your fucking fingers, slut! And I will!" Sachiko shot back, meeting Veronika with a defiant shove of her chest into her rival's. But instead of retaliating, Veronika went a different route entirely - she leaned in closer, locking her lips around Sachiko's own!

"MMF-!?" The delinquent's face flushed red, feeling Veronika's tongue glide around the inside of her mouth, exploring it in all of its crevices and recesses as her embrace pulled tighter around her sides. Deep within her, Sachiko could feel something heat up, grasped with the excitement of being pressed up body to naked body against a beautiful woman like Veronika, their tongues entwined in a passionate kiss. But she fact that it was Veronika made her reaction so much more shameful, and she hated that she was feeling it!

Either way, Sachiko was broken out of her thoughts when the dancer's knee rammed upward and into her gut. With a muffled groan, she doubled over forward, bent at the waist. Still, Veronika didn't let go of her, holding onto her lips and tongue as tightly as she would any hold before she brought another knee into Sachiko's gut to keep her folded over and drew another cough from her foe.

Veronika held tightly to her head while she hauled the struggling girl out into the hall, and Sachiko stumbled after her, trying her best to stand her ground but unable to stop herself from being pulled along. Occasionally she slipped on one of the puddles that dripped off their wet bodies, but with Veronika holding onto her it wasn't long before she was dragged back up. Their brawl attracted a few stares from the passers-by as employees checked the hall in preparation for the next match, but everyone saw fit to steer out of the way as Sachiko struggled to pull her way out of Veronika's grasp, hissing and sputtering all the while.

Finally, she had enough. She reached up to grab for the arm encircling her head and squeezed as hard as she could, digging her nails into the flesh! If that got Veronika to let go, Sachiko would hold onto her arm, looking to fling her forward over her shoulder as she ducked down for a shoulder throw! "Rrgh..! Let GO!"
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Re: When plans don't come together...(for CaptainL)

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Since they met in their infamous first match it was clear for the Queen of Hearts and the Boss of the Heartbreakers that there was a strong physical attraction between those two different women and that confused and frustrated both wrestlers alike.

How easy it would have been to just close the case and bash each others head in without thinking twice but here there was something else at play, the well defined body of Veronika Noir and the lucious, round forms of Sachiko Koizumi were a dream for every men and woman watchint their matches but when they met, something happened.

First of, they could'nt stand each other, a fact that still remained, but on a physical level these women could not let go of each other. Every entanglement, every breast pressed into the other, every dominant kiss sent waves of desire and pleasure through the bodies of the strongminded women and hit them with emotions they wanted to deny.

Veronika had Sachiko in a headlock and forced her out side, the door to the bathrooms slammed open as the naked sole of Veronikas right foot kicked it open while pulling the hurting sukeban with her. The Franco-Austrians hair was a mess, her make up was running down her face, messing up her pretty features and Sachiko was smeared with paroles, insults and the word loser prominently on her forehead.

The onlooking spectators, at least the ones that did'nt immediatly started to drool at the sight of the beautiful womens brawl could only guess what had went down in the showers and bathrooms.

Veronika grunted, Sachiko and her feet slipping away under the puddles of water forming under their feet, still they remained upright, at least until Sachiko decided to not take this insult anymore.
"Gaaaugh! Bitch!", Veronika screamed as Sachiko raked her arm and then the Sukeban followed by grabbing the Dancers head and snapmaring her onto the floor of the arena hallways.

An audible "SQUISH!" could be heard as the Dancer landed square on her thick and wet booty, cushioning her fall a little and was sent against a couch that served as lounge for waiting wrestlers.

Her head slammed into the hard bottom of the red furnitur and she clenched her teeth as she tried to get up.
Easier said then done, as her whole body was wet from water, showergel and...other stuff...
Last edited by RedShinigami on Sun Apr 10, 2022 3:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: When plans don't come together...(for CaptainL)

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With their scuffle no longer able to be contained by the showers, Veronika burst out the door into the hall beyond, taking Sachiko along for the ride. Her body was folded over forward, her head tightly wrapped in the dancer's arm, and she had no choice but to plod along behind her, pulling and pushing at the arm that held her to no avail. Sachiko was trapped, her head just inches away from the side of Veronika's bosom, and she could feel the slightest hint of the warmth radiating off her skin against her cheek. That only made Sachiko grit her teeth with rage - she wanted to convince herself that she despised Veronika, and that she only wanted to see her helpless and begging for mercy at her feet. But much as she'd deny it, her baser instincts left her wanting to bury her face into that chest and to feel it in all its warmth and softness - and that very thought sickened her as much as the thought of being dragged along with no hopes of escape!

At last Sachiko realized she couldn't take it any more. She twisted her body from side to side, trying to power out of the headlock, and when that didn't work, she went to grab at Veronika's arm instead. But that at long last did the job. The pressure was released from around the sukeban's head, and, not even taking a second to catch her breath, she was ready to show Veronika what she really thought of her - with a well-placed shoulder throw against the ground!

Veronika hit the floor with a wet smack, and even as she tried to get up, she slipped and fell a few times. Sachiko had no mercy to spare her, and she wasn't going to make it any easier! She grabbed for the girl's ankle, giving a firm tug to drag her closer, before she bent lower to run her arms between Veronika's legs. Sachiko shuddered a little at the tingles she felt, feeling the warmth of Veronika's labia brush against her fingers - but she wasn't going to let that hold her back from what needed to be done!

"I've had ENOUGH of you!" Sachiko roared. Lifting Veronika higher, she hurled her onto the couch with a body slam - and if that worked, she would proceed right to throwing herself down on top of her! Securing the top position, Sachiko would begin to pound away at Veronika with punches to her face, chest, and anywhere else she could get a hold of. It didn't matter if the two of them were starting to attract a crowd. To Sachiko, there was only Veronika - and the fury she felt toward her!
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Re: When plans don't come together...(for CaptainL)

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Of course their fight could'nt be contained in the showers. For Veronika Noir every beating she gave a bitch had to have a crowd and so she was intent to get that 100 yen whore out of the privacy of their own fightingroom and out in the open. They were naked but who gave a fuck? Certainly not her and Sachiko Koizumi, that much was clear. Especially not at this point. It was crystalclear that those two hotheads were about to budding their heads again but no one knew when or how. Now LAW had its answer as the doors to the showers exploded open with a loud bang, making some younger wrestlers who walked by yelping and some stagehands scratching their heads. Even the infamous "LAW Security" did'nt dare to interfere...they hade learned from their colleagues last Halloween what happend when they got between those two crazy bitches.
"Let's see if we can't get you out there...there I will pin you for all the world to see and show them once and for all who is the better woman. You fucking lowlife!", the Franco-Austrian grinned and already saw the gorilla position approaching, hearing the cheering fans.
"There we are...now be a good slut and...arrgh!"

Sachiko had scratched Veronikas arm who let go and looked at her hurting limb. "Fuckin bi-gagh!"
With a swift motion the sukeban had shoulderthrown her to the ground in a snapmare, landing on the ground with squishing sound and sliding back to a lounge with a red couch where she hit her head.
"Augh...fuck...you bitch I...", she said and wanted to get up only to slip and fall back on her butt. "Oh, goddamit!", she said but before she could do anything, Sachiko was standing before her, hoisting her up by her hair and grabbing her between the legs.
"Ooooh...", Veronika suddenly cooed and blushed. She clenched her teeth, not wanting to admit how horny she was, how horny she was for Sachiko now in particular! So the Sukeban grabbed her by her wet pussy and shoulder, turned her upside down and scoopslammed her into the furniture. Thankfully it was cushioned rather nicely, making for a soft impact. But Sachiko was'nt looking for a hit with the slam per se as she jumped the Franco-Austrian and started to punch away at her.

"Gargh....agh...fucking...bitch...you....ahh..crazy...", she grunted as hit after hit smacked her face around, made her tits jiggle and her midsection hurt. She knew she had to do something and think fast...
"Hrrgh...ok...you don't want to go down easily...fine by me...then we do it...MY WAY!", she groaned and wrapped her legs around Sachikos waist,in the process pulling her closer and sending her next to her on the couch.
"Augh...you...bitch...", Veronika gasped, her head dizzy and her breasts and belly starting to show bruises from Sachikos punches. She sat next to the bluehaired Sukeban that got smashed into the couch, laying headfirst in the pillows and crawled on to her, turning her around.

A considerable crowd on onlookers had found themselves, watching the proceeding fight as the Franco-Austrian pressed her body onto Sachiko, wrapped her arms around her head and buried her face deep within her wet breasts, laying down on top of the japanese delinquent to smother her and giving her no chance to get up.
"Gotcha...",she grinned and did'nt even notice the crowd that got bigger and bigger, pulling out cellphones, making videos and mysteriously dissapeared in the mens restrooms after watching for a few minutes...
"I know you love them Sachiko...give in and when you wake up you are my bitch, heartwanker..."

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Re: When plans don't come together...(for CaptainL)

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Sachiko really didn't need to hear Veronika moaning as she grabbed her between the legs. It wasn't her fault that was a perfectly common place to grab your opponent for a scoop slam, and it wasn't her fault they happened to be naked, either. If anything, that was Veronika's fault for attacking her in the shower. But knowing that she was enjoying this was...almost enough to make Sachiko wonder how things could be different. If, perhaps, this had gone some other way, and if instead of fighting they might be doing something else with their time together, would Veronika enjoy it just as much? Did Sachiko's body excite the dancer just as much as Veronika's did to her? Could...the wildest dreams Sachiko had, that she so desperately wished she wasn't having, actually come true?

No, of course they couldn't - and she hated that she was even giving it any thought! She hated Veronika, and she wouldn't want herself anywhere near her! She bit her lip, grumbling under her breath. Those thoughts were only giving her another reason to want to see her obnoxious face ground into the pavement - and she could put that emotion behind the punches she was now raining down on her. As Sachiko jumped down on top of Veronika to tackle her against the couch, she made sure to taunt her about it with every blow she threw. "What? What's that!? Are you actually getting off on this? Fuckin' slut! At least I'm honest about being a perv-!"

But Veronika would soon strike back at Sachiko in her own way, as she reached up with her legs to throw them around Sachiko's waist. As she felt the pressure around her sides, Sachiko took a pause, looking down at her opponent. "Ehh? Hey-! What are you-GAH!"

She was quickly cut off, as with a twist of her hips Veronika rolled her over on the couch. Though she tried to cry out, her voice was muffled into the pillows - and a moment later, those pillows would be replaced by Veronika's breasts, as she rolled the delinquent onto her back and shoved them in her face! Sachiko began to grow more frantic and more desperate, twisting her hips from side to side as she kicked with her legs, but Veronika was weighing her down. Sachiko couldn't stand to be humbled like this, nor could she stand being reminded of how much she might enjoy this under other circumstances! Her cheeks flushed hot beneath Veronika's chest - but she wouldn't take this lying down!

Sachiko's hands reached out, slapping and grabbing along Veronika's sides to try and get her to break her position. Wherever she could, she dug her nails into her skin, trying to get a good grip, but she would ideally work her way up to her hair, feeling out where Veronika's body was as she did so. If she could get a good grip on her hair, that would prove enough leverage for her to give a sharp pull downward - where she aimed to haul Veronika's head down, hopefully pulling her breasts out of Sachiko's face, and her face into Sachiko's breasts! If that worked, the sukeban would throw her arm around her head to hold it down in place. She wouldn't let her get away with this for long!
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Re: When plans don't come together...(for CaptainL)

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If Sachiko doubted that Veronika was absolutly entranced by the Sukebans body then the japanese girl was really a dumbass. Since that fateful Halloween where their bodies had met for the first time, there was something like an insatiable thurst in the Franco-Austrian to have Sachikos body all over her. She wanted nothing more then for Sachiko and her to have place where they had hours and hours to explore each others bodies until they knew each others by heart, every spot, every touch that made the other one crazy...
But there was one problem. Both women were prideful bitches and Veronika just could'nt accept what a stupid, borrish idiot was stuck in this hot body. It was unfair! People like Sachiko should'nt get such bodies, they should become ugly, disgusting sweathogs and not...this. But it was what it was and none of the women had forgotten about each other. Even when the mention of Sachikos name mad her angry, her body reacted too when she was reminded of what went down last Halloween. How they were close to each other, how they kissed each other, it was enough to make someone mad! Veronika was'nt in love with her, far from it, but there was something with Sachiko she wanted to have. Something that wanted her to just give in and become her toy. Would that be so bad? If she just gave herself to Sachiko?

Oh yes it would. Because this little cunt needed a wake up call from reality. She could'nt run around, thinking she was the top bitch, owning the place. There was only room for one sexy top bitch and that was Veronika Noir. Sachiko could have the second place, sure, but the Sukeban was not intrested in it. And so both women waited for the best chance to get at each other again. And now their feud had reached a new level as they kicked, slammed and groped each other through the showers and bathrooms of LAW, ending on a lounge in the hallway, the dripping wet bodies entangled.
Veronika had to take the scoopslam into the couch and then Sachiko proceeded with what she could do best, trying to beat her up. Of course it hurt and of course it had the wished effect, Veronika close to giving in as the pain grew too much. But she would never allow Sachiko to have the last word in this! She wrapped her strong legs around the delinquents waist and threw her into the pillows, mounting her and shoving her breasts into her face, a soft moan escaping her lips as Sachiko proceeded to struggle and get out of her fleshy prison. "Don't fight it...just relax bitch. I know you like it.", she grinned and held her in place, intent of suffocating her here and there, then drag her out and pinning her in front of all the crowd, sitting on her face and show once and for all who was the dominant Heart in this company.

But sadly it seemed that Sachiko had still something to say about that as she grabbed Veronika sides, dug her nails in, making the european beauty hiss in pain and finally grabbing her hair.
"AAAAUGH! You slut! Let go of my hair!!", she screeched and tried to hold on to the smother, trying to get the Sukeban unconcious before the pain in her scalp was proving to much to handle but the Franco-Austrian soon was forced away from the face of her rival, their breasts pressing into each other as Sachiko shoved her down more and more and when Veronikas face was caught between Sachikos breasts, the delinquent wrapped her arms tightly around her.
Now the Queen of Hearts was trapped in a suffocating embrace and it was unlikely that Sachiko had other plans then her. Panic arose in the blondes head as she felt her powers already dwindling, she had to think of something and quick or it would be over. And so she decided to give in...and give Sachiko what she wanted.

And soon her struggles went weaker, some onlookers thinking that Sachiko had won but then something happened. The hands of the dancer travelled the sides of the Sukebans body, getting a feel of every curve that Sachiko had to boast.
The slender hands of Veronika Noir brought themselves under the buttcheeks of Sachiko when they had reached her thighs and started to slowly massaging them, every touch carefully planned, her hands groping ,squeezing and having a blast feeling up the soft flesh between her fingers. But if Sachiko thought that this was all then she would be mistaken as she suddenly felt something in between her breasts, a hot, wet sensation, of nibbling, kissing and licking as the mouth of the dancer worked on the sensitive flesh of Sachikos boobs.

The gathering crowd looked upon them with even bigger interest now. If Veronikas plan worked then soon Sachikos grip would get lighter and when that happened the Franco-Austrian would look up, her pink orbs having as mischievous look when her tongue slid between the breasts of Sachiko.
Her lips leaving hot burning sensations as it was wandering upwards over her collarbone to her neck where the Franco-Austrian peppered the soft skin with light kisses. Their bodies pressing into one another while her hands reached upward, cupping both of Sachikos generous breasts and squeezed them gently, her thumbs softly wandering over the stonehard nipples, teasing them as Veronikas cheek touched Sachikos, moaning into the ear of her rival as their faces finally met, inches from each other.

"I feel it too."
Four words, spoken in the softest of tones while the hot breath of Veronika hit Sachikos lips.
This was all she said before she shoved them off of the couch, landing on the floor. "You have so much to learn...", the Dancer chuckled and gave Sachiko a short kiss before getting up from her and into a standing position.

"What's wrong bitch? Come on get up! Is that all you got?!", she then grinned and sent a kick into Sachikos gut.
"We are not finishd here, are we?", she taunted her and grabbed for the Sukebans hair, yanking her up and dragging her to the curtains before slipping and going down again, Sachiko all over her, as they tumbled outside to the arena where a most important match was taking place and when the crowd noticed what happened at the entrance...all hell broke lose.
Last edited by RedShinigami on Tue Apr 19, 2022 11:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: When plans don't come together...(for CaptainL)

Unread post by CaptainL »

Pinned underneath Veronika, with her head buried deeply in her cleavage, Sachiko could barely hear anything going on around her save through in hushed whispers. But she could hear enough to tell her that Veronika was taunting her - insinuating she actually liked being manhandled and humiliated this way! Sure, Sachiko ordinarily wouldn't think twice about being held down under the chest of a hot babe, but this was Veronika - and she wouldn't dare let her get away with such an insult! Her body trembling with rage, she clenched her teeth, feeling her skin flush hot as her blood boiled beneath the surface. If she wasn't being smothered, she would have been sure to snap back with a pointed insult aimed right for the blonde's heart. But when she was, she'd just have to make do - and if anything, if she had to let her fists do the talking for her, that was even better!

Her hands ran up along Veronika's body, slapping and clawing wherever she could. Not only was she trying to get a good grip on her rival with which to pull her off, she also wanted to make sure it would hurt her as much as possible in the process. At last, she grabbed hold of her hair and yanked back as hard as she could - and the scream that rang out told Sachiko that whatever she was doing was working. Veronika tried her best to hold herself in place, but Sachiko kept up her efforts, forcing her off of her little by little. Even with her breath choked off under Veronika's bust, the hatred in Sachiko's heart and the burning desire to see her rival punished was strong enough to keep her going - and at last, she was off of her. The blue-haired girl panted for breath, trying to pull the air back into her lungs, but as soon as she could, she flashed a wicked grin at her foe - just before she shoved her head straight down between her breasts! It was Sachiko's turn to dominate, and she was going to make the most of it!

"Heheh..." she chuckled, bringing up her arm to hold Veronika's head down, and wrapping her legs around hers to hold them in place. This was more like it - the sukeban was in control, and Veronika was the one who had no choice but to contemplate her own impending unconsciousness. There was surely nothing she could do in her defense! "I'll tell you what, I like this..."

As it turned out, Sachiko's choice of words was quite ill-timed. Veronika also had a plan to get out of her opponent's hold, but of a much different sort. Rather than trying to get Sachiko to abandon her smother from pain, she began to work at her with her fingers, rubbing and carressing over every surface she could! The smug look on the delinquent's face soon turned to a wide-eyed gasp of shock and horror, as she felt her opponent's touch explore the most intimate regions of her body, every stroke she made sending tingling sensations up her spine. The heat began to grow inside of her, and her hips twitched back and forth involuntarily, in the process causing Sachiko's bare skin to grind closer into Veronika's own and deepening the sensation of their contact. And, as Veronika began to suck and kiss along her breasts, she no longer had any will to resist, and a moan slipped from her throat.

"H-Hey..!" she gasped a second later when she realized what she was doing. "What are...you doing!? Knock it off!" But with every time Veronika kneaded and squeezed at Sachiko's flesh, the sukeban's excitement grew more and more. Her cheeks flushed a vivid red, and she threw her head back with another moan. This was even worse than anything she could imagine - not only was Veronika fighting back, she was also making it look like Sachiko actually liked this, and in front of so many watchful eyes! Gritting her teeth to try and hold back another cry, Sachiko swore to herself that Veronika was going to have to pay dearly for this!

Little by little, consumed with both shame and a lust she fought so hard to deny, Sachiko lightened up the pressure on her hold, just enough for Veronika to crawl closer along her body. She barely realized what was happening, the caress of body against body as her foe dragged herself along feeling no different from the drumming of her fingers, up until she looked down to see Veronika face to face with her. Her eyes widened in shock, realizing what had happened. But her thoughts were cut short a moment later, when the dancer grabbed at her breasts and caused a jolt of pleasure to shoot along her spine, leaving her sinking back against the couch. Their mouths met, and Sachiko's hot breaths were swallowed up by Veronika's throat as she writhed and bucked beneath her - each motion she made causing her heart to quicken more and more. It was almost enough to make Sachiko forget where she was, and how she had ended up this way.

...but Veronika was quick to remind her.

Suddenly, their embrace was broken, as Veronika tackled Sachiko off the couch! The two landed with a thud, the delinquent reeling from the impact as she came down from the haze that surrounded her to see her rival climbing to her feet above her - though not without planting a kiss on Sachiko's lips first. This time, it made the delinquent's eyes narrow into a piercing glare as she hissed through her teeth, and she rubbed at her mouth as though trying to scrub the sensation away. "Rrgh...you're going down for that-!"

Sachiko tried to crawl away, pulling herself backward along the floor, but it was too late - Veronika drove a powerful kick into her stomach that knocked her flat on her back with a cry of pain! As she hauled her up by the hair, Sachiko hissed in pain, but soon she knew she would have to get even. She grabbed onto Veronika's hair as well, the two yanking at one another's scalps and ramming shoulders and chests into one another as they grabbed, clawed, and slapped at anything they could find and shouted every obscenity they could think of at one another.

When Veronika slipped, Sachiko fell with her, but it didn't so much as put a stop in the action for a moment. The two rolled head over heels, but Sachiko never skipped a beat as she tore at the dancer's hair with one hand while sinking her nails into her thigh with the other. In fact, she didn't even notice as she rolled out under the curtain to the arena beyond...
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