Sachiko Kanda (D) vs. ??? (Claire McAllister)

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Sachiko Kanda (D) vs. ??? (Claire McAllister)

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Standard Match: Victory via Pinfall, Submission, or KO

Six months......Six months since she had first joined LAW.....Six months she spent waiting for management to find her a opponent for her debut and watch as others fought in the ring. She had begun to grow bored and was starting to think that there wasn't a single man or woman in all of LAW that could go toe to toe with her. Finally....FINALLY management had found her an opponent for her debut match. Sachiko had declined wanting to know whom the lucky guy or gal was, opting to keep it a surprise.

Sachiko had already been at the Gorilla Position, geared up and eager to go out there and have her first ever LAW match. Alright, time to go." She said to herself as she finished doing some last minute warm up stretches. As soon as Sachiko heard her music play, she ran out from behind the curtain psyched up like never before, a thought that was shared by the crowd as they saw the former Wrestle Angel in LAW.

Sachiko would walk down the ramp, taking in the sight of the LAW Arena as fans cheered and took pictures of her. Sachiko would even stop to pose for a few before finally, she arrived at the ring. Sachiko would climb up onto the apron and into the ring through the mid and top ropes. She'd take one lap around the ring before stopping in the corner. "Alright, LAW. Show me who the lucky person is."
Last edited by Mart-Kos on Sun Mar 06, 2022 10:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Sachiko Kanda (D) vs. ???

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It seemed that for her debut opponent, Sachiko Kanda would be facing a mystery wrestler, someone who had been kept secret from her and the fans until she would step out from behind the curtain, the very moment drawing closer and closer! And after the crowd and Sachiko herself were no doubt left long enough to be quite eager to see who it was, and with a sudden and big flourish, none other than Claire McAllister would burst through the curtain, making her entrance!
"Howdy y'all! Hope yer ready for a heck of a show!" Cried the affable cowgirl, giving a wave as she began to make her way down to the ring, a smile on her face as she made her entrance!

The lightweight blonde would flash Sachiko a smile, seemingly not perturbed at all despite the fact that she was facing a much larger woman as her opponent, climbing into the ring and moving to her corner! With a wide grin and a can-do attitude, Claire McAllister would get ready for the bell to ring, eager to be the welcoming woman for her opponent to face off with!

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Sachiko Kanda (D) vs. (???) Claire McAllister

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It wasn't too long before Sachiko's opponent finally revealed herself to the former Wrestle Angel. She was a cute girl, a bit shorter than Sachiko, but she was bright and full of energy and dressed like an American Cowgirl. She showed no sign of worry at the thought of facing off against Sachiko, which to her meant that Claire was going to be a fun opponent. What good was an opponent if they came out, terrified before the first punch was even thrown.

When Claire finally got into the ring, she still wore a wide grin on her face as she stood in her corner. "Well, aren't you a cute one? I hope you and I can make this an entertaining match!" Sachiko would call out to Claire from across the ring. After one quick check from the referee to see if both women were ready they'ed signal for the bell to ring and the match had begun. Sachiko stepped out from her corner and circled the center of the ring with Claire.

Sachiko wanted to see what the Cowgirl was made of and so, she raised her arms up and invited Claire to lock up with her in a test of strength. Just because she was small, didn't mean she didn't have enough power in that tiny frame to match Sachiko.

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Re: Sachiko Kanda (D) vs. ???

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Entering the ring and facing off with Sachiko, Claire had a relaxed smile on her face as she stood across from the larger woman, showing no signs of worry as the two exchanged a few words before the match, Claire giving a giggle as Sachiko called her cute! The cowgirl was plenty excited for her match with the newly debuting wrestler, and soon enough, the bell would ring and signal the start of the competition between the two, as both women got ready for the match!

"I hope yer ready!" Claire said with a smile on her face as the two women squared off with one another, Sachiko moving in for a lockup, one that Claire would accept! The lightweight wrestler was small, but Claire's time working on the farm had ensured she had a surprising amount of strength, something she intended to show off as she shoved against Sachiko as hard as she could!

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Re: Sachiko Kanda (D) vs. ???

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Sachiko watched with anticipation as Claire moved in, ready in case the little cowgirl's cute appearance was a facade. Fortunately, that didn't appear to be the case as Claire put her arms up and accepted the lock up. Sachiko would quickly find herself surprised as Claire suddenly started the lockup with a strong surge of power that was very uncharacteristic of what a small frame like hers normally suggested and managed to push Sachiko back a few steps. Clearly, Claire wasn't one to be underestimated......and Sachiko liked that.

"Not bad!" Sachiko said as she fell back and would actually use the momentum from Claire's push to fall into the ropes behind her and launch herself off of them. Sachiko's goal was to hit the miniature cowgirl with a clothesline that would hopefully knock her down and her hat off of her head.

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Re: Sachiko Kanda (D) vs. ???

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Working on the farm for much of her life had given Claire an admittedly surprising amount of strength, and she was more than willing to put it to use in the ring against her opponents, now managing to move Sachiko back towards the ropes! Of course, Claire was so focused on trying to move her opponent backwards that when Sachiko would suddenly move backwards, Claire nearly tripped over her own feet as all opposing force disappeared... only to be replaced with a clean strike directly to her chest!

"AAAGH!" Claire let out a yelp as Sachiko hit her hard, her foe's arm connecting solidly with her and completely slamming the air out of the lightweight wrestler, sending her flying backwards! Claire's hat flew into the air as she slammed down on her back, before somewhat ironically landing on her chest, the dazed cowgirl not even noticing!

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Re: Sachiko Kanda (D) vs. ???

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Sachiko's clothesline cleanly met it's target and she watched as Claire fell backwards and sent her hat flying off of her head. Sachiko turned around and watched as it lazily drifted down and landed right back onto the dazed cowgirl's chest. The crowd cheered at the explosive start of the match and Sachiko gave the crowd a wave to show them how much she appreciated their cheer. Sachiko would turn her attention back to Claire and watch and waited for her to get back up.

"C'mon! Show me what you can do!" Sachiko yelled, encouraging the girl to make the next move. Now that Sachiko knew that Claire had so much power behind that small body and pretty face, she was eager to see what else Claire was hiding and if she could give Sachiko some insight into what kinds of matches she could hope to have in LAW.

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Re: Sachiko Kanda (D) vs. ??? (Claire McAllister)

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Claire was leveled with the clothesline, put down hard by her opponent and leaving her quite dazed, but Sachiko didn't make her next move quite yet, instead giving the cowgirl a little bit of time to recover and catch herself before the match would continue on! Claire was quite dazed from how hard her foe had hit her, but she would slowly begin to push herself back up to her feet, letting out a groan as she tried to shake off the daze and get herself back on her feet, with her foe providing an opportunity to recover!

"Uuuuhh... alright, my turn then!" Claire said as she shook herself awake, before she would suddenly charge towards the woman in front of her to try and hit her with a clothesline of her own!

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Re: Sachiko Kanda (D) vs. ??? (Claire McAllister)

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Sachiko watched as the Pint-sized cowgirl slowly got back up to her feet, impressed that she was as tough as she was strong for someone her size. Sachiko readied herself as Claire charged forward with war cry, her arm stretched outward most likely intending to hit her with a Clothesline of her own. "BRING IT!" Sachiko yelled back as Claire's clothesline connected with her. Sachiko grunted as she began to stumble a few steps backwards, the cowgirl certainly proved that she was more than just a cute face with that single blow and that made

"Good, good. You're definitely just the kind of girl I was looking for to help me get settled in here!" Sachiko said as she brought her fists up and readied herself for the next move Claire would make.

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Re: Sachiko Kanda (D) vs. ??? (Claire McAllister)

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Claire and Sachiko went back and forth with the clotheslines, Sachiko clobbering Claire first before the cowgirl would strike back in due time, rushing forwards and slamming her forearm into her opponent's chest as said opponent cheered her on! Claire connected solidly, and her larger opponent would even take a few steps backwards thanks to the force that Claire had generated in her impact, a reassuring sign for the lightweight wrestler that she could indeed put her farm strength to good use! And so as Sachiko brought her hands up, Claire would proudly puff her chest out at her foe's remarks, before getting ready to come at her opponent once more to see if she could handle yet another move from the cowgirl!

"Alright, then here I come!" Claire said with a smirk, before she would suddenly lower her shoulder and charge at the woman in front of her, picking up speed as she attempted to close the distance in the blink of an eye! Claire would suddenly spring forwards, throwing herself at Sachiko as hard as she could and attempting to slam shoulder-first into her foe's midsection, looking to level her with a spear!

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