Trinette Vaillant Vs. Violette Aonlous - Apex Qualifier Match

Qualifiers for the Inaugural World Openweight Title Event LAW Apex
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Trinette Vaillant Vs. Violette Aonlous - Apex Qualifier Match

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Standard Match

Victory Condition: Pinfall, Submission, DQ or K.O.
Rules: Standard
Attire: Normal
Stipulation: The Match is an Apex Qualifier bout. Completion of this match counts towards the Characters Required Matches

Trinette had been here in LAW for a few weeks to a couple of months so far. She had met some amazing women. Some vile ones too....Isabella and her had rejoined and were thinking about forming a team. Overall things looked as if they were progressing well if not a bit bumpy. Encounters with people like Karla had certainly put a sour taste in her mouth. Though there was that underlying reason for why she had fought so hard to get into just LAW of all places. LAW wasn't the only place, even if it was the biggest and was certainly up there among the best if not the best...but Trinette could have much more easily joined another league than joining LAW. She came here because she had seen the progression path her friend Violette was taking and then seen her turn into a completely different person from her old childhood friend and rival.

The knight wasn't about to let Violette continue down this path. Though when she arrived here in LAW, Violette had gone on a hiatus and she couldn't find her anywhere. She had managed to convince the higher ups to give her the first match with Violette the second her old friend came back to the squared circle. Now it was time, she had gotten the call and the match was set. It was time for her to try and knock some sense back into her friends head.

Freedom Call's Paladin began to play out of the speakers and with it the French wrestler stepped out onto the ramp. Dressed in her white and blue one piece, an outfit that gave a decent view of her underboob. She walked down the ramp, heading towards the squared circle as she would climb the apron. Vaulting over the ropes she would walk towards the center of the ring, placing her arm across her chest with a closed fit and bowed a bit to the crowd. Much like a knight was supposed to do before jousting their foe. She walked towards her corner and would stand there, adjusting her wrist guards and arms sleeves a bit to make everything felt good and was in it's right place.

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Re: Trinette Vaillant Vs. Violette Aonlous - Apex Qualifier Match

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It was time for Violette to get back into the ring. Though as soon as she had talked to her agent it seemed that their was already an opponent waiting for her, Trinette. It seemed that her old friend Trinette was hungry for a match. Honestly it was so pathetic and annoying, the girl was like a parasite. Well sometimes the best way to deal with such pest was to simply stomp them and that was what Violette planned to do to her old friend. She wasn't going to let the past hold her back. Besides, stomping someone like Trinette would show all of LAW and everyone in the world that Violette wasn't suppose to be taken lightly.
The French Heel would then make her entrance as her theme music began to play. The crowd would boo her but Violette would simply respond by giving them the middle finger with one hand while her other hand carried her spiked metal baseball bat known as 'Tough Love.' Violette would then make her way towards the ring where she could see her opponent Trinette. Violette would give a smirk when she saw her before making her way towards the stairs and entering the ring.

Upon entering the ring she would make her way to the center of the ring and point 'Tough Love' at Trinette. The referee would start talking to Violette, telling her to give her the bat or that she would get in trouble. But at the moment Violette would ignore the referee, simply focusing on Trinette. "I come back here and right away your looking for a match with me. What are you some kind of dog who cannot leave their master or perhaps your more like a parasite, trying to leech off me. Well whatever, today I am going to beat you down so hard, you won't ever want to wrestler again." *said Violette as she then took a step back and threw her bat outside, not letting the referee get her hands on it. The referee wasn't happy but it did shut her up and that was that mattered for Violette.
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Re: Trinette Vaillant Vs. Violette Aonlous - Apex Qualifier Match

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Trinette stood in the center of the ring, eyes fixed upon the ramp as she waited for Violette to emerge. She wouldn't have to wait for very long, as her old friend finally showed her face. Trinette had wanted to confront Violette the second she came here but the fellow blue haired French wrestler had been no where to be seen. Now the moment was finally upon her. A chance to throw down with Violette and knock some sense into her head. Though, perhaps this whole style she had going for herself now was all an act.

Though seeing that spiked was becoming more clear to Violette just how far gone her old friend was. If she wanted to get through to her she would most likely have to do it through force. As Violette approached and pointed that bat in her direction Trinette remained unflinching, she placed a hand on her hip as she kept a firm glare pointed right at Violette. Letting her old friend have her say.

The referee barked and hounded at Violette to get rid of the bat, which the short-haired girl threw out of the ring. The sound of it clattering upon the floor echoed around the area as all the music and sounds had died down. Trinette would now speak her mind.

" I see. There isn't much left of the Violette I knew. She is buried under layers of darkness and cruelty." Trinette said as she took a step forward. " If that's the case. I'll take you down Violette. As many times as it takes." Trinette let out. Both women stood in a stare-down right now as they just waited for the bell to ring so they could get started. Trinette had no qualms anymore, no regrets about her decision. Even if this was Violette's choice, to become like this...she would oppose her old friend. Even if there was no way to get Violette back to who she used to be she would become the enemy of this vile and evil form before her.


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Re: Trinette Vaillant Vs. Violette Aonlous - Apex Qualifier Match

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Violette would watch as Trinette approached her and began to talk. She would respond with a disrespectful yawn. Violette was now testing her opponent, trying to see if something like that would get under her skin. "Oh, I am sorry, were you saying something? Feels like I have heard it somewhere before? Perhaps when this is all over, you'll be more like me. Maybe then I could then have some fun with you." responded Violette to Trinette comments about her as she then gave a smirk before eyeing up her fellow wrestler.


With the bell now rang, the match was officially underway. Violette wasn't really to sure what to expect from her old friend. For now it was best to test out the waters and see what she was capable of. At first she would start off by circling around her fellow blue hair wrestler for a moment. After a moment she would then extend her hands forward and attempt to enter a collar and elbow tie up. She could use this move to get a good feel of Trinette and then figure out where to go from there and how to approach her fellow French wrestler.
Last edited by Person on Thu Mar 17, 2022 6:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Trinette Vaillant Vs. Violette Aonlous - Apex Qualifier Match

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Trinette's eyes narrowed at the fellow bluenette's words. It was evident that she was trying to get in under her skin but it was also working to some degree. She would click her tongue and simply returned to glaring at Violette. She was going to have to put her old friend in her place right here and now if she wanted her to take her seriously it seemed.

The bell rung and with it Trinette would raise her arms. Circling her rival as her eyes were fixed on Violette. It seemed as if the Slayer wanted to start things off with a grapple and Trinette had absolutely no qualms about that. She would bend her knees a bit and approach. Latching her hands on that collar and elbow of Violette and then shoved against her foe! Trying to push her backwards and work her towards the ropes!

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Re: Trinette Vaillant Vs. Violette Aonlous - Apex Qualifier Match

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The two female wrestlers were now locked in a collar and elbow tie up. Violette would smirk as she tried to attempt to overpower her opponent but it seemed that Trinette had the same idea in mind. "Not bad, are you having fun yet?" asked Violette in a teasing tone. She would then allow Trinette to start pushing her back, letting her think she had the upper hand. Then after taking a few steps back she would suddenly throw her full force and attempt to move in and try to knee Trinette in the gut, attempting to stun her a bit and get her to bend over.

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Re: Trinette Vaillant Vs. Violette Aonlous - Apex Qualifier Match

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Trinette and Violette were locked up with one another. Fighting for control for now. Both bluenette's seemed to have started out in a stalemate as they pushed against one another, but with Violette' throwing her teasing words the way of Trinette...the Paladin chose to push forward, pushing harder into Violette. She would feel how Violette was being pushed back, little by little she was able to bully her old friend towards the ropes.

Though suddenly Violette throw herself forward, closing in towards Trinette's frame and throwing her knee up into the French girl's abs! "Guuh!" She gasped out, as she was left coughing and doubling over before Violette.

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Re: Trinette Vaillant Vs. Violette Aonlous - Apex Qualifier Match

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Violette managed to move in and hit her opponent with a knee to the gut. She would watch with delight as her old friend doubled over and cough. Raising her leg up in the air and holding it with one hand, she would then attempt to bring it down, guillotine style on Trinette neck putting all her weight into it. If this attack struck, not only would it send Trinette down to the ground but it would also allow to Violette to start this match in a very dominate position.

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Re: Trinette Vaillant Vs. Violette Aonlous - Apex Qualifier Match

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Trinette hadn't expected Violette to resort to underhanded methods so quickly and as such had been taken by surprise by the sudden knee strike to her gut. Leaving the bluenette coughing and trying to gather her breath. Though as she was doubled over, Violette raised her leg up and would swing it down. Slamming it down across the back of Trinette's head and neck!

"Gkgh!" Trinette grunted out a gasp through gritted teeth. Her body collapsed in front of Violette onto the canvas, flat on the canvas as she release a low but long pained groan.

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Re: Trinette Vaillant Vs. Violette Aonlous - Apex Qualifier Match

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Having struck Trinette with such a blow, Violette would smile as she saw her old friend crumple to the ground. "What is wrong, already falling apart and you call yourself a wrestler? There is going to be far worse coming towards you before this match ends." *said Violette with a cruel smile. Now it was time for her to start dishing out some real punishment. She would then jump in the air and raise her leg, attempting to then let gravity bring it down on top of Trinette neck, attempting to perform a bit of a guillotine on her. The more of these attacks she hit early on in the match the bigger and bigger her advantage would grow. It would be possible for her to just utterly steamroll her old friend and teach her why no one should mess with her anymore.

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