A Gym Spar Turned Steamy!

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A Gym Spar Turned Steamy!

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

For a woman of her size, Skylar Jones was incredibly strong. Stronger than anyone would expect. She bench pressed three-hundred pounds, going on fifty reps. "Whew!" The sweating brunette sighed with relief, putting the barbell back on the rack. She sat up to catch her breath, taking a short break.
Last edited by Deskfan45 on Tue Nov 16, 2021 5:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Gym Spar Turned Steamy!

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“hey there!” would a voice suddenly talk from behind to skylar. “you forgot something!”

Karin would stand right behind Skylar who just finished her raps on the bench. Karin was wearing a white sport shirt and a pair of simple black shorts. The small girl was holding a water bottle in her hand and was reaching it forwards. She would hold it towards Skyla with a happy smile on her face. “you seem to forgot this over at the leg press machine. I saw you with that bottle before and when I went on the machine I saw it standing there all alone… so I though you forgot it and I wanted to bring it to you after your reps, so you don´t have to look for it later. Sorry if I bother you right now!”

Karin would look over to the weights and her eyes would almost pop out of her skull. “did you just lift that?” would she ask almost unable to believe that.

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Re: A Gym Spar Turned Steamy!

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The moment Skylar put the barbell back on the rack, the fatigue from lifting that much finally hit her. Her arms hurt like a bitch, and she began breathing heavily, finally feeling the sweat on her face. "Whew..." She sighed, her arms hanging down off the bench. It was then that she heard a friendly voice call out to her. "Eh?" She sat up and saw a cute girl handing her the water bottle she'd left somewhere earlier. Wait, why did she think she was cute? It was certainly an attractive girl, but of course Sky wasn't attracted to her herself, as she was only into guys.

"Oh, thanks!" Sky grinned, snatching the water bottle from Karin's hand and pouring it on her head. The cool water relieved the sticky sweat covering her face. Once it was empty, she crushed it, and tossed it aside. "Heh, damn right I did!" She bragged, flexing her right arm. "Karin, right? Think I've seen some of your matches. The name's Skylar." She offered her new acquaintance a handshake.

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Re: A Gym Spar Turned Steamy!

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Karin would just stare for a moment after Skylar just pured the Water over her head like this… damn… this was so badass and hot. Karin would bite her lower lip for a moment before shaking her head. And reaching out her hand. “nice to meet you karin… I mean skylar!” would try to cover up how nervous she was. Karin was blushing a little bit. “and I heard a lot about you too you made yourself quite the name around law for being a badass!”
“Hey… if you don’t have anything better to do.. how about we work out together for a bit… I could use a powerful woman like you to spot me…” would Karin start. Hoping that skylar would say yes.

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Re: A Gym Spar Turned Steamy!

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As Skylar and Karin shook hands, both women were blushing bright red. "Badass, huh...?" Skylar repeated bashfully, flattered by such phrasing. She was far more accustomed to being described as a "psycho bitch" or a "monster", and she'd be hard pressed to disagree with either, but that didn't make being called a badass feel any less good... "Ehhh, honestly I've been working out for hours now. Kinda bored of it. Maybe we could spar?" As the offer left her lips, her cheeks reddened further. The prospect of rolling around with Karin... excited her...

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Re: A Gym Spar Turned Steamy!

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Karin would look shocked at Skylar with her eyes widen. “what we just meet and you already want to punch me into the face?” would she give back to the woman in front of her pulling her hand back in shock.
Then she would turn back and smile with a bright and happy smile. “I am all in!” would she reply, letting her arms circle a little bit, trying to show Skylar how motivated and ready she was.
“so what do you wanna do?” would Karin say, picking up her own towel and water bottle. She would turn around and walk over to the mats, seeing happily that they were free for the two girls to have some fun on.
When Karin reached the edge of the mats she placed down her stuff, and took off her shoes. She stepped forwards onto the match and bend forwards touching her ankles with her hands and strechiing. “what your in the mood for, simple grappling, boxing or a street fight?” would Karin ask with a giggle.

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Re: A Gym Spar Turned Steamy!

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Skylar's face flushed at Karin's shocked reaction to her offer. "N-no, it's not like tha-!" She started, but was cut off by Karin cheerfully accepting her offer. Sky sighed with relief, following Karin to the mats. Taking off her shoes, she stepped onto the blue wrestling mat, her feet leaving imprints on the spongy surface. She stood across from Karin, stretching her arms over her chest as the other girl asked what sort of sparring they should do. "Hmmmm, well, if ya know anything about me, ya know street fighting is my dig. Sure you can handle me in that game though?" She teased with a playful smirk. If Karin wanted to brawl with her, Sky would give her a brawl alright. Once Karin signaled that she was ready, Sky put up her fists, bouncing back and fourth before taking a swing at Karin's stomach.

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Re: A Gym Spar Turned Steamy!

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Karin would shake her hands for a few moments. “street fight rules.. we fight until one can´t go on or gives up… sounds good to me!” would Karin say with a huge smile slowly turning her hands into fists and bringing them up into a fighting ready position in front of her body. “don´t worry, you don´t need to hold back against me I can take it!” would she assure Sky. Karin would slowly lean forwards. “GO!” She started to circle Skylar but before long SKlya showed how fast she was and closed the distance between the two in no time. Karin had no time to react and so Sky was able to smash her fist right into the center of karin´s abs. The small girls eyes opend wide and she would bend forwards exhaling loudly. In the next moment she would jump backwards. She tried to get some space between them and suck the air back into her body. A really bad start for her.

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Re: A Gym Spar Turned Steamy!

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

Skylar dug her fist into Karin's stomach, the sadist in her getting a little satisfaction as she bruised Karin's soft flesh. This girl may've been adorable, but that didn't mean Sky was gonna be nice in a fight. As Karin was stunned, Sky grabbed her around the waist, and attempted to throw her on the ground with a makeshift takedown. If this is a success, she grabs her sparring partner's arm, and applies an arm bar!

It was a simple hold, but god was it painful. Sky knew that well, as she'd fallen victim to it more than a few times. She tugged on Karin's arm, trying to make the girl tap. To add some extra 'fun' to the hold, Sky modified it to free her left leg, which she used to start kicking Karin in the ribs!

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Re: A Gym Spar Turned Steamy!

Unread post by xalex »

Karin would be surprised by Skyla doing a sudden takedown on her. She would scream out loudly in shock as her opponent hoisted her up and slammed her down ahrd. She would hit the floor hard and would roll over the floor in pain almost unable to move. Arching her back she would kick the floor over and over again. To make matters worse Skylar was grabbing her arm and trying to pull it away for an armbar.
Luckily Karin had the state of mind ot react fast enough and grab her own hand and hold them together not allowing sky to pull her arm flat. In the next moment Karin tried to roll over and force her opponent onto her back while trying to roll onto of her and push her legs down. Karin would smirk and fire one fast jab to the face of sky trying to stun her.

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