Cuffed and Gagged: Sparkling Idol Barbara vs Sydney Hendrix

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Cuffed and Gagged: Sparkling Idol Barbara vs Sydney Hendrix

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Hentai Humiliation match
Win by forcing your opponent to surrender.
Loser will be ball gagged and cuffed for the Winner

Sydney is backstage, making sure that she is ready for tonight. She is going to be back in the ring after taking some time off after hearing some words about how Mura was going to try to get revenge on her for that beat down backstage, but she figured that the other woman would have forgotten about it or let it go and move on for now.

Hence why she can't wait to go out and perform again. She is still riding high after what she did to a famous wrestler not too long ago in her own place. She was able to get the drop on said wrestler and smothered her out cold with her massive booty. so she feels like she is on top of the mountain. Music plays as she makes her way out on stage wearing her skimpy outfit much to the joy of the crowd, her plump backside bouncing with every step she takes, since she is giving the fans high-fives and even a few lucky fans a kiss on the cheek for good luck.

Sliding into the ring and fixing her leotard outfit... having to pull it down a bit due to it riding up into her massive backside, before leaning against the ropes and blowing a big kiss for everyone to see as she waves to the crowd and ask for a mic to speak. 'Thank you all for coming out and giving me support tonight... I will do one better and tonight victory is for Gil...' she says to the roar of the crowd who are chanting Sydney's name, supporting her.
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Re: Cuffed and Gagged: Sparkling Idol Barbara vs Sydney Hendrix

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Barbara's eyes bugged out of her head when she saw the next match she was supposed to take part in. "Whose sick idea was this?" she muttered as she watched her opponent make her entrance. Not only was Sydney Hendrix almost twice her size, she was almost old enough to be her mom! On top of all that, this was to be a hentai humiliation match, where not only was Barbara supposed to do sexual acts with her opponent, but the only way to win was to embarrass her into submission!

"I am not getting humiliated tonight!" Barbara declared to herself as she got ready to make her entrance. Management asked for her to wear something special for this match to really play up the age difference between herself and Sydney, and though it was embarrassing, she was going to go through with it. The idol didn't have a performance ready this time, so instead she walked out to a music video of her playing over the jumbotrons. Her appearance caught the crowd a little off guard at first, before a raucous cheer rose all around the arena. Barbara blushed a little, bit held her head high and waved to everyone, striking a cute idol pose before making her way down the ramp.
"That's right, I am dressed like a schoolgirl!" Barbara thought, "I hope all those pervs watching enjoy it!" The idol twirled around in her outfit, giving everyone watching a close look at her outfit from every angle. She had on a cute light beige schoolgirl top, complete with a blue tie around her collar. Her skirt was just short enough that when she twirled, it lifted just enough to give the tiniest flash of her panties (a nice white cotton pair). To complete her outfit she had on a pair of long white stockings that reached halfway up her thighs, and a pair of brown loafers. On her shoulder she carried a schoolbag, which while seemingly a part of her outfit was also filled to the point of bulging.

Barbara climbed into the ring between the top and middle ropes, her skirt riding up just enough to give a clear view of her panties. The cameraman made an obvious move to film this, but instead of capturing anything all he got was Barbara pushing her skirt down, turning around and sticking her tongue out at him. "That's enough fanservice!" she scolded cutely, before putting on a bright smile once more. She set the bag down in her corner, the contents making a very obvious clacking sound, before turning to face Sydney.

"So, I have to humiliate you tonight?" Barbara asked, her hands on her hips, "Let's hope you can keep up with me auntie! Though I respect my elders, I will not be holding back!"

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Re: Cuffed and Gagged: Sparkling Idol Barbara vs Sydney Hendrix

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Sydney can only look on, seeing her opponent make her way down to the ring. Her face turns red seeing the younger girl wearing a schoolgirl outfit and the whole getup.

A small frown forms on her face, thinking about how dare management places her into a match like this against someone who could be her daughter... and they expect her to humiliate the smaller woman to pick up the victory.

'I swear the next time I see Dan... I will talk to him about this mark, my words...' she mumbles to herself while watching her opponent slide into the ring carrying a school girl. Seeing the young woman standing in front of her and even calling her auntie just tugs on her heartstrings, not really thinking of trying to hurt the other woman in front of her.

Sydney even reaches down and gently pinches the woman's cheek with her hands 'Oh you are just the sweetest little thing... after the match come by the catering area and I make you some snacks to nibble on...' she says picking her opponent up and hugging her tightly. Unknowingly pressing her face in between her busty breasts, before dropping her opponent back to the canvas and gives her a small wink before walking back to her corner for the match to start.

She knows that the other woman must have something up her sleeves to be this confident before the match even started... and that is what concerns her, as she expects everything being thrown at her.

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Re: Cuffed and Gagged: Sparkling Idol Barbara vs Sydney Hendrix

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Barbara's attempt to get under her opponent's skin didn't seem to work, as Sydney not only brushed off her insinuated taunts about her age, but also found Barbara to be incredibly cute! The idol blushed a bit as Sydney pinched her cheek, reaching up to try and swat at the older woman's hand. "Hey! Stop treating me like I'm a little-" Barbara protested, but before she could finish, Sydney cut her off by scooping her up for a big hug!

"Mmmmmf!" Barbara protested as her face got buried in between Sydney's massive and barely covered milf boobs. The two huge orbs swallowed her face entirely, blocking all vision and cutting off all her air. The idol struggled in Sydney's grasp, kicking a few times before the milf put her back down, leaving her red-faced and breathless!

"Holy crap!" Barbara thought, "That was scary! I can't let myself get caught in that!" She didn't know if Sydney intentionally did that as a response to her brattiness, or if the milf was just airheaded, but either way it sobered up Barbara quite a bit. The idol had to be on guard in this fight, as the size difference between her and her opponent was a bit too much to overcome!

Taking a few deep breaths to calm herself, Barbara shook her head and then came to the center of the ring. The match was about to begin, and she needed to get her mind into the fight. The idol raised both her hands, seemingly inviting Sydney to come in and grapple. But if the milf came in to lock up, she would find that Barbara had other plans in mind.

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Re: Cuffed and Gagged: Sparkling Idol Barbara vs Sydney Hendrix

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Sydney can only chuckle at how cute her opponent is being. The reason why she did that hug was to see how heavy the other woman is... which is funny cause Barbara is as light as a feather compared to her plump figure.

So getting to get an early advantage on the other woman while being sneaky about it just makes her chuckle and giggle before finally letting her go. 'ARA ARA... Barbara... come to mommy and she takes care of you right now.' she says in a sugary sweet voice, that just promises a bad time for her opponent.

Walking forward with her arms raised, eager to lock up with the smaller woman in front of her. As soon as their fingers lock together... she would try to push her opponent backwards, using her strength to make it happen, as she tres to lean her face closer and closer to Barbara.

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Re: Cuffed and Gagged: Sparkling Idol Barbara vs Sydney Hendrix

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Getting Ara Ara'ed by the older woman made Barbara blush red in both embarrassment and anger. "Don't underestimate me!" the idol growled as she locked up with Sydney. She knew from their size difference that there was no way she was overpowering Sydney in this contest, but she wanted the older woman to get into their struggle first before springing her trap, and she wanted to see just how strong the older woman actually was.

"Hrrngh!" Barbara grunted, quickly feeling like she was getting overwhelmed. She dug in her heels, trying to stop Sydney's strength, but found herself slowly sliding backwards, the soles of her loafers unable to grip the mats tight enough to really stop Sydney. The older woman was getting into it too, leaning her face in closer as she pushed against Barbara.

"Alright, time to go!" Barbara thought. She suddenly stopped pushing and dropped down low to the mats. Barbara kicked out her legs, attempting to trip up Sydney as the older woman's momentum carried her forward, hoping to use all that extra weight against her by making Sydney fall flat on her face!

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Re: Cuffed and Gagged: Sparkling Idol Barbara vs Sydney Hendrix

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Sydney can say that she got a little into it when she was pushing her opponent backward, but in her defense seeing the smaller woman grunting and straining against her strength did start to turn her on a little bit.

But it was just one of those moments where she could play the heel just as well as the plucky babyface, as she was getting closer and closer to Barbara's face... Before being taken by surprise as I'm her opponent was able to pull off a monkey flip at the last minute.

'Wahhh owieeee...'
Sydney would cry out slamming to the canvas face first with a loud thud. Her plump backside jiggles as she holds her nose from the pain, but she is annoyed that her opponent is trying to fight back.

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Re: Cuffed and Gagged: Sparkling Idol Barbara vs Sydney Hendrix

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While she wouldn't consider herself a speedster, Barbara believed that compared to Sydney she may as well be the energizer bunny. After all, she was less than half the age of the MILF, and probably around half her size as well. Her only advantage this match was that she was probably lighter and faster, and she needed to take advantage of it or else Sydney would squish her into a pancake.

So after tripping up Sydney, the idol quickly rolled over and got to her knees. The older woman looked quite stunned from the impact, her body wide open to attacks. Barbara gave it a moment of thought, before quickly moving to Sydney's leg, grabbing onto the bigger woman's ankle as she lifted it up off the mats.

"This should slow you down!" Barbara said as she hooked her arm around Sydney's ankle, twisting it in a painful ankle lock! She figured it wouldn't be enough to get the bigger woman to submit, but if she could hurt her footing, it would make taking her down later in the match much easier.

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Re: Cuffed and Gagged: Sparkling Idol Barbara vs Sydney Hendrix

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Sydney was taken off guard by the smaller school girl, not even knowing that Barbara was able to pull off a move like that.

As she would rub her nose with her hand gently a small frown appeared on her face from smacking the canvas, but before she can get to her feet her opponent had already grabbed her ankle and started to twist it slowly. '

Aaauughhh' Sydney cries out feeling the twist on her ankle as she looks around the ring ropes, sending that they're far away... She grips her head with her hands before starting to try and crawl her way over to them as best as she can.

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Re: Cuffed and Gagged: Sparkling Idol Barbara vs Sydney Hendrix

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Barbara knew that she wouldn't be able to hold the MILF's ankle for long. Sydney was much bigger than she was, and even though they were far from the ropes, it was inevitable that she would get dragged over before long. Indeed, she could already feel her legs sliding against the mats as Sydney pulled her ever closer to the edge of the ring. She would have to do as much damage as she could in the limited time that she had.

"Seems like auntie doesn't like getting her leg twisted!" Barbara taunted, "Here, have a little more!" She gave Sydney's ankle a rough wrench, holding it in place as long as she could to maximize the pain and damage before letting up on the pressure.

The idol's submission hold had to end soon though, as Sydney had successfully dragged the two of them within reach of the ropes. Barbara decided that now was the time to release, before Sydney had a chance to fully grab the ropes and pull herself up. She wasn't going to let go without leaving a little parting gift though. The idol got up, gripped Sydney's leg tightly, lifted all the way up as high as she could, and threw Sydney's leg down to impact the mats knee-first! Then she would take a step back and admire her handiwork, hoping that the ankle lock and subsequent damage to Sydney's knee would keep the MILF laid out for a little bit.

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