Angela Guillot vs Reiko Hinomoto

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Re: Angela Guillot vs Reiko Hinomoto

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Reiko's arms managed to stay gripped to her head, part to defend herself and part to ensure that feeling would stay within them as slowly body started to restart with her legs beginning to sway back and forward. Groaning out as she barely started to realize where she was, Reiko was plucked off of the mat with ease and shoved head first between Angela's thighs.

The strong arms wrapped around her waist, large breasts pressing down on her back as Reiko was lifted up into the piledriver position! With the blood rushing to her head that was already dizzy only made the sensation worse, Reiko's eyes going fuzzy with the amount of blood that was attempting to suffocate her brain.

Then, Angela dropped Reiko right onto her head, the impact caused Reiko's body to recoil on impact as she sprung up off of the mat and landed flat on the mat!

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Re: Angela Guillot vs Reiko Hinomoto

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Angela remained seated as she watched Reiko's head bounce off of the mat and that body of hers flop down onto her front, where she would then bring her hand up and slide her fingers through her platinum blonde hair, shaking her head a bit as she would push herself up towards her feet. Waltzing around the woman's frame.

The blonde would then try and reach down and take a hold of short brown hair of Reiko and attempt to pull the woman up towards her feet, forcefully yanking the zero fighter up as the crowd would cheer and shout out for Reiko to fight back, to win this. Yet, Angela would aim to yank and pull that head in between her thighs yet again.

Once again wrapping her arms around that waist of Reiko's, Angela would try and lift Reiko up, rolling the woman up onto her shoulders before she would try and throw Reiko down with all her might into the ring, aiming to cause the entire ring to shake with the impact of Reiko's body being thrown down for a powerful powerbomb.

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Re: Angela Guillot vs Reiko Hinomoto

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On her back, Reiko moaned out as her body was feeling heavy as if there was a crushing weight upon her. As if it was the aura and momentum of Angela just suffocating her with how she was devastating Reiko. The Zero Fighter wasn't moving much after that piledriver, but Angela wasn't stopping. She wasn't satisfied with Reiko looking as if she was done, the Japanese was going to be done whenever the French Woman said she was as she was yanked off of the ground again.

Reiko slumped, barely able to stand as she was still recovering from the brutal piledriver, shoved between Angela's thighs again. Even with her apparent dead weight, the powerful woman wrapped her arms around her waist and pulled her up into the air! Groaning in a groggy fashion, Reiko had little idea where she was and just as she figured it all out, it went zipping away as she was driven into the mat!

The force was so horrid, Reiko's body flopped up from her back and recoiled her all the way onto her stomach!

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Re: Angela Guillot vs Reiko Hinomoto

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Angela's powerbomb had sent Reiko's body flopping on the mat like a dead fish, that frame of the Zero Fighter basically looking like a ragdoll. It was beyond a sigh that the crowd of LAW had seen so far, and Reiko whom was a famous icon, who hadn't maybe had the best career so far in LAW had still shown herself as capable, but the brutality and single minded focus of Angela to literally beat down her opponent piece by piece seemed to have won out greatly in this match.

The French Nightmare stepped up to her feet, she cranked her head and would move up to Reiko, grabbing at the woman's head as she would try and yank Reiko up towards her knees. Looking down on that dazed and hurt face, she would lean Reiko's head back as she would then lob a spit at Reiko's face.

A loud, echoing chorus of jeers and boos rained down the ring. There was no love at all for Angela right now, there was even a few security guards around the ring who had to prevent some of the crowd members from stepping over the barricade and rushing the ring. As Angela would ignore them moving to yank Reiko's head in under her right armpit, the beautiful blonde would hoist and yank Reiko's legs up around her waist. Holding Reiko up in the air as she would grab Reiko's right arm with her left by the wrist and twist it behind the woman's back in a hammerlock.

Walking around the ring as she had a cruel smirk on her face, she would circle the ring and hold Reiko helplessly in her grip. Before she'd drop down, aiming to slam Reiko's rear, tailbone first into the mat for a brutal Le Grondement de la Haine.

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Re: Angela Guillot vs Reiko Hinomoto

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Reiko was beaten to practically a paste as she laid on the mat, barely moving. The assault was horrid and violent as it was sudden and fierce, Reiko barely managing to get in offense against the woman who picked her apart enough to just leveling her into the ground. Violent move after violent move Angela smashed into her, ruthless as can be and refused to let Reiko mount anything.

Frustration built up within the Zero Fighter, her helplessness and inability to fight back against the French woman as she was forced to look up. Then she felt the glob of spit land on her face. Not only was she beaten, not she was being humiliated. The fans were angry and practical revolting against the vile woman, trashing Reiko and showing her absolutely no respect as Angela picked her off of the ground.

Elevating her off of the mat, Reiko's legs were placed on Angela's waist as she was folded up into a crunched position as her head was tucked underneath Angela's arm while her farther arm was wrapped around her back. From every angle Reiko was restricted and constrained with no room to struggle. Not that Reiko would at this point, her body was so battered that this was icing on the cake rather than the cake itself.

Angela would sit out, dropping Reiko into the mat butt first as all of the impact forced up Reiko's butt and spine, shooting pain all the way up to Reiko's brain! The impact's recoil would snap Reiko's head back up into Angela's arm as the Zero Fighter would flop back onto the mat, her eyes shut and out!

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Re: Angela Guillot vs Reiko Hinomoto

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Angela's devastating finisher had done just that, devastated and finished off Reiko as the zero fighter flopped lifelessly down onto the mat. The crowd shouted out in pure fury as Angela would move up towards her feet, brushing her shoulder right her right hand and stepping up to the side of the downed Reiko. Raising her right boot off of the mat as she would place it down against Reiko's cheek to press the woman down onto the mat and pin her down.

The referee hesitated at first but an angry glance from Angela quickly reminded the referee what would happen to her should she refuse to count Reiko out. She dropped down onto her side and started to slap her hand down against the mat. " One!....Two!..." The referee counted out, a few members of the crowd were starting to slip past the security guards. Yet there was of course nothing they could do, either Reiko kicked out or the match was over.

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Re: Angela Guillot vs Reiko Hinomoto

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Her entire body hurt, but not as much as her pride.

Never before had Reiko just been rolled over like this. How painful and humiliating it was to have such a crushing loss on top of everything that had happened. Her string of losses, unable to make any progress with her wrestling while everyone else around her having more success than her. It was frustrating.

Angela's pin exclaimed it, the foot on her face that grounded it down into the mat.

The audacity of the pin with the absolute disrespect that the French woman was showing, hate flowed from the crowd as Reiko growled underneath the heel. Frustration about her inadequacy about dealing with an opponent like Angela continued to build within Reiko.


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Re: Angela Guillot vs Reiko Hinomoto

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The three count came and with it the crowd feel silent, the bell rang as the referee waved her hand and then there was a silence in the arena. There was nothing left for the crowd to say, the match was over and most of them had fallen back towards their seats. Reiko remained on the mat it seemed and Angela would grind her boot into Reiko's cheek, deciding to skid her sole against that face in a rough manner as she pulled her boot away from it.

The blonde smirked as she started to walk towards the the ropes, slipping out from them as she earned a solid scowl from practically everyone in the arena. There was one young buck who decided to jump over the barricade towards her, but a very disinterested Angela throw a lazy punch straight into his face as she walked past him. As if she wasn't paying him any mind while throwing a punch up hard into his nose, sending him down onto his rear with blood gushing out of his nostrils.

The silence continued, as the stage hands didn't even start to play the music of the French Nightmare, she walked out to a stunned silence, and angry scowls as she made her way up the ramp and left the arena. The most wicked of grins on her face.

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Re: Angela Guillot vs Reiko Hinomoto

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Reiko laid on the mat as she was left beaten and broken as the French Nightmare continued to make fool out of her with that boot in her face. The skidding boot left a nasty red mark on Reiko's cheek as she cried out, hands shooting to her face as she curled up to protect herself whatever Angela was going to do next. Lucy for Reiko, the French Woman's attention was diverted from her long enough for the French Nightmare to grow disinterested and leave the ring.

Knowing that she was gone, Reiko's body started to loosen as frustration sunk in. Gritting her teeth as she replayed the match over and over in her mind. How she was relentlessly beaten down, how Angela took no chance in ensuring she couldn't fight back against her onslaught, and the over all physicality and viciousness of the Nightmare.

It angered her. Not Angela's assault, but her own inability to stop it.

Why am I so weak?

Was the words that flowed through Reiko's head as she slammed her fist into the mat, before beginning to beat both of her fists into it.

Nothing was going right for the Zero Fighter as she continued to beat her fists as all the frustration was being let out of Reiko. And it was still coming. Some ring attendants came to assist Reiko out of the ring, but the Zero Fighter wasn't having any of it as she would shove them away. She could walk out on her own. She could still do that by herself as she left the ring, rage and anger flowing on her features as she limped to the back.

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Re: Angela Guillot vs Reiko Hinomoto

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Winner. Angela Guillot

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