Victory Conditions: Force your opponent to submit during a sexual move or directly following an orgasm
It had been several weeks since Naya had made quite the splash in her debut match, and yet she still couldn't shake off the exhilarating high she had received from that night. Her face had practically been fixed into a smile 24/7, a wave of confidence defining every single waking moment of her life in a way that she had never felt before. All those years of practicing, training, and grinding had culminated into that one moment, and it paid off in a big way. And now with her foot solidly in the door, it felt like nothing could get between her and the stardom she seemed destined for, least of all the match she was heading into tonight.
When she had gotten the call asking her to participate in a hentai submission match, Naya had accepted before the even organizer could even finish his sentence. It was exactly the kind of match she had spent years perfecting back when she used to participate in the clandestine erotic wrestling events that took place on the beaches of her hometown. She was unrivaled in those days, and she saw tonight as being no different. She hadn't even bothered to do the pre-match research of her opponent. What was the point? this was her domain, this was her specialty, and no matter who her opponent was tonight, she was about to be her plaything.
A fist loudly rasping on the locker room door alerted her to the fact that it was almost her time to shine. She quickly straightened out her hair bow in the mirror, giving herself a wink before making her way out to the gorilla position. A warm and confident smile radiated outwards as she greeted the various stagehands that passed by. One with a clipboard waved her through the entrance curtain, her theme playing loudly through the arena speakers as they accompanied her descent down the entrance ramp. She waved her hands to the cheering crowd, a noticeably elevated sense of excitement evident in the arena noise. She stopped for a few seconds to appreciate some of the new fans she had managed to pick up since her debut, thanking them by twirling on the spot as she proudly displayed her curves and features for the cameras.
Entrance Theme
Naya 'The Wave' Kazashi

"Whatsup everybody! It's 'The Wave' here! Now now, I know what you're thinking, what's this rookie doing on the mic?" A hush of silence made it's way over the crowd as Naya took ahold of the microphone. Sensing she had captivated the audience, she walked slowly over to the side of the ring and casually rested her foot on the bottom rope, exuding a level of confidence no fresh face like herself ought to have.
Well I'm here to tell y'all, that after tonight, I'll be officially shedding that label for good! That's right, some of you saw how I fought in my debut, but none of you have yet witnessed how I love, and oh boy are you all in for a treat!" soft murmurs echoed over the arena as the crowd listened, shocked that Naya was presenting herself so boldly before having even met her opponent!
"That's right, lemme hear some noise for the greatest upstart to ever, and I mean ever enter the hentai scene... me!" Naya proclaimed, her daring declaration met with roaring cheers as she handed the mic back to the referee before making her way to her corner.
She leaned her back on the turnbuckles as she draped her arms over the top ropes, pondering with an ear-to-ear grin over what she had just done. That spectacle would have been seen as reckless if it was performed by a hentai veteran, much less a girl who was only going into her second match and first hentai bout in the league. Naya was fully aware of the implications, and took it in stride anyways. She knew herself and what she was capable of, and her solid foundation in hentai before her time in LAW meant that she deserved to be labeled as a viable hentai contender by every metric!... at least in her mind anyways.
I got the hype, now I just got to deliver Naya mentally noted as she surveyed the excited audience, satisfied with the reception she had managed to stir up. As calm and measured as she tried to appear, their was no hiding the visible bounce in her leg as nervousness got the better of her. Maybe it would have been best to save her little spiel after her opponent had revealed herself. Maybe she shouldn't even have... ah! Who was she kidding, this was her time to shine! Naya stared at the entrance curtain from which her opponent would be emerging from just moments from now, eager to see if her reveal would be enough to quell the uncertainties that were floating around in the back of her mind.