Victory Condition: Secure victory via a KO.
The entirety of Emaline's Emerald Enclave gathered within the locker rooms, their namesake leader appraising her own appraising her own appearance at the mirror. Her new outfit was as ostentatious as ever; it sported gaudy neon greens with hot pink accents which matched her vibrant pink hair. She was so engrossed in herself that she barely spared any attention for either of her stablemates.
Emaline Appearance Reference
Although the duo responded with disparate tones the pinkette's lips curled into a thin smile and inclined her head before they headed off together.
Entrance Theme
In stark contrast, Yoro cheerfully jogged about and high fived everyone. Even those who detested Emaline couldn't resist Yoyo's charm. Meanwhile, Shira shuffled nervously behind both of her colleagues, only offering a slight smile and a wave at those she caught looking at her. Both Yoro and Shira would wait on ringside while their leader ascended up onto the ring apron.
Grabbing onto the top ropes, she elegantly yet lethargically backflipped into the ring. She sauntered to the nearest corner and clambered onto the top turnbuckle. From there, she simply lazed across the ropes as if they were a bed. With an insidious but faint grin gracing her face, she propped her head up on her fist and awaited Honie's appearance.