Viking vs Spartan: Arla Adams vs. Helen Andronike

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Viking vs Spartan: Arla Adams vs. Helen Andronike

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Arla Adams vs. Helen Andronike
Normal Match
Win by pinfall, submission or KO

Arla was smiling in satisfaction as she did her pre-match warm-ups. This would actually be the first time she got to wrestle another woman, the LAW higher-ups always paired her up with horny men, who were too distracted by her body to give her a real fight, sure, it made for easy victories, but, it always left her wanting more. Arla soon had a thought: Lesbians made a good number of LAW's roster, would the higher-ups just give her the same opponent with a different paint job? Arla shrugged and was soon given the cue to enter the famed LAW arena. She came out to a pretty positive response:

Arla must be growing in popularity, as more than a few fans started doing the famed Viking row as her music blasted throughout the arena. Valhalla was calling alright, but, would this girl, whoever she was, be brave enough to answer the call? She entered the ring, climbed the top ropes and started doing the row the crowd was doing before getting down and going to her corner and waiting for her opponent to arrive.

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Re: Viking vs Spartan: Arla Adams vs. Helen Andronike

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Helen Andronike's entrance music blasted through the arena.
Entrance Music
She came roaring out of the heel tunnel with her spear and shield raised in the air. Helen basked in the crowd's boos as her music softened and the TitanTron played her pre-match promo. "Arla Adams? All I hear is everyone being so excited for this epic clash of warrior cultures. Well I'm sorry to disappoint you, but it's not going to be the match you think it is. I'm a Spartan who medaled in the Olympics! She's just a glorified πειρατής like all Vikings. I'm going to crush her easily and show you who the real warrior is!"

Helen handed her armor and weapons to an attendant and entered the ring in her wrestling attire. She strode towards Arla and got in her face for a staredown. "You ready, Víkingr?" she asked as the announcer introduced them.

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Re: Viking vs Spartan: Arla Adams vs. Helen Andronike

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Arla watched as this so-called Spartan made her way to the ring. When she entered, all she did was boast and brag about winning an Olympic medal and what not, "Spartan? I thought Helen was from Troy? Shouldn't that make you a Trojan?" Arla questioned, "And if wanted to hear a Trojan babbling on about past glories, I'd move to Southern California. Let's go, so I can drop you like your country's GDP!" Arla was somewhat taken aback by her own comments. She wasn't usually a talker. She shrugged and nodded to the ref to get the match started. The bell rang and the match was on! Arla wanted to take things slow, so she initiated a lockup, hoping to feel out her opponent first...

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Re: Viking vs Spartan: Arla Adams vs. Helen Andronike

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Helen accepted and locked up with Arla. The two began their struggle, Arla seemingly more cautious. "Helen of Troy was called that because she left Greece for her Trojan bae. But I wouldn't expect you to know the difference," she said to Arla as they grappled for advantage. Helen threw caution to the wind and threw herself forward, attempting to drive Arla into the corner.

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Re: Viking vs Spartan: Arla Adams vs. Helen Andronike

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Arla shrugged, "Apologies for not knowing the myths of a country over 2000 kilometres away from where I'm from, but, we can argue history later." Arla said as they pushed and pulled on each other to gain supremacy, but, it appeared for a minute that their strength was just about equal. Just when Arla was about to shove Helen away, Helen got a head of steam and managed to push Arla into a corner. Arla, not one to let her opponent the final say, launched a kick to Helen's stomach, hoping to at least stop her early momentum.

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Re: Viking vs Spartan: Arla Adams vs. Helen Andronike

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"Ooof!" Helen did not expect Arla to be so quick to counter. Her boot caught Helen in the stomach and she both bent over and moved back to put some distance between her and Arla. "What's wrong, the Viking princess can't win a test of strength?" she said with labored breath, hoping to goad Arla into coming after her and making a mistake.

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Re: Viking vs Spartan: Arla Adams vs. Helen Andronike

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Arla forced a smile, "I'm just glad you aren't drooling over me like my last two opponents..." Arla commented to no one in particular, That was one of the downsides of agreeing to enter LAW's Mixed Division, but, hey, an easy win was a win. Arla rolled her eyes at Helen's taunting, as it seemed this girl liked to talk. Not a fatal flaw, but, a flaw none the less. Arla charged Helen and locked her in a tight embrace, hoping to wear down this Spartan princess...

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Re: Viking vs Spartan: Arla Adams vs. Helen Andronike

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The two women locked horns. "Tell me about it. My last- Wait... Fuck you you're my enemy. I'm here to fight! The only one drooling will be you when I knock you out!"

The two women wrapped their arms around each other, practically in a double bearhug, and grappled around the ring for advantage. Given Helen's Olympic background, running out of stamina this early in the match was not going to happen. However, she couldn't gain an advantage in the face of Viking's raw strength. Seeing that they were deadlocked, Helen decided to change tactics and attempted to deliver a knee to Arla's gut.

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Re: Viking vs Spartan: Arla Adams vs. Helen Andronike

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Arla smiled as Helen began her spiel, even in her bearhug,"I'm just thankful for a real opponent..." Arla said, continuing the squeeze, however, this Spartan princess wasn't going to lie down and take it, and Arla soon found herself being squeezed, as her and Helen basically locked each other in a double bearhug, "Argh..." Arla managed to say, her opponent was rather strong, however, it seemed that their will and strength were equal, and Arla was getting frustrated. Helen apparently shared the same sentiment, as Helen kneed Arla in the gut, forcing a release. Arla, not one to lay down and take it, responded with a punch to Helen's gut...

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Re: Viking vs Spartan: Arla Adams vs. Helen Andronike

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Helen grunted in pain and backed up after being punched in the stomach. It seemed they had a direct answer for each other's power plays. "Not bad, Vikingr. Maybe you'll be a real opponent after all." Helen elected to try a different tactic. She motioned for another lock up but attempted to fake out Arla, slip behind her, and lock in a waistlock or reverse bearhug.

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