Wanting that Peach: Heather Sunderland vs Sydney Hendrix

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Wanting that Peach: Heather Sunderland vs Sydney Hendrix

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Smother Match
Win by forcing your opponent to pass out.
Loser must Kiss the Winner ass.

Doing some light stretches backstage, Sydney is getting ready for the biggest test in her career. 'Heather Sunderland... After tonight you're going to know that I mean to become a top contender in this company,' she says while pumping her fist to hyper herself up.

She studied the smaller woman and saw how rough and tough the other woman was, but the difference between the two of them was the weight due to being a heavyweight and Heather a middleweight. So the chances of her winning this match are high... if she wrestle smart and uses her best feature against the other woman who from past matches seem to have trouble when dealing with wrestlers who enjoy using their booty to smother her out cold.

Reaching back and smacking her own plump backside with her hand to watch it bounce and jiggle, Sydney is ready for this match and is going into it, confident that she will force the smaller Heather to kiss the peach. Her entrance is shorter now only due to her walking with a spring in her step, eager to be in a match that she knows that on paper she should win and dominate her opponent with ease... but she is not taking Heater for granted at all.

But she is on the side of caution due to what will happen to the loser if she loses the match, as she slides into the ring and blows a kiss to the crowd with her hands... that confidence look in her eyes says otherwise. 'Come on, Heather, I know you're just dying to try my peach ...' Sydney says while turning around and pointing to her plump backside.


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Re: Wanting that Peach: Heather Sunderland vs Sydney Hendrix

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Heather was quite excited for her next matchup--getting the chance to take on another heavyweight in quite the match type. It was one t hat no one was expecting her to win for sure..going up against someone who has her beat in the weight division..in a match type that demanded the sort of thing she was weak against. Heather knew had a chance though! She's beaten a heavyweight before in a smother match, and she was sure that she could do it a second time!

She finished her preparations in the back, a deep breath coming in and out of her mouth as she nod to herself in the mirror. She looked herself over, having worn her skirted attire for this smother match this time, sticking her tongue out at herself a little as she pumped herself up for it, hopping up and down a couple times. "You've got this Heather...this streak totally isn't over" She let out before heading out to the curtain area to wait for her cue.
Heather made her way out onto t he stage area, the arena bathed in a dark blue light, smoke filling the stage area as green laser lights spun out from the stage, creating quite the lovely sight in the smoke. She took in the cheers from the crowd, calming her pounding heart as much as she could before finally kicking off and rushing down the ramp. She slid into t he ring under the bottom rope, heading to the corner and getting up to the middle, raising her hands in the air. Pyro shot down from the ceiling with her movements, Heather grinning wide as she basked a little more in just..the atmosphere of her cheering fans.

Another deep breath came in and out of her mouth, hopping off the corner and turning to Sydney, pushing the little worries about their size differences out of her mind as quickly as she could. "Well hey hey! sure hope you didn't come in tonight thinking this was gonna be an easy match! I'm gonna have you kissing my butt for sure at the end of this!"
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Re: Wanting that Peach: Heather Sunderland vs Sydney Hendrix

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Sydney looks on, seeing the smaller woman making her way down to the ring. The motherly side of her just wants to go over and hug her opponent and stuff her full of sweets and snacks to nibble on, but she fights those urges down since she will be wrestling the other woman and planning on how to defeat the woman in front of her.

Even though she wants to do it but she keeps a brave face before hearing what her opponent says and she can no longer hold in her motherly ways from coming out. Walking up to the woman in front of her and wraps her arms around her smaller frame... lifting her up into her arms and hugging her tightly like one would do a plush doll, not knowing that she is smothering her in between her massive breasts squeezing her with all of her might.

'Oh my, you are a cute thing... after the match, why don't you come by and I make you some yummy sweets for you to eat...' she says before letting the other woman go and going right back into her corner. A cute smile on her face as she can tell the smaller woman is going to give her everything she has to win this match.

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Re: Wanting that Peach: Heather Sunderland vs Sydney Hendrix

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Heather blinks a couple times as she watched her just..make her way up to her like that. The match hadn't started and she was approaching her like this. Heather clenches her fists, about to put her guard up..before feeling Sydney just wrap her arms around her like that, lifting her right up into that embrace, her breasts smooshing completely against her face.

"M-mpmh?! mpnh!!" She let out loud muffled whines and whimpers into her chest, arching and squirming a bunch--before she was just let go shortly after. She coughed a bit for air, her chest rising and falling dramatically as she just took the time to struggle to catch her breath, shaking her head.

"Nguh..haah..r..ridiculous girl.." She let out, though it was clear with just that that Heather would have to be quite a bit on her guard. If she got caught too much in positions like that, she would be in quite a bit of trouble. "W-we'll see about that. Just hope that offer is still there when I beat you"
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Re: Wanting that Peach: Heather Sunderland vs Sydney Hendrix

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Sydney didn't know her strength at times, especially when it came to bear hugs and breasts smothers hold. As soon as she was able to lift Heather into the air for one of her classic breast hugs to greet the other woman before letting her go due to the muffled whines coming from the smaller woman's mouth.

Giggling with a small bit of red blush appearing in her cheeks, Sydney would smile hearing about the offer she made would still be on the table.

'ARA ARA... For you Heather I make sure you get plenty of cake... In more ways than one...' She says with a small glint in her eyes, before lunging forward to try and grapple the other woman as the ref had called for the bell to begin the match between them.

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Re: Wanting that Peach: Heather Sunderland vs Sydney Hendrix

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Heather slapped her cheeks a couple times, taking a deep breath in and out to just..refocus herself for this match. Sydney was definitely getting to her quite a bit already..her attitude..her figure..everything about her was making her blush clearly. She just cleared her throat, nodding to herself a couple times before the match finally started.

Her eyes widened as the girl rushed in towards her, leaving Heather no time for her usual opener, caught in her grasp right from the start! She grunt out, struggling and squirming, trying to step her way backwards to break her way free from the girl's grip, not wanting to be caught already in a close up grappling from t he start of the match.

"L-let--let go!!" She let out, shaking her head as she pressed and pushed up at her shoulders.
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Re: Wanting that Peach: Heather Sunderland vs Sydney Hendrix

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Sydney has a big weakness that nobody knows about her. She happens to love cute and tiny things. She has a massive collection of plush toys and other things that she finds when shopping for herself or for friends. And seeing heather in front of her trying to avoid her grapple bull rush like charge, but in the end it fails as she is a tight grip on her smaller opponent and in a scene that would make some people question what they are seeing.

Sydney brings her opponent close to her and starts to rub her cheek against Heather own while smiling with her eyes closed 'OMG YOUR CHEEKS ARE SO SOFT... you are just the cutest thing I ever seen before ohhh I can't wait to spoil you rotten.' she says before stopping and a big red blush appears on her face as everybody is taking photos of this embarrassing moment for her.

Pushing the smaller Heather away and smiles a bit, trying to hide her blush as she wiggles from side to side. 'Oh dear, I'm so sorry for that... you just look too cute in your little outfit. I couldn't help myself.

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Re: Wanting that Peach: Heather Sunderland vs Sydney Hendrix

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Heather was just made to blush even more so at Sydney's words, feeling how much t he girl was seemingly excited to get her in a position like t his. She just groans out loudly, squirming and wriggling with her as she was locked in t hat grappling position, pressing at her shoulders in her attempt to break away. She needed to get some distance, worried how trapped she would be if Sydney just kept her there.

Finally though, she felt her push her back, Heather stumbling just a bit, clearing her throat to readjust herself. It was definitely embarrassing that she had handled her like t hat, slapping at her own cheeks a couple times to just readjust herself and get back in the game."Nh..y-yeah yeah..D-don't think those kind of thoughts are gonna stop me from winning tonight!"

She kicks off right afterwards, wanting to catch her off guard as she leaped up into the air. She aimed both her boots to the girl's chest, wanting to hit her hard with a nice dropkick!
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Re: Wanting that Peach: Heather Sunderland vs Sydney Hendrix

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Sydney is just messing with the smaller woman now, but it is not like she means to do it as seeing Heather in her little outfit just makes her motherly feelings come out in full force.

As she was caught odd guard due to the smaller woman already knowing what she is going to do next. 'uuugghhhh' Sydney would grunt out. Due to Heather's feet slamming into her breasts, forcing her to stumble backward before tripping over her own feet and falling on her backside. Stunned and in shock that the smaller woman was able to take her down with a dropkick of all things,

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Re: Wanting that Peach: Heather Sunderland vs Sydney Hendrix

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Heather grunt out just a little as she was able to crash into her with that dropkick, a sharp breath coming from her mouth shortly after. She quickly scrambled back to her feet after landing, hopping just a little to keep on her toes. She needed to take it straight to her as much as she could right from the start, knowing this little opening meant quite a bit when it came to being up against a heavyweight like Sydney.

While she definitely..appreciated her admiration, Heather couldn't let that kind of thing stall her at all. She had to show her she wasn't one to mess with--and taking advantage when she was on her backside like this was the way to do it. She rushed in right when she saw her downed, leaping into the air as she did so. She flipped in towards her, trying to land on her front with a running flip senton!
Contact me on Discord at: TiefBlau#4995 for matches!

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