Finley Zeffer vs Christina Perez

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Finley Zeffer vs Christina Perez

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"Love of my hurt've broken my heart, and now you leave me...Love of my life can't you see...bring it back...bring it back...don't take it away from me because you don't know...what it means to me..."

A staff member knocked at the locker room, wondering what Christina was doing as it seemed like she was singing to herself. It sounded pretty lovely as the staff member asked her what song was that, to which the Filipina replied.

"Oh yeah, that was ugghhh...Love of my life by Queen...It's Sunday Night, and I usually go out to the nearest Karaoke bar and me a favor and don't tell anybody about this, ok?" She looked at the staff member pleadingly as the employee chuckled and promised to keep it a secret as Christina smiled.

"Oh yeah...I forgot that I had a match tonight...I hate wrestling at a Sunday...sum pain to" The dark-haired woman sighed as she quickly got dressed in her Black Leotard, White kneepads, and black boots as she looked in the mirror and smiled.
"Show time~" When she exited the room, she was scheduled to be the first to come out to the stage as Christina waited for her music to que. As she waited, she thought about her opponent and what he might look like.

"I wonder if he is at least handsome~" she chuckled and licked her lips as the Californian woman knew exactly what she wanted to do. She had grappled with a lot of guys before, and most (not all) fallen victim to her playful teases and flirting, only for them to get trapped in one of her submissions. She hoped to do the same with this new male opponent, and the thought of humiliating and torturing the man with playful fun put a grin on her face.
When her music started to play, her grin faded away as she had to look serious for the crowd. As always, when Christina walked to the ring, she would ignore the fans that wanted her attention. She had no time to interact with everybody that wanted to take a photo with her, unlike a certain annoying Canadian...cough cough Emma cough cough...and decided to come inside the ring with her usual confident and poise attitude.

She made it to her corner as she did some exercises and stretched to get herself warmed up a bit. When she waited for her opponent, she would fix her hair and plaster on a flirtatious smile whenever he entered the ring. Christina was planning to be on him the whole night...

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Re: Finley Zeffer vs Christina Perez

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Finaly sighed softly as he cracked his neck backstage near the gorilla position while fixing the tape around his fists in preparation for his next match up. Tonight he was slated against a relative newcomer who had made a fairly big splash in her relatively short amount of time in LAW. "Christina Perez huh?" He said to himself while flexing his hands a bit to make sure the tape was nice and secure around his hands.

As far as he knew the woman only had official matches against other women in LAW, but he had heard rumors circulating of a beef between her and that so called wrestling prince Daisuke. But he did also do enough basic research to know that his opponent did have experience in matches against men... and apparently she was the flirty type. But he was used to that at this point in LAW, but who knows, maybe she could at least back up whatever she talked. "Lets see what she can do." He said to himself walking up to the gorilla position proper, bouncing on his heels for a moment as he waited for the signal from the backstage worker the blonde would nod to them as he walked out onto the entrance ramp.
Marching out onto the top of the ramp Finlay would look out out at the crowd with his normal resting serious expression on his face. Such a cadence was common for the blonde, as such people reacted in response to the New Zealander with a mixed response, but one with just a bit more cheers mixed in than jeers. Being one of the few, fairly upstanding males in LAW having its own niche benefit as far as fan reception went.
Standing for another few moments Finlay would begin walking down the ramp, confidence dripping from his form as he did so, shoulder squared back and a steady gait in in his walk. As he approached the ring Finlay would leap up, landing with his feet perched on the outside of the apron. As he did so his hands would grip on the top ropes before vaulting himself up and over the ropes to land with a roll into the ring before popping up onto his feet. As he did so he would take a few steps to the center of the ring, locking eyes with his opponent.

Christina Perez. She was a bit shorter than himself but the brunette had an impressive physique, and a confident expression of her own on her face. Finlay wasn't sure still exactly what kind of opponent she would be, but he was about to find out. Perhaps the best way to test this however was with a simple gesture. So standing in the center of the ring Finlay would raise his hand up, inviting Christina to a silent show of respect with a hand shake. As he did so Finlay would eye up Christina, waiting to see how she would react to the gesture.
Last edited by Bare on Thu Feb 10, 2022 7:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Finley Zeffer vs Christina Perez

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When Christina heard Finlay's entrance music play, she smiled and waited politely at her corner. She got an eye of her opponent from afar and saw that his look and demeanor was that of a serious and stoic man who looked like he had no problems smacking a woman for the sake of equality! Also, he looked handsome, which was a plus side for the brunette as she licked her lips seductively the more the New Zealander came closer to the ring.

Christina seems to have some turn-on for guys like Finlay and, heck, even Daisuke. As weird as that sounds to the Californian to feel some way towards a guy who dissed her family, she liked the way Daisuke was rough with her. She also wanted to know if her new male opponent would also be a mean tough guy that would choke, slap, and abuse her, and the more Christina thinks about it, the more sexually aroused she gets. She loves guys that are bad boys, and seeing Finaly come closer to the ring and seeing his magnificent form and even locking eyes with the Brunette, Christina couldn't help but wink at the Kiwi and softly blush. All she could think about was how the taller man would hurt her...strangle her...beat her...and...and...


There was a massive moment of silence as Christina's loud outburst surprised everyone, including the ref, who asked her if she was ok.

"Oh sorry...umm...yeah, I'm ok. I thought I saw...ugghhh... Ghosts..." she embarrassingly scratches her head and looks down at the canvas.

'Uggghhhnnn!! Why did I do that!? God, that was so uncharacteristic of me!'

When she saw that her opponent came up to her and offered a handshake in the center of the ring, Christina looked up and closed her eyes for a second, trying to stay calm and recover from making herself look like a total weirdo. She approaches Finlay and shakes his hand.

"Hey there, handsome sorry if I startled you there..." she giggled and put her hands to her hips and locked eyes with the New Zealander.

"So you think you're a tough guy, huh? All serious and mean...I like that a lot, and I think you're cute~ but in a few minutes, I'm going to rock your world." She quickly cupped his chin and leaned closer to give him a peck in the cheek as she returned to her corner and waited for the match to begin.

When the ref was checking each wrestler for any contrabands, Christina made sure her eyes never left Finlay as all she would do was smile and blow him a kiss. Once the ref was done with their inspection, it was time for the match to begin as the bell started to ring!


Christina slowly walked to the center of the ring with her hands behind her back in a cocky manner. She circled her tall opponent taunting him to grapple with her.

"Come on, tough guy, try to grab me~ I'm sure someone like you can tangle with a black belt in ass kicking~" she grinned, inching closer and closer, daring him to lock up with her as Christina was ready to immediately toss him to the canvas if he dared lay a hand on her!

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Re: Finley Zeffer vs Christina Perez

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As Finlay approached the center of the ring he would stare down his opponent, looking her over now that the two were in the same ring with one another and he was able to make a proper evaluation while waiting to see if she would shake his hand. She was fit, muscular even, long dark hair, a full chest, long toned leg, and overall was quite the specimen and Finlay would admit that Christina was quite attractive. Not that it mattered much to the blonde who retained the serious expression he had come down to the ring with.

What did cause a break in his face however was the sudden and explosive outburst from the woman who, up until now was someone he took to be somewhat similar to himself as far as taking herself seriously. '...I don't think I read anything about her being unstable.' The blonde thought to himself curiously wondering what the cause for such a reaction was. But whatever may have been the reason for it, didn't matter as it wouldn't change what he was here to do.

In any case Christina finally stepped forward, rewarding the blonde's patience as she reached out and grasped his hand shaking it firmly. Releasing her hand he would keep his gaze locked against hers as the dark haired woman spoke, though he kept up his guard when she got closer to him.

Tensing up Finlay prepared for a potential cheap shot or attack from the woman, but instead.. got a kiss to the cheek? Blushing very lightly he fought it down as he refocused. "Appreciate the compliment, but in a few minutes you'll see just how tough I am." He said in response to her, not backing down on either a competitive or flirtatious front. ...For him at leat.

In any case he could at least appreciate the confidence and determination he saw in Christina's eyes, Finlay just hoped that the woman would be able to back what she said up.

Luckily he would have the chance to test her almost immediate after the bell rang. Off the bat Christina's hands went behind her back, with the woman inviting him to come at her. Narrowing his eyes at this Finlay would circle her for a moment, his body tensing before he darted forward, looking to not waste any time in answering her challenge as he tried to make a grab for Christina right off the bat!

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Re: Finley Zeffer vs Christina Perez

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When the bell rang, Christina was waiting patiently for her opponent to make the first move as she purposely taunted by having her hands behind her back to draw him in. Luckily for the Brunette, she got what she wanted as Finlay's began to dart forward, causing Christina to quickly unsheathed her hands off her back to counter. When she saw that her opponent was trying to grab her, she instinctively used a simple Hip throw, to which the Japanese commentator yelled out.

After throwing her Finlay to the canvas with relative ease, Christina would flip her hair and take a few steps back for the Blonde to get back up to his feet as she had a confident and cocky smile while placing both hands in her hips. Once the blonde would get up, Christina would continue to keep her hands on her hips, taunting him to grapple with her once more as it seemed the Sadistic woman was playing around. If Finlay was ready to attack the Brunette, she was prepared to counter him as she confidently anticipated his next move.
Last edited by Weonna on Sat Feb 12, 2022 4:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Finley Zeffer vs Christina Perez

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Finlay had started to circle Christina, eyes narrowed and ready to clash with the brunette at the start of the bout. Instinctively he was tensed up and ready to dart forward or back at a moment's notice if Christina moved. However she would only put her hands behind her back, daring him to come to her. Which is exactly what he would do, never one to back down he dashed towards Christina, trying to get an early advantage by making a grab for her!

As he did so however her hands came up faster than he would have expected, grabbing him and spinning him off his feet! "Guh!" Landing on his back from the throw and grunting from the impact Finlay would immediately roll to the side, feet getting under him as he locked eyes with the woman before him. 'Faster than she looks.' He thought to himself as he stared her down, the woman mocking him with her hands on her hips. 'Lets see how she handles this!' He thought to himself, dashing forward while staying low, this time attempting to make a lunge for Christina's legs for a double leg takedown!

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Re: Finley Zeffer vs Christina Perez

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Christina felt pretty confident in her Judo skills as she gave her opponent a thumbs down and then a zero sign.

"Your grappling game needs some work, love~" she chuckled as she locked eyes with her opponent before making a read on his movement as Finlay was dashing low for a double leg Takedown. However, the first mistake for the New Zealander was that he made his double leg attempt too obvious for Christina to react accordingly as she had time to execute another Judo throw.

When Finlay's hands made contact with her legs, she did a slight sprawl to prevent him from fully wrapping his arms around her legs; then, she would wrap her arms around his back. Once she got the position, she took a step and placed her feet under his body, and from there on, she would toss her opponent backward.
Once the throw was completed, Christina rolled back to her feet to stand up and chuckle at the New Zealander as she would give him some advice.

"You know if you're going to take me down, can you at least throw off the timing?" She smiled sweetly at the man before offering her hand.

"Here, let me help you up~" This was a trap as Christina grinned, hoping her opponent would fall for it if he reached for her hand.

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Re: Finley Zeffer vs Christina Perez

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Finlay didn't like to be played with, not at all. No he preferred to get right down to the nitty gritty of a fight and duke or grapple it out with everything he and an opponent had. Anything less than that was a insult. So Christina was seriously ticking him off within the early stages of the match with her playful little throws.

Something Finlay tried to avoid by changing up tactics and going from high to low as he went for a double leg takedown on the dark haired beauty. But it was for naught, as rather than managing to grab her legs and take her down, Finlay was instead once again grabbed himself and thrown backwards!

"Grn!" Half yelping from the impact and half growling from frustration Finlay would punch the mat as he sat up and turned only to find Christina in front of him, offering her advice and a hand up....

Not that he would take it. "Throw this off." He snapped at her, slapping her hand away while getting a foot under him, if successful he would try and change tactics all together and immediately after slapping her hand away he would try and swing his other arm forward, attempting to do a forearm smash aimed at Christina's chest!

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Re: Finley Zeffer vs Christina Perez

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When Finlay slapped Christina's hand away, she clicked her tongue in disappointment.

"Fine, you want me to go serious? I'll show you what happens if I try!" The Californian wasn't going to play around for the next move, and when her male opponent went to Forearm Smash her chest, she caught his arm before it connected.

"Bad move~" she grinned at the Kiwi before swiftly going under his caught arm to go to his side where she would foot sweep him back to the canvas, and with her hands still in control of his arm, she would attempt to catch Finlay is one of her special armlock or armbar as most people call it. If successful, she would try to inflict as much damage to his arm and shoulder as possible by hyperextending his elbow!

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Re: Finley Zeffer vs Christina Perez

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Finlay was frustrated. It was clear on his face and attitude that he was and when he swung his arm forward it was more of a reaction to that frustration with only a hint of strategy behind it as he attempt to strike at the grappler before him!

But once again the very casual and playful woman was showing her cleverness and skill with grappling as she managed to catch his arm before it could connect with her chest. '...Shit.' Finlay thought to himself knowing this was anything but good as she turned, once again using her marital skills to pull the blonde off his feet and crashing back to the mat!

This time however Christina wasn't looking to tease or embarass the blonde, this time she was looking to deal some punishment to him as she attempted to pull his arm back for a armbar! "Shit!" He cursed softly and immediately reached across with his free arm, attempting to grab his free hand and keep a grip in an attempt to stop the woman from fully locking in the brutal submission hold!

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