Newbie Nuo vs Marie Blanc

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Newbie Nuo vs Marie Blanc

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Match Type: Standard
Victory Conditions: Pinfall or Submission

In the locker room, Nuo was putting on in her pink mask after adjusting her elbow pads. Jumping a bit to check her outfit to see if it was tight as her breasts bounce a bit, giving a nod to herself as she looked like she was all set. Leaving the locker room and to the backstage to get ready to make her entrance as she thinks about her match.
Attire 2
Before she could say anything, her theme plays as she rushed out and wave towards the crowd with both of her hands. Encouraging the crowd to cheer as she strutted down the ramp and towards the ring, grabbing the bottom ropes to climb onto the apron. Squeezing between the top and bottom ropes as she accidently rubbed her rear against the middle ropes. After entering the ring, she rest on the ropes, waiting to see her opponent which she heard was a rookie, praying to herself it be a regular wrestler.
Last edited by Random_Username on Sun Feb 13, 2022 2:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Newbie Nuo vs Marie Blanc

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Marie was chancing into her black one piece as she thought about the upcoming match.As she had bin surprised she was booked in another single match after her last performance. Still maybe those in charge had seen her potential as an solo act as the French woman was not going to look an gift horse in the mouth as she would take this opportunity with both hands.

So with purpose in her steps she would walk to the backstage area as she was focused on making that first step that would allow her to snatch the contract away from her rival. So when she got told it was her turn to walk down to the ring she would do so as she stepped onto the entrance ramp as she waved at the fans.After that she would walk down to the ring as the announcer would say ''now entering the ring first from Lyon,France.Weighing in at 140ibs.It's Marie Blanc'' as LoveFuryPassionEnergy by Lita was coming out of the speakers. As she would just lean against the ropes as she looked across the ring as she stared into Karen's eyes as she checked her opponent out.

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Re: Newbie Nuo vs Marie Blanc

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Nuo leaned forward, resting against the top ropes as she took a sigh of relief when she saw Marie. Judging by the one piece, she looked pretty normal and just look like this was going to be a normal match after all. She kept her eyes on Marie as she stepped out of the backstage, watching her taking her time to greet the fans before entering the ring.

After Marie entered the ring, Nuo greeted with a smile as she approached her, introducing herself. "Huang Nuo, nice to meet you." Giving her opponent a nod to respect her, sticking her hand out for a handshake. If she shook her hand, she grabbed Marie's hand with both of hers while giving a bright smile. "Let's have a fun match~!"

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Re: Newbie Nuo vs Marie Blanc

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Marie had just gotten into the ring when her opponent would approach her as she looked at the other woman's hand that was held out towards her. Thinking for an few seconds she would just reach out with her left hand as she grasped onto Nuo's hand as she replied ''I'm Marie Blanc , and I feel the same way. Still I do hope you can walk away happy with an defeat as I am planning on walking out with an victory''in an teasing tone.

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Re: Newbie Nuo vs Marie Blanc

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Nuo laughed it off, feeling nice to make this a friendly competition as she continued to smile at Marie. "As long as I'm having fun- Though, I'm not going to lose that easy, okay~?" Letting go of her opponent's hand before taking a couple of steps back to the center of the ring. Her hands on her hips as she waited for the bell to ring before raising her arms up in the air as if she was going to challenge Marie.


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Re: Newbie Nuo vs Marie Blanc

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''Good mentality to have , and I agree''replied Marie as the bell would soon ring as she watched as the masked wrestler approached her with her opponent's hands being raised in the air. Thinking that the other woman was going for an test of strength the French native would walk forward as she copied Nuo's stance as she figured she could meet her opponent in the middle , and get this match started.

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Re: Newbie Nuo vs Marie Blanc

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With both at the center of the ring, they started things off with a traditional test of strength as Nuo continue to smirk at Marie. She was feeling confident that she was going to give her opponent a match as she pressed her body against hers. Her chest mashed together with Marie's as she attempted to use her weight as an advantage to push the rookie back. "How do you... Like my strength?" She asked.

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Re: Newbie Nuo vs Marie Blanc

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Marie would meet her opponent in the center of the ring as her hands entwine with her opponent's own as she would begin to push forward. This caused their bodies to press up against each other as she felt her chest collide with the other woman's own as she replied back ''well it is impressive. Still I think that I'm the strongest woman in the ring''as she tried to take an step forward.

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Re: Newbie Nuo vs Marie Blanc

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Both look like they were at a stalemate as Marie pushed Nuo back to the same spot they were before as it didn't look like they were making any progress. "Really? Then no doubt you can handle this..." Nuo smiled, pulling Marie's hands as high as they can before slamming her knee into the rookie's stomach. "Sorry but I can't have the fans bored watching this."

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Re: Newbie Nuo vs Marie Blanc

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Marie would begin her attempt to push the masked wrestler backwards , but Nuo would counter as for every step the French woman gained. She was pushed back an step as well. Losing the progress she made her price for all her struggle. Still it was the other woman who managed to get in the first blow as Marie would gasp as she got hit in the stomach as she bend over forward as she held her hurting stomach.

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