"TIME FOR ANOTHER MATCH!" The announcer yelled. "FIRST UP, MAKING HER DEBUT, IT'S-AAHHH!" Suddenly, the LAW official had let out a panicked scream! A blur had zipped around him, before hiding behind a marble column. Whoever it was had untied and then tangled up the staff member's opposite shoe lances together! This had caused the poor man to fall over! But who would do such a thing! While the announcer groaned on the hard floor, the audience gasped. But soon the sound of maniacal cackling would take the crowd's attention off of the staff member and onto the marble column!
"MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!" The voice echoed. And afterwards, the scoundrel would show herself! It was the debuting wrestler, clad in a very spider-themed attire, holding a microphone of her very own! "Now where oh where did the announcer go?" The villainess snickered, ignoring the fact he was on the ground before her and thanks to her! "Arachne can't find him. Hmmm. Maybe he dipped! WENT ON A LITTLE TRIP!" She joked, before making her way down the ramp and climbing into the ring.
"Thankfully, Arachne can announce herself!" She continued. "The personification of chaos! LAW's most evil heel! NOW YOU SHOULD ALL KNEEL, BEFORE ARACHNE WIDOW SPYDER: THE VILLIANESS OF THE SPIDER WEEEEEEEEEEEEB! BWHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!"