Villainess vs Heroine - Arachne (D) vs Sonic Cat

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Villainess vs Heroine - Arachne (D) vs Sonic Cat

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It was always exciting when a new wrestler made her debut into the Women's Ring of LAW Arena. The fans had heard that there would be a newcomer on the scene, and many were beside themselves with curiosity and anticipation. This was especially true, because whoever it was would be facing Sonic Cat. A wrestler so filled to the brim with passionate heroism, that it was always an entertaining delight to see how SC worked off of her opponents. But the new gal, she would be entering first.

"TIME FOR ANOTHER MATCH!" The announcer yelled. "FIRST UP, MAKING HER DEBUT, IT'S-AAHHH!" Suddenly, the LAW official had let out a panicked scream! A blur had zipped around him, before hiding behind a marble column. Whoever it was had untied and then tangled up the staff member's opposite shoe lances together! This had caused the poor man to fall over! But who would do such a thing! While the announcer groaned on the hard floor, the audience gasped. But soon the sound of maniacal cackling would take the crowd's attention off of the staff member and onto the marble column!

"MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!" The voice echoed. And afterwards, the scoundrel would show herself! It was the debuting wrestler, clad in a very spider-themed attire, holding a microphone of her very own! "Now where oh where did the announcer go?" The villainess snickered, ignoring the fact he was on the ground before her and thanks to her! "Arachne can't find him. Hmmm. Maybe he dipped! WENT ON A LITTLE TRIP!" She joked, before making her way down the ramp and climbing into the ring.

"Thankfully, Arachne can announce herself!" She continued. "The personification of chaos! LAW's most evil heel! NOW YOU SHOULD ALL KNEEL, BEFORE ARACHNE WIDOW SPYDER: THE VILLIANESS OF THE SPIDER WEEEEEEEEEEEEB! BWHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!"
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Re: Villainess vs Heroine - Arachne (D) vs Sonic Cat

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After Arachne made her debut by pulling a prank on the announcer, it was time for her opponent to make her entrance. Because the announcer was busy dealing with his own problem, trying to untangle his shoe laces, Arachne's opponent decided to make her entrance without being announced. Her music was playing triumphantly as Sonic Cat made her entrance.

"You... EVIL SCOUNDREL!!! TO ANNOUNCE YOURSELF BEFORE ME, YOU HAVE NERVE TO DECLARE YOUR EVIL INTENTIONS?!" Sonic Cat bellowed as she held a microphone close to her mouth. "I, SONIC CAT, THE BRINGER OF JUSTICE AND SAVIOR OF ALL INNOCENTS, SHALL BRING AN END TO YOUR EVIL WAY!!" The crowd was eating it up as Sonic Cat declared in the hammiest way possible.
Sonic Cat
Sonic Cat made her way into the ring, looking at Arachne the whole time. "So... what did you do to the poor announcer, you... VILLAIN?" Not too far from them, the announcer seemed to have recovered, having fixed his issues with his shoe laces. "Depending on your answers, I will have to... SMITE YOU TO KINGDOM COME!!!" She pointed her finger at Arachne as she declared her intention to defeat her and bring an end to her vicious and intolerable villainy.

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Re: Villainess vs Heroine - Arachne (D) vs Sonic Cat

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Arachne had just got done making herself known in quite the mischievous fashion, by tripping the poor announcer and taking over the role for herself! She waited in the ring eagerly for her opponent, who would quickly come forward, no doubt provoked by the spider's wicked actions! The heel's eyes lit up with excitement as Sonic Cat rebuked her in a heroically silly fashion, management couldn't have chosen a better opponent for the comedic villain's debut! The spider smirked smugly, as her foe entered the ring with her, preparing for the start of the match.

"Well, well, well...What have we here?! Aww, it's an adorable superhero zero! Have you come to make Arachne look good in her debut? Or do you actually think you can stop Arachne?!" Arachne snickered. As for the announcer, let's just say he would've simply loved to do his job today, but he became tied up with...other things. Let's just say, he couldn't make it on the count of a unexpected...trip he had to go on." Arachne chuckled, finding the joke even funnier the second time. "But forget about the innocents, puny hero. Right now, my dark aura begins to consume all hope and goodness in this arena! You can't stop Arachne. But watching you try? THAT WILL BE HILARIOUS! MUHAHAHAAAAA!"

The evil spider squared up with her righteous adversary, waiting for the ringing of the bell. Along with the villainess and heroine, a referee stood in the ring with the wrestlers. Thankfully, unlike the announcer, Arachne hadn't messed with the ref......yet.

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Re: Villainess vs Heroine - Arachne (D) vs Sonic Cat

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Sonic Cat scoffed as she puffed up her chest, standing up heroically before the villainous Arachne. "Not only you are vile without compare, you are also BAD at JOKES!!" She pointed her index finger at the villainess before her. "I cannot stand by and let you, your villainy and your horrendous attempts at childish comedy sully the sacred site such as this SQUARED CIRCLE! I, Sonic Cat, shall put an end to your vile wickedness!!" She declared heroically, and like always, the crowd was eating up her dramatic hero's speech.

The referee, seemingly relieved that Arachne hadn't targeted her, at least not yet, went to get the match started, getting the bell to ring. With that, the match began. Sonic Cat tossed aside the microphone and got herself ready. She hopped on the balls of her feet, showing a determined expression as she glared at Arachne, preparing to clash with the villainess. She would observe her, wanting to see what sort of evil machinations that she had in store for this match. After all, hamminess aside, Sonic Cat was not stupid. She knew that all villains would resort to dirty tricks whenever they were in the ring.

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Re: Villainess vs Heroine - Arachne (D) vs Sonic Cat

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"B-Bad at jokes?!" Arachne responded in an overdramatic fashion, after Sonic Cat continued her righteous tirade to the mouthy spider. "How dare you undermine Arachne's comedic genius! Now foolish hero, face the chaos brought forth by the Villainess of the Spider Web! Ya pleb! HehHehHeh."

After the two hammy girls finished their pre-match exchanges, the bell rang. Ms. Spyder watched the cat hop on her feet, responding to the heroine's glare with a villainous smirk. Arachne too was smarter than her silliness let on. She knew her opponent was clearly being cautious here, preparing herself for any underhanded tactics from the mischievous heel. Indeed, Widow certainly had some tricks up her sleeve, courtesy of the prankish items she kept in her backpack. However, she thought it would perhaps be unwise to reveal some of her wild cards so soon, especially against a cautious adversary.

"Yessss. This should be interesting." Arachne snickered, before suddenly zooming around her righteous opponent. The first thing the spider would show LAW was her incredible speed. She zipped around Sonic Cat on all sides, trying to confuse her. "Here!" Right here! Or maybe over here!" Bwahahahahaaaa!" Granted, Arachne didn't know how fast Sonic Cat was at this moment. Regardless, the arachnid would try to spring at Sonic Cat from behind, before attempting to put her in an Abdominal Stretch!

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Re: Villainess vs Heroine - Arachne (D) vs Sonic Cat

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With the bell being sounded, Sonic Cat was ready to face Arachne. It seemed that to start off the match, Arachne decided to use her speed to confuse her, and it took great effort from the heroine to keep track of her movements. Still, Sonic Cat was considered a savant in pro wrestling, which was why she was considered to be the Ace of Ring Dream to begin with.

Because it was difficult to keep Arachne in her line of vision, Sonic Cat had to rely on her instinct. When Arachne moved herself behind her, trying to put her into an abdominal stretch, Sonic Cat was already prepared for her as she would immediately bring her hands up and grab onto her opponent's head. "I don't think so!" Yelling out, she would clutch onto Arachne's head before dropping herself into a seated position, hitting her opponent with a sudden stunner!

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Re: Villainess vs Heroine - Arachne (D) vs Sonic Cat

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At the start of the match, Arachne had opted to use her speed to bewilder her righteous adversary, racing around Sonic Cat. It appeared to be working at first, as the heroine seemed to have trouble keeping up with her foe's rapid movements. The villainess laughed evilly as she sought to confuse the cat, before finally making her move!

However, things didn't go as planned for the speedy spider. Her opponent seemed to instinctively react to Arachne moving right behind her. When the bug moved in for the abdominal stretch, she felt her head suddenly get grabbed! "Hey!" Arachne complained, disappointed her plan was unsuccessful. "Ahhh!" She was suddenly drilled onto the mat my SC, who landed that impressive stunner!

And stunned Arachne was, at least for a brief moment. She fought through the blow and managed to sit up, along with Sonic Cat. With a quick snicker, she would reach out with the aim to trap the hero in a seated headlock. If successful, Arachne would follow it up by also wrapping her curvy thighs around her foe for a tight bodyscissors!

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Re: Villainess vs Heroine - Arachne (D) vs Sonic Cat

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Successfully reversing Arachne's attempt to put her into an abdominal stretch into a stunner, Sonic Cat was seated for a while, trying to assess her current situation before her opponent suddenly held her in a seated headlock. "Aahhh!!" Sonic Cat yelped as she was trapped in the hold. Before she could do anything to release herself, she then felt Arachne's legs wrapped around her body as she was being subjected into a bodyscissor.


Sonic Cat was held in the hold, and she knew that she might be in trouble if she remained there. So, the first thing Sonic Cat would try to do was to pry those arms off her head, hoping to release herself from the headlock first. She needed to be quick, or else she might end up vulnerable to whatever the villainess might have in store for her next.

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Re: Villainess vs Heroine - Arachne (D) vs Sonic Cat

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After Sonic Cat had taken both wrestlers down to the mat, Arachne managed to recover from the feline's clever move and fight back! The spider brought her heroic opponent in for a headlock, before adding to it with quite a bodyscissors! "Aaaahahahahaaaa!" The villainess cackled. "Do you really think you can escape the webs of Arachne! They say spider silk is proportionally strong than steel."

Arachne continued to squeeze hard with those shapely thighs, while SC opted to try dealing with the bug's headlock first. The heroine managed to pry the spider's arms away a bit, with Arachne more focused on squeezing her foe with those legs. "Hey now!" The arachnid complained, deciding to just stop the headlock herself, since Sonic Cat was starting to fight well against it. In an attempt to stop her foe's resistance, Arachne would try to use both her hands to snag both of SC's wrists. The spider hoped to retain her adversary's arms, while she kept crushing her in the scissors of her legs!

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Re: Villainess vs Heroine - Arachne (D) vs Sonic Cat

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Even though Sonic Cat managed to get her head off the headlock, she was still trapped in the bodyscissor, and things didn't look too good for the heroine. "Nnnnghhhhhh!!!" She groaned as she tried to move her hands down, but before she could do that, Arachne seized her hands by her wrists, stopping her from prying those legs off of her.

The pain around her waist was getting more and more unbearable, and she needed to find a way out of this bodyscissor. So, Sonic Cat would try to get the flat of her feet on the mat, and with a yell, she would try to bridge herself up, hoping to push Arachne backwards and send her back first onto the mat. From there, she hoped to get her opponent's shoulders on the mat, going for an improvised pinfall attempt!

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