Definitely one the matches that Wicke Sykes greatly anticipated. Not only this could possibly be a contender for toughest LAW match yet, but she definitely had some history with this particular subject, beyond another skill comparison. A face then and now, she was always sceptical about Thereisa Niedermeyer and her mannerisms. While there wasn't a major rivalry or series of matches, she was more than able to comprehend the strongest personality and stars in the field even back then. Relentless aggression, disregarding rules and any other means to gain prestige. Like a government that doesn't weed out corruption or an ecosystem lacking a resource, eventually all shall collapse. Even if she was aware about increasing approval as well as her upcoming opponent's past and recent scuffles, Wicke still felt every reason to be concerned, almost overshadowing her desires to battle against another veteran in the qualifiers.
Having fixed up her tight attire while simultaneously observing the other wrestler's entrance, she would wait for her cue. A fixed vow to win through own capacity but not natural law. In contrast to the brief metal concert from earlier, bubbly music would echo from the speakers as Wicke finally made her appearance. Strutting across the ramp, the curvy wrestler possessed an expression while welcoming spelled caution, yet she still had the courtesy to hi-five a nearby fan.
As part of her usual routine, the labcoat cocoon was removed to reveal the curvy yet muscular mass about to jingle soon. Sliding into the ring, she took her station at the centre, ready to do battle when the referee performs their other cue. In the meantime, some conversation after time apart was overdue. "Hmmm quite an interesting change of wardrobe, but those words are all too familiar. I feel at least 15 years younger." She hoped that these were just quips, but could sense it was not the case. "While this is barely the preliminaries, you are certainly not forgetting this match so why don't we commemorate?" It might have been a bit rash for her to offer a handshake to Theresea to all people, but she was sympathetic and wanted to observe closely.