Devil's Due: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Wicke Sykes

Qualifiers for the Inaugural World Openweight Title Event LAW Apex
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Devil's Due: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Wicke Sykes

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This is a match Thereisa has been waiting for. After watching Wicke dominate her step-daughter during a match a few weeks ago, she demanded that one of her qualifying matches be between against her. But this is something she wanted for a long time, since she knows the other woman from back when both were in their prime back in the day and even she was warned by the other woman that sooner or later Karma would catch up to her in the end... and it really did since not long after that meeting between the two of them, Thereisa would be banned from the ring for her reckless endangerment and breaking the code by injuring her opponents on purpose.

Fixing her hair up in the mirror as she waits to be given the cue to take her place on stage, she is nervous since a lot is on the time for this she knows she would do anything to win that belt... and after tonight someone will dance with the devil in the flesh. That loud metallic like roar echoes throughout the arena as she appears on stage, spreading her arms out with a wicked smile on her face, making her way down to the ring before sliding inside and poses for the fans.

Leaning against the ring ropes with a smug look on her face, 'Come on Wicke, don't keep a girl waiting now... bring that fat ass of yours out here so I can kick it.'


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Re: Devil's Due: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Wicke Sykes

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Definitely one the matches that Wicke Sykes greatly anticipated. Not only this could possibly be a contender for toughest LAW match yet, but she definitely had some history with this particular subject, beyond another skill comparison. A face then and now, she was always sceptical about Thereisa Niedermeyer and her mannerisms. While there wasn't a major rivalry or series of matches, she was more than able to comprehend the strongest personality and stars in the field even back then. Relentless aggression, disregarding rules and any other means to gain prestige. Like a government that doesn't weed out corruption or an ecosystem lacking a resource, eventually all shall collapse. Even if she was aware about increasing approval as well as her upcoming opponent's past and recent scuffles, Wicke still felt every reason to be concerned, almost overshadowing her desires to battle against another veteran in the qualifiers.

Having fixed up her tight attire while simultaneously observing the other wrestler's entrance, she would wait for her cue. A fixed vow to win through own capacity but not natural law. In contrast to the brief metal concert from earlier, bubbly music would echo from the speakers as Wicke finally made her appearance. Strutting across the ramp, the curvy wrestler possessed an expression while welcoming spelled caution, yet she still had the courtesy to hi-five a nearby fan.
As part of her usual routine, the labcoat cocoon was removed to reveal the curvy yet muscular mass about to jingle soon. Sliding into the ring, she took her station at the centre, ready to do battle when the referee performs their other cue. In the meantime, some conversation after time apart was overdue. "Hmmm quite an interesting change of wardrobe, but those words are all too familiar. I feel at least 15 years younger." She hoped that these were just quips, but could sense it was not the case. "While this is barely the preliminaries, you are certainly not forgetting this match so why don't we commemorate?" It might have been a bit rash for her to offer a handshake to Theresea to all people, but she was sympathetic and wanted to observe closely.

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Re: Devil's Due: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Wicke Sykes

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This has been a long time coming in Thereisa eyes. During her run as a dominant brutal champion the company she worked for would go to other companies and ask to book a match between the, to the wrestling world it was more of champion vs champion kind of match where side deals was made to have her lose and drop the title belt. But she knew what the company was doing after hearing them talk about wanting someone else to be the new Ace of the company, so that night she broke Yoko neck and didn't bat an eye over doing it since she refused to be tossed aside like some trash by the higher ups in the company.

Plus one thing that is between the both of them is a match that happened during her run of taking on all comers, Thereisa remembers that woman... very passionate about wrestling she was but always wanting to put on a great show for the crowd but looking back on it she can say that was one regret she wish she could take back.

'New look for a change. I would rather be in a leotard, but I have many outfits due to Ana sponsors,' she would say with her arms crossed. Looking over at Wicke and steps forward since it has been a long time since they seen each other again, since both left on some harsh words between them, but it been a long time, so maybe. 'Oh likewise we never had a match between us during our peak years...' reaching out and taking Wicke hand in hers for the handshake... before leaning close and whispering in the woman's ear...' I made sure to commemorated our last meeting when I broke Samina neck.' she smirks while tightening her grip around the other woman's hand squeezing it tightly to try to break it. Before stepping away and letting go with that smile on her face. ' You're alright, Wicke. You look kind of flustered?.'

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Re: Devil's Due: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Wicke Sykes

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Most people remember Wicke for her greatest accomplishments and aesthetic as opposed to the hurdles. This match wasn't just her mere passion taking over, there was a bridge that brought the veteran together despite having not fought before, something that Wicke kept in the confines of her mind.

A brief talk about outfits, even if Wicke preferred matching attires to replicate the classic format. Definitely a dream match to look forward to. What prevented them going beyond a simple verbal confrontation years back was lack of an anchor. While initially prepared for an arm crunch, the next few words were enough to warp Wicke's mind and concentration dramatically. Samina Desai. Her short-lived tag team partner and friend. Somebody who helped her pick up the pieces during the old trials, assist Wicke on her journey for the squared circle was different to the mats. Samina possessed a greater passion about the sport and had potential to be a big superstar, enough for both friends to agree to venture on their own, so what happened?

It all culminated on a special day many years ago when Theresia and Samina squared off. A bout that ended with the latter's ultimate defeat. Her neck succumbing to the Frankensteiner, resulting in an early retirement. Yet another broken dream, but Wicke could only spectate and at best raise her voice in response to such cruelty.

At the present moment, the purplette's entire body boiled adopting a shade of pink. Having to live all those experiences once again only to realise the terror still persisted and possibly worse due to Wicke's inaction. The emotional stimulation barely provided her the ability to resist the crushing handshake, yet she still needed remained in a daze as their arms separated.

This was probably the only time she could amend her mistake for the good of everyone terrorised by Thereisa Niedermeyer. While bound by the rules, the babyface would utilise every possible method to ensure that the heel regretted mocking the fallen. Fists closing and raised in front of Wicke, her head cocked forward so she would be glaring at the opposition. A blank yet concentrated stare. "...I am... more curious about the state of your body..." As if a different person controlled the gears, there were no promises to pull punches.

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Re: Devil's Due: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Wicke Sykes

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Seeing that blank look on Wicke face at the mention of her fallen friend. Thereisa knows she hit a sore spot with the other woman only do to her fallen friend, and the aftermath of what happened since Samina Desai was the last woman to be injured before that blue hair woman came over to try to put an end to her rampage at the time.

The only thing that can be said about the woman standing in front of her is that when it came for the meeting to ban her from wrestling, Wicke spoke on Samina behalf, along with other wrestlers who condemned her and ran her name through the mud for what she had done to the others she had brutally injured without a care.

So seeing one of the women who spoke out about her standing in front of her, all of those feelings of rage and anger at being blacklisted from doing something she loved right down to the point of not being able to provide for Serilda do to not working, all of it leading up to missing out on her own daughter childhood because of the woman standing in front of her.

'My body is fine so you don't need to worry about it,' Thereisa would say, slowly slipping back into her old self... that heel who ruled the ring with an iron fist and brutal moves that risked injury when facing her. 'You know something about that match with Samina?...' she would say while waiting for the bell to ring.

'That match we had... to you, that was the most important day of your life. But to me...' pausing and waiting before that smug grin on her face appears, the same look she gave to Wicke when she stood over the woman friend while holding her title up. 'To me it was only Sunday.' As the bell rings to begin the match between the two women.

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Re: Devil's Due: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Wicke Sykes

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Wicke was generally a collected individual, but her disposition wasn't one be tested especially regarding such a personal matter. Fighting out of revenge would be a new experience, but it might be the only solution that could lead to meaningful results even if she still wouldn't bring Thereisa to the same level Samina was, at least hopefully.

While Wicke did join a cause to prevent further events like Samina's retirement, she couldn't deny the irreversible damage and lost sleep for multiple nights. Sometimes the researcher wished it was her fall instead, because at least she had a secondary passion. To make matters worse, the beast has not only returned to rears it ugly head but still possessed violent intent. If the topic of family were brought up, Wicke still would have kept her foot down since Thereisa had many clients and complaints to think about before then.

Not only the hostility didn't faze the heel, but the retired Samina's name wasn't allowed to rest. The words that came from Thereisa was almost enough to cause Wicke to suffer a heart attack. To have somebody who was a pillar to her or even family disrespected as if they were less than dirt caused Wicke's resentment to skyrocket. Even worse was that particular face set off further flashbacks. Glancing at her best friend in a comatose state with her neck dishevelled, barely lucky to see beyond the ring again. Followed by a complete monster who took pride in decimating those who stood in her path. That was the type of threat Wicke would be forced to deal with tonight. This might have been what her new career built towards as opposed to the title.

While it may lead to yet another permanent dent in her psyche, Wicke was assured that her opponent wouldn't leave this ring as the same woman. " alive?" Even after the bell rang, she still wouldn't adjust her robotic gaze programmed to pummel a million times.

Unlike usual affairs where she tried to gauge future moves, this grudge match would begin with the scientist charging forwards towards her adversary, aiming to grapple with the other woman immediately.

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Re: Devil's Due: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Wicke Sykes

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There is a reason why Thereisa went by her many infamous ring names during her peak. Chrome Empress, Mechanical Devil, The Enraged Machine, each name given to her after standing over her fallen victims, each wrestler suffering from the same injury dealing with their necks.

Some was able to walk again but their careers would never be the same again, while the unlucky few didn't get that chance... it was only after defeating Samina is when they came across a name that fit the Silver leotard wearing giant... Silver Demon.

So hearing those words about being alive, that just sends a tinge of anger through her body since everybody in the wrestling world wanted her to fade away into history. And as soon as she makes a come back everybody wants to say something well not this time, as she glares at Wicke in front of her and doesn't even bother giving her a reply... since the time for talking about them has long since past.

Meeting her opponent charge with one of her own slamming into Wicke plump body trying to grapple her opponent and overpower the smaller woman due to her height advantage, her fingers trying to lock up with the other woman own to force her backwards with a test of strength.

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Re: Devil's Due: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Wicke Sykes

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At most Wicke only had 'The Scientist' as an alternate alias, while laughably simple it did tell enough about the purplette. This also helped prevent blurs between in-ring and out about who was today's overachiever. While a skeptic, Wicke was contemplating about forces beyond comprehension after being in the presence of this 'demon'.

She questioned Thereisa's awareness and wondered if the heel wrestler was a victim of her own physical torment to in act in such a manner. Those were questions to be answered much later. Even after the Silver Demon charged at her in return, Wicke didn't show any signs of fear as their bodies clapped in the centre. By grounding herself in a posture, the Scientist wasn't easily steamrolled despite the height difference. However Wicke couldn't relax while they were locked in the strength contest. Disoriented curves already loosening the fabric of her leotard.

Gritting her teeth as this coordination couldn't help Wicke forever as evident by their bodies sliding around. Wanting her opponent to lose a bit of strength control, the babyface purposely leaned back on purpose just so could lose a bit of stability. In quick succession, she tried to snag Thereisa's foot with her own to trip the heel further. If she was able to stun the other wrestler to the point of freeing her arms, Wicke would quickly try to snag her target by the waist only to sudden pivot around and throw Thereisa for a belly to belly.

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Re: Devil's Due: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Wicke Sykes

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Planning on meeting her opponent head-on in a display of strength vs strength. She knew that between the both of them she could easily overpower the other woman, but she also shows some concern and caution due to who her opponent is.

Thereisa would grit her teeth as she was starting to make some headway, pushing Wicke backward, but she made a mistake... As her opponent was able to move back and turn to grab her around the waist and fling her around before slamming her to the canvas with a belly-to-belly suplex. '

Aaauughhh' Thereisa would cry out, feeling her toned abs be compressed between Wicke plu.p body and the mat. Coughing noises are heard coming from her, as she was taken down with a brutal quick counter.

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Re: Devil's Due: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Wicke Sykes

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Making the appropriate decision to lure her opponent in and then taking full control of the line, Wicke now possessed all the leverage. She wouldn't stop to gloat or calm down since they barely just started. Wicke used the weight of her curves to mill Thereisa's lower stomach, preparing her for an upcoming delivery.

Having strained her own leotard enough, Wicke crawled backwards so she would be kneeling in front of the other wrestler. Slipping her arms so she would hook the demon's legs, Wicke took a deep breath as she tried to stand up and turn their bodies so that Thereisa's hair was brushing the mat. Letting blood rush to the brunette's heel wasn't the plan, but leaning back in an attempt to slingshot Thereisa towards the ropes was.

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