Who is better and badder

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Re: Who is better and badder

Unread post by xalex »

Kate would see a fire in his eyes, fire which she loved to see. Looked like that Dai was ready to get down and dirty the whole way against her. The Australian woman needed to hold herself back to not attack him right away, she wanted to beat him fair and square giving him no chance of bitching afterwards. She would hear that he was in for that ride. Kate was excited and happy, but she would try not to show it outright. But the smile would still stay on her face. Suddenly she would notice how his well trained body was going away from her and she was left standing there alone, but then she saw why he did it he was offering her handshake. The black haired woman would take that hand without thinking about it pressing his hand as tight as she thought would be appropriate before letting go walking over to her corner. “Oh if you want to take me under the shower… please be so gentle and don´t turn the heat up to the upper limit…” she would tease him once more before leaning backwards in her corner.
She would lean backwards for a moment waiting that the boy would get into his corner as well… as soon as she saw him standing there she would go to the center of the ring again opening the match with a invite for a test of strength, by lifting her hands up high and waving him over.

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Re: Who is better and badder

Unread post by Teenwrestler »

Daisuke saw the same fire and intensity in his opponent's eyes as well. He could see she was super excited for a throw down against him and so was he. The two pressed into each other as he felt her slightly sweaty body press up against his own the two were happy to show off their well toned bodies as wrestlers but Daisuke cooled the feeling off by backing up, sealing the deal of the challenge with an official handshake. It seemed to calm Kate down as well, who seemed ready to grapple with him as the two stared each other down.

It was a firm handshake between the two genders, "You do need the shower...maybe I will take you there" he would tease back, tapping her waist gently before the two wrestlers backed up in the corner. Daisuke stretched his limbs a bit before moving out to the middle of the ring to meet his opponent, nodding his head at her invitation and lunging in at her, accepting her hand as the two locked up in a test of strength grapple.

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Re: Who is better and badder

Unread post by xalex »

Kate was happy to see that her opponent wasn´t trying any funny business at the start. Instead he was going for the lock up as well and so both fighters found themselves in the center of the ring arms up in the air staring into the eyes of each other. Karin was keeping her smile on her lips while bringing her a game already. Normally she would hold back at the start a bit but not against him. She wanted to show him what a woman could do… but it wasn´t working out so well for her, because slowly and surely he was forcing her backwards. “Come on is that all? My little sister could do more!”, kate would scream at him, trying to fire him up more although she was already on the losing side. She would start to bend her knees and go down before she was kneeing right in front of him looking up to him “strange normally the guys go on their knees in front of me…” she would start joking.

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Re: Who is better and badder

Unread post by Teenwrestler »

Daisuke was surprised but at the same time quite happy and impressed to find Kate so willingly allowing Daisuke to lock up with her in a collar and elbow grapple. The two eventually locked up in the middle of the ring, their fit and toned bodies pressed against each other as Daisuke leaned into her, attempting to push her back into the corner while she attempted to do the same. After a while of stalemate in the grapple, it was Daisuke who eventually started to push her back towards the corner, "HAH You're the one who can't keep up little girl" he hissed back at her taunt as she started to bend her knees and go down as she was kneeing right in front of him, looking up at him. "Well this is one man who will make you kneel in front of him" he would grin.

Daisuke would smirk, now that he had her down on her knees he would attempt to break off from the grapple and attempt to ram his knee into her belly while she was still down on her knees, looking to knock the wind out of her.

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Re: Who is better and badder

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Kate was grinding her teeth while already thinking about a way to pay back this little humiliation of him. But before she was able to move away and break this up while brining some space between them her opponent was already attacking her. She would see how he was pulling his leg back and then he was throwing it forwards with a lot of momentum. It was hitting her right into the midsection lifting her up from the mat a bit before letting her fall back down onto it. The knee had some much power that even kate´s tensed abs weren´t helping a slight bit. Instead she was now slowly stating to lean forwards getting pretty limp and coughing heavily.

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Re: Who is better and badder

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After engaging him in the lock up, Daisuke managed to pull Kate down on her knees in the grapple which clearly indicated that he was the superior grappler in his mind. With her mid-section exposed, he raised his knee into her abs to further leave her reeling, almost lifting her up off the mat a bit before letting herself fall back down. Daisuke grinned as he noticed her cough and get a bit limp against him. "What's the matter Ms. Perfect pro wrestler? already struggling? come on...on your feet girl" he commanded, grabbing her by the hair to pull her up on her feet.

"Show me that women here can wrestle" he said, wrapping his arm around her head and pressing the side of her cheek against his pecs as he locked in a side headlock. His strong biceps tightened around he head as he squeezed her hard in the headlock, his hip bucking against Kate's hip.

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Re: Who is better and badder

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Kate would try to look up to her opponent with a angry look on her face. But unluckily for her before she wasn´t able to act before her opponent was doing his next action. The Australian woman would feel how hair was grabbed and dai was pulling her upwards on her hair. She would scream out for a moment while being dragged back to her feet. She would try to struggle a bit against her opponent to break free, but without any success. Her opponent wasn´t having much problem pulling her back upwards, with his power he wouldn’t even need the leverage of pulling at her hair.
When the girl was back to her feet she wouldn´t have much time to think before her opponent suddenly put her into a headlock. She would scream out loudly while he was starting to cut her air circulation. She would grab his wrist with both of her hands trying to pull his arm away, but it wasn´t working, he was just holding it to tight and he was too strong. So kate needed a plan B. Time to show off her own power. She would reach back trying to get her arms around the hip of her opponent before she would try to step forward with one leg, In the next moment she would try to push her upper body upwards to slowly lift Dai up from the mat and into the air, before letting her body fall backwards and letting her body crash onto Dai´s own body…  

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Re: Who is better and badder

Unread post by Teenwrestler »

Daisuke looked down on her with a smirk on his face as she looked up at his face with an angered expression. Daisuke would teach this woman a lesson for trying to think she was the better wrestler, grabbing her by the hair to pull her up on her feet, the two wrestled a bit for control as Daisuke taunted her and eventually he took control after transitioning their positions a bit and trapping the Australian woman in a side headlock. He made sure to press the side of her head against his muscled chest, squeezing his biceps tightly against her head as the two circled around the ring. "How about it, want to tap oh big bad wrestling lady?" he teased.

He felt a tug and pull on his wrists but he laughed it off, there was no way she was going to pry his hands off of her head like that. He tightened his hold even further but suddenly, her arms went around his hip and she stepped forward before picking him up off this feet and dropping backwards to slam him down on his back! *THUD* "GUGGHH" he cried out loudly in pain, forced to break the hold as he rolled away from her.

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Re: Who is better and badder

Unread post by xalex »

Kate would grab the mat with one hand moaning out before slowly turning herself around onto her front seeing that Dai was already making his way back up to his feet. He was a bit faster than her back up but kate didn´t want to get back up completely. Instead she would glance over to him angrily, while being on her knees. Then she would press her feet into the mat and shove herself forwards with all she got trying to run over to her opponent as fast as she could. She would try to close in the distance between them as fast as she could before warping her arms around his muscular thighs and lift him up from the mat before carrying him over the mat a bit and driving him back first into the next corner with all she got.

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Re: Who is better and badder

Unread post by Teenwrestler »

After being slammed down on his back by Kate, she showed off some impressive strength when she picked him up and slammed him back down in a back drop to escape the hold. Daisuke rolled away from her, clutching his lower back as he got back up on his feet while hissing in pain a bit. He turned to face Kate but the eager Aussie would quickly kick up from her hands and knees and lunge at Daisuke, driving herself into the prince as she wrapped her arms around her thighs to lift him up a bit and drive him back into the corner of the ring. His back smacked against the corner turnbuckle "OUFFF" he cried out as Kate pressed against him. Daisuke would attempt a quick counter by landing a couple of quick forearm strikes to her back "Mngghh get....off of me" he growled.

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