Marlee stretched out her limbs after completing a light workout in the gym, winding down after a couple of intense matches. The curvy Kiwi wrestler's form had been a little bit all over the place of late, but she had at least managed to clock up a few more wins to stop herself being labelled as a complete and total jobber! Now she just needed to keep working to build up those wins. Clad in her blue leggings and sports bra, she slipped on her short white jacket, tossed her thick locks of dark hair and began walking towards the locker rooms.
However, her attention was grabbed by the shouting of a voice - a cheerful squeak that cut in to her hearing. She turned to look to find a woman standing outside one of the practice rings, trying to goad someone into sparring with the figure currently waiting beyond the ropes.
When she saw who was in the ring a prickle of anger went up her spine. Selene Sugar - none other than the woman who'd made a complete fool of Marlee in the ring not so long ago. Taken off guard by the other woman, Marlee had been knocked out cold within seconds of the match beginning, consigning her to a humiliating loss. Her cheeks reddened just thinking about it.
Maybe it was time for some payback.
Without a second thought she set off, strutting over to Selene's trainer - or cheerleader, it was hard to tell which - Marlee planted a hand on one hip and nodded to the figure in the ring.
Hey there, Caroline," she drawled. "
I'll take care of business with little missy Sugar in there."