Love is Friendship set to music (for GolemGuardian)

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Love is Friendship set to music (for GolemGuardian)

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from here

Finella Edelstein, the Hellraiser, known as one of the toughest and fiercest Punks in LAW today drove her bike over the nightly streets.
She wore no helmet, her whole body was aching, burning and she felt as if she would fall unconcious any minute, and she drove a steady speed of 200 kmh through the streets.
She cut before cars, drove between two trucks , she just did'nt gave a fuck about her or other peoples saftey...too much was in her head, too much had happened, she was at an low point, two weeks before her greatest match in history against her hated rival Chelsea Forster.
And this rival was the reason she was here and her body felt as if she was pressed through the meatgrinder twice.
She also had received a nasty trauma to the head, her vision often darkened or doubled.
Despite having no helmet, Finella should'nt drive a motorcycle by now.

But she did anyway, because she was like that.
No one told Finella Edelstein what to do, not her parents, not the nuns, no fucking LAW Managers...only her sister could talk some sense into her, because Finella let her, because Finella loved her.
But this evening proved to her that even this was a mistake.
All was a fucking mistake...maybe it would be better if she would crash...
She pumped up the speed, now going with 250 kmh over the highway, not knowing where to go, or if she wanted to go anywhere else...

Just away from this dreaded place called "Home", where her sister was conspiring with her biggest enemy against her...and why would'nt she.
FInella grunted.
Irony was that the sister of Chelsea was Harmonias girlfriend and of course, the Blonde had tried everything to get them all together and when that did'nt work she betrayed her, letting Chelsea in her home, train with their equpiment for the match against Finella.
This was just a sick joke...

Suddenly a truck stopped 100 meters before her and the Hellraiser had no chance but to move around it as she would never could have stopped now, there she saw the headlights of another truck, heard the wild honking and was ready to leave this world but managed to drive through the two vehicles, slowing down afterwards and stopping at a park, the same park Harmonia and Molly had met for their date.
She drove to the curb, getting slower and finally came to a stop.
Her body shook, her breathing was laboured because of the pain and shock and she looked back.
No accident, nobody was hurt...good.

She sighed and wanted to drive on to her usual spot as...
Music...there was music, a guitar, a voice...coming out of the nightly park.
A beautiful voice and as she listened closer she knew who it was.
And with that she grabbed her violin and the popsicle she had brought with her and followed the beautiful the middle of the park...

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Re: Love is Friendship set to music (for GolemGuardian)

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Another night, another video call between Michelle and her roommate and rostermate Tania. While the Irish girl promised there wouldn't be any 'cyber hanky panky' - her words, not Chris' - Chris didn't want to risk it. Plus she needed to get some air after the events with Veronika that still played in her head. It was, uh... Interesting to say the least.

Plus it gave her some inspiration for a new song. It helped her think back on past, how things were set there, but going forward how one could define their futures. She got the lyrics she wanted, she just needed the score for it. She had some ideas written down, she just needed to put paper to sound and test things out. And with nowhere to really practice, Chris walked to the park with her acoustic. Sure it was about five blocks away, but it helped get some fresh air and get her steps in for the day. Not to mention with all the people in the park, if she left her case open maybe some stray yen would find its way in there as she tested stuff out. Not that the indie rocker needed any more scratch, it was on whatever moron thought she was a starving artist.

Finding a nearby bench, she put down her bag and guitar case and got set up. She pulled out some binders, notebooks, and a pencil. "Yosh!" Chris clapped her hands together, giving her neck a little crack."Let's rock on, inspiration!"And so Chris got to work, strumming her guitar as she looked down on her lyrics, testing crescendos and diminuendos, flats and sharps, the forte and piano. She slightly regretted leaving her electronic keyboard behind, since it could sound like other instruments and give her a feel of how it would sound out loud. She could imagine, but she was a perfectionist. Something that basically all of LAW probably knew if they heard any of the rehearsals she had with the Superstar Harmonia and her girlfriend.. Reality was always better than imagination, after all.

But that was why pencils existed. If she didn't like it later, the rocker could easily rewrite it.

And so she worked vigorously, having arrived early in the evening when she started, and now the sun had since set, the only light being the parks lamps. Chris had lost track of time, engrossed in her work as she often found herself to do. She'd sat on that bench, and sometimes stand because her butt wanted some freedom, for hours. But she got at least something. "OK, so that's the bridge. Hm, maybe if I get taskmistress23x7 to do the back vocals here? No, that'll make it a bit too dichotic. Maybe TrishaTakanawaBezz_G3r1? No, her bright voice would overshadow mine. Besides, she'll probably want to add some of those vocal riffs, and that'd take away some of the intent...." She sighed, grabbing her fourth eraser of the writing session and rubbing out their names.

The bad thing about her collabing with all those other indie artists were that she didn't really know much about them outside of their works. What was it that was missing? Maybe she should give it another sing through?

"Dare mo ga mukashi wo se ni tatakai susunde yuku,
Kōkai ga nai hito nado inai

She stopped herself, clenching her teeth. There was just SOMETHING off about that second part of the bridge. She got the guitar part down for it, but when Chris got to that part it just sounded off. What was it? Her eyes shut tight as she racked her brain trying to figure it out. But nothing came.

This would be how Finella would find her as she followed the sound of her, frustrated. Well, if the bridge was what bothered her, she should probably start with the start again. And so she strummed her guitar, putting the pick aside and pulling at each string with her fingers for a more accurate feel of each note. She'd be so engrossed in her attempt she wouldn't see the bruised and beaten Hellraiser even if and when she approached her.
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Re: Love is Friendship set to music (for GolemGuardian)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

FInella had patched up herself as good as she could, her face looked like a carpet made of small and bigger patches and honestly it made her pretty face look very intimidating, her limping walk did'nt help either as she dragged herself forward, holding her hurting right side...
Maybe she should visit a hospital, because whatever Chelsea did there, it was a pain she had never felt in her life, starting from a certain point and straying out to her thighs and up to her armpit.

She should go to a hospital, if she just ignored it she would never pass the final exam before PPV and her match would get cancelled, because she had been hurt by the very woman she was supposed to fight there, the triumph of Chelsea would be a big one and she just could'nt let this happen.
After she had found the source of that wonderful sound, a certain Rock Star, she would go to the next hospital and get checked, maybe get some good old morphine...

The only thing that kept her upright was the fact that she had was that Chelsea was as messed up as she was.
Then it hit her. What if they met at the hospital? Would they be able to control themselves or just lash out at each other again?
The thought of binding Chelsea on an operating table and shock her with a defibrilator was a real tempting one..
Finellas hate for the Brit was on an alltime high and she looked at her phone.
Countless messages, from Harmonia, from Karl, from Molly even...
She did'nt want to hear from them, read what they had to say, or see them.

Finella wanted to see that certain someone who played this wonderful tunes in the middle of a park at the beginning of february when it was still cold outside.
Nothing that helped the increasing amount of pain that surged through the Hellraisers body as her movements got heavier with each step she took.
Her vision got blurried, maybe she had a concussion, no, she knew she had a concussion, but it did'nt stop her.
Well, it stopped her for a minute as she threw up behind some bushes, leaning on a tree next to her.
Yep, definetly a concussion...
"Verdammter Scheißdreck...fuck my life.", she groaned and finally reached the middle of the park, seeing a certain Rockstar with a guitar.

There she was, Chris Yukine.
She had met her at the Christmas Party that Harmonia had held where they had exchanged numbers but nothing came out of it so far.
Finella was to occupied with Chelsea and Chris did'nt seem the type to suddenly call you and ask how your day went so it seemed their friendship had ended before it began.
Well, never hurt to give things a second try as she came closer and nodded her head to the rythm of Chris guitar and singing before joining in with her violin, softly humming the melody that Chris played and sat down on the bench behind her, back to back and leaned onto the smaller woma:
Her head was touching that of Chris as she used the Rockstar as support for her aching bones while playing her violin.
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Re: Love is Friendship set to music (for GolemGuardian)

Unread post by GolemGuardian »

Chris was entranced in her work. Illuminated only by the lamp light, barely registering the time. Some would say such enthusiasm was admirable, others would demean her for it. Heck, she hadn't even had a bite to eat or anything to drink, aside from fountain water, since she got to the park. She was feeling the inspiration and she planned to ride the wave until she crashed and burned. Even if she was hitting some walls.

When night fell, she gave what she had another play through, feeling the flow of one note to another, the pluck of strings against her fingers and how the rhythm went. Something was the tiniest bit off, and she was determined to find out what it was. And then, as if the muses themselves came down from the heavens, the winds of inspiration blew once more.

The rocker suddenly heard a violin filled the air, following her notes with nearly half a beat between them. She really regretted not bringing her keyboard now, missing the fact how the normally orchestral instrument could accentuated the message and elevate it beautifully. Whoever was the cause of the inspiration, she was gonna have to thank them. She knew many musicians sometimes walked the park, playing their instruments. So she didn't expect anything more to come of this exchange.

That is, however, until the mystery musician sat on the bench behind her and then leaned against her. Her instincts immediately kicked in, realizing the lateness and that someone she didn't know was putting their weight against her, flinching as her elbow lashed out and towards the stranger danger's head. Though it never would hit its mark, having turned her torso to scold the person only to halt in recognition. Chris couldn't see her face, but the hair gave her a sense of deja vu. A flashback to when she was pulled against her will into a whirlwind waltz and a mistletoe kiss. To a wild woman who had written her number on the rock star's chest even though it had pissed the woman off.

"Finella?" She'd ask with an elbow an inch from her face. Chris had wanted to hit her up for that jam session, but she'd been quite a bit busy with her music career lately. It unfortunately was the same reason she'd not spoken with a certain other Austrian Eagle. "Um.. what are you doing here?" She couldn't help but ask, unable to really see the beaten shape the Hellraiser was in from her angle. She could see a little, but not enough to understand just how bad she had it.
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Re: Love is Friendship set to music (for GolemGuardian)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Finella liked the small, hard hitting Rockstar, she had followed her career, ironically being close to another austrian Eagle, Veronika Noir who had feuded with Chris, culminating in an explosive No DQ Match that the Rocker barely could decide for her.

Anyway, Finella was impressed and when they met at the Christmasò Party, she knew that Chris Yukine wa someone she liked. Talking to her felt natural and she had a cute face and nice set of boobies that also garnered Finellas attention. So much so that she wrote her number on Chris cleavage, much to the distain of the small Rocker.

Now they met here, in this park, almost like they were supposed to meet under the healing cost of music and healing the wolf needed.
"Chris.", she said and smiled.
But even this soft movement proved to hurt like hell as her face was swollen up. Her whole body was an aching, burning wound and she should be at a hospital, instead she was here...

"That was beautiful, you hear? But I think next time you should...", she began to talk with Chris about wihat improvements she would make with the song, both women not looking at each other, just starring at their instruments, listening to the sound of the music that filled the park again.
Finella lent on Chris and let the music start to make her evening worthwhile again.
"That really saves my evening sis, believe me that...", she said and sighed.

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Re: Love is Friendship set to music (for GolemGuardian)

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When Chris and Finella had met, the rocker had been a bit put off. She had been too high energy in Chris' opinion. But after a little more interaction when they went and grabbed a fellow guest Shiori a new shirt after some unfortunate incident - in which she turned her old shirt into a souvenir of the Christmas party - the two actually hit it off decently well.

And that seemed to carry through here, as the two sat back to back on these benches and discussed her song. Finella again had forced herself upon Chris, but unlike the storm of a dance she had pulled the rocker into, this time the Hellraiser was actually welcome. Her ideas actually made some sense, pointing Chris into other directions she likely would not have considered on her own. They played together, the wolf also getting pulled into some singing so Chris could hear how the vocals sounded from a third party. It had to have been another hour or two before Chris finally decided to pack up. She'd been able to get a few notes in her case, probably enough for a beer and an appetizer from George's bar after, which she gathered into her pocket as she put her guitar up.

Finella spoke up once more, interesting the rock star. "Well, I'm glad I could help lift you up." Chris shut her case and grabbed her papers and put them away, walking around to see her spontaneous jam partner and her sorry state. "OOOOK. Yeah, OK, mhm. That's... yeah. You really shouldn't be out here. Come on, I'm calling a rideshare and we're getting you to a hospital." She set her items down and grabbed her phone to contact said service. "I shoulda looked over at ya sooner."
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Re: Love is Friendship set to music (for GolemGuardian)

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Finella could'nt believe that they sat there for almost two hours and even if her pain did'nt went away it still
helped her to think about other things then the cellphone that constantly rang and had like 100+ messages from Moni, Karl and Molly on it.
The Hellraiser did'nt wanted to see anyone of them, not a single one.
Especially not her sister.

She felt betrayed, set up, by her own flesh and blood, her only relative that she had tried to reach for so long.
Finellas heart was broken and the only thing helping her in these situations was her music.
So she slipped in some clothes, grabbed her violin and drove off...
Her blue sweater was soaked with blood by now and trails of the red liqid started to run down into her shoes, making her socks stick to her skin.
Not to mention the nasty wound on her foreheard that was more or less closed with a big patch.

But still, she forgot about all her wounds, all the pain and all the sorrow as she played with Chris, talked with her.
It soothed her, it reminded her of the talks she had with her late grandfather...
And before these two hours were over she decided to like Chris, not just like, Chris was a friend.
Finella needed one, that was for sure.

When Chris stood up and did'nt support her anymore, the Hellraiser just flopped down on her back and groaned.
"Oooouch...bitch beat me up real good...I fucking kill that slut...", she murmured and tried to get up.
"Ou...fuck...aaah...Chrissy, a little help?", she asked as literally every movement she tried to make to get up hurt like a fucking bitch.
"I...I can't think I can walk right now...", Finella said.

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Re: Love is Friendship set to music (for GolemGuardian)

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Chris should have checked in sooner, should have just turned and sat side by side to see Finella's state. She was bleeding out - OK, maybe a bit of an exageration but given that she saw the blood that soaked the sweater and the color of the patch on her head made the rocker think that. And yet she felt playing with her had been more important. Why? What made the hard shelled Hellraiser think something like that?

Well, it didn't matter. Well, it sorta mattered as she didn't really know she was the thing keeping Fin up. "Ooo, sorry. Tsss." She apologized as she set her items down and pulled out the phone. "OK, should be here soon. Come on." Chris started to pick her stuff up, before she saw her impromptu partner didn't move. And soon heard why. "What do you mean b- Know what, it doesn't matter. Hold on." This... this was going to be a bit awkward... But maybe she could figure this out?

First, Chris put her bag on and over her head, making sure it wouldn't slip off. "OK, aaaand up we go," she'd say with a groan, picking Finella up with a bit of effort, as she didn't end up keeping all those gains from her prep work for her feud ending match, and draped an arm over her shoulder. Then she'd grab the violin and get it in the hand that was wrapped around Finella, and ended with the guitar. Yup, just as awkward as she thought it was going to be.

"Put one foot in front of the other....." She sang more to herself than the wolf, switching to hum the old tune from a certain Christmas movie she loved from a young age, as she carried all of them to the outskirts of the park where their driver would be. She'd have called an ambulance, and actually probably should have really, but given her state and not going there herself made Chris hesitant. Just what had happened? And did Harmonia know?

The driver was there waiting for them, and after giving him the cash Chris made to keep him from asking questions he drove them to the hospital. All the while Chris tried to make conversation with Finella now and then to try and keep her awake, just in case she had a concussion. Not knowing the exact details of the incident or her injuries just meant she had to do any and everything that came to mind.

They eventually made it and Chris paid the guy for the ride, before going in and checking Fin in after a little bit of waiting. Chris sighed and pulled out her phone. She'd heard all the ringing that Finella's phone did during the rap session, and with her limited knowledge of the Austrian Eagles, she could presume it had been her sister, the Superstar. Thankfully due to helping with her gimmich change debut, the rock star had her number. Hopefully she'd answer and wasn't out scouring the city like a madwoman for the younger Edelstein, ignoring her call.
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Re: Love is Friendship set to music (for GolemGuardian)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

The hellraiser was finally at ease.
Leaning onto Chris, feeling her warm body against hers, the vibration of her delicate body when she sang.
She closed her eyes and when she saw the notes, heard the singing, it was like nothing mattered anymore, everything was ok. There was no impending slaughterfest with Chelsea Forster in the horizon, no fights with a sister she loved but could'nt understand anymore, no need to rebell against the whole world.
Finella Edelstein felt safe, the first time in her life since her grandfather died.
Tears welled up in her eyes as she started to sing a song, one of her favourites, written by a japanese and an american, and she wanted it to be shared with her new friend:
The wounds on my hands,
never seem to heal,
thought all I needed was to believeeeee"~

Here am I a lifetime away from yoh,
The blood of christ, or the beat of my heart,
My love wears forbidden colours,
My life believes

Learning to cope, with feelings arroused in me,
My hands in the soil, buried inside of myself,
My looooove wears forbidden colours...
Myyy life, believes in you once again.

I`ll go walking in circles
While doubting the very ground beneath me
Trying to show unquestioning faith in everything
Here am I, a lifetime away from you
The blood of Christ, or a change of heart

My love wears forbidden colours... My life believes in you once again...

She ended and the tears were now flowing without a stop as she leaned closer to her new friend, this song, its lyrics, spoke so much to her, she found herself in it. She was'nt just the rebellish, brawling Punkbitch named The Hellraiser, she was a a human being named Finella Edelstein, a young girl from a farm in the alps.

A girl with feelings, emotions and a heart as big as an ocean.
When Chris stood up she just fell over, her body gave in.
"Ow, no, no, I don't need a hospital, lets go for some.. Aaaagh..."

She held the right side of her body where Chelsea had done, whatever it was, it just hurt like hell and Finella knew she had to follow Chris instructions.
"My bike...", she said weary as the rockstar walked her over to the street were the car soon arrived.

Stepping inside she slumped into the seat and when Chris entered she fell onto her shoulder, breathing hard and shaking as the pain settled in.
And Finella allowed herself to be weak, something she never did to anyone.
"It hurts...",she whispered and hugged Chris while leaning onto her.
Finella felt safe, safe like never before...

They were dropped at the hospital where Fin was taken into ambulance while Chris was left with filling out her documents.
Finellas phone and small moneypurse was with her and when the rockstar tried to fill out stuff she did'nt even know about the cellphone started to get in motion playing Motörheads rendition of "Heroes".
Last edited by RedShinigami on Sun Feb 13, 2022 10:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Love is Friendship set to music (for GolemGuardian)

Unread post by GolemGuardian »

As Chris was putting away her things and Finella began to sing, she couldn't help but slow down some. Feeling her acquaintance, dare she say friend, press against her as she sang - no, performed. It was an unplugged performance, showing her soul rather than just repeating the words as the rock star had done with numerous covers she had done. Anyone could sing a song, match the melody and lyrics and recite them. But when one performed, that was when their song shined. And it only made the snow haired rocker question even more just what had happened?

After some reluctance to agree, the rocker got the Hellraiser to follow her to the car she ordered. "Worry about your bike after you're done bleeding out, OK?" She'd say in response, getting Fin in the car. Which soon led to another unexpected moment, as the eats-nails-for-breakfast-without-milk tough girl broke down, crying silently. While Chris didn't know Finella that well, it still pulled at her heart strings. Being in the dark in all this, not knowing what caused the Austrian to end up like this and how it had pushed her so far, physically and emotionally, made it difficult for the socially awkward rock star to act. All she could really do was put her arm around her friend and hold her close, giving her a shoulder to cry on, stroking her hair gently and trying to angle her so that her breakdown wasn't too noticeable by their silent driver.

With FInella checked in and taken on a gurney somewhere, Chris was left with what had been in her pockets, that being her phone and small purse. Oh, and a number of forms to fill out for her friend. She was able to get some of the info, thanks to the public info from her roster page on the LAW website, there was a number of items she couldn't fill out. "Allergies? Blood type? Social security number? I can't know this shit..." She said with a sigh, looking at her phone. She'd tried to call Harmonia twice by now, and she'd only gotten the Superstar's voicemail. The sister had to be worried sick, and she needed some form of piece of mind.

Then, as she started to dial for the third time, Finella's phone rang once more. "Oh thank god." She didn't have to be psychic to know who it must have been. She had heard it interrupt them several times during their impromptu jam sesh, Finella refusing to answer it. Granted, it probably should have been a red flag with how often it had been or how Fin sounded when she refused to answer it. Hindsight's 20/20 vision was always just so fun...

With a press of the button, Harmonia would finally stop getting voicemail, whatever message the wolf left was. "Harmonia, hi. It's Chris. Tried calling you a few times, let you know where currently the bloody pulp calling herself your sister has been taken to the hospital after..... Something." She knew Finella would probably feel betrayed by telling the blond Austrian where they were, but the older twin deserved some form of peace of mind. Even if it was slightly bad news like this. Plus, if Harmonia was a frantic mess Chris couldn't fill out the rest of these forms. Both things were important, Moni to stop freaking out and Fin so the hospital wouldn't accidentally give her something she was allergic to or any other accidental mishaps that could make things worse. "She's fine, mostly. They just took her away a little bit ago. That's about all I know right now..." She stopped, letting Moni room to speak.
Golem's Guardians

Discord: TheFanfictioner#8859

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