from here
Finella Edelstein, the Hellraiser, known as one of the toughest and fiercest Punks in LAW today drove her bike over the nightly streets.
She wore no helmet, her whole body was aching, burning and she felt as if she would fall unconcious any minute, and she drove a steady speed of 200 kmh through the streets.
She cut before cars, drove between two trucks , she just did'nt gave a fuck about her or other peoples saftey...too much was in her head, too much had happened, she was at an low point, two weeks before her greatest match in history against her hated rival Chelsea Forster.
And this rival was the reason she was here and her body felt as if she was pressed through the meatgrinder twice.
She also had received a nasty trauma to the head, her vision often darkened or doubled.
Despite having no helmet, Finella should'nt drive a motorcycle by now.
But she did anyway, because she was like that.
No one told Finella Edelstein what to do, not her parents, not the nuns, no fucking LAW Managers...only her sister could talk some sense into her, because Finella let her, because Finella loved her.
But this evening proved to her that even this was a mistake.
All was a fucking mistake...maybe it would be better if she would crash...
She pumped up the speed, now going with 250 kmh over the highway, not knowing where to go, or if she wanted to go anywhere else...
Just away from this dreaded place called "Home", where her sister was conspiring with her biggest enemy against her...and why would'nt she.
FInella grunted.
Irony was that the sister of Chelsea was Harmonias girlfriend and of course, the Blonde had tried everything to get them all together and when that did'nt work she betrayed her, letting Chelsea in her home, train with their equpiment for the match against Finella.
This was just a sick joke...
Suddenly a truck stopped 100 meters before her and the Hellraiser had no chance but to move around it as she would never could have stopped now, there she saw the headlights of another truck, heard the wild honking and was ready to leave this world but managed to drive through the two vehicles, slowing down afterwards and stopping at a park, the same park Harmonia and Molly had met for their date.
She drove to the curb, getting slower and finally came to a stop.
Her body shook, her breathing was laboured because of the pain and shock and she looked back.
No accident, nobody was hurt...good.
She sighed and wanted to drive on to her usual spot as...
Music...there was music, a guitar, a voice...coming out of the nightly park.
A beautiful voice and as she listened closer she knew who it was.
And with that she grabbed her violin and the popsicle she had brought with her and followed the beautiful the middle of the park...