Assets and Puppets: Yoro Yobi vs Skylar Jones

Qualifiers for the Inaugural World Openweight Title Event LAW Apex
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Assets and Puppets: Yoro Yobi vs Skylar Jones

Unread post by Kreydos »

Match Type: Standard
Victory Condition: Secure victory via pinfall, submission, or KO.

Awaiting her Apex qualifier match, Yoro jogged energetically on the spot within backstage. She dressed herself in her typical American flag themed bikini. Despite knowing exactly what kind of opponent she was about to face, she wasn't concerned in the slightest. Quite the opposite, she just cheerfully warmed up until she heard the speakers playing her music.
Appearance Reference
Entrance Theme
With her lips flashing a wide smile, she leapt onto the scene and executed her signature double peace sign pose. Then she jogged around the stage, high fiving audience members along the way. After a few rounds of high fives, she positioned herself at the centre of the ramp and started bouncing on the soles of her feet while pumping her fists.

When her theme's beat dropped, she went full throttle, bounding down the ramp before she leapt and dove under the ring's ropes. Her body slid across the entire length of the canvas until she arrived on the other set of ropes. From there, she jumped onto her feet and shot both fists into the air. "Oh yeah!" Her stunt prompted the usual pop from the crowd which she reacted to with a jolly smile as she skipped to the nearest corner. Mounting the top turnbuckle, she took a seat and looked eagerly upon the stage for Skylar.

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Re: Assets and Puppets: Yoro Yobi vs Skylar Jones

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Skylar Jones was in a foul mood as she stomped around backstage, waiting for her theme to start playing. Things today had simply not gone her way. Her car had been dented in a parking lot by some asshole, she'd stepped in dog poop, her toilet was clogged... everything sucked. Now, she just wanted to get in the ring, and stomp some poor bitch into the canvas.
"The following contest is set for one fall! Entering the ring first, fighting out of Perry, Iowa, she's the Brawling Puppet, SKYLARRRRRR JOOOOONES!!!!!"

Skylar stomped down the ramp, her music blaring over the speakers as the normally cheerful woman glared bullets at Yoro, her victim for the evening. Jumping over the ropes, she wasted no time in running towards her opponent, channeling all her aggression into an explosive punch to Yoro's nose!


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Re: Assets and Puppets: Yoro Yobi vs Skylar Jones

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Yoro on her part appeared to overlook Skylar's dour demeanour when she made her entrance. In stark contrast to the latter, the former flashed her pearly whites and waved her hand happily. "Heyo! The name's Yoro Yobi but you can-gah" A fist to the face interrupted her self-introduction, sending her staggering backwards while clutching her nose but she managed to remain standing.

She shook her head before she giggled gregariously. "Ahaha, wow, you just came at me hard and fast, huh?" As per usual, she let slip an unintentional innuendo. At the same time, she started bouncing on her feet as she properly settled into a proper fighting mood. "Anyway, my friends call me Yoyo so feel free to do so." She abruptly started sprinting as soon as she finished her introduction. Bounding across the ring, she jumped and threw herself chest first at Skylar for a running vertical splash.

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Re: Assets and Puppets: Yoro Yobi vs Skylar Jones

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The familiar feeling of Skylar's fist slamming into a girl's face soothed her mood a little, but only a little. She was far from finished taking all her frustrations from the day out on poor little Yoro, but hey, she had time.

On any other day, Yoro's sex joke would've made her snicker, but tonight, Sky only tilted her head, cracking her neck. "I think I'll call you... Bloodstain on Canvas: a beautiful abstract art piece by Skylar Jones." She snarled.

Yoro soon came back at her, launching her body at Sky with a vertical splash! Somewhat surprised, Sky raised her arms in a cross block, though the impact still made her stumble back. "Grk-!" She grunted, throwing three consecutive knife edge chops at Yoro's chest, before running back to bounce off the ropes with a shoulder tackle!

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Re: Assets and Puppets: Yoro Yobi vs Skylar Jones

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Yoro's splash connected, her body crashing right into Skylar. However,- "Omph!?" Yoyo grunted out in surprise when she was unexpectedly thrown backward onto her feet instead of tumbling to the mat atop her opponent's body. Distracted by this turn of events, she failed to raise her guard and ended up eating all three of Skylar's knife chops. "Oof! Ack! Ough!" Yoro grimaced with every hit but her smile quickly returned; the pain was easily ignorable. Now alert, she tried to side-step to avoid the brunette's shoulder tackle.

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Re: Assets and Puppets: Yoro Yobi vs Skylar Jones

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The feeling of her hand slapping hard into the soft skin of Yoro's chest brought Skylar more satisfaction then it probably should've. Just knowing she was hurting someone else made her insides dance with delight. After a long day of constant frustration, this shit was therapy. Gazing at the reddish welts forming around Yoro's chest, Sky licked her lips, before running back into the ropes, and launching herself full speed at the smaller girl with a shoulder tackle!

She'd hoped to slam her shoulder into Yoro's body, throwing the girl to the ground. Instead, all she felt was thin air. "EH-!?" Sky gasped, before tripping, falling flat on her face! She growled, pounding the mat as she tried to shut out the audience's laughter.

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Re: Assets and Puppets: Yoro Yobi vs Skylar Jones

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"Hehehe." Yoro couldn't help giggling upon hearing the audience laugh in her favour. Seeing Skylar lying flat on her face after tripping over herself, Yoyo immediately capitalised and ran towards her opponent. She jumped up into the air and kicked her legs outwards. Soon enough, her body plummeted downwards, her bottom on a course to crash right onto Skylar's back. Should the initial butt drop connect, Yoro would immediately bounce back onto her feet before immediately jumping once more to attempt another butt drop, also targeting the brunette's back.

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Re: Assets and Puppets: Yoro Yobi vs Skylar Jones

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Skylar had fallen on her face, the audience laughing at her as she collected herself. Before she could get back up, Yoro hit her with a butt drop, sending her right back to the ground! "GUMPH-!" Skylar groaned, the hit knocking the wind out of her. The crowd cheered for Yoro, impressed by how she stood up to Skylar.

Yoro went for another butt drop, but would be treated to the hard wood of the canvas as Sky rolled onto her back, dodging the second attack! She took a moment to catch her breath, before vaulting herself back to her feet with a kip up. Fixing Yoro with a glare, she shot at the side of the girl's head with a superkick, hoping to put her on the ground!

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Re: Assets and Puppets: Yoro Yobi vs Skylar Jones

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"Omph!" Yoro grunted aloud when her bottom smashed onto the floor instead of her intended target. She quickly glanced over at Skylar, seeing her take a short breather before swiftly and successfully performing a kip-up. Attempting to match her, Yoyo rolled onto all fours and went to jump back onto her feet. However, she spotted her opponent rapidly approaching with ill-intent out of her peripheries. Getting on her knees, she hastily brought up her forearms to try blocking the incoming superkick. "Grk!.." Should she successfully block the kick, she would then roll away back into a standing position.

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Re: Assets and Puppets: Yoro Yobi vs Skylar Jones

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

Skylar jumped onto her feet, quickly aiming at Yoro with a malicious kick to the head. Yoro would block this attack, much to Sky's frustration as she was forced to take a couple steps back, watching the other girl get to her feet. "Dammit-!" She growled, trying to swing a wild haymaker into the side of Yoro's head! If the strike hits it's mark and stuns Yoro, Sky will try to catch her in a front face lock, gripping the side of her bikini and attempting to turn her inside out with a Money Clip!

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