Gil's treatment - Gil vs. Valentine

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Gil's treatment - Gil vs. Valentine

Unread post by Lederface »

note: this fight takes place a few weeks after Smother Gauntlet
Type of fight: Submission fight
victory condition: force the opponent to surrender, and that the other accepts his surrender.

or by Smother
Valentine had enjoyed investigating thanks to Yukari and after having had a "talk" with a drunk Fenrir, she knew what she had to do, so now after having "challenged" Gil to a duel, she would finally have the chance to meet the great girl who seemed to have won people over with her cute and cool attitude, but now, she would have to meet people worse than even Liger, and that same one, she wanted to be her, so when she was told it was time to act and show everyone who she was and what she could become.
her theme song finally playing, she would appear, showing a lot of boos from the audience, of course it was because of what had happened with Nuo, and as she was smiling about it, Valentine had chosen to wear long stockings this time to cover her legs, it wasn't for anything special, but she thought it would be fun when Gil was in trouble, so then she would come to the ring, climbing up, and with that, she would sit in her corner, moving and showing everyone her well sculpted and sexy body.
let's hope this pretty girl is not a coward.
Last edited by Lederface on Sun Jan 09, 2022 11:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Gil's treatment - Gil vs. Valentine

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Valentine was someone Gil had heard whispers and murmurs about, almost always negative in some shape-or-form, and as she watched from backstage as the nurse made her entrance, she would only be met with boos...! Something that only further solidified the general opinion that was held on her...! Really though, how bad could she be...?

Shortly-there-after, the time would come for Gil, a fan-favorite, and someone who held a much different reputation than Valentine, to come up upon the ring, and make her grand-entrance...! Beaming pink lights would scatter and dance across the arena, into the crowd, onto the ramp, and even the ceiling, the music started and finally...!
Out-came Gil, dancing, skipping, waving, and blowing kisses, ready for the match ahead of her...! She took her time making her way to the edge of the ring, but once she finally got there, she slid under the bottom-most rope, and into the ring, leaping up to her feet, and her eyes immediately meeting Valentines...! "...I'm glad to meet you, finally! I hope we can have a good match...!" She smiled and offered her hand to the woman...!

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Re: Gil's treatment - Gil vs. Valentine

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Valentine was expecting a good attitude from her opponent according to what she investigated, and boy was she asiz since when she appeared, everything Valentine had done, she was the opposite, so seeing her so happy and with a smile, Valentine was looking forward to see for the first time in Gil despair, but she would have to go easy, when she finally saw how Gil introduced herself and offered her hand, Valentine with a fake smile told him
Oh! It's a very great honor to fight against you, miss Gil; Fenrir, Gwen and Yukari have talked too much about you, especially the wolf girl, Fenrir.
And so, with such a fake introduction, she would leave the squeeze to go straight to her corner and wait

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Re: Gil's treatment - Gil vs. Valentine

Unread post by Arista »

Gil nodded, she appreciated a good gimmick, and a doctor was just as fun as it could get...! Though, she was prepping to give this doctor a dose of her own medicine... Whatever that might be...!

"...Oh, Fenrir is a real treat, isn't she? I'm really happy to know her, she's been a real great pal...!" Gil smiled warmly, Fenrir had been one of her closest contacts since joining nearly a year ago...!


The bell soon rang, and both women would then take to their stances, ready to dish-out their best possible match...! "...You know, I have a few submissions up my sleeve, and more than just smothers, but those do make great submission moves as well....!" She chuckled...!

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Re: Gil's treatment - Gil vs. Valentine

Unread post by Lederface »

Valentine would see that everything seemed to be going well, feeling even a little bit bad for what's in store for Gil, and when the fight started with the sound of the bell, she would see that Gil was quite excited and determined, so to try to see more of her, Valentine would approach Gil at full speed attempting a strong clothesline against Gil

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Re: Gil's treatment - Gil vs. Valentine

Unread post by Arista »

A simple duck would have done the trick, but Valentine was just a little too fast, and caught Gil off-guard, timing her take-off the the bell's ringing, only being off by maybe a-tenth of a second, if that...!

Gil was caught across the chest and shoulders, enough to shift her body-weight backwards and take her feet out from beneath her, kicking them as she crashed hard onto the canvas...! "...Ouch..."

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Re: Gil's treatment - Gil vs. Valentine

Unread post by Lederface »

Valentine when she hit hard against Gil, she felt the body of that girl, knowing that she was something soft, and therefore, she would not be something hard like Nuo, but when finally Gil crashed on the canvas, Valentine would approach and try to crush her stomach with her leg, if it worked, she would do it several times, she wanted to see how far she could withstand the impacts, if not, all her work would be pointless.

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Re: Gil's treatment - Gil vs. Valentine

Unread post by Arista »

Catching a mean clothesline was enough to keep anyone down, but Valentine had way more up her sleeve than that...! She wasn't wanting to try anything unless she could be certain Gil was down fro good, at-least, for a while, that is...!

Leg-drop after leg-drop, Gil felt the weight and pressure crash-down across her chest, practically burying her into the mat and keeping her down...! "...Geez..." Gil coughed, clutching her chest. "...You need to try a little harder than that..." Gil egged the woman on, her own self-confidence winning over self-preservation...!

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Re: Gil's treatment - Gil vs. Valentine

Unread post by Lederface »

Valentine after a few hits, would finally see that Gil could take it, and moreover, she even wanted to make fun of it, so Valentine would laugh a little while moving from place, giving Gil time, so she would take from her clothes something, it was a black thing with red spots, giving it to Gil as she threw it towards her

girl, I hope you know who that ....... Patch is, just so you understand this fight will only serve to find out if my techniques to break girls like you work, so thank you for lowering Fenrir's morale so much so that he will fight me in an abandoned place.

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Re: Gil's treatment - Gil vs. Valentine

Unread post by Arista »

Gil looked at the piece of cloth thrown to her, down at it, and then up back at Valentine. "...What is-" Valentine would continue giving Gil and answer for her question that she was yet to ask. "...Fenrir? What are you getting at, what did you do to Fenrir...?" Gil looked slightly more agitated now than before, raising up onto one knee.

"...I don't get what you are playing at, but I don't like it, so you better knock it off..."Gil got onto her own two feet, tossing the cloth to the side. "...And what do you mean girls like me? The only one like me is myself, so good luck with that...!" Gil spun on her back-foot, lifting her leg high into the air and swinging it right toward Valentine's mid-section...!

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