Who is the Best: Gil vs Berserk Liger

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Who is the Best: Gil vs Berserk Liger

Unread post by The Riders »


Liger is all set backstage. After getting a prep talk from her mother and step-sister, she makes her way backstage, mentally preparing herself for the final match against the one woman she hates more than Rose Gold. All of this beef started due to Serilda mother befriending the smaller woman and helping her train her moves. Seeing that and even the respect Gil got from Thereisa drove a stake of jealousy through her heart and vow revenge on the so-called Goat.
Shock The System
Liger makes her way out on stage, being followed by Rapper Josiah Williams. Both are making their way down the as she raises her arms in the air, embracing the booing from the crowd, but she pays it no mind as she makes her way to the ring apron and hops up on it. Moving her right arm around, keeping it loose before the rapper gets to one part of the song. As she does the finger point and the crowd joins along with the....
Keeping the eye patch on as she slides into the ring. Leaning against the turnbuckle, waiting for her opponent to show up. To finally end this feud once and for all.

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Re: Who is the Best: Gil vs Berserk Liger

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Tension had risen between Gil and Thereisa in the last few months, they had met for training less-and-less, the communication had been almost entirely cut-off for weeks, at this point, it felt like Gil was feuding with the entire family, but tonight, she was focused in on one; Liger...!

She sat backstage, awaiting for her turn to be called-upon, thinking over their last two meeting, both of which Gil tried to call onto Liger and ease the tension, of course, it didn't work, if anything, it stoked the flames...! "...Umm, Miss Gil...?" A voice would come from behind her, she would rise up to her feet, and with a smile on her face, she nodded at the woman and took her steps toward the entrance, hearing her theme play and seeing the beams of pink light scattering about the arena, waiting for the moment and then, she emerged!
"...Hey, hey, everyone...!" She gave nothing but the best of her positivity and enthusiasm...! She waved, blew kisses, skipped and danced, hugging her fans, stopping to take pictures with them, the whole nine-yards, making sure to put this rivalry to bed, right here...!

She finally met the side of the ring and slid under the bottom-most rope, springing up onto her feet, and not even looking in Liger direction, she would travel to each corner to wave to the crowd, then, her theme faded, and she settled into her own corner, only then would she look at Liger. It wasn't a look of hatred, or even a smug-grin, it was almost blank, like she felt no ill-will toward Liger...!

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Re: Who is the Best: Gil vs Berserk Liger

Unread post by The Riders »

The crowd is eager to see this match up. Ever since the table match where Gil flew through the air and crashed landed on top of Liger with the Dewdrop, or the scene of Thereisa coming out to see blood dripping from a cut near Liger eye and the young woman crying out for her mother. Before being taken away to the hospital to seal the deep cut. Ever since that match things have been tense and the match was made for the final matches between the two rivals.

The ref comes out and explains the rules to both women. But since nobody is paying her any mind and just staring or glaring from Liger at the smaller woman with anger and hatred. The ref calls for the bell...


Liger comes out of her corner as soon as the bell was rung. Raising her right leg up, going for one of her best moves, a big boot right out of the gate to Gil face.

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Re: Who is the Best: Gil vs Berserk Liger

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Neither one started a conversation, they both had silently agreed to speak with their actions. Gil knew Liger wanted her out of her life, she despised her and just about everything she did, Gil couldn't say the same about Liger, however... She held not hatred within her for the woman, she, above all else, hoped they would become friends, train together, anything to prevent all of this, but instead, they stood against one-another for a third time, ready to put everything they had into it...!

"...Listen, Liger, I don't want to feud with you forever, so let's put an end to this..." Gil sounded more tired, disappointed, even, rather than upset, salvaging a friendship was unlikely at this point, but at the very-least, they could keep out of each-others hair after this was all-said-and-done...!


The bell rang-out, and Liger rushed, blinded by nothing but fury and pure, unadulterated, hatred...! She lifted her legs off the canvas and aimed it high, directly at Gil's face, but it was too predictable, Gil swept to the side and grabbed her leg, holding it in the air. Gil sighed, grimacing, she didn't want things to end badly, but it was inevitable... She lifted up as high as she could, taking out Liger's footing and flipping her onto her back by simply lifting the leg she had a grip-on high into the air...!

Without a word, or a second to think, Gil cannon-balled right onto her foe's stomach, crashing down hard as the canvas shook upon impact...! Gil scooted up and held Liger's arms down under her legs, trapping them....! She wasn't too sure how flexible Liger was, but she was about to put things to the test, taking a hold of one of her legs and bending it up, trying until she could have it so Liger's foot was right beside her head...!

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Re: Who is the Best: Gil vs Berserk Liger

Unread post by The Riders »

Liger issue when battling her opponents is she does the same thing that her mother does. By always starting the match off with a big boot to the face, she always leads off with that move since it is one of her bread and butter power moves that set's the tone for the match but always leaves her able to be countered due to the opponent's knowing when it's coming.

As Gil was able to counter the move with a beautiful counter move, grabbing her leg before it could connect with her face and pushed her backwards with a hard push and shove. 'Ahhh' Serilda would call out as her opponent slammed right into her stomach with her body weight, forcing the air out of her body, leaving her in a coughing fit holding her stomach in her hands.

This was not how she wanted this match to start as her opponent had the early advantage with a counter and quick move to stop whatever Serilda had planned cold in it tracks, as before she could roll over and get to her knees... Gil had already pounced on her. Serilda's arms would be placed in a painful position, but it was more of her leg taking the brunt of the hold that her opponent had put her in, as her leg was being sketched right near her own head in a painful looking split.

'AAAAHHHH. You little ... Fuckkk you.' Serilda screams out curing at the smaller Gil, glaring at the woman with nothing but hate in her eyes as she doesn't know how to escape this hold she is trapped in.

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Re: Who is the Best: Gil vs Berserk Liger

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Gil didn't want to cause any serious harm, she never did, she never wanted any of this to happen at all...! "...I told you, I'm putting an end to this, tonight...!" Gil sounded serious, Liger had pushed her since the very first second they laid eyes on each-other, Gil understood it all, though...

It was all jealously, something beyond Gil's control, she didn't choose to be trained by Cyber Widow, she chose her, she wasn't afraid, despite the warnings, and she trained hard to get better along-side her, despite their differences, but their differences were too strong, and she felt them drifting further-and-further apart as time went on, practices became a rarer occasion, even just talking to her became hard to do, as she could feel the wedge between the being driven deeper in, and for that, Gil could only imagine what that rift was like between Liger and Thereisa...

Gil attempted something a little risky, trying to transition into a full boston-crab, taking out Liger's legs might hinder her speed even-more-so, Gil already knew she could beat the woman in that category, but making things easier, and maybe even elimination the power behind that big-boot-move would be a treat...!

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Re: Who is the Best: Gil vs Berserk Liger

Unread post by The Riders »

Serilda's thoughts are in a mess right now. She is not being able to think clearly since finding out she would have this match, and it has been building up since coming across her mother and Girl training at the gym.

Just knowing that all the problems her own mother gave her when she first started out... and yet being all chummy with Gil and training her just because never set right with her, and after that table match and her blood being spilled all over the floor from the cut next to her eye the feud had been driven past the point of no return.

And now it seems that her opponent might win the first fall as Serilda struggles to escape the submission hold, gritting her teeth as she tries to pull herself to the ring ropes to break up the move. Her back is starting to throb from being in the painful move for a while as she keeps inching closer and closer to the ropes.

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Re: Who is the Best: Gil vs Berserk Liger

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Gil couldn't stand it anymore, this whole thing was just... I had taken itself too far, to the point where Gil felt out of control of her own situation. She just wanted things to cool down, so she could carry own without all of this weighing down on both her, and Liger, fortunately, things looked like they were going to be concluded tonight...

Liger crawled herself slowly toward the ropes, all while Gil wrenched her back into a knot, finally, after enough relentless stretching, Liger reached the ropes and free herself as Gil let her legs drop to the canvas, stepping a few feet away from Liger. "...Listen..." She sighed, rubbing her temples with her fingers. "...I get you don't like me, you don't have to, but you can't pin this all on me, everything up to this point has been nothing but a misunderstanding, so please..." Gil made her offer to Liger, reaching her hand out. "...I don't care about records, wins, losses... And I get it, we're both heated over this, but for what?"

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Re: Who is the Best: Gil vs Berserk Liger

Unread post by The Riders »

Finally reaching the ropes and breaking up the hold that it did a lot of damage to her back. Winching and letting out a frustrated scream as she uses the ropes to pull herself up to her feet. Finally, on her feet and turning to face Gil... before her eye twitches as the woman talks about what Gil was saying to her, about everything being a misunderstanding between them all.

She sees her opponent even holding out her hand to her as a sign of peace between them before everything goes too far to the point of no return, but it is too late for that since she is already planning on getting even and crushing Gil in front of everyone to see.

Walking up to Gil... Serilda would look like she was going to take the smaller woman's hand in hers, before doing the worse thing anybody can ever do in the world. She spit right in Gil's face before kicking the woman in the stomach with her foot, using the dirty moves, knowing that the ref can't really do anything at this point due to the rules of the match.

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Re: Who is the Best: Gil vs Berserk Liger

Unread post by Arista »

Mending was all Gil wanted at this point, and at a point, Gil thought she maybe broke through the barrier, Liger was maybe willing to put it all away, or at-least hear her out. She knew it wouldn't be as easy as that, it would take time to understand things, to move past it all, but if she could only just have Liger agree to think about this, maybe they could be friends.

Liger took Gil's hand, and for a brief moment, Gil smiled at her. A certain warmth grew inside her, she didn't hate Liger, she had nothing to hate her for, all of it truly was unaddressed problems and wounds that were never treated. Gil helped Liger up, but before a word could be uttered, she would be spat on, flinching bac before catching a boot to the stomach, hurling over and moving her hands to aid her stomach from the crushing, and unexpected blow...!

She coughed, still bent over, leaning forward into Liger and wrapping her arms around her waist and trying to drive her back, but it was a weak attempt, and more than anytihng, her hold on Liger just helped her from crumbling to the mat...!

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