Christina Perez vs "Battle Angel" Randee Reagan

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Re: Christina Perez vs "Battle Angel" Randee Reagan

Unread post by Weonna »

The once excited and supportive crowd for the Battle angel were no more as they gasped and watched in horror as Christina was holding the idol In a very suggestive manner and showing off her goodies, not to the audience but perhaps the whole world now since the pics of the sadistic woman holding Randee is a shame hold will get plenty of publicity!

"Well, congrats Randee. Now you're famous in the pro wrestling world~ you should thank me, my little angel, ~" Christina chuckled as she held on to the hold and even recatching her free leg to make this hold as last as possible. Christina wanted every angle shot, every shot of Randee's reaction, and every picture of her goodies stretched out.

This would go on for quite a while, and the whole crowd was crying out mercy for Randee as the dark-haired woman sighed and let go of the shame hold. She rolled back to her feet and watched Randee lying on the canvas once she finished humiliating her. The blonde went through enough pain for the match, and Christina remembered their initial bet and grinned as she wrapped her arms around Randee's neck and tied her legs around her waist for her final finisher move. A move that is impossible to escape if a trained BJJ artist manages to grab a neck and sink in a Rear Naked Choke!

Before attempting to choke out the Battle Angel, Christina would whisper in her ear.

"Remember our little bet? Loser kisses the winner's ass, and luckily, I brought my lipstick for you to try on~" Christina chuckled manically, ad she would attempt to end this match once and for all and put Randee to sleep with an RNC!
Last edited by Weonna on Sat Feb 05, 2022 12:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Christina Perez vs "Battle Angel" Randee Reagan

Unread post by rogue-kiss »

The model clinged to the smallest hope when she freed her leg and started rocking herself and Christina back and forth that her freedom would come soon, sparing her the humiliation and the pain that her escape attempts sent jolting through her back. She needed that hope because she knew she was nearing a point of embarrassment she had never experienced in so public a setting.

Then her more experienced, skilled opponent hooked her leg into the hold again. It didn't seem possible, but in her state of shock, it felt like Christina spread her legs even wider now that she had secured her in the hold again. Again, all Randee could feel were eyes and lenses.

A panic worked into her movements. Maybe her struggling looked even more humilating, but Randee didn't care anymore. She had to get out of this hold.

She didn't under her own power. Only after several more seconds did Christina let her go, and after Randee tumbled over, she curled up and tried to subtly reach between her legs to make sure her leotard still covered her. Randee tried to think of anything but her having been made a sideshow, repeating in her mind that the match had not ended. She started to get to her feet to fight, to get back at Christina for this embarrassment.

But Christina latched onto her back, and Randee barely recognized that the woman's arms were around her neck before she felt claustrophobic in their embrace. Randee tore into struggling, but having never been stuck in the choke, she made the mistake of pulling on Christina's forearm and trying to bridge.

When Christina's words filled her ears, she calmed, knowing her attempts were not working. But by then, it was too late.

The choking began, and Randee tensed all over when it felt like her vision and throat both were being squeezed shut. She tugged once more, weakly, on Christina's forearm, but as badly as she wanted to free herself, to fight back, to avoid losing this bet to such a bitch, her fear of passing out overcame her.

But she had waited too long, anyway. Randee slapped a hand on Christina's forearm once, twice, and would have a third time had she not fallen asleep before she could.
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Re: Christina Perez vs "Battle Angel" Randee Reagan

Unread post by Weonna »

Once Christina locks in the RNC, it is almost impossible to escape such a well-placed Choke, and unfortunately for the Battle Angel, she was too late to defend as the BJJ expert had secured the hold tightly. The crowd could see their idol fading, and there was a moment of silence and disappointment.

"There you go. Exactly what I wanted to hear." Christina grinned as she loved the silence from the fans as she could feel their disappointment. The sadistic woman would focus on the RNC and wait for her opponent to tap out or nap. When Randee began slapping her arm twice, she was confused whether she was tapping out, but when she completely stopped beating her arm for the third time, Christina stopped the pressure on her neck and looked at the ref.

"I think the bitch fell asleep, ref~" she chuckled as the ref came to see if Randee was out as they checked her arms. They would lift it and let it go three times before finally calling the match as the Battle Angel was choked out.


The bell rang, and the match was over. Christina began to play with Randee's hair before gently placing her unconscious body down and standing up. She would position her unconscious opponent in a spread eagle formation; After she was satisfied, she would put a boot on her stomach and place her hands on her hips and look to the camera for a victory pose over Randee. After 10 seconds of gloating, the Victor smiled and exited the ring, and went to the staff member who was waiting by the stage to deliver her the Red lipstick. She didn't forget about the bet and was eager to wake the Battle Angel up as she took the lipstick and went back to the ring and sat on her chest.

"Wakey Wakey sleeping Angel~ time for you to pay up~" Christina would give light slaps to her face, and when she would eventually have wakened up, the sadistic woman would stand up and toss the lipstick beside her.

"Remember the spot I wanted you to kiss?" Christina turned around and placed a finger at the spot of her right ass cheek where she wanted the lipstick mark to be. People in the crowd got their phones and cameras ready as they enjoyed a good shot for the scene that was about to take place as Christina would have an evil smirk on her face waiting for those lips to leave an excellent red mark on her ass.
Last edited by Weonna on Mon Feb 07, 2022 4:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Christina Perez vs "Battle Angel" Randee Reagan

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Randee knew nothing of her state of unconsciousness while Christina posed atop her. She looked peaceful, obvious to the cameras snapping shots of her as she lay lifeless.

But the weight pressing down on her chest and the smacks on her face brought her back from her peace. Randee jerked and struck out with her hands when she came to, her body shifting right back into fight-or-flight like before the choke had forced her to sleep. She gazed up at Christina after the initial jolt in sleepy confusion, then at the arena lights and the crowd around her. Then cold reality sank in for the blonde, and she slowly she raised her hands to cover her face. "Oh fuck." she said, quietly blubbering into her palms.

They had pictures of her being bent, they had pictures of her being split in half, and now they would have pictures of her kissing Christina's ass. And every hater, Christina included, would feel justified and grow louder and louder.

Hearing the lipstick clink against the mat beside her, Randee finally pulled her hands off of her face and glanced over at it, avoiding looking at Christina or the ass the bitch was now presenting to her. Stubbornness and frustration welled inside of her. Her ego told her to get up and leave the ring as much as it told her that if she did, she would have skipped on a bet and be seen as a liar.

But she thought it much better to keep her reputation, even if it meant seeing this photo for the rest of her wrestling career. The insults, at least, would quiet after a while.

Randee pushed herself up and reached for the lipstick, but as she glanced at it to keep avoiding the sight of, ah, what she must kiss, she realized. The lipstick wasn't part of the deal. And Randee felt petty.

She she dismissively flicked it out of the ring. "That's a terrible color." Her fans in the crowd showed appreciation for her act of defiance, but Randee and they both knew that was all she got out of this exchange.

Randee swallowed, turned. There was Christina's peach. Looking at it, knowing what she was about to do, Randee had the strangest feeling well up inside of her, and really all over, but she buried all feelings, thoughts, apprehensions, all of it.

With her eyes closed, she leaned forward and trembled a bit when her lips and nose bumped Christina's cheek. Then she left history's most emotionless, brief peck, and started to pull away as fast as she could.
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Re: Christina Perez vs "Battle Angel" Randee Reagan

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"Oh no, your not getting off the hook that easily~" The Brunette would giggle as she held the back of the Battle Angel's head to make sure her lips stayed on her ass for a good couple of seconds for everyone in the building to get a pic.

"I gotta admit, Randee...I like your act of defiance...that's a real fighter, but unfortunately, your skills seem to be quite lacking~" Christina let her go and put her hands on her hips as she stood over Randee with a grin plastered on her face.

"So cutie, what will you do now? Do you want to continue Wrestling and keep being a disappointment, or will you fucking step up?" Her words seemed too harsh as she looked down at the Battle Angel with a cold stare.

Hey! Why don't you leave her alone!?

A fan yelled as they started to boo at the Brunette. Christina looked around, and despite her total domination of the Blonde, the fans were still 100% on Randee's side as they cheered for their idol to get back up on her feet.

Randee! Randee!! Randee!!!

Christina just smiled, crossed her arms, and looked back at Randee. "I gotta admit you sure do have a loyal fanbase." The Brunette was making her way to the ropes to exit the ring, but before she would leave, Christina had one more thing to say to the Battle Angel.

"You better win your next match...these people came across the world to see you. You better not let something like this happen again, you hear me?" Christina left the ring and went backstage and toured the locker room as she wanted to grab her earbuds and drown out the loud cheers with music.

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Re: Christina Perez vs "Battle Angel" Randee Reagan

Unread post by rogue-kiss »

Randee thought she got away with the peck. But Christina grabbed and shoved the blonde's head into her ass so suddenly and intensely that Randee almost made out with her right cheek. "Mmmmph!" Randee braced a hand on each of Christina's thighs and tried to push away, but she had no energy and no strength left in her bent and squeezed body. The seconds dragged on, with the Battle Angel trying to think of anything that wasn't her lips plastered to Christina's ass or the amount of people watching. And she certainly didn't acknowledge that she hadn't expected it to feel so soft and warm.

When she was released, she caught her breath and refused to acknowledge that she herself was heated. Her wrist and forearm came across her mouth like she was wiping off something disgusting, but all she had inherited from the kiss was maybe a single drop of sweat. It was the thought of being disgusted that counted.

Randee would have been happy for it to have been left there. She already felt like she wanted to flee the ring and get backstage and start damage control. Now that it had already happened, she could only focus on doing whatever she needed to make herself feel better. But Randee had a lecture for her, and one that sounded as insulting as her opponent's first "greeting." Randee looked past her, at the arena lights, scowling.

Randee wanted to ignore her and cast her words aside as more hatefulness. But..she did suppose there was some truth behind them and maybe even some advice. She cut her blue eyes over at Christina a couple of times, the slightest hint of an acknowledgement that she heard it all. But when the dark-haired woman started to leave the ring, she finally spoke.

"You could afford to stop being so bitchy." she said, so only the two of them could hear it, without much malice behind the statement.

The Battle Angel, hurting and trying to ignore the coming struggle she would have online, watched her leave, then staggered to her feet herself and headed backstage, ready to lick her wounds.

And get in a hot tub.

Winner by knockout: Christina Perez
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