Most wrestlers, when staring down an opponent that so eclipsed them in size, would feel intimidated - even if the foe they were met with wasn't a veteran and former champion with a well-earned reputation for breaking her opponents' necks. But Yuki didn't want to be intimidated. From the moment she put herself up to the challenge of fighting for the Openweight Title, she swore that she was going to be better than that - stronger than anyone, even her greatest fans, would ever think she was. This was her chance to prove herself as a competitor worth being taken seriously, to be worthy of her position at the top of the card. Yuki knew exactly what she was getting into - and she was confident she was ready for it.
The girl crossed her arms, looking up to lock her eyes on Theresia. The cold, focused glare on her face never changed, not even when she had to turn her head up to meet her face to face. As Theresia walked to the center of the ring, Yuki walked up to meet her. She moved her hands to her hips and stood with her feet apart, not flinching even a single muscle. She wouldn't let anyone believe she had any regrets about what she was doing.
To Theresia's words, Yuki shook her head.
"No. I'm not stopping now," she explained, her voice calm and measured.
"And believe me, that won't happen. My dreams have already been realized. Just to be in this ring at all, to be considered for the highest honor, is an accomplishment enough - and I fully intend to go even further beyond."
When Theresia turned, Yuki stood still, remaining where she was. She wouldn't be moved. Even just going back to her corner meant turning her back on the heavyweight, and symbolically, Yuki wanted to send a message that she would never step down. But as the veteran returned to the corner...suddenly, she heard a burst of cheers ring out from the fans. Looking in the direction of the noise, she would see why. There was one more woman who needed to make her entrance.
Taking to the judges' table this evening would be none other than Astrid Ostberg - an accomplished wrestler in her own right, and one who had brought plenty of prestige and attention to the LAW Heavyweight Championship through her defenses across Europe. Although she was still young, Astrid had the sort of credentials that made her a perfect choice to put her front and center at the table, facing the action directly across from the hard camera. She was beautiful, she was an established star, she brought attention to the event - and, for this night in particular, she was
someone who had defeated Theresia before. Though Theresia had supposedly turned over a new leaf, many inside LAW and out were suspicious of her true intentions, and there was an unspoken but understood agreement that Astrid would keep an eye on her for anything funny.
"Thank you, thank you!" Astrid waved to her fans as she met their cheers.
"You're all too kind." With that, she proceeded to her seat at the judges' table, the other judges moving aside for her - and once there, she looked up at Theresia, folding her hands before her.
"Ms. Niedermeyer. Long time, no see, yeah?"