Brawler's Prelude, Episode 1: The Puppy Grows it's Claws

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Brawler's Prelude, Episode 1: The Puppy Grows it's Claws

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

Summer, 2018. Perry, Iowa

Perry's rec center was filled to the brim with indie wrestling fans, a ring set up in the middle of the gymnasium as combatants squared off, tossing and grappling each other into submission. A pane of glass separated the gym from the lobby, where spectators content to watch from afar made themselfs comfortable. Nearby, there was a young girl in a black hoodie, leaned with her foot against the wall. Her hands were in her pockets as she zoned out, lost in thought. There was a certain aura around her, one that told people to back off.

"This next bout is set for one fall with a twenty minute time limit! Entering the ring first, making her IIWA debut..."

As those words left the ring announcer's mouth, the girl's head perked up, looking up at the ring. She took a deep breath, and approached the entrance to the gym. Showtime, she thought.

"From Perry, Iowa, weighing in at 143 pounds, SKYLARRR JOOONES!!!!!!!"
Stop at 18:14 for replays.
Intense saxophone music blared over the stereo as Skylar made her entrance, the sixteen year old confidently striding toward the ring with a cocky grin. A well known girl throughout the town, she was hit with a barrage of boos, but they did little to wipe the smirk off the brunette's face. Many of those who didn't jeer her were her former classmates, afraid to do so. She'd carried an aura of fear around with her ever since her expulsion. Those who'd seen her beat three girls to bloody pulp, stomping on one's ribs until she could barely breath hardly had the guts to look her in the eye anymore, let alone openly insult her. Skylar knew this, and it brought her satisfaction. Once in the ring, she bowed, taunting the audience as her opponent's music came over the speakers.

"And her opponent, from Ankeny, Iowa, weighing in at 184 pounds, the Red Pheonix, AMANDAAAAAAA STERRRRRRRLINGGGGGGG!!!!!!!"

A tall woman, looking to be in her late twenties entered the ring next. She wore a red singlet with yellow boots and elbow pads. Her long, blonde hair was done in a pony tail. As she stepped into the ring, she gave the young Skylar a smile. "Don't be nervous. I remember my first time. Let's have ourselves a good match!" She greeted. Skylar rolled her eyes, still wearing a smirk. "Teh, I ain't nervous." She scoffed. "And I promise, this'll be fun for one of us..." Her eyes narrowed, a wicked grin covering her face.


What followed was an exhilarating fifteen minutes of fighting. Punching, throwing, twisting and contorting one another's limbs into agonizing holds. Amanda had a good arsenal of throws and suplexes, whereas Skylar's specialty was good old fashioned street fighting, swinging punches left and right. Despite the wide skill gap, the match was a good back and forth, but it wasn't close, as when Amanda pinned Skylar for the three count, there was no arguing which among them was the better woman.

Skylar looked at the lights, sweating, panting heavily to catch her breath. Most first timers would be proud to have held up as well as Skylar had... but she wasn't satisfied. She'd come into this ring wanting to make a powerful first impression, beating a bitch down to make it clear she was nobody to mess with, and yet here she'd found herself power bombed onto the mat and pinned. She sighed heavily, closing her eyes. She'd have another match in a month or two. Maybe then...

"Ay Skylar, I'm impressed." Amanda said. Skylar opened her eyes, facing her former opponent with a glare. "Eh-?" She grunted. Amanda continued. "You have a lot of potential. I bet if you stick with this, you'll be something special one of these days. What do you say I help train you? Y'know, like a mentor?"

Amanda's offer was clearly well meaning. She sounded almost motherly as she offered Skylar her hand. It pissed her off. That's what she thought of her? An opponent so pathetic she was worthy of pity? Skylar got up, a low growl rising from inside her. She wasn't gonna be anybody's damn pity project. "Oh? Oh yeah? Well I got an idea, how 'bout you go FUCK YOURSELF! I don't need help from anybody, and I never will, especially not from a bitch like you!" She roared, wiping the smile off of Amanda's face. Sky's fists were balled, as she wore a snarl. Before the blonde could react, Skylar's foot shot into her groin, sending her to her knees, clutching her bruised womanhood.

The crowd roared with disapproval, booing and jeering at the teenager as she stormed off. The next time she got in a wrestling ring, she'd show them all how tough she was!

To be continued...
Last edited by Deskfan45 on Mon Oct 17, 2022 2:55 am, edited 5 times in total.

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