Ayana Suzuki Vs. Cecilia Lombard: A Collision of Sadists

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Ayana Suzuki Vs. Cecilia Lombard: A Collision of Sadists

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Standard Match
Winner by knockout, pinfall, or submission

Ayana Suzuki wore a bored expression on her face as she put her bikini on in the locker room. She'd had two matches in LAW now, and not one of them had been worth her time. Was she gonna be condemned to simply defeating jobber after pathetic jobber for her entire career? If this was how LAW was going to treat her, perhaps she was best off wrestling somewhere else. "I beg of you, please let the next one give me a challenge..." She sighed, waiting for her music to come on.
"The following contest is set for one fall! Coming to the ring from Tokyo, Japan, weighing in at 146 pounds, AYANAAAA SUUUZUKIIII!!!"

Her soft piano music came over the loud speaker in stark contrast with the energetic ring announcer, which was a nuisance, but Ayana came down the ramp with the same graceful stride as always, before slipping through the middle rope and into the ring, going to her corner.
Last edited by Deskfan45 on Mon Nov 15, 2021 9:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ayana Suzuki Vs. Cecilia Lombard: A Collision of Sadists

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"And her opponent, from Detroit, Michigan, weighing in at 135 pounds, CECILIAAAA LOMBARD-"

The words had only just left the ring announcer's mouth when the lights over the entrance ramp suddenly cut out, dropping the arena into darkness. The crowd had a few short seconds to take in the scene, whispering to one another in anticipation of what was to come, before Cecilia's theme music began to play over the speakers - heralding what would come shortly therefter. When the music hit a crescendo, the lights flashed on once again, revealing Cecilia standing atop the entrance ramp, staring Ayana down with her arms crossed.
"...hmph," Cecilia muttered to herself. When she looked down at Ayana, she couldn't say she was that impressed. This girl hardly looked like she'd put up a fight; she was sure she'd just be another opponent to fall by the wayside in her climb to the top. Without uncrossing her arms the whole way through, she stormed her way down to the ring, each footstep landing heavy against the floor beneath her. When she finally got to the ring, Cecilia rolled in under the ropes before getting back up and dusting herself off, where she fixed a glare on her would-be opponent.

"So...you're the next in line, huh?" she muttered, before shaking her head. "You're just going to fall like the rest of them..."
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Re: Ayana Suzuki Vs. Cecilia Lombard: A Collision of Sadists

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Ayana leaned against the turn buckle with her arms crossed, eyes closed as she waited for her opponent. As she heard music, her head turned to the entrance ramp, to see a grey haired woman glaring down at her. Ayana sighed, rolling her eyes at the obnoxious rock music blaring over the speakers as her opponent joined her in the ring.

Ayana was quick to return Cecilia's glare. She grit her teeth at how dismissively the woman had addressed her. Did she not know who she was talking to? "I could say the same to you... I just ask that you put up a good fight. If you don't succeed in giving these people their money's worth, I'd be happy to take matters into my own hands." Her eyes narrowed, drilling in her threat. "Surely you know what I mean..."
Last edited by Deskfan45 on Sun Oct 17, 2021 6:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Ayana Suzuki Vs. Cecilia Lombard: A Collision of Sadists

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Cecilia leaned back against the ropes with a huff as she listened to Ayana's retort. It seemed as though both women thought quite highly of their own abilities, and neither were going to be content with anything but victory. Though they were alike, it could surely only breed discontent - after all, between the two of them, only one could emerge a winner, and Cecilia was determined to make sure it would be her. No matter how the match went, she was confident she would come on top in the end. Whatever Ayana had to boast of, she had her killer instinct, and her willingness to dominate her foes on both a physical and psychological level. Surely, this could only give her the edge.

She rolled her neck, cracking her vertebrae as she stepped closer to Ayana. Though the Japanese girl was staring straight at Cecilia, she wasn't even bothering to return the gesture, and she glanced off to the side with a sly grin. She knew that ignoring Ayana at a time when she commanded attention could only strike the first blow against her, as well as proving how little Cecilia considered her to be a threat.

"'These people?' Who cares what they think?" she scoffed. "They can kiss my ass for all I care. When I get in this ring, it's for one person and one person only - and that person is me. If they get to watch me beat you down..." She shrugged her shoulders flippantly. "Well, that's just a bonus, isn't it?"
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Re: Ayana Suzuki Vs. Cecilia Lombard: A Collision of Sadists

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Ayana balled her fists, Cecilia not even looking at her when she spoke. It made her all the more eager to reduce the woman to tears. But, as her opponent said she was doing this for herself and herself alone, the ojou let out a tiny gasp that wouldn't be heard. While the two women's attitudes were very similar, that was certainly one thing that set them apart. "You don't even know what I said, do you?" She hissed, her opponent having not even acknowledged her threat to molest her in front of the audience. "I suppose that figures. You don't seem to have much experience there..."


The bell's chime echoed through the stadium, signaling the start of the match. Ayana took a taekwondo fighting stance, and edged towards Cecilia. When she gets close, she'll attempt a crescent kick to the woman's head!

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Re: Ayana Suzuki Vs. Cecilia Lombard: A Collision of Sadists

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Even before the bell had rung, a battle of wits was playing out in the ring. Neither Cecilia nor Ayana were content to accept anything but their utter dominance in this contest, and already both of them were attempting to one-up the other, their mutual contempt shining through every barbed word they met each other with. At last, Ayana's taunts proved enough to get Cecilia's attention, and she turned her head back toward her to look her in the eye with a narrow glare. "Shut your damn mouth," she muttered. "Nothing you say is going to mean anything when I'm through with you."

At last, the bell chimed. Cecilia turned on her heel to face Ayana, where she began to lower herself into a stance. At once, her expression went serious and focused, as she leaned in closer to Ayana with her hands curled into tight fists. Now, there was no playing around - all of her attention was locked in on her foe. Cecilia watched as Ayana raised her leg, preparing a crescent kick - but Cecilia would be ready.

If Ayana was going to be that convinced she could take her down, Cecilia would have to use her own efforts against her just to prove how wrong she was. With one arm, she went to block Ayana's incoming kick, hoping to halt her motion in place. If that worked, she would attempt to grab at the girl's leg, using it as a handhold to pull her off balance!
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Ayana Suzuki Vs. Cecilia Lombard: A Collision of Sadists

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A slight smirk came to Ayana's face as she heard Cecilia's frustrated response. She claimed a small psychological victory against her foe before the match had even begun. "How rude." She muttered, shaking her head. She couldn't wait to make this cocky woman scream her submission, begging to be released from whatever delightfully painful hold Ayana would put her in. The thought brought a venomous smile to the ojou's lips.

The bell rang, and immediately the two were at it! Ayana swung her leg for a kick, which Cecilia was quick to grab. "Gh-!" Ayana grunted in surprise as her rival tried to pull her off balance. She quickly grabbed Cecilia, and pulled her to the ground with her. Once the two were on the mat, Ayana would attempt to clamp her legs down on Cecilia's stomach for a devastating leg scissor!

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Re: Ayana Suzuki Vs. Cecilia Lombard: A Collision of Sadists

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The match had hardly begun, and already the lines had been drawn on the battlefield. This wasn't just a contest of physical strength and skill - Cecilia and Ayana were going up against one another on a mental arena as well, and both were looking to outwit each other and undermine their pride and confidence just as much as they were to dominate each other physically. When Cecilia reached out to effortlessly block the forward momentum of Ayana's crescent kick, holding her leg in midair, a smirk came to her face. She wanted it to send a message - that fighting back wasn't going to do her any good.

But Ayana was willing to adapt all the same! At the same time Cecilia pulled back at her leg, Ayana reached out to grab her too, sending both to the mat. Once there, she wasted no time in snapping her legs shut around Cecilia's stomach! As she felt the pressure clamping down around her, wringing the air out of her lungs, Cecilia groaned, her teeth locked in a grimace and her head tossing from side to side. Ayana, she could tell, was going to be a tricky foe. But two could play at that game.

Reaching up for where Ayana's leg crossed her torso, Cecilia would attempt to raise her shoulders off the mat, hissing through clenched teeth and fighting against the encroaching pressure as she did. But if she could make it up, she'd grab for Ayana's ankle, looking to pull back on it to twist the joint in an ankle lock!
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Re: Ayana Suzuki Vs. Cecilia Lombard: A Collision of Sadists

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Ayana smirked, feeling Cecilia squirm in her body scissor, putting the squeeze in her even harder. The two had only known each other for a couple minutes, but already they wanted nothing more than to rip apart each other's pride. Ayana sought to humiliate Cecilia, just like she had her last two opponents.

Soon enough, Cecilia managed to break free of the ojou's hold, turning it around into an ankle lock. "Gah-!" She groaned, feeling her opponent twist at her leg. "Ughhhhhhhhh-!" She had to get out of this fast before too much damage was done. Immediately, she began using her arms and free leg to pull herself toward the ropes. If she manages to get within arms reach, she'll reach out, and grab the bottom rope!

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Re: Ayana Suzuki Vs. Cecilia Lombard: A Collision of Sadists

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Hearing that laugh made Cecilia go tense, her teeth locking into a grimace as her body stiffened. She knew exactly what that laugh meant - Ayana knew of Cecilia's pride, and she wanted to tear it down. She wanted her to feel weak and powerless before her. That was something Cecilia had vowed she would never feel again - and that was when she knew she would rather die than submit to Ayana! She growled under her breath, shaking her head in a refusal to play by her opponent's terms. And as she fought through the pain, she was able to grab onto her opponent's ankle and give it a forceful twist! Against the pain and pressure building on the joint, Ayana had no choice but to let Cecilia go. But her grasp on her ankle never wavered. In fact, Cecilia now had more opportunity than ever to torment her foe.

A sinister grin spread over Cecilia's face. She saw that Ayana was going for the ropes, but now that she was free to move, the Japanese woman was in more danger than ever. Cecilia rolled to her feet, giving her leg another crank to roll Ayana onto her front. In fact, she placed her own leg in between Ayana's own as she bent them into place around her leg, anchoring them in position before she bent back to grab for Ayana's chin and pull up to force her into a Muta lock!
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