When he heard about a carnival coming to the local park, he saw it as the perfect chance to get away from it all. Of course, Kirie was going to find out sooner or later and insist that Hiro take her. But if he went by himself first, he could scope the place out and get a feel for what the best rides were, and what was worth seeing.
That was his excuse, anyway. He'd rehearsed the conversation, where he'd find himself explaining himself to an irate Kirie, many times by now, to the point where he had almost begun to believe his own story.
Now, though, as he found himself walking down a row of stalls and booths, Hiro had to admit...he felt a sense of freedom and relief that he hadn't felt in a long time, and it reminded him of why he had come out here to begin with. For a day where he could finally enjoy himself, without needing to worry about anything terrible happening as soon as he turned his back. He took a deep breath, letting the air linger in his lungs, as the tension flowed away from his body. Maybe this was all worth the trouble.