Getting Away (for Deskfan)

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Getting Away (for Deskfan)

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It wasn't too often that Hiro had the opportunity to get away from his girlfriend. He felt guilty for even thinking of such a thing as a positive, but for better or worse that was how it ended up. As much as he loved Kirie, he couldn't deny that she could cause more trouble than she was worth sometimes, and disaster tended to follow wherever she went. Just once in a while, he wanted a day he could take just for himself, not having to worry about Kirie trying to sabotage the life of whatever other girl was unfortunate enough to be too close, in her eyes, to her boyfriend. A day where he wouldn't have to have a care in the world.

When he heard about a carnival coming to the local park, he saw it as the perfect chance to get away from it all. Of course, Kirie was going to find out sooner or later and insist that Hiro take her. But if he went by himself first, he could scope the place out and get a feel for what the best rides were, and what was worth seeing.

That was his excuse, anyway. He'd rehearsed the conversation, where he'd find himself explaining himself to an irate Kirie, many times by now, to the point where he had almost begun to believe his own story.

Now, though, as he found himself walking down a row of stalls and booths, Hiro had to admit...he felt a sense of freedom and relief that he hadn't felt in a long time, and it reminded him of why he had come out here to begin with. For a day where he could finally enjoy himself, without needing to worry about anything terrible happening as soon as he turned his back. He took a deep breath, letting the air linger in his lungs, as the tension flowed away from his body. Maybe this was all worth the trouble.
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Re: Getting Away (for Deskfan)

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHH!!!! DIE DIE DIE!!!" Not far from where Hiro walked, a psychotic laughing could be heard as Skylar Jones played a duck shooting game. She repeatedly cocked and shot the toy gun with a manic look in her eyes as the yellow cardboard ducks fell. The stall attendant watched nervously as the woman seemed a bit too excited. "Whew..." She sighed, setting the gun down as the game ended. She'd won a large stuffed bear, but not knowing what to do with it, gave it away to a little girl passing by.

As she began to look for what to do next, she saw a familiar face, and smiled. "Yo, Hiro!" The brunette waved, recognizing the man she'd hit on at the bar a month back.
Skylar Jones
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Re: Getting Away (for Deskfan)

Unread post by CaptainL »

Well...if Hiro had gone out here with the intentions of relaxing and enjoying his time off, away from the concerns that regularly plagued his life, he was in for a rude awakening. Just as he was about to turn a corner, he suddenly heard a voice cry out with fierce death threats. Abruptly stopping where he was, he jumped up and let out a yelp. Was a homicidal maniac loose in the park? His eyes frantically scanned the vicinity, looking for escape routes - just before they settled on the source of the noise.

False alarm. Only a girl at a shooting gallery, getting invested in the game to a concerning degree. Hiro let out a sigh of relief - a sigh he soon realized was premature, for the next thing he heard was his name being called. Looking back over his shoulder, he saw this was no ordinary girl that had called his name - this was Skylar Jones, a woman who had been an established fixture of his life up to this point, and he didn't know if that was a good thing or not.

"Oh, it's you...heh..." Hiro looked up nervously at Sky, shrugging his shoulders. He couldn't help but worry that the brunette was going to stir up some trouble sooner rather than later, but at least for now she seemed to be behaving herself. Clearing his throat, he came closer to her side. "I, uh...didn't expect to run into you here've you been?"
Last edited by CaptainL on Sun Oct 17, 2021 8:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Getting Away (for Deskfan)

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Skylar approached Hiro with a friendly smile, happy to run into her friend. God, this guy hadn't any less cute then when they'd first met. "I've been good. Heard there was a carnival in town and came to get drunk and have some fun!" Wanting to tease Hiro a little, Skylar threaded her arm under his, so that they walked arm in arm. She knew if Kirie saw this there would be trouble, but the pigtailed bitch was nowhere in sight, and hell, if she did see this, Sky'd be happy to knock her ass out.

"How 'bout you? How've you been?" Sky asked, guiding Hiro through the park.

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Re: Getting Away (for Deskfan)

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Hiro let out a short sigh as he heard Skylar announce her intentions, which he wasn't surprised by in the least. Getting drunk and having fun, he'd realized, was her favorite pastime, and all too often left him getting into more trouble than he had bargained for when their paths crossed. Now, he could only wonder what was in store. He'd come here to try and get away from the stresses of everyday life, and while he had a break from one crazy bitch, he still couldn't quite say if having to deal with another one would be any better.

"You know, I kinda figured that...uh, no offense," Hiro pointed out. Skylar, meanwhile, was undeterred, slipping her arm around his as she started off. Suddenly pulled in closer against her body, feeling the warmth of her skin and the gentle embrace of her grip, Hiro blushed, and his heart beat faster - with anxiety as much as excitement. He glanced back and forth in confusion, wondering where Sky was taking him now and what might happen next. "H-Huh..?" he muttered. "You're, uh...being awfully friendly-" Hiro stopped himself, however, as he remembered the last time Sky had gotten friendly with him; hopefully this encounter would be far less awkward and far less disastrous in the long term. He cleared his throat, falling in against her side.

"Me? I've been...uh, alright. You know, the stuff, personal stuff. It gets exhausting. I'm at least hoping I can have a good time out here, though." Hiro took a breath, turning his head to the sky. He was here to have fun, he reminded himself. He couldn't forget that. Any concerns he had could wait - this was for his own sake.
Last edited by CaptainL on Thu Nov 25, 2021 5:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Getting Away (for Deskfan)

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Skylar giggled with more cuteness than usual, hugging Hiro's arm. "I'm your friend, ain't I?" She teased playfully, letting her face get close enough to Hiro's that they could kiss. But Sky wouldn't kiss him. If Hiro wanted her lips, he'd have to come and get them himself. She loved playing mind games like this with cute boys. She let her hip brush against his own, before continuing down the path, still hugging Hiro's arm. "Good time, huh? Y'know I could make an innuendo there, but I won't." Sky chuckled. "Hmmmm. I'd be happy to take you on all the best rides.... If you promise to hold my hand when I get scared." She was teasing again, of course. Sky couldn't remember the last time anything had scared her, but it was sure to get a cute reaction from Hiro.

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Re: Getting Away (for Deskfan)

Unread post by CaptainL »

Needless to say, when Sky leaned into Hiro's face, his blush only deepened even further. He took in a gulp, his eyes going wide as he leaned back away from her. His heart was pounding. For a fleeting second, he was afraid that Sky just might actually kiss him - and the thought mortified him, lest Kirie somehow find out about it. At the same time, he couldn't help but find the thought of it strangely appealing. And knowing that he was thinking of that scared him even more.

Nevertheless, Sky didn't kiss him. She stopped just shy of his lips, leaving Hiro standing there, staring and stammering. "I...I um, er..." But he cleared his throat, allowing Sky to lead him along by the arm - more so because his thoughts were lagging too far behind to consciously object than out of any sense of agreement.

"You'd...ride with me?" Hiro bit his lip as he felt Sky's hip brush his own, the sensation instantly stirring up thoughts of what the rest of her body might feel like, but he shook his head, trying to focus on her words. "Wait, you get sc-I mean, yeah, of course I would-!" Catching himself in mid-thought, Hiro stood a little straighter and puffed out his chest, holding tighter to Sky's hand. Though he tried to manage a smile, he nervously looked around at the other fair-goers - to any outsider, the two of them would surely look like a couple. And that was precisely why Hiro was so afraid of being recognized.
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Re: Getting Away (for Deskfan)

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Skylar giggled. Hiro's flustered reactions were part of what made him so attractive. It seemed he was trying to feign confidence and act tough... for whatever reason... as he gripped Sky's hand more firmly, puffing his chest and speaking with more confidence. How obvious of an act it was was adorable. Holding Hiro's hand, she brushed her shoulder against his. "I've prolly told you this before, but you're cute." She giggled.

As the two walked down the street, Sky looked around, before spotting a ride that caught her eye. A decently sized tower with several beams sticking out of it, ships at the end of them going around in circles. With a twinkle in her eyes, Sky tugged Hiro's arm, pointing at the ride. "Let's go on that one first!"

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Re: Getting Away (for Deskfan)

Unread post by CaptainL »

The last thing Hiro wanted to do was to admit he was afraid. This wasn't normally his idea of fun, and he couldn't imagine how he'd handle it - but he also knew that if he admitted anything in the way of weakness to Skylar, the brunette would never let him forget it. He had to do his best to be the strong one, and he sucked in his breath, straightening his back to put on his bravest face to the world.

Of course, that didn't mean he was particularly good at it. Even as the words left his mouth, he couldn't help but feel like his delivery was woefully unconvincing. Perhaps even worse than that, though, was how Skylar had just called him cute, and leaned in even closer to his side - both of which felt better to him than he knew they should've. Had his plan backfired, or was she just messing with him, he thought to himself as he looked back at her and bit his lip? Either way, she really wasn't making this any easier...

"C-Cute...heh..." Hiro blushed a little, his lip wavering as he glanced off to try and direct his attention anywhere but here. Hearing Sky giggle so girlishly was...uncharacteristic of her, but it was for that reason it stood out all the more - and it seemed that much more adorable. However, he soon bit his lip and cleared his throat. This was no time to get caught up in things like that! Besides, what would Kirie think? He...didn't want to consider that.

"Er, okay..! Let's go..." He followed Sky down the street, occasionally glancing back and forth to make sure nobody he knew was following them. But, when he saw the ride that had caught Skylar's eye, Hiro fell silent. His eyes went wide as his gaze wandered up to watch the ships fly around, and he could feel something drop in the pit of his stomach. Just watching the motion was making him seasick, and that was before considering how high up he'd be in the air. If there was some sort of malfunction and he fell, or if Sky pushed him - which, honestly, he wouldn't put past her - it would be a long way down...

" want to ride that one? You sure? I, uh, think there might be a line to get on...what if we looked for, like, a carousel, or a ferris wheel or-" Hiro stopped himself, realizing that he'd just named off a few iconic date spots, which was the exact opposite of what he was trying to achieve here. Clearing his throat again, he changed the subject, hoping Sky wouldn't give much thought to what he'd just said. "I mean, sure, let's get in line-!"
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