Chantelle C. Vs. Eileen S. - Left To Shudder

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The Ominous Future
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Chantelle C. Vs. Eileen S. - Left To Shudder

Unread post by Devilish53 »


Standard Match Rules
Victory Via Pinfall, DQ Or Submission.

It was rare indeed for Eileen Sommers to willingly enter first, but it was not unheard of. Eileen preferred the bravado allowed with entering second - to emerge on the ramp at a leisurely pace with a casual swagger to her step only helped imply what she often thought. That her opponent was not worth rushing over.

Descending the ramp at her usual slow pace, Eileen opted to share nought but a coy grin at those that roared her name. Constantly out of reach whenever she swaggered her hips, the redhead would pause her casual pace only to shoot a single wink at a lucky fan waiting towards the end of the ramp barricade. For him, the night had been made already.

For Eileen's opponent at hand? Not so much. For Eileen was in a curious mood to say the least. Not one in which she would hold back in, needless to say (if such a mood could even exist) but one in which she'd be looking to employ a different collection of moves.

One likely better suited to that of a softcore or hentai bout over the standard one at hand...

Licking her lips as she slid her jacket from her frame only after climbing into the ring, Eileen claimed her corner at her continued casual pace with her arms draped over the top of the ropes. Eyes to the ramp, it was now time to see who'd be victim to this curious mood of hers...

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Re: Chantelle C. Vs. Eileen S. - Left To Shudder

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Chantelle stretched out backstage in preparation for her next match, clad in a more revealing attire than normal. The buxom Scot's modesty was covered by a pair of white wrestling briefs and a cropped, sleeveless gym top to match. Other than that she wore a pair of black fingerless gloves and matching trainers. She ruffled a hand through her short brown hair, feeling more confident than she had in a while, having come off a rare win in her wrestling tenure before this match. With any luck this might at last be a chance to string some wins together and shake off the jobber label that had clung to her for her entire lacklustre career!
Her music, Avril Lavigne's What the Hell burst from the speakers and the veteran Scot took a deep breath before stepping out into the light of the arena.

She smiled brightly as cheers and jeers rained down in her in equal measure, unconcerned by the dissenting voices in the crowd. With one hand on her hip she waved with the other as she made her way down the ramp, until she reached the apron and clambered up, ducking between the middle and top rope. Chantelle stepped into the ring and raised both fists, still smiling before turning her attention to the flame-haired beauty currently lounging casually in the corner.

"Good luck, lassie!" she declared, moving to the centre of the ring with her hands on her hips. "Are ye gonnae join me out here? Or is that corner a wee bit too comfy?"
Last edited by arktriumph on Wed Feb 02, 2022 7:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Chantelle C. Vs. Eileen S. - Left To Shudder

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Eileen remained utterly motionless as Chantelle joined her, save for resting her chin upon her knuckle after placing her elbow on the top rope. Not that she ever reacted, be it a world champion coming down the ramp or a brand new face within LAW.

Though admittedly, Eileen somewhat knew of Chantelle - with it being perhaps cruel yet accurate to say she was barely better than the latter!

Only offering a smile as the shorter haired gal joined her, a quick roll of her shoulders and her head would see Eileen soon stepping forward. With her arms crossing somewhat behind her back, Eileen's long exaggerated steps would only seek to highlight her frame.

What with the excessive jiggling and all, made all the more visible by the fact her arms weren't in the way. Not to mention the fact she was essentially showcasing her thick thighs with every pace she took.

"Ready when you are..." She'd hum with a posture that she suggested she was anything but. What with her front completely open to assault and all...

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Re: Chantelle C. Vs. Eileen S. - Left To Shudder

Unread post by arktriumph »

Chantelle could only watch with both confusion and interest as Eileen barely responded to her words. The curvaceous woman slowly eased out of the corner and walked languidly towards the Scot, her bust thrust out and long legs stepping with deliberate motions to enhance the display of her magnificent body.

Chantelle felt her cheeks flush at the sight and tried to ignore the sensation.

When Eileen eventually stopped in front of her she didn't take up any kind of wrestling stance, but she declared her readiness nonetheless. The ref could see that both wrestlers were ready to go, and didn't waste any more time teasing the eager fans, and the bell was rung!

Chantelle hesitated a moment, given Eileen's odd stance, but if the other woman made no move, she would leap forward and attempt to catch Eileen in a grapple, hoping to get a headstart and shove the shapely beauty backwards towards the ropes to gain some initial momentum.

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Chantelle C. Vs. Eileen S. - Left To Shudder

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Eileen didn't so much intend to leave herself outright open, so much as enticing. She wanted Chantelle to come right at her, for a grappler the redhead was confident she could control. Which only meant one thing given the redheads lack of notable upper body strength - that she was up to something!

Finding her foe rearing into her with strong presence, Eileen's thick thighs gave way for but a moment as her rear side bounced off of the ropes. Pushing off her feet as she clung back, she'd seek to bring the two a good few steps away from the safety of the ropes before leaning in.

For a coy grin, wink and all, right at her foe...

...prior to her outright planting her lips on Chantelle's own! For a tight kiss she wouldn't easily be able to break free from, as Eileen's grapple turned into an intense pull!

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Re: Chantelle C. Vs. Eileen S. - Left To Shudder

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Things seemed to start well for Chantelle as she seized the initiative, ploughing forward and forcing Eileen backwards until they bounced off the far ropes. However, using that as a springboard the other woman managed to regain a couple of steps on the Scottish grappler as they jostled for position. She continued trying to push back, but confusion flitted through her mind as Eileen gave her a coy wink.

Before Chantelle could process what was happening the other woman suddenly surged forwards and kissed her!

"MPHH!" Chantelle squeaked in shock as Eileen's lips pressed tightly against hers. The veteran Scot froze in place for a moment, stunned by the sudden move, and by the time she gathered her wits, Eileen was pulling her in tight, ensuring that the duo remained locked together in the steamy embrace.

She writhed around, trying to pull her head back as she squeaked in protest, attempting to toss Eileen left and right to dislodge the woman's liplock!

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Chantelle C. Vs. Eileen S. - Left To Shudder

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Eileen's grip was easy to shake and squirm in, but there'd be no outright escape. Not yet anyway - not with the redhead constantly closing whatever gap was made, to ensure that Chantelle's lips wouldn't be free of hers for long!

With her foe evidently caught out, which could hardly be surprising given the manner of which Eileen had opted to start this 'fight,' the redhead looked to establish a even more dominant posture. Turning her gaze as to get a feel for where the two were locking up in the ring, Eileen would be satisfied with how far the duo were from the ropes. So that they wouldn't save Chantelle from what came next - as the redhead all at once jumped up!

Raising both legs up and around Chantelle, the redhead wasn't looking by any means to jump high enough for a waist scissors. No, she was looking for a scissors of sorts around the thighs of Chantelle, with her feet looking to quickly snake behind her opponents legs to get into the crook of her knees. Where they would press - in an effort to force this gal to give way!

For a tumble to the canvas that would leave Eileen atop of her - lips still ideally somewhat close to hers!

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Re: Chantelle C. Vs. Eileen S. - Left To Shudder

Unread post by arktriumph »

Chantelle let out faint squeaks of protest as she struggled, cheeks crimson as her lips were locked with Eileen's. Try as she might, she had little success in slipping free, forced to kiss the sultry battler indefinitely. In that state she wasn't thinking straight and didn't attempt a meaningful counter, leaving the window open for Eileen to ramp up the pressure!

Eileen jumped on her, lips pressing harder as she hooked her legs around the back of Chantelle's already unsteady knees. She staggered briefly, but she was in no state to resist.

Flustered and unable to set her feet to thwart Eileen's move, Chantelle was helpless to stop herself from teetering backwards. With a yelp of dismay she fell back, thudding to the canvas with her opponent's buxom frame driving into her and knocking the wind out of the reeling Scot. Her chest rose and fell weakly as she found herself still just inches from the full lips of her foe, her limbs splayed out as she lay vulnerable for the moment after the impact!

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Chantelle C. Vs. Eileen S. - Left To Shudder

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Was the crowd out to see a wrestling match this evening, or something else entirely?

They would still be left asking themselves said question near a full two minutes into the match, with Eileen seemingly lacking any interest at all in throwing a painful manoeuvre or strike Chantelle's way. Nay, she seemed happy to kiss and smooch this girl until she was weak in the knees, with a little nudge given to ensure Chantelle's loss of stability was outright taken advantage of. With a hard thud!

Landing atop of Chantelle with her midriff driving rather firmly into hers, Eileen wasted no time at all in establishing a dominant foothold. Thighs the size of tree trunks would seek to wrap over and around Chantelle's own, for the moment restraining her in a painless grapevine hold. If only to ensure there'd be no kicking to break free!

With the kiss breaking given Chantelle had fallen, Eileen was quick to latch her hands back to the cheeks of her foe albeit she wouldn't reapply her smooch just yet. Instead, she'd have her head above her foes own, with her nose gently tickling back and forth across Chantelle's. With a hum to her, to show her foe and the crowd alike that she wasn't taking this seriously at all!

Albeit, contact between lips would soon be established, though not in the same manner as before. For Eileen would gently lean in as to gently clamp down her teeth on Chantelle's bottom lip, gently pulling at it before she let go with a smile!

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Re: Chantelle C. Vs. Eileen S. - Left To Shudder

Unread post by arktriumph »

Eileen's attack caught Chantelle off guard in more ways than one, and the Scottish wrestler was soon flat on her back, knocked down with her beauteous adversary sprawled atop her. She wriggled for a moment, only to feel Eileen's shapely legs entwine around hers in a firm grapevine hold to stop her struggles. Their faces were just inches apart, and it wasn't long before Eileen lowered her lips to meet Chantelle's once more.

Only this time her teeth closed gently on Chantelle's lower lip. She let out a faint mewl of arousal at the sensation, her body shuddering and breath hitching in her throat as the other woman pulled away, smiling down at her...

Chantelle could only stare dumbstruck at her voluptuous foe as she lay pinned beneath Eileen, her cheeks blushing red and mouth hanging open after the tantalizing nibble of her lower lip. The veteran Scot's mind was a fog as she felt her foe's buxom body pressing down on her.

"Wh...what are you... d-doing..." she burbled eventually, trying to ignore the growing sense of arousal that might soon make itself apparent given her skintight leotard! She tried to squirm, but only really succeeded in grinding against Eileen as she lay helpless.

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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