Standard Match Rules
Victory Via Pinfall, DQ Or Submission.

Descending the ramp at her usual slow pace, Eileen opted to share nought but a coy grin at those that roared her name. Constantly out of reach whenever she swaggered her hips, the redhead would pause her casual pace only to shoot a single wink at a lucky fan waiting towards the end of the ramp barricade. For him, the night had been made already.
For Eileen's opponent at hand? Not so much. For Eileen was in a curious mood to say the least. Not one in which she would hold back in, needless to say (if such a mood could even exist) but one in which she'd be looking to employ a different collection of moves.
One likely better suited to that of a softcore or hentai bout over the standard one at hand...
Licking her lips as she slid her jacket from her frame only after climbing into the ring, Eileen claimed her corner at her continued casual pace with her arms draped over the top of the ropes. Eyes to the ramp, it was now time to see who'd be victim to this curious mood of hers...