Skylar Jones vs. Kirie Tsukada II - Costume vs. Costume Match

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Skylar Jones vs. Kirie Tsukada II - Costume vs. Costume Match

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Match Type: Costume vs. Costume Match
Rules: Victory by pinfall, submission, or knockout. The winner of the match will claim the loser's costume.
Halloween! It was one of Kirie's favorite times of year. Granted, it had to share that position with Valentine's Day, her birthday, her boyfriend's birthday, White Day, pretty much any time she got to spend around Hiro...but Halloween was up there! It was a whole celebration of everything spooky, a subject Kirie had plenty of passion for. She was always one to go all out for the occasion, and now that she was here in LAW, she was excited to be able to do that for a special match!

That being said...she would be quite a bit more excited if she had been facing anyone other than Skylar Jones. The very thought of the brunette made her mood sour. Ever since Skylar decided she was going to barge in on her life and try to steal her boyfriend, this obviously was war! This wasn't their first match against each other - but even that one had been far too even for Kirie's liking. She had wanted to show Sky her place and make her afraid to even think of setting foot near her and Hiro, yet she'd put up an annoyingly good fight. Kirie wouldn't be satisfied until she had her rival crushed and humbled.

Luckily, it seemed like the promoters were just as keen to play up their rivalry in booking the two of them for another match. Now, Kirie would her chance to set everything right, and dominate Skylar the way she was always meant to.

"Coming first to the ring, from Saitama, Japan! At 5'1 and 110 pounds, KIRIE TSUKADA!"
Kirie Tsukada
Hiro Yamashida
Kirie appeared on the entrance ramp in a glow of pink lights, hopping up and down and waving her hands excitedly. She began to make her way down to the ring, blowing kisses at the fans as she passed. As usual, her boyfriend and manager was close behind her, but this time, she was dressed in a nurse outfit, in keeping with the Halloween theme of the match. It was both her attire and her wager. Skylar, she knew, would come in costume as well - and when she inevitably lost, Kirie was looking forward to taking that costume off of her in front of everyone, and letting the world see her for the whore she really was...

As the two of them came to the ring, Kirie stopped, turning back around to face Hiro with a passonate kiss on the lips. "Wish me luck, Hiro-kun!~ I'm gonna win it for you, mmkay?" Kirie smiled to Hiro as she planted one foot on the ring apron, climbing up on it before sliding through the ropes. Given the length, or lack thereof, of her skirt, she had no way of doing this without flashing her panties to the crowds behind her, which won her a few cheers - but she quickly turned back around to shoot them a glare. "Don't even think about it, perverts! Hiro and I are the only ones for each other...right?~"

"I...uh...right..." Hiro nodded, with a gulp. He would agree with what Kirie had to say, but he couldn't say he was looking forward to this match. Well, a part of him was - one way or another, he'd still be watching a girl he was on some degree of good terms with get stripped in front of him - but he was already sure that however this match ended, it would only bring more trouble. With Kirie and Skylar, things had a way of working out like that...
Last edited by CaptainL on Fri Oct 29, 2021 4:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Skylar Jones vs. Kirie Tsukada II - Costume vs. Costume Match

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Skylar Jones hummed to herself as she put on a pair of leather boots, wearing a devilish grin. Her long awaited rematch with that little pink haired bitch had finally arrived, and the stipulation made it all the more thrilling! After she beat the shit out of Kirie, she'd get to make her rival stand in the center of the ring as she tore that costume off of her, showing her body to the world.
The Wicked Witch of the Midwest
"And her opponent, from Perry, Iowa, weighing in at 162 pounds, the Brawling Puppet, SKYLARRRR JOOONES!!!"

Skylar came down the ramp dressed as a witch, her long brown hair, typically tied back in a ponytail now flowed freely as she strutted down the ramp holding a bag of candy. "Happy Halloween, motherfuckers!" She grinned, throwing handfuls of candy to the audiece, eventually tearing the thing in half and tossing the sweets into the air. "WOOOO!" She cheered. The brunette grabbed the top rope, and leaped over into the ring. "Hey bitch!" She greeted Kirie with sarcastic friendliness, before waving at Hiro. "Hey Hiro!"
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Re: Skylar Jones vs. Kirie Tsukada II - Costume vs. Costume Match

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It was a holiday. And a holiday Kirie had a deep appreciation for, at that. In most circumstances, when faced with a stipulation like this, Kirie would greet her opponent with her usual eagerness and cheer, the facade that belied her dark reality. She might compliment them on their costume, wish them a happy Halloween, and get ready for what would be a fun match.

Against Skylar Jones, though, that wasn't possible. As the girl in the witch costume entered the arena, Kirie's eyes narrowed into a glare. With a huff, she stormed forward, hands on her hips as she stared Sky down. Halloween or not, she was here because she wanted revenge - and if the occasion made it all that much sweeter, so be it.

She was tossing out candy, too. Clearly trying to win over the support of the fans with cheap tactics, as though she didn't do that enough with her flirting and teasing. Kirie shook her head, calling out to Sky as she entered the ring. "They don't really care about you, you know!" she barked. "You're just bribing them! And besides, they're too distracted by your fat tits to know that you're a heartless bitch!" Her harsh words were at odds with her cute and cheery appearance, but she knew that Skylar deserved so much more.

Even more so, as she called out to her boyfriend. Hiro gulped and blushed faintly at hearing Sky's words, beginning to raise a hand for a wave of his own before Kirie shot him a look that caused him to stop in his tracks. Then, Kirie stepped closer, face to face and chest to chest with Sky as she looked her right in the eye. "If the last match didn't give you a hint...I'm gonna make sure you know it this time! LEAVE HIRO-KUN ALONE!"
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Re: Skylar Jones vs. Kirie Tsukada II - Costume vs. Costume Match

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Skylar threw her head back and laughed, amused by Kirie's insults. "Hahahahaha! Ya think I care what these people think? I could give a damn whether they cheer for me or burn a fuckin' scarecrow of me. The cheers are a fun bonus though." She said. As Kirie stormed towards her, Sky met her in the center, standing chest to chest with her rival with an evil grin. "I'm just here for some good ol' fashioned payback! And I'm sure people'll cheer for both of us once I'm takin' that nurse outfit off a' you!" The tension between Skylar and Kirie was palpable. It was obvious to everyone in the arena they couldn't wait to get their hands on each other.


The bell finally rang, allowing the two to finally tear into each other. Skylar grabbed Kirie's shoulders, and attempted to shove her back hard. "Let's go!" She grinned, putting up her fists.
Last edited by Deskfan45 on Sun Dec 12, 2021 6:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Skylar Jones vs. Kirie Tsukada II - Costume vs. Costume Match

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Kirie's eye twitched as she listened to Skylar's taunts. Of course she wouldn't care. She had no shame - in the end, she was just a repulsive whore through and through! It only cemented the opinions Kirie had already formed about her opponent. Of course, even the opinions she had already were enough to convince her that Sky deserved to suffer! "Payback!? That's're the one who should be paying ME back!"

From the moment the bell had rung, the two girls were on each other in a flash. Even without the auspistices of a referee, these two wouldn't need any incentive to rip each other apart - but striking out before the bell sounded could only lead to them getting disqualified, and that would deprive them of the opportunity to finally get the payback they yearned for. Now, though...all bets were off.

Kirie let out a roar as she threw herself toward Skylar, her own hands raised to latch onto the brunette. She grasped at her shoulders at the same time, and the two of them met one another with a forceful push. Kirie went skidding back across the mat, wincing and gritting her teeth as she bent at the knees. But she wasn't done yet - and, as she looked back up at Sky, her body went tense and her eyes narrowed into a glare. She swung a kick at Sky, hoping to strike her while she was in range.
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Re: Skylar Jones vs. Kirie Tsukada II - Costume vs. Costume Match

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Skylar winced slightly as she and Kirie shoved into one another at the same time, causing both to stumble back several steps. Just as Sky regained her balance, she saw Kirie throw a kick right for her face. Throwing her arms up, she blocked it just in time, gritting her teeth as the strike's momentum sent her stumbling back into the ropes.

Snarling, Skylar sprang off the ropes and launched herself at Kirie, swinging her arm in an attempt to hit her with a wicked lariat! If this knocks the pinkette down, Sky smirks down at her rival, before stomping on her fingers. "Bitch!"

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Re: Skylar Jones vs. Kirie Tsukada II - Costume vs. Costume Match

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Kirie might have been considerably smaller than Skylar, but she did have one thing on her side - her strength was tempered by the pure, unrestrained rage she felt toward the brunette. As the two of them met in the center of the ring, her teeth clenched in a snarl, and she grabbed hard onto Skylar's shoulders to meet her with a shove. Sky, too, pushed her back at the same time, sending her stumbling a few steps away - but Kirie would quickly strike back, kicking up her leg in a kick aimed for her rival's jaw!

Skylar was able to block the strike at the last moment, but she was still carried back against the momentum of the blow, and her back met the ropes behind her. From there, she pressed off the cables to spring herself forward, and as she closed in on Kirie, she swung out her arm in a lariat that struck the pink-haired girl to the ground! She fell back off her feet, her back striking the mat with a thud as she cried out in pain and her legs kicked up in the air.

Kirie's torments wouldn't end there, as Skylar slammed a foot down on her fingers, causing Kirie to scream even louder. She jerked her hand back, rolling onto her side and rubbing at her knuckles to dull the pain as her legs kicked violently in the air. The tiny skirt on her costume was never meant for this sort of activity, and those sitting across from her had quite the view - but Kirie couldn't care about that now.

She rolled herself over to the ropes, grabbing at them with her good hand to haul herself back up before she flicked her head back to clear the hair out of her face. "You should try looking in the mirror sometime!" Kirie said, before she too would launch herself off the ropes and back toward Skylar, this time with her shoulder pointed toward her for a shoulder charge!
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Re: Skylar Jones vs. Kirie Tsukada II - Costume vs. Costume Match

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Skylar laughed at Kirie as she fell to the ground, stomping on her fingers to hurt her even more. She rose her fists in the air, egging the crowd on as they chanted her name, not minding much to allow Kirie to regain her footing. She'd be back on the ground in a second anyway. But as she turned to face her rival, she was caught off guard by Kirie's shoulder slamming into her chest, sending her stumbling. "Gragh, mother-!" She growled, swinging a haymaker at Kirie's face!

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Re: Skylar Jones vs. Kirie Tsukada II - Costume vs. Costume Match

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Even as she lifted herself to her feet, Kirie still winced, rubbing at her knuckles to try and dull the pain of her rival stomping on her fingers. She gasped for breath, and tears began to well up in her eyes as the pain set in - but she shook her head all the same, putting that thought out of her mind. She couldn't let herself slow down now. Not in a match with Skylar - and especially she couldn't give the brown-haired bitch the satisfaction of knowing she had landed such a devastating attack against her!

She bit her lip to steel herself, looking back at where Skylar was celebrating her efforts with the crowd. It made her sick, listening to how they were showing such favor to an interloping whore, and she hissed and stomped her foot as the bile rose up in her throat. But it was time, she reminded herself, to show Sky how she really thought of her. And she wouldn't hold back.

Kirie came barreling into Skylar as fast as she could, shoving her backward with the force of her impact. Although Kirie was a slimly built woman, she had enough momentum - and enough hatred - behind her to unsettle her opponent's balance. Now, as Sky stumbled back, Kirie lowered herself into a stance, readying herself to meet her head-on. The brunette threw a fist her way - but this time, Kirie would reach out and grab it, attempting to turn herself 180 degrees and pull Skylar's arm over her shoulder to bring her down with a shoulder throw, carrying the momentum of the strike forward!
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Re: Skylar Jones vs. Kirie Tsukada II - Costume vs. Costume Match

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Skylar was pissed, swinging a haymaker for for Kirie's head! "Gyah-!" She gasped as the attack missed, Kirie ducking under, grabbing her arm and tossing her over with a shoulder throw! "YAHHHHHHHH-!" She screamed as she flew through the air, her back SLAMMING against the canvas.

The wind was knocked out of her, and she gasped for air. Shaking the cobwebs out of her head, she prepared to rise to her feet. For now though, she was open.

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